Shenandoah County (Virginia) School Board votes to restore the Confederate memorial names of schools ...

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Um, no, if it was fictionalized to emphasize a point, then you should classify it as a work of fiction. Same thing with Alex Halley's Roots, which was all a big thing until they found out Halley plagiarized large sections of texts from other books.

Classify it however makes you feel better.
To make a human point.

I guess. It's like the line from Who Shot Liberty Valance... "when the truth becomes legend, print the legend."

That's how a repeat felon becomes a "saint".


Sure, what happened to him was awful, but he wasn't a "saint".
As is pretending it's being erased. Those who fought on the wrong side are simply no longer being honored by having things named after them.
So it's ok to put up a statue of a career criminal, dead beat, womanizer and crack head like George Floyd because?
I guess. It's like the line from Who Shot Liberty Valance... "when the truth becomes legend, print the legend."

That's how a repeat felon becomes a "saint".

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Sure, what happened to him was awful, but he wasn't a "saint".
Geez understatement. Therefore he does not deserve to be commemorated in sculpture.
So it's ok to put up a statue of a career criminal, dead beat, womanizer and crack head like George Floyd because?

You are free to create a statue of anyone you please. None of my business.

Now placing it in front of the court house where minorities have to be reminded while going to pay their taxes that this was the guy that fought to keep your ancestors in slavery is another thing.
They are if nothing else proud of their slave holding roots.
Get over yourself.

Everyone on the planet INCLUDING YOU has slaveholder roots.

Even the Chinese. Even all the neutral countries like Switzerland. Even fucking Paraguay.

Who cares.

You know what I care about?

The LITTLE GIRLS that are being sexually enslaved by the fucktards Biden is letting across the border.
Get over yourself.

Everyone on the planet INCLUDING YOU has slaveholder roots.

I have no idea if I do or not but I'm not wanting to put up monuments to anyone in my past that might have owned slaves.

Even the Chinese. Even all the neutral countries like Switzerland. Even fucking Paraguay.

Who cares.

You know what I care about?

The LITTLE GIRLS that are being sexually enslaved by the fucktards Biden is letting across the border.

Well, that's the story the Holocaust Industry is pushing. I guess she got into a blue box and picked up a box of ballpoint pens from 1951.

I guess. Frankly, I get tired of watching Holocaust Porn. There are so many other genocides and mass murders that happened, and none of them get a movie every year because a Jewish producer is trying to do a mitzvah.

If the Chinese ran Hollywood, we'd finally find out what a bunch of bastards the Japanese were in WWII.

Do you have links that he's a Holocaust denier. I couldn't find anything on the author one way or the other. I did find that Otto Frank and Levin sued each other over what was in the book.
Ball point pens have been around since the late 1800s

Keep spreading that neo nazi propaganda
Slave states can't have them getting uppity, now. Who do these slave state Blacks think they are?
I love when lefties justify using racist terms by pretending to speak for the Right. True colors always show.
The argument was that slavery was not addressed until after the war. The proclamation shows that to be wrong.
The Proclamation had as large an effect on slavery as J/E.B/ Stuart's toilet paper.

As has been normal then and now it was the White Man (Lincoln) trying to get the Black man to do his work for him.

That is, this was purely propaganda serving an attempt to get Black slaves in those states in revolt to rise up wna win the Union's war for them.
Yes states in rebellion Dumbass.

13th Amendment was passed in January (four months before the end of the Civil War) and Ratified December 1865.

Your argument is utterly stupid you Cracker Moron.
The 13th ALSO had no effect on slavery since the war was over long before its ratification
If the war hadn't been over it STILL wouldn't have had any impact on slavery in the rebelling states.

History's not your strong suit is it dickwad?

The 13th ALSO had no effect on slavery since the war was over long before its ratification
If the war hadn't been over it STILL wouldn't have had any impact on slavery in the rebelling states.

History's not your strong suit is it dickwad?

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It officially freed the slaves. You are a true idiot and an example why Sherman should have burned the entire South to the ground.
It's not about honoring's about remembering history exactly as it was. Erecting a statue need not be an act of can just as well be a beacon of avoidance.

That has never been a reason for erecting a statue. Confederate memorials are unique among war memorials in this country.

Most were mass produced and erected well after the war, even in states that were not part of the confederacy or did not exist at the time of the war.

Other war memorials are aldo typically either in cemetaries or to commemorate battle ground sites. Not so the Confederate ones which were often large and prominantly displayed in town centers..

When ever there was a major racial upheavel (Jim Crowe, civil rights) there wasa sudden surge of new monuments, often in towns with a significant Black population.

Should Germany put up memorials to the Nazis? Should they be put in towns whith significant Jewish populations?

Just food for thought here but why not treat them like other war them in cemetaries and historic sites?

In any case where do you draw the line? George Washington owned many slaves. Shall we take down all the Washington remembrances? Shall we re-name Washington state? DC?

I think that is a valid concern given the tendancy of people to go too far in either direction. BUT Washington did not participate in the Civil War did he? I don't agree with removing statues simply because the person had slaves, historical context matters and if the reason for the monument had nothing to do with slavery, why remove it?

The line between good and evil is often blurred. Had the northern industrialists been granted permission to use slave labor...the Civil war might never have happened.
I don't it is that blurred in the case enslaving peopme and fighting for that "right" or similarly, what the Nazi's did. There might compmex reasons for war, but that doesn't mitigate the fundamental evilbeing fought to preserve. Again, it is a bit like making a casethatGermanyshoyld etect statues honoring major Nazi commanders and figures.
It officially freed the slaves. You are a true idiot and an example why Sherman should have burned the entire South to the ground.
It did nothing.
Welcome to the American myth fooled.


I'm guessing you're a big Paul Bunyan fan and think Washington tossed a month's wages into the river.


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Why are we making kids read a fake diary in school?

Sounds like a lot of virtue signaling to me.

Are we going to tell kids about the Palestinians suffering in the interest of equal time.

Or Germans have just gotten sick of the world laying a guilt trip on them.

Especially over a fake diary.

No single person better represents the face of the Holocaust than Anne Frank. As a 13-year-old Jewish girl living in wartime Amsterdam, she hid out with seven other Jews for over two years. During this time, she kept a diary of her thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Eventually the Frank family was discovered and deported; Anne later died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen at the age of 15. But her diary lives on. Today, the Diary of Anne Frank is an icon of Jewish suffering amidst the vast sea of Holocaust literature, and Anne herself has become a high priestess in the pantheon of Holocaust martyrs.

Millions of people know of Anne's story, but very few know of the many problems with it. As it turns out, Anne's tale is rife with absurdities, logical problems, inconsistencies, and incoherent claims. Here, Japanese researcher Ikuo Suzuki deconstructs Anne's famous dairy, exposing the many issues lying just below the surface. In the process, he unmasks the truth: that the notorious diary was likely written by a middle-aged Jewish man who worked in conjunction with Anne's father, Otto, to foist upon the public a deceptive and highly misleading story of a young teenaged girl who perished in a German camp.

Here, for the first time, Suzuki presents a thorough, detailed, and highly readable critique of the global bestseller that is Anne Frank's Diary. Far and away the best critical analysis of the famous diary, this book fills a badly need gap in contemporary revisionist literature.
Palestinians cause their suffering by killing Jews.

From the river to the sea, Israel will be free, ( of Palestine)
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