Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters

Let us start with 'Chapter 5'

Not one mention of being raised by homosexuals there. Not sure why you suddenly want to equate single parent with homosexual households.

Risk factors they mention:
Parent factors- personality/history of maltreatment/substance abuse/attitudes and knowledge/age
Family Factors- single parents families- families with lots of children- father absence- marital conflict- stress-
Child factors (not really relevant)
Environmental factors- poverty unemployment/social isolation

I am not sure how you think Chapter 5 supports your case.
That link explains increased physical and sexual abuse in single parent households, you claimed a man in the household made it more dangerous for children, when children are more at risk in a single mother household. The bottom two links explain increased risk in homosexual couple households..

Oh so that is what is tweaking you out.

What I said was this:

Men are more likely to molest than women- all men- all women- this is absolute- men are the molesters up to 98% of the time. Would you deny men or couples with men in them because they are more likely to molest?

And that is a fact

Your Chapter 5 even explains this:

  • A study of 156 victims of child sexual abuse found that the majority of the children came from disrupted or single-parent homes; only 31 percent of the children lived with both biological parents. Although stepfamilies make up only about 10 percent of all families, 27 percent of the abused children in this study lived with either a stepfather or the mother's boyfriend.49

The statistics show how much more dangerous men are than women when it comes to child sexual assault.

Table 6- men are the abusers 88-99% of the time. Family members are the abusers 12-49% of the time.

Fathers- step fathers- grandfathers- brothers- all more dangerous than female family members.

IF you used consistent standards you would be saying that lesbian couples are the safest adoptive parents.

But instead you would deny adoption to every lesbian couple, and deny those children homes, even though they are more at risk- statistically for sexual abuse- than any household with a man in it.

oh now you want to use statistics. Hey let's step on over and discuss crime stats , shall we?

LOL....if people want to start making claims about things, I will refute them with statistics which refute their claims.

which is of course the point of debate, and completely reasonable, except when it comes to race on this board.

Let us start with 'Chapter 5'

Not one mention of being raised by homosexuals there. Not sure why you suddenly want to equate single parent with homosexual households.

Risk factors they mention:
Parent factors- personality/history of maltreatment/substance abuse/attitudes and knowledge/age
Family Factors- single parents families- families with lots of children- father absence- marital conflict- stress-
Child factors (not really relevant)
Environmental factors- poverty unemployment/social isolation

I am not sure how you think Chapter 5 supports your case.
That link explains increased physical and sexual abuse in single parent households, you claimed a man in the household made it more dangerous for children, when children are more at risk in a single mother household. The bottom two links explain increased risk in homosexual couple households..

Oh so that is what is tweaking you out.

What I said was this:

Men are more likely to molest than women- all men- all women- this is absolute- men are the molesters up to 98% of the time. Would you deny men or couples with men in them because they are more likely to molest?

And that is a fact

Your Chapter 5 even explains this:

  • A study of 156 victims of child sexual abuse found that the majority of the children came from disrupted or single-parent homes; only 31 percent of the children lived with both biological parents. Although stepfamilies make up only about 10 percent of all families, 27 percent of the abused children in this study lived with either a stepfather or the mother's boyfriend.49

The statistics show how much more dangerous men are than women when it comes to child sexual assault.

Table 6- men are the abusers 88-99% of the time. Family members are the abusers 12-49% of the time.

Fathers- step fathers- grandfathers- brothers- all more dangerous than female family members.

IF you used consistent standards you would be saying that lesbian couples are the safest adoptive parents.

But instead you would deny adoption to every lesbian couple, and deny those children homes, even though they are more at risk- statistically for sexual abuse- than any household with a man in it.

I know what I posted, you claimed households without men are safer, my link shows that children in single mother households or from broken families are more vulnerable and your reposted my link. Why are you proving my points for me?

Children who grow up with homosexual parents are more likely to be abused sexually and physically than children heterosexual households my studies from Regnerus showed, ten times more likely. That doesn't even begin to touch the issue of domestic abuse. Homosexuals have higher instances of domestic violence, Lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence of any pairing.
Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples Wintery Knight

Now I know you might say, domestic violence doesn't affect children, but it does.
Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
If the bakers do not carry or provide the item the customer asks for, no laws are being broken.

Example One:

Customer walks into a gadget store and orders gadget out of catalog or off the shelf. Business sells gadget to person A but not person B because they don't like the religion of person B. Discrimination has occurred.

