Sherrod's going to Sue Breitbart...

Please explain how posting verbatim quotes is slander.
I hope she sues Breitbart for a lot of money and wins. Maybe he'll shut up awhile.
Good luck with that.

You'll need it.
She was offered another job withing a very short amount of time. Her economic damages are nil. For any humiliation she may have felt, she has also been cried up as a heroine on the Left.

And do you really want to set a precedent of liability for posting clips and quotes of a larger event?

maybe we should set a precedent? There is already a problem with responsible journalism.

Bingo. That's the reason I hope to hell she does sue. It would at the very least force these assholes to think about the consequences before posting insulting material meant solely to enflame and bring down another person because of a political agenda.

Slander is the oral communication of false statements that are harmful to a person's reputation. If the statements are proven to be true, it is a complete defense to a charge of slander. Oral opinions that don't contain statements of fact don't constitute slander. Slander is an act of communication that causes someone to be shamed, ridiculed, held in contempt, lowered in the estimation of the community, or to lose employment status or earnings or otherwise suffer a damaged reputation. Slander is a subcategory of defamation.

Slander Law & Legal Definition

BreitBart is a POS. But legally, he did not slander her. Simply posting/airing what she actually did say without providing necessary context does not constitute slander.

Winning a slander/defamation lawsuit is high hurdle to overcome. Due to the protections offered by the 1st amendment.
She was forced to resign after being slandered as a racist with lies and distortion by that ape Briebart. When fired people are offered their job back within the same company the work environment is *NEVER* the same because the trust is gone.

She was forced to resign after an incompetent employer overreacted. It's the employer's fault.

After someone maliciously posted information about her saying..."Look how your employee abuses her position"

Breitbart is scum and he knows it

Are you honestly saying that the employer isn't the one responsible for the harm? It was the source of information the employer saw?

So if my employer fired me for something false I would have a case against the gossip bitch and not the employer?

Too funny!
Brietbarts lie cause emotional suffering and Sherrod to lose her job, she should sue so maybe these damn distorting, lying Republictards and Teabaggers will stop twisting facts to damage and destroy people for political gain.

She was offered a promotion. Saying "well I turned down more money because I was so distraught" won't exactly play well with a jury.

This really is going to be funny.

Newsflash: Except for the rabid rightwingers, the jury so far (the rest of America) is on her side.

Newsvine - POLL: Should Shirley Sherrod sue Andrew Breitbart over edited video tape or simply move on?
A lady gets absolutely smeared by BrietFart, and decides to make the dumbass actually pay for smearing someone..She's a tool? Dumbfuck. I seriously doubt it, but one can only hope this will make notso-brietbart think twice before doing this shit again..
You didn't answer my questions.

Was Dan Rather stating fact or opinion? What about Alan Grayson?

He thought he was stating fact, and was wrong. Which is why he was forced to resign.


Not opinion, fact that he thought was fact. What procedures did he use to verify his sources and the information?

The guy's a journalist. Surely journalists practice their trade, no?

As far as Alan Grayson goes, I'm not really sure what you are referring to...

Any number of lies and slanders that Grayson has uttered - "Die Quickly" comes to mind.
emotional damages, and I think Rightwingers post answered the question very well.
If Tom Cruise can get money out of tabloid that claimed he was gay, I am sure this lady has a chance when be called a racist by the media, then forced to resign.

Tom Cruise got a settlement because he had actual proof that his ability to further enrich himself was hampered by smears.

That said, he had enough money to pursue an active defense, something that Ms. Sherrod doesn't have.

I just wonder why she isn't suing the party at fault, the party that cause the actual damage.

And Brietbart is the party at fault, he is the one who posted the video and claimed she was a racist. I do love how you guys continue to defend him, and some of you go even farther and attack her. She is the innocent party, and some continue to act like she is some how at fault.

Isn't it incredible that the people who are doing backflips in order to crucify Shirley Sherrod, the victim here, were the same ones practically in cardiac arrest over the alleged media attacks on Sarah Palin.
Racism is in the eye of the beholder.

