Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Churches should not be forced to perform gay marriages-and currently they aren't. Legalizing gay marriage doesn't impose on your religion currently.

PS: I'm a practicing Christian (Catholic) for the record...and I believe in "judge not, lest you be judged".
A "practicing Christian", and a real life idiot.

How judgmental of you...I wonder what your bible says about that?
The Bible doesn't prohibit one from being discerning. There isn't "your bible", or "my bible". There is one Bible, and you clearly don't understand the passage you quoted if you think it means you can't "judge people".
Fuck the OP who started this worthless thread. What are the odds this cue ball faggot in a turtle neck has gotten gay married since starting this thread?

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt.....

Words used by bigots for the same purpose.
LOL, the OP calls himself a "heathen gamer", what a nerd. This loser got one too many wedgies in high school like you and it got to his head.
Fuck the OP who started this worthless thread. What are the odds this cue ball faggot in a turtle neck has gotten gay married since starting this thread?

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt.....

Words used by bigots for the same purpose.
LOL, the OP calls himself a "heathen gamer", what a nerd. This loser got one too many wedgies in high school like you and it got to his head.

And as I said- in response to your use of words like f*ggot, n*gger, c*nt

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt.....

Words used by bigots for the same purpose.
Churches should not be forced to perform gay marriages-and currently they aren't. Legalizing gay marriage doesn't impose on your religion currently.

PS: I'm a practicing Christian (Catholic) for the record...and I believe in "judge not, lest you be judged".
A "practicing Christian", and a real life idiot.

How judgmental of you...I wonder what your bible says about that?
The Bible doesn't prohibit one from being discerning. There isn't "your bible", or "my bible". There is one Bible, and you clearly don't understand the passage you quoted if you think it means you can't "judge people".

When I said "your bible" I was implying YOUR bible (as in the bible that you physically own). I don't think you understand my point.

I'm well versed on the bible first of all. However if you go into the bible with a self-fulfilling prophecy of course you're going to read what you want to read. What about this: "let him that is without sin cast the first stone".

Ultimately the bible is VERY clear: this is God's world. He makes his rules-not you and not me.

PS: There ARE several versions (translations) of the bible.

As I I said earlier if you're egotistical and or/delusional enough where you actually think that God agrees with all of your're in for a rude awakening.
Churches should not be forced to perform gay marriages-and currently they aren't. Legalizing gay marriage doesn't impose on your religion currently.

PS: I'm a practicing Christian (Catholic) for the record...and I believe in "judge not, lest you be judged".
A "practicing Christian", and a real life idiot.

How judgmental of you...I wonder what your bible says about that?
The Bible doesn't prohibit one from being discerning. There isn't "your bible", or "my bible". There is one Bible, and you clearly don't understand the passage you quoted if you think it means you can't "judge people".

When I said "your bible" I was implying YOUR bible (as in the bible that you physically own). I don't think you understand my point.

I'm well versed on the bible first of all. However if you go into the bible with a self-fulfilling prophecy of course you're going to read what you want to read. What about this: "let him that is without sin cast the first stone".

Ultimately the bible is VERY clear: this is God's world. He makes his rules-not you and not me.

PS: There ARE several versions (translations) of the bible.
What both of the verses are talking about very clearly is the idea of hypocrisy, not of judging. They are saying that one should hold themselves to the standards they set for others, and should up hold them. They are not saying, "don't judge". They aren't promoting moral relativism for us here on earth and "leaving it to God" to sort out the rest.

The kind of moral relativism you promote for our society is antithetical to that of a Christian society, where we strive to create God's Kingdom here on Earth through his Church. You are not only immoral, you are cowardly. You at best aid and abet nihilism and at worst partake in it.
It's time to role back some of this idiocy that is suffering the Christians in America, and that is my opinion because it just isn't funny anymore upon what is going on in so many ways now. If we can keep the government from engaging in their vote pimping or stop it from whoring itself out in such a bad way for a vote, then we all might stand a chance once again in America, but that is a big if these days and times.

I don't know about that beagle. Congress right now is in a position to impeach some lower circuit judges for calculated overreach and contempt of Windsor 2013 to the detriment of the several states affected and democracy itself.

Roll a couple of those heads and the far left should sit up a little straighter in their chairs...If they want to use the courts to circumvent due process and force their cult values on the states then let the punishment for that artifice be at the court level too. Judges beware..
I agree that some of these Judges have become this huge problem in America on many issues now, because as you say they are circumventing their sworn duties to adjudicate the law in a way that is fair for everyone involved as best that they can.

They are persuaded and have become unjust for quite sometime now it seems, and this by their rulings made. It is all due to their activism on the bench along with the thwarting of the whole nations will and resolve of such issues by what they (the Judges) look at as a popularity contest in America, instead of what should be the resolve of such issues in a righteous manor or way coming from their bench in America. They are interpreting or enforcing their own twisted reasoning of how the nation should move forward or either to move backwards on these things in which they reside over. They have managed to throw this nation into chaos is what they have managed to do, and they have opened the doors to many things that we see going wrong today, and it has backfired on the nation in many ways all because of their wanting to be popular and hip these days or it could be that they have become totally corrupted which is even worse than wanting to become popular and hip to the scene these days.