Example Two:

Customer walks into gadget store and asks for a non gadget item that the business does not nor have they ever provided. No discrimination has occurred.

You're such a dishonest piece of shit.

Bakeries who sell cakes advertise that they sell CUSTOM cakes. Have you EVER been to a bakery which only sold cakes that were actually on their display? Of course not you idiot.

You truly can't just be honest and say "those gay bakeries are in violation of the law as it stands" can you?

If it is a custom order, it is up to the discretion of the business as to whether or not they can or will do it. No discrimination occurred.

Customer A is straight, buys wedding cake. Customer B is gay is refused same exact cake. Discrimination

Customer A and B both order a custom made can refuse either or both. No discrimination.

Wrong moron, that's not how the law works

Jesus Christ educate yourself before you go arguing shit.

Who the fuck has EVER bought a wedding cake out of a display case? NO ONE , they are ALL custom cakes.

What I said and is true is that no business must provide an item that they do not already provide. And yes, wedding cakes are ordered out of a catalog, you dolt. You don't walk in with a fucking blueprint, Dumber than the Average Cockroach.

If you sell the product to Person A, you must also sell the product to Person B. It can't get any simpler than that and you still don't understand? That's so sad...

You are so stupid and dishonest.

Look at this link

Elegant Cakery. Porcelain Cake Toppers

show me where you see a wedding cake topper with two men or two women. You don't.

Should that bakery be forced to provide one should a gay couple want one?

A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake.

I don't think I can make this any simpler for your poor stupid little brain. If you sell an item to the straight couple, in some states you also have to sell it to the gay couple.
Well, obviously I have a problem with homosexuality, it is a degenerate and socially destructive lifestyle.

What has been the divorce rate of heterosexual marriages for the last 50/60 years?

What about all the long term gay relationships. Long term in spite of societies marginalization of them and benefits that usually are attached to loving couples? Any fair minded person would see many of these gay relationships as heroic
What about the divorce rates? This is the dumb argument your other buddy made. That because the institution of marriage is in decline in the aspect of divorce rates, I should support its destruction further by supporting the redefining of the institution?

Also, another bogus claim, that gays are just as monogamous as heterosexuals. They have far more partners than heterosexuals and are far more promiscuous. Homosexual men far promiscuous than homosexual women as well
Homosexualities A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

If your contention that American society marginalizes them and causes them to be promiscuous, than how come these numbers across the Western World. Are Australia and Europe evil and homophobic as well? How do you define "marginalization" and please explain how this causes people to have more at risk sex.
Outside of your church marriage is a civil contract. Under our Constitution gays will win recognition of their freedom and liberties
Wow, what a non-response.
What is there to debate? The train has left the stations -- the cat's out of the bag. It's essentially over. The leaders of the GOP know this, but use it to keep the poor demented base riled up and ready to march to the tune of freedom

Let us start with 'Chapter 5'

Not one mention of being raised by homosexuals there. Not sure why you suddenly want to equate single parent with homosexual households.

Risk factors they mention:
Parent factors- personality/history of maltreatment/substance abuse/attitudes and knowledge/age
Family Factors- single parents families- families with lots of children- father absence- marital conflict- stress-
Child factors (not really relevant)
Environmental factors- poverty unemployment/social isolation

I am not sure how you think Chapter 5 supports your case.
That link explains increased physical and sexual abuse in single parent households, you claimed a man in the household made it more dangerous for children, when children are more at risk in a single mother household. The bottom two links explain increased risk in homosexual couple households..

Oh so that is what is tweaking you out.

What I said was this:

Men are more likely to molest than women- all men- all women- this is absolute- men are the molesters up to 98% of the time. Would you deny men or couples with men in them because they are more likely to molest?

And that is a fact

Your Chapter 5 even explains this:

  • A study of 156 victims of child sexual abuse found that the majority of the children came from disrupted or single-parent homes; only 31 percent of the children lived with both biological parents. Although stepfamilies make up only about 10 percent of all families, 27 percent of the abused children in this study lived with either a stepfather or the mother's boyfriend.49

The statistics show how much more dangerous men are than women when it comes to child sexual assault.

Table 6- men are the abusers 88-99% of the time. Family members are the abusers 12-49% of the time.

Fathers- step fathers- grandfathers- brothers- all more dangerous than female family members.

IF you used consistent standards you would be saying that lesbian couples are the safest adoptive parents.

But instead you would deny adoption to every lesbian couple, and deny those children homes, even though they are more at risk- statistically for sexual abuse- than any household with a man in it.

