Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Gay men do not differ from straight men in the size and shape of any facial feature. Rather, the use of certain expressions can become ingrained in the musculature of the face over time. Since effeminate gay men utilize similar facial expressions as women, they develop female aging and muscle contraction patterns in their face. For example, gay face includes tightness around the mouth from pursing the lips, a facial expression common to gay men and women - but not to heterosexual men. Also, gay men are more emotionally expressive, leading to a general “tightness” and muscular activation through out the entire face. Gay face includes an eye expression that is both surprised looking and predatory. Eyebrows are usually arched higher than that of straight men, and eyebrow hair is manicured. There is often a slightly tan and/or leathery look to the skin, especially among older gay men. Lesbians also have a version of gay face that emulates the facial muscular usage patterns straight men. They exhibit an under expression of emotion, relaxed brows, relaxed eyes, and less taut mouth and cheek muscles than straight women. The skin is usually pale and splotchy.

Pedophiles likewise primarily exhibit a certain appearance as well. They also utilize particular mannerisms in their verbal and physical interactions with other people.

I'm a pedo water witch. I've got what seems to others to be a sixth sense when really it's just that I'm supremely observant and have a lot of experience with the weirdos..I can single them out of a crowd.

koshergrl exhibits online the classic symptoms of delusion.

When it comes to "identifying pedophiles by their markings", she sounds just like Julius Streicher and his campaign against Jews.
Why do you think none of those things have happened, "koshergrl"?

When did I say I thought that?


Try to stick to the topic. Your frantic attempts to derail/change the subject are just kind of lame and pathetic.
Why do you think that none of those things have happened, "koshergrl"?

or, if you wish....WHEN have any of those things happened?

kg is trapped in the bottle just like the fly.

She is buzzing and frantically trying to escape.

Bodecea has just put the lid on the bottle.
Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.
Amendment 1: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I believe in equal rights for everyone, up to property lines of reservations and churches. We should love and consider the person who is gay and cannot help it, but we should not be forced to go against our understanding of what the Holy Bible says is offensive (aka, an abomination).

There are many churches that allow gay marriages, and many that don't. Pick one that allows your beliefs.

99% will agree with that. And to protect against the 1%, simply do not advertise facilities for weddings; it will go out by word of mouth.
That's not debating. That's asking a question that is unrelated to my post. What do you disagree with? And why?

Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

The pastor is not a civil servant because he doesn't work for the state. The state does not pay him a salary.

The state gives you a driver's license. Having that license doesn't make you a municipal bus driver or even a cab driver.
I am not debating an already clear point: you don't believe in separation based on your comments. You are a Big Government right wing Progressive, just like Pop23 and LockeJaw and Vigilante and koshergrl, who wants government to deny marriage equality.

Mental masturbation.

Yes, that is what you are doing: fun but sterile.
I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee: [ame=]I know you are but what am I - Pee Wee - YouTube[/ame]
Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

The pastor is not a civil servant because he doesn't work for the state. The state does not pay him a salary.

The state gives you a driver's license. Having that license doesn't make you a municipal bus driver or even a cab driver.

Having a driver's license and being a pastor doesn't let you ignore the rules of the road on religious grounds.
That's not debating. That's asking a question that is unrelated to my post. What do you disagree with? And why?

Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

If you are a public official who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have the right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, on public premises tasked for that purpose.

If you are private individual who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have no right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, at your place OR mine.

Churches (generically used here, and understood to include synagogues, temples, mosques, religious meeting houses, revival tents, etc.) are akin to Private Clubs on Steroids, and, legally, they enjoy many of the same protections and attributes of Private Clubs, as well as extended financial advantages which range beyond those which Clubs enjoy.

Churches are free to admit into communion those who meet their criteria, and churches are free to refuse communion to those who fail to meet their criteria.

You have no right to communion nor membership nor admission nor services.

These are all at the sole discretion of church authorities.

This is an integral and inviolable attribute of Freedom of Religion.

A church official obtains a license to perform marriages much like someone obtains a Notary Public or license to practice accounting (CPA) or law, etc.