And she did in fact admit to discriminating against someone in her job - she said she did less than she could have. The fact that she later on made amends doesn't absolve her of her earlier bad behavior.

You're such a fine Christian. You never cease to amaze me...
Indeed it would, however, the items in this message board are considered opinion, not presented as fact. This is a message board, meant for debate, not journalism.

Breitbart's story was presented as fact, and was then further presented as fact through multiple major media outlets.

So there is a line between "news" and "blog?" According to which standard? Do you consider T R U T H O U T to be a blog or a news source?

Indeed, there is.

HOWEVER. When Breitbart gave the story to major media sources like FoxNews AS NEWS, as a "contributor", he was trying to present it as FACT.

In addition, claims to be a NEWS source, not an opinion blog.

So you're saying I have a case against T R U T H O U T for defamation of character and emotional anguish. Ok. Know any lawyers?
The most obvious claims would be false light and defamation.
The Restatement Second defines the tort of false light:
652E. Publicity Placing Person in False Light
One who gives publicity to a matter concerning another that places the other before the public in a false light is subject to liability to the other for invasion of his privacy, if
(a) the false light in which the other was placed would be highly offensive to a reasonable person, and
(b) the actor had knowledge of or acted in reckless disregard as to the falsity of the publicized matter and the false light in which the other would be placed.


Can Joe the Plumber sue?

Why would he do that? It would come out that he was the liar. Not only was he not even working, let alone able to start a new plumbing business, he owed back taxes, AND he wasn't even a licensed plumber.

Interesting points.

He said that he wasn't able to take on the risk due to Obama's "spread the wealth" campaign rhetoric.

And one does not need to be a licensed plumber to be a plumber nor own a plumbing business.

What did Joe the Plumber lie about?
How is an edited video considered an "attack"?

Out of context materials and quotes are released all the time to put people in a less than favorable light... What makes her case different? Was it because some 0bama official decided to use it to force her resignation? Did Brietbart force the "forcers" to have her resign?

Personally, I think she's playing her initial cards to see if Brietbart will cough up some sort of apology and/or some cash....

Where he went wrong was the context of how he did it. The "To prove the NAACP is a racist is an obvious racist speaking to them"

Then he proceeded to offer modified footage to prove his point. Deliberate misrepresentation to cause harm to the poor woman

Do you have a link to him saying Sherrod is "an obvious racist" or something of that nature? IOW, directed AT her and not the NAACP...

Was it to cause "harm to the poor woman" or to the NAACP?

It's an important distinction...

The fact that he USED her to make his point is why she is the victim, and in an even better position to sue. It's a nofuckingbrainer.
Geithner and Rangel owed far more in past due taxes than Joe did.
She was offered another job withing a very short amount of time. Her economic damages are nil. For any humiliation she may have felt, she has also been cried up as a heroine on the Left.

And do you really want to set a precedent of liability for posting clips and quotes of a larger event?

maybe we should set a precedent? There is already a problem with responsible journalism.

Bingo. That's the reason I hope to hell she does sue. It would at the very least force these assholes to think about the consequences before posting insulting material meant solely to enflame and bring down another person because of a political agenda.

I think I might agree with you here.

It would be nice to see the NAACP get bitch slapped for their baseless accusations about the TEA Party.
Brietbarts lie cause emotional suffering and Sherrod to lose her job, she should sue so maybe these damn distorting, lying Republictards and Teabaggers will stop twisting facts to damage and destroy people for political gain.

She was offered a promotion. Saying "well I turned down more money because I was so distraught" won't exactly play well with a jury.

This really is going to be funny.

Newsflash: Except for the rabid rightwingers, the jury so far (the rest of America) is on her side.

Newsvine - POLL: Should Shirley Sherrod sue Andrew Breitbart over edited video tape or simply move on?
an online poll???

i guess the sitting POTUS is Ron Paul then

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