I know what I posted, you claimed households without men are safer, my link shows that children in single mother households or from broken families are more vulnerable and your reposted my link. Why are you proving my points for me?

Children who grow up with homosexual parents are more likely to be abused sexually and physically than children heterosexual households my studies from Regnerus showed, ten times more likely. That doesn't even begin to touch the issue of domestic abuse. Homosexuals have higher instances of domestic violence, Lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence of any pairing.
Domestic violence rates are higher for homosexual couples than for heterosexual couples Wintery Knight

Now I know you might say, domestic violence doesn't affect children, but it does.
Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

The Regenerus study is pure bunk and has been laughed out of court. Anti gay bigots fighting to keep anti gay bans in place have even abandoned his flawed study...but the bigots here keep referring too it. :lol: Classic.
A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake....


Now how pitiful is THAT? Hypocrisy galore and as expected they would, they can't find the strength of character to just admit that they didn't want to do it... .

So simple: "We just didn't want to do it, so we refused... "

There's nothing hard about it, it's just simple honesty. Yet, as simple as it is, it is impossible for the lowly relativist.
It isn't just an issue of suicide rate. But on pure suicide rates, the most suicidal profession, physicians, are 1.87 times the average. Whereas LGBT youth for example are 4 to 6 times the average. Totally different degree of severity. Also whereas physicians aren't inherently suicidal, there is a strong link between homosexuality and mental illness that triggers suicidal tendencies.
Highest Suicide Rate by Profession New Health Guide
Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals Psych Central

Honestly guy, you are out of your depth here. You are essentially ceding to my arguments but admitting you don't care. You put your egalitarian pathology above care for children.

I will let you know when I manage to find a hint of concern for children among your anti-homosexual posts.

Again- my point is how how you cherry pick reasons why you think homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt- and then do not apply the same standards to non-homosexuals.

So on to 'suicide'

Are you applying the same standards when it comes to the risk of suicide to all groups?

The suicide rate for homosexuals is higher than average. Gay men are 4 times more likely than straight men to attempt suicide. Lesbians are twice as likely as straight women to commit suicide.

And older white men are 3 times more likely than average Americans to commit suicide.

Older men, in particular those who are white, have disproportionately high rates of death by suicide. In
2009, the rate of death by suicide among older white men was 30.15 per 100,000—almost three times the
rate among the general population (11.77 per 100,000).1

Would you then advocate that couples that include an older white man shouldn't be allowed to adopt- because there is an increased likelihood that he will commit suicide?

22 Veterans commit suicide every single day. Guess veterans shouldn't have children or be able to adopt using this morons logic?
You're such a dishonest piece of shit.

Bakeries who sell cakes advertise that they sell CUSTOM cakes. Have you EVER been to a bakery which only sold cakes that were actually on their display? Of course not you idiot.

You truly can't just be honest and say "those gay bakeries are in violation of the law as it stands" can you?

If it is a custom order, it is up to the discretion of the business as to whether or not they can or will do it. No discrimination occurred.

Customer A is straight, buys wedding cake. Customer B is gay is refused same exact cake. Discrimination

Customer A and B both order a custom made can refuse either or both. No discrimination.

Wrong moron, that's not how the law works

Jesus Christ educate yourself before you go arguing shit.

Who the fuck has EVER bought a wedding cake out of a display case? NO ONE , they are ALL custom cakes.

What I said and is true is that no business must provide an item that they do not already provide. And yes, wedding cakes are ordered out of a catalog, you dolt. You don't walk in with a fucking blueprint, Dumber than the Average Cockroach.

If you sell the product to Person A, you must also sell the product to Person B. It can't get any simpler than that and you still don't understand? That's so sad...

You are so stupid and dishonest.

Look at this link

Elegant Cakery. Porcelain Cake Toppers

show me where you see a wedding cake topper with two men or two women. You don't.

Should that bakery be forced to provide one should a gay couple want one?

A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake.

I don't think I can make this any simpler for your poor stupid little brain. If you sell an item to the straight couple, in some states you also have to sell it to the gay couple.

God you are stupid.

When was the last time you heard of ANYONE buying a wedding cake without a topper? Oh, that's right, they don't.

Why are you so dishonest SeaBytch? Why must you make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have a rationale discussion with you? Do you see a poster like say Syriusly who has almost the exact same opinions as you but doesn't feel the need to LIE about everything?

