Should Boston marathon bomber be classified Enemy Combatant??

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
Many politicians were demanding that the Boston marathon bomber be classified as an enemy combatant even though he is an American citizen. To be denied due process or trial by jury. Water boarded and tried off shore in a military court.

Is this just more stripping away the rights and protections that Americans have enjoyed since the founding of our nation?

Should we be concerned this was even a consideration by our political leaders?

WTF?? is going on people!! .. :cool:
Many politicians were demanding that the Boston marathon bomber be classified as an enemy combatant even though he is an American citizen. To be denied due process or trial by jury. Water boarded and tried off shore in a military court.

Is this just more stripping away the rights and protections that Americans have enjoyed since the founding of our nation?

Should we be concerned this was even a consideration by our political leaders?

WTF?? is going on people!! .. :cool:

No, it was banter and nonsense to get people upset and fearful. The bomber was charged appropriately under criminal statutes and the government can amend their complaint to include domestic terrorism should they find cause to do so.
No, he is an American citizen and is to be afforded all the rights under our Constitution.
Were Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski...enemy combatants?
Were Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski...enemy combatants?

Yes. And so was Tsarnaev. McVeigh got to mock the families of his victim's at the execution. He, and other terrorists, should not have that privilege.

When you begin denying American citizens their Constitutional rights you send us down a slippery and very dangerous slope. The ferocity of their acts is irrelevant.
Dzhokhar was an American citizen for a few months. He obtained his citizenship by false pretenses and took an oath that he had no intention of upholding.

We really need a separate crime of obtaining citizenship by false pretenses and strip that citizenship from him THEN treat him like an enemy combatant.
Were Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski...enemy combatants?

Yes. And so was Tsarnaev. McVeigh got to mock the families of his victim's at the execution. He, and other terrorists, should not have that privilege.

"Enemy combatant" is code for: Let's convict this person without giving him the constitutional protections to which he is entitled. It's a very slippery slope, because what you are saying is, that there are certain types of crimes for which no constitutional protection should be available for the accused.

Bombings and mass killings are the crimes du jour. What's it going to be tomorrow? Insider trading or similar SEC violations?
Were Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski...enemy combatants?

Yes. And so was Tsarnaev. McVeigh got to mock the families of his victim's at the execution. He, and other terrorists, should not have that privilege.

When you begin denying American citizens their Constitutional rights you send us down a slippery and very dangerous slope. The ferocity of their acts is irrelevant.

Correct. You are aware, however, that American citizenship has nothing to do with constitutional protection, right? The Constitution (14th Amendment) says that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. That means person, not "citizen." A non-citizen accused of crime is every bit as much a person as a citizen accused of crime.

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