Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Hells bells I am still waiting for Sil to answer question and name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple in the US. Or name a SC case that states driving is a privilege. I suppose he'll never answer the questions. Doesn't fit his narrative so they'll be ignored. Oh well...
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".
Expressing opinion in public is not FORCING. Please refrain from conflating the term persuasion with force. It confuses the issue. If we don't have a common definition of terms we can't have a conversation. Your sentences conflict. I believe what you meant to say is that you support persuading churches to marry gays. While force may also be a power exerted, and peer pressure being a power of persuasion, and thus a certain measure of force. I get your subtle reference. However, the act of forcing also includes using violence. Thus if you must use the term force you need to qualify which type. Persuasive force, legal force, or violent force.
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One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".
Expressing opinion in public is not FORCING. Please refrain from conflating the term persuasion with force. It confuses the issue. If we don't have a common definition of terms we can't have a conversation. Your sentences conflict. I believe what you meant to say is that you support persuading churches to marry gays.

Exerting public pressure on churches to change their ways can absolutely be construed as "forcing". Churches have been "forced" to change many of their policies over the years...through pressure from their congregations and others. They get over it.
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".
Expressing opinion in public is not FORCING. Please refrain from conflating the term persuasion with force. It confuses the issue. If we don't have a common definition of terms we can't have a conversation. Your sentences conflict. I believe what you meant to say is that you support persuading churches to marry gays.

Exerting public pressure on churches to change their ways can absolutely be construed as "forcing". Churches have been "forced" to change many of their policies over the years...through pressure from their congregations and others. They get over it.
True, but again it's not through violence or law changes. It's merely through logic and persuasion shinning a spotlight, if you will, on ignorance. I'd say persuasively forcing not simply forcing. Saying forcing implies burning down churches till they get the point.
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".
Expressing opinion in public is not FORCING. Please refrain from conflating the term persuasion with force. It confuses the issue. If we don't have a common definition of terms we can't have a conversation. Your sentences conflict. I believe what you meant to say is that you support persuading churches to marry gays.

Exerting public pressure on churches to change their ways can absolutely be construed as "forcing". Churches have been "forced" to change many of their policies over the years...through pressure from their congregations and others. They get over it.

So the, you wouldn't mind someone forcing you to stop being gay?
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".

why in hell do you care what churches do? Mind your own business, just as they should mind their own business about who you marry.

Is that really such a hard concept?
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".

why in hell do you care what churches do? Mind your own business, just as they should mind their own business about who you marry.

Is that really such a hard concept?
Why does anyone care what anyone else does? Easy.. humans are social animals. Busy bodies crave on such interactions.
Why does anyone care what anyone else does? Easy.. humans are social animals. Busy bodies crave on such interactions.
Because children and most particularly, adoptable orphaned children are the most important part of the equation of marriage. We don't want those "busy bodies" doing stuff to kids behind closed doors that they do in front of them in gay pride parades.

When discussing marriage you're forgetting about an entire demographic. Our most vulnerable demographic; who come equipped with civil rights of their own...
Why does anyone care what anyone else does? Easy.. humans are social animals. Busy bodies crave on such interactions.
Because children and most particularly, adoptable orphaned children are the most important part of the equation of marriage. We don't want those "busy bodies" doing stuff to kids behind closed doors that they do in front of them in gay pride parades.

When discussing marriage you're forgetting about an entire demographic. Our most vulnerable demographic; who come equipped with civil rights of their own...

Huh? If you don't want orphans going to homosexual marriages, just add that as a qualification to the hundreds of other qualifications placed on adoptions. What makes you think being married means you qualify for adopting children?

Why do you keep insisting that homosexuals are abusive to children behind closed doors? WTF is wrong you?
Why does anyone care what anyone else does? Easy.. humans are social animals. Busy bodies crave on such interactions.
Because children and most particularly, adoptable orphaned children are the most important part of the equation of marriage. We don't want those "busy bodies" doing stuff to kids behind closed doors that they do in front of them in gay pride parades.

When discussing marriage you're forgetting about an entire demographic. Our most vulnerable demographic; who come equipped with civil rights of their own...

Huh? If you don't want orphans going to homosexual marriages, just add that as a qualification to the hundreds of other qualifications placed on adoptions. What makes you think being married means you qualify for adopting children?

Why do you keep insisting that homosexuals are abusive to children behind closed doors? WTF is wrong you?

He believes all gays are just sexual predators and therefore should not be allowed to have kids. It is just a lame excuse to deny gays marriage equality.
Huh? If you don't want orphans going to homosexual marriages, just add that as a qualification to the hundreds of other qualifications placed on adoptions. What makes you think being married means you qualify for adopting children?