No one is against people in the ways that people want to believe that they are in America, but only that people need space to be given them in very much important ways, and when this space is given it then encourages everyone to have for themselves a protection of their liberties, and to be able to live their own brands of freedom in America without people getting into each others faces with what they think might be good for them, but yet it's not for someone else by what their demands or wants are upon them. Now what is found is that in the process it destroys another's freedoms, beliefs, and cultures all because of these demands that are being placed upon another these days in resistance there of. The Judges haven't been ruling in consideration of this important balance that always needs to be kept, and that's why it all has gone wrong for all in America today. It's like the Judges have become none other than trouble makers more so than trouble solvers.

We need the ole character of an Andy Griffith to rule from the bench these days, and well yes indeed I can just see him now sitting there like he had to with ole Barn, and rubbing his chin to come up with a plan of action, which always led to a just and righteous solution that which was a solution in which usually satisfied everyone in that show's message that was being given or created for us to consume.

It seems that this nation has lost that focus or message these days, but it needs to return to these kind of ideals is what I think. Where are the righteous and just Judges anymore in America, and do they even exist anymore ?
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Fuck the OP who started this worthless thread. What are the odds this cue ball faggot in a turtle neck has gotten gay married since starting this thread?

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt.....

Words used by bigots for the same purpose.
LOL, the OP calls himself a "heathen gamer", what a nerd. This loser got one too many wedgies in high school like you and it got to his head.

And as I said- in response to your use of words like f*ggot, n*gger, c*nt

f*ggot, n*gger, k*ke, c*nt.....

Words used by bigots for the same purpose.
Are you writing such words, in order to get away with saying such words ? I mean you keep on writing the same thing over and over it appears
Keep your gay marriage in your own "church"
And as with anything pertaining to sex, that church should be in ones own bedroom, and it should remain there and out of sight period. Why anyone feels that their sex life has to be out in front in order to live a good life, is just confusing to me.
Churches should not be forced to perform gay marriages-and currently they aren't. Legalizing gay marriage doesn't impose on your religion currently.

PS: I'm a practicing Christian (Catholic) for the record...and I believe in "judge not, lest you be judged".
A "practicing Christian", and a real life idiot.

How judgmental of you...I wonder what your bible says about that?
The Bible doesn't prohibit one from being discerning. There isn't "your bible", or "my bible". There is one Bible, and you clearly don't understand the passage you quoted if you think it means you can't "judge people".

When I said "your bible" I was implying YOUR bible (as in the bible that you physically own). I don't think you understand my point.

I'm well versed on the bible first of all. However if you go into the bible with a self-fulfilling prophecy of course you're going to read what you want to read. What about this: "let him that is without sin cast the first stone".

Ultimately the bible is VERY clear: this is God's world. He makes his rules-not you and not me.

PS: There ARE several versions (translations) of the bible.
What both of the verses are talking about very clearly is the idea of hypocrisy, not of judging. They are saying that one should hold themselves to the standards they set for others, and should up hold them. They are not saying, "don't judge". They aren't promoting moral relativism for us here on earth and "leaving it to God" to sort out the rest.

The kind of moral relativism you promote for our society is antithetical to that of a Christian society, where we strive to create God's Kingdom here on Earth through his Church. You are not only immoral, you are cowardly. You at best aid and abet nihilism and at worst partake in it.

It seems like you might be illiterate and need reading comprehensions skills.

PS: Nobody is advocating forcing any church to marry gay people. Show me one shred of evidence of that from a legit source.
Check into a "we will make you love pussy"
De brainwashing center for Jesus immediately and your treatment is as free as your salvation is
A "practicing Christian", and a real life idiot.

How judgmental of you...I wonder what your bible says about that?
The Bible doesn't prohibit one from being discerning. There isn't "your bible", or "my bible". There is one Bible, and you clearly don't understand the passage you quoted if you think it means you can't "judge people".

When I said "your bible" I was implying YOUR bible (as in the bible that you physically own). I don't think you understand my point.

I'm well versed on the bible first of all. However if you go into the bible with a self-fulfilling prophecy of course you're going to read what you want to read. What about this: "let him that is without sin cast the first stone".

Ultimately the bible is VERY clear: this is God's world. He makes his rules-not you and not me.

PS: There ARE several versions (translations) of the bible.
What both of the verses are talking about very clearly is the idea of hypocrisy, not of judging. They are saying that one should hold themselves to the standards they set for others, and should up hold them. They are not saying, "don't judge". They aren't promoting moral relativism for us here on earth and "leaving it to God" to sort out the rest.

The kind of moral relativism you promote for our society is antithetical to that of a Christian society, where we strive to create God's Kingdom here on Earth through his Church. You are not only immoral, you are cowardly. You at best aid and abet nihilism and at worst partake in it.

It seems like you might be illiterate and need reading comprehensions skills.

PS: Nobody is advocating forcing any church to marry gay people. Show me one shred of evidence of that from a legit source.

Of course there is no direct results or links to this specific question as of yet, but what people are looking at is these movements that are happening in America and all around them now, and what the movements may mean on down the road for them. So what they are drawing from as evidence of these things in which they feel are still yet to come, is the things that have already happened in the past, and then how they have happened.

So this is just an exorcize I guess on whether or not people think as based upon what has already happened in which they do know about, as to whether or not that what comes next could very well be what the question in the OP is asking people to ponder or to think about in light of what has happened in the other situations that have come to pass already.

It is all being based upon what has happened thus far in all that they see or have seen in pertaining to this kind of stuff, and what might or could very easily happen next within this kind of stuff.
Check into a "we will make you love pussy"
De brainwashing center for Jesus immediately and your treatment is as free as your salvation is
Now I think Sil might be right about someone like you, because I think you might be trying to play a duel role here. Your going to Heaven eh ?

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