NOBODY, but NOBODY walks into a bakery and buys a wedding cake and doesn't have it customized for them.

Meaning , that every couple who buys a wedding cake is asking for it to be made FOR THEM. It isn't like faggots are walking into buy a set of tires that are on a shelf.

Last chance, bring up your bullshit about this again and I'll place you on ignore with the other children.
The Regenerus study is pure bunk and has been laughed out of court.

Where's the point of pride in claiming that something was laughed out of a subjective court?

The courts in which such cases prevail have their decisions made before their set on the docket. The good news there, is that such fails to serve justice thus such never prevails in the long game.

We know this because the normalization of sexual abnormality has been attempted in numerous cultures throughout human history. The BAD NEWS is that such has always been a harbinger of cultural collapse.

So... it won't be any time at all before the fudgepackers and carpet munchers are again cloistered in the back of the highest shelf in the proverbial closet. Well... at least the one's that survive the impending purge.
... And of course my Great Dane has more credible than Keys ... babbling about nature or whatever.

LOL! Ownership! It DO have its privileges.

For instance... I get to live rent free in your head. And sure, it ain't much, but there's ALL THIS Empty SPACE!


Spook Spook Spook Spook Spook Spook




The acoustics are a little bright... but the possibilities are endless. Maybe I'll put in a gym, or a range.

Yup...keep telling us how you're not a homophobic bigot while you troll NARTH. :lol:

what the hell are you talking about?

She's pointing out your overbearing bitterness regarding your curious and somewhat obvious disdain for the lowly homosexual... .

Which portends your own likely unrepressed, but covert sexual cravings for gratification through intercourse with individuals of your own gender. (She's noticed your feminized nature and is appealing to it... hoping to simultaneously shaming you and lull you into a public confession... . My guess is that you're likely gush an emotional profession, at any moment.)
If it is a custom order, it is up to the discretion of the business as to whether or not they can or will do it. No discrimination occurred.

Customer A is straight, buys wedding cake. Customer B is gay is refused same exact cake. Discrimination

Customer A and B both order a custom made can refuse either or both. No discrimination.

Wrong moron, that's not how the law works

Jesus Christ educate yourself before you go arguing shit.

Who the fuck has EVER bought a wedding cake out of a display case? NO ONE , they are ALL custom cakes.

What I said and is true is that no business must provide an item that they do not already provide. And yes, wedding cakes are ordered out of a catalog, you dolt. You don't walk in with a fucking blueprint, Dumber than the Average Cockroach.

If you sell the product to Person A, you must also sell the product to Person B. It can't get any simpler than that and you still don't understand? That's so sad...

You are so stupid and dishonest.

Look at this link

Elegant Cakery. Porcelain Cake Toppers

show me where you see a wedding cake topper with two men or two women. You don't.

Should that bakery be forced to provide one should a gay couple want one?

A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake.

I don't think I can make this any simpler for your poor stupid little brain. If you sell an item to the straight couple, in some states you also have to sell it to the gay couple.

God you are stupid.

When was the last time you heard of ANYONE buying a wedding cake without a topper? Oh, that's right, they don't.

Why are you so dishonest SeaBytch? Why must you make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have a rationale discussion with you? Do you see a poster like say Syriusly who has almost the exact same opinions as you but doesn't feel the need to LIE about everything?

NOBODY, but NOBODY walks into a bakery and buys a wedding cake and doesn't have it customized for them.

Meaning , that every couple who buys a wedding cake is asking for it to be made FOR THEM. It isn't like faggots are walking into buy a set of tires that are on a shelf.

Last chance, bring up your bullshit about this again and I'll place you on ignore with the other children.
Who gives two shits about cake toppers? A baker can tell people to get their own. It has been done before. People can and do use their own custom topper


Yup...keep telling us how you're not a homophobic bigot while you troll NARTH. :lol:

what the hell are you talking about?

She's pointing out your overbearing bitterness regarding your curious and somewhat obvious disdain for the lowly homosexual... .

Which portends your own likely unrepressed, but covert sexual cravings for gratification through intercourse with individuals of your own gender. (She's noticed your feminized nature and is appealing to it... hoping to simultaneously shaming you and lull you into a public confession... . My guess is that you're likely gush an emotional profession, at any moment.)

She's pointing out your overbearing bitterness regarding your curious and somewhat obvious disdain for the lowly homosexual... .