Why do you keep insisting that homosexuals are abusive to children behind closed doors? WTF is wrong you?
Because the millisecond if gays get legal marriage, disqualfying them for adopting because they are gay will be fodder for a lawsuit. So their clinching federal-protection for marriage is one and the same as their clinching access to adoptable orphans.

And that presents a problem for reasons here, on post #842 Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation Page 43 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Huh? If you don't want orphans going to homosexual marriages, just add that as a qualification to the hundreds of other qualifications placed on adoptions. What makes you think being married means you qualify for adopting children?

Why do you keep insisting that homosexuals are abusive to children behind closed doors? WTF is wrong you?
Because the millisecond if gays get legal marriage, disqualfying them for adopting because they are gay will be fodder for a lawsuit. So their clinching federal-protection for marriage is one and the same as their clinching access to adoptable orphans.

And that presents a problem for reasons here, on post #842 Are Children A Part Of The Gay Marriage Conversation Page 43 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Bull shit.
Because the millisecond if gays get legal marriage, disqualfying them for adopting because they are gay will be fodder for a lawsuit.

Pst - A homosexual can already adopt in all 50 states. A homosexual can even adopt in Utah.

Yeah but not if they are married cause they can't be married. ROFL it would be much worse for the child to live in a family with married gays than single gays ... ROFL
One more time, for the really, really, REALLY slow kid: many supporters of gay marriage DO NOT support forcing churches to marry ANYONE.

Well, I do support forcing churches to marry gays...but I believe in doing it through public opinion, not government action...just like changes to church doctrine have always been "forced".

why in hell do you care what churches do? Mind your own business, just as they should mind their own business about who you marry.

Is that really such a hard concept?

Perhaps I'm a Christian who wants my church to be inclusive of my family. Maybe I just happen to care for Christians who are being hurt by the churches exclusion of them.

I also cared when churches changed their stance on blacks marrying whites...and?
Because the millisecond if gays get legal marriage, disqualfying them for adopting because they are gay will be fodder for a lawsuit.

Pst - A homosexual can already adopt in all 50 states. A homosexual can even adopt in Utah.

But not ones cohabitating. That requires marriage. If a lone homosexual wants to adopt, he'd damn well better declare his orientation too. Since the LGBT culture is all about doing lewd sex parades in front of kids as a matter of unanimous-"pride". I'd consider that as an adoption agent "a disqualifier"...
Hells bells I am still waiting for Sil to answer question and name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple in the US. Or name a SC case that states driving is a privilege. I suppose he'll never answer the questions. Doesn't fit his narrative so they'll be ignored. Oh well...
No church has been forced to perform a gay marriage yet, because the LGBT subCULTure has not so far gained federal protection for "their rights to marry" [which don't exist outside the state they live in and its discreet community's permission]. If they ever do hornswaggle the US Supreme Court into getting that protection, the lawsuits against churches refusing to enable the spread of their culture via marriage will begin pretty much the same day before the ink is even dry on that potential and unfortunate blunder by SCOTUS...
Hells bells I am still waiting for Sil to answer question and name a single church that has been forced to marry any couple in the US. Or name a SC case that states driving is a privilege. I suppose he'll never answer the questions. Doesn't fit his narrative so they'll be ignored. Oh well...
No church has been forced to perform a gay marriage yet, because the LGBT subCULTure has not so far gained federal protection for "their rights to marry" [which don't exist outside the state they live in and its discreet community's permission]. If they ever do hornswaggle the US Supreme Court into getting that protection, the lawsuits against churches refusing to enable the spread of their culture via marriage will begin pretty much the same day before the ink is even dry on that potential and unfortunate blunder by SCOTUS...

I am willing to bet all the tea in China that the SC will tailor the decision to state that churches will not be forced to marry any gay couple against their wishes. States that have passed marriage equality have already put those protections in place for churches. Massachusetts has been allowing gays to marry for over decade and I am not aware of single church that has been sued to force them to marry a gay couple. Can you name one?
I am willing to bet all the tea in China that the SC will tailor the decision to state that churches will not be forced to marry any gay couple against their wishes. States that have passed marriage equality have already put those protections in place for churches. Massachusetts has been allowing gays to marry for over decade and I am not aware of single church that has been sued to force them to marry a gay couple. Can you name one?

Then they'd also have to re-tailor the 14th Amendment to say that any church may deny any race they like marriage within their halls. Pretty sure that wouldn't be such a done-deal. Unless you're saying sexual behaviors aren't equivalent to race? In that case, I agree with you...

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