Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...


Wouldn't that broad swath include any conservative you have slandered here?

Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion?

How about Alan Grayson?

And Dan Rather was publicly humiliated, made to apologize, and then forced to resign.

Because Dan Rather worked for a media outlet that at least nominally has a minimum level of journalistic integrity. Unlike some media sources I could mention.

Wouldn't that broad swath include any conservative you have slandered here?

Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

Breitbart's story was posted on BigGovernment which is a commentary blog/forum with dozens of contributors. It is group blog vehicle - not a news vehicle.

His news site is The article did not appear there.
Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion?

How about Alan Grayson?

And Dan Rather was publicly humiliated, made to apologize, and then forced to resign.

Because Dan Rather worked for a media outlet that at least nominally has a minimum level of journalistic integrity. Unlike some media sources I could mention.

You didn't answer my questions.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion? What about Alan Grayson?

Wouldn't that broad swath include any conservative you have slandered here?

Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

So there is a line between "news" and "blog?" According to which standard? Do you consider T R U T H O U T to be a blog or a news source?
Yes. The Media and Individuals do this all of the time. Free Speech entails being able to quote whatever one wishes. If it's misleading, then others are free to expose and contradict it.

Context IS in the eye of the beholder.
Defaming someone's character - a private citizen - with malice (and Breitbart certainly had that) is an absolutely valid case for a lawsuit.

Wonder if notsoBreitass will settle.

How the hell can you "defame" someone with THEIR OWN WORDS.
good gawd what a joke.

Supreme Court rulings in libel cases now require a showing of "actual malice" on the part of the person making the false statement. Brietbart claimed not to know who sent him the edited video and therefore didn't know it was a clip from a longer version. However, in his so-called "correction" on July 29th, he appears to acknowledge that he did know. Oops.
Correction: While Ms. Sherrod made the remarks captured in the first video featured in this post while she held a federally appointed position, the story she tells refers to actions she took before she held that federal position.
She was offered a promotion. Saying "well I turned down more money because I was so distraught" won't exactly play well with a jury.

This really is going to be funny.

She was forced to resign after being slandered as a racist with lies and distortion by that ape Briebart. When fired people are offered their job back within the same company the work environment is *NEVER* the same because the trust is gone.

She was forced to resign after an incompetent employer overreacted. It's the employer's fault.

After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it
The American people should SUE the Naacp for only "taking the word of a person" the black congresscritter and the media with no VIDEO PROOF, that he was called ugly names at the Tea Party and using that to pass some ignorant resulation condemn THE American people in the Tea Party.

What's a resulation?
She was forced to resign after being slandered as a racist with lies and distortion by that ape Briebart. When fired people are offered their job back within the same company the work environment is *NEVER* the same because the trust is gone.

She was forced to resign after an incompetent employer overreacted. It's the employer's fault.

After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it

Please link to where Breitbart posted "look how your employee abuses her position".
You didn't answer my questions.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion? What about Alan Grayson?

He thought he was stating fact, and was wrong. Which is why he was forced to resign.

As far as Alan Grayson goes, I'm not really sure what you are referring to...

Wouldn't that broad swath include any conservative you have slandered here?

Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

So there is a line between "news" and "blog?" According to which standard? Do you consider T R U T H O U T to be a blog or a news source?

Indeed, there is.

HOWEVER. When Breitbart gave the story to major media sources like FoxNews AS NEWS, as a "contributor", he was trying to present it as FACT.

In addition, claims to be a NEWS source, not an opinion blog.
The most obvious claims would be false light and defamation.
The Restatement Second defines the tort of false light:
652E. Publicity Placing Person in False Light
One who gives publicity to a matter concerning another that places the other before the public in a false light is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if
(a) the false light in which the other was placed would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, and
(b) the actor had knowledge of or acted in reckless disregard as to the falsity of the publicized matter and the false light in which the other would be placed.


Can Joe the Plumber sue?

Why would he do that? It would come out that he was the liar. Not only was he not even working, let alone able to start a new plumbing business, he owed back taxes, AND he wasn't even a licensed plumber.
She was forced to resign after being slandered as a racist with lies and distortion by that ape Briebart. When fired people are offered their job back within the same company the work environment is *NEVER* the same because the trust is gone.

She was forced to resign after an incompetent employer overreacted. It's the employer's fault.

After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it

Not Breitbart's problem...

She should Sue the Administration and or who Specifically Employed her.

Breitbart isn't Responsible for her Termination... End of Fucking List.


The above, and this from Jonathon Turley:

For Breitbart the greatest threat is not the ultimate damages but the costs and discovery involved in the litigation. Sherrod could seek emails and communications revealing his motivation and knowledge before posting the video. Breitbart has often been accused of serving as a conduit for conservative interests. However, it will be interesting to see if media groups will view efforts to seize such material as threatening to press rights and interests."

That will be an interesting path.

I wonder if Ezra Klein has his lawyers on the phone right now trying to figure out how that's going to affect him with regard to his Journolist rants.

you just going to run around trolling?

or do you have something to counter jonathan turley?

you know, given that your legal expertise must at least equal his if you're so smug.

Whatever comments were exchanged in Journolist are probably moot anyway by virtue of the statute of limitations. That site was only active up through 2008.
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I hope she sues him out of existance...and hopefully she makes fox say one more time, they are not a real NEWS station. That would be fantastic!

Remember, fox went to court to get permission to lie and they actually won. They can officially lie, yet call themselves fair and balanced.

(If you need a link to them being able to legally lie, let me know). :eusa_whistle:
Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

So there is a line between "news" and "blog?" According to which standard? Do you consider T R U T H O U T to be a blog or a news source?

Indeed, there is.

HOWEVER. When Breitbart gave the story to major media sources like FoxNews AS NEWS, as a "contributor", he was trying to present it as FACT.

In addition, claims to be a NEWS source, not an opinion blog.

The original clips on July 19th appeared on the BigGovernment Group Blog - not the Breitbart news site.
So there is a line between "news" and "blog?" According to which standard? Do you consider T R U T H O U T to be a blog or a news source?

Indeed, there is.

HOWEVER. When Breitbart gave the story to major media sources like FoxNews AS NEWS, as a "contributor", he was trying to present it as FACT.

In addition, claims to be a NEWS source, not an opinion blog.

The original clips on July 19th appeared on the BigGovernment Group Blog - not the Breitbart news site.
Immaterial. There is no requirement that slander only involves a news organization.

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