Which portends your own likely unrepressed, but covert sexual cravings for gratification through intercourse with individuals of your own gender. (She's noticed your feminized nature and is appealing to it... hoping to simultaneously shaming you and lull you into a public confession... . My guess is that you're likely gush an emotional profession, at any moment.)


Wrong moron, that's not how the law works

Jesus Christ educate yourself before you go arguing shit.

Who the fuck has EVER bought a wedding cake out of a display case? NO ONE , they are ALL custom cakes.

What I said and is true is that no business must provide an item that they do not already provide. And yes, wedding cakes are ordered out of a catalog, you dolt. You don't walk in with a fucking blueprint, Dumber than the Average Cockroach.

If you sell the product to Person A, you must also sell the product to Person B. It can't get any simpler than that and you still don't understand? That's so sad...

You are so stupid and dishonest.

Look at this link

Elegant Cakery. Porcelain Cake Toppers

show me where you see a wedding cake topper with two men or two women. You don't.

Should that bakery be forced to provide one should a gay couple want one?

A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake.

I don't think I can make this any simpler for your poor stupid little brain. If you sell an item to the straight couple, in some states you also have to sell it to the gay couple.

God you are stupid.

When was the last time you heard of ANYONE buying a wedding cake without a topper? Oh, that's right, they don't.

Why are you so dishonest SeaBytch? Why must you make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have a rationale discussion with you? Do you see a poster like say Syriusly who has almost the exact same opinions as you but doesn't feel the need to LIE about everything?

NOBODY, but NOBODY walks into a bakery and buys a wedding cake and doesn't have it customized for them.

Meaning , that every couple who buys a wedding cake is asking for it to be made FOR THEM. It isn't like faggots are walking into buy a set of tires that are on a shelf.

Last chance, bring up your bullshit about this again and I'll place you on ignore with the other children.
Who gives two shits about cake toppers? A baker can tell people to get their own. It has been done before. People can and do use their own custom topper


The point being , SeaBytch has been claiming for two days that the bakers would have had no idea if they were gay because all they did was walk in and pick a cake out of a catalog, and it doesn't work that way.

Not unless you're doing your wedding for $50 total I guess.

I've been married 8 years and when we found a baker, we spent 2 fucking weeks tasting cakes, choosing cakes, choosing frostings, etc etc, the baker definitely realized we were man and soon to be wife. She didn't have to ask.
What I said and is true is that no business must provide an item that they do not already provide. And yes, wedding cakes are ordered out of a catalog, you dolt. You don't walk in with a fucking blueprint, Dumber than the Average Cockroach.

If you sell the product to Person A, you must also sell the product to Person B. It can't get any simpler than that and you still don't understand? That's so sad...

You are so stupid and dishonest.

Look at this link

Elegant Cakery. Porcelain Cake Toppers

show me where you see a wedding cake topper with two men or two women. You don't.

Should that bakery be forced to provide one should a gay couple want one?

A cake topper is not a cake Dolt Bear. If they don't sell same sex cake toppers, they don't have to carry them but they still have to make the cake.

I don't think I can make this any simpler for your poor stupid little brain. If you sell an item to the straight couple, in some states you also have to sell it to the gay couple.

God you are stupid.

When was the last time you heard of ANYONE buying a wedding cake without a topper? Oh, that's right, they don't.

Why are you so dishonest SeaBytch? Why must you make it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to have a rationale discussion with you? Do you see a poster like say Syriusly who has almost the exact same opinions as you but doesn't feel the need to LIE about everything?

NOBODY, but NOBODY walks into a bakery and buys a wedding cake and doesn't have it customized for them.

Meaning , that every couple who buys a wedding cake is asking for it to be made FOR THEM. It isn't like faggots are walking into buy a set of tires that are on a shelf.

Last chance, bring up your bullshit about this again and I'll place you on ignore with the other children.
Who gives two shits about cake toppers? A baker can tell people to get their own. It has been done before. People can and do use their own custom topper


The point being , SeaBytch has been claiming for two days that the bakers would have had no idea if they were gay because all they did was walk in and pick a cake out of a catalog, and it doesn't work that way.

Not unless you're doing your wedding for $50 total I guess.

I've been married 8 years and when we found a baker, we spent 2 fucking weeks tasting cakes, choosing cakes, choosing frostings, etc etc, the baker definitely realized we were man and soon to be wife. She didn't have to ask.
What business is it of the baker's? Maybe two people want a wedding cake for a party of sexual deviants who like rubbing cake all over the bodies before committing suicide during sex? Just sell the friggin cake damn it

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