And, like many Notary Publics, CPAs and lawyers, religious clerics engage in private practice, independently, or under the aegis of their church.

Private practice.

Conducted on private premises.

Empowered to perform marriages as a long-standing and wholesome concession to history and tradition and the religious beliefs of a vast percentage of the population.

Choosing to employ that licensure within the confines of a private practice, and, thus, free of the constraints of public service delivery.

Unless, of course, you also wish to force every sort of public licensure out of private practice and into the public domain, with respect to operations and service delivery.

No doctors, nurses, therapists, CPAs, lawyers, plumbers, bus-drivers - anybody who needs a license in order to conduct business - may engage in private practice, shielded from public service delivery obligations.

This one ain't gonna fly, Wilbur... :)
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Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.
Amendment 1: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I believe in equal rights for everyone, up to property lines of reservations and churches. We should love and consider the person who is gay and cannot help it, but we should not be forced to go against our understanding of what the Holy Bible says is offensive (aka, an abomination).

There are many churches that allow gay marriages, and many that don't. Pick one that allows your beliefs.

Then pastors should leave the job of officiating over civil marriages to those who will follow the law and the Constitution.

Nobody is going to stop you from having a church marriage recognized by the church, or Jesus, or God, or whatever other supernatural being you'd like it to be recognized by.
I give you...Woody Allen.

Yup Woody got a woody for his adopted daughter -but that's not really relevant cause he's only half a fag .

You are a dumbshit if you think there aren't any heteros molesting their adopted kids.

And you're a dumbshit for suggesting that someone said they don't. Most child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature - but then again heteros comprise roughly 95% of the population.

Homosexual Men comprise roghly 2% - 3% of the population, yet are responsible for roughly 33 - 35% of all child molestation cases against boys - that alone should tell you something is rotten in Denmark. Can't people such as you break out of your Liberal induced stupor - escape from your socio-fascist blogospheres just long enough to realize that there are kids - real kids sufferring every fucking day because of your ignorance.
Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

The pastor is not a civil servant because he doesn't work for the state. The state does not pay him a salary.

The state gives you a driver's license. Having that license doesn't make you a municipal bus driver or even a cab driver.

Having a driver's license and being a pastor doesn't let you ignore the rules of the road on religious grounds.

Though the rules of the road have been lodged. It's people's games you've got to dodge.
Bob Dylan.

You're full of crap.
Answer the question. Who says the pastor is now a civil servant when he says.."by the power vested, etc. Who says? You? Making up stuff isn't a debating skill. Tell me who.

Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

If you are a public official who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have the right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, on public premises tasked for that purpose.

If you are private individual who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have no right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, at your place OR mine.

Churches (generically used here, and understood to include synagogues, temples, mosques, religious meeting houses, revival tents, etc.) are akin to Private Clubs on Steroids, and, legally, they enjoy many of the same protections and attributes of Private Clubs, as well as extended financial advantages which range beyond those which Clubs enjoy.

Churches are free to admit into communion those who meet their criteria, and churches are free to refuse communion to those who fail to meet their criteria.

You have no right to communion nor membership nor admission nor services.

These are all at the sole discretion of church authorities.

This is an integral and inviolable attribute of Freedom of Religion.

A church official obtains a license to perform marriages much like someone obtains a Notary Public or license to practice accounting (CPA) or law, etc.

And, like many Notary Publics, CPAs and lawyers, religious clerics engage in private practice, independently, or under the aegis of their church.

Private practice.

Conducted on private premises.

Empowered to perform marriages as a long-standing and wholesome concession to history and tradition and the religious beliefs of a vast percentage of the population.

Choosing to employ that licensure within the confines of a private practice, and, thus, free of the constraints of public service delivery.

Unless, of course, you also wish to force every sort of public licensure out of private practice and into the public domain, with respect to operations and service delivery.

This one ain't gonna fly, Wilbur... :)

Same sex marriages have only recently become legally recognized, so tradition as it relates to the law does not necessarily apply.
And you're a dumbshit for suggesting that someone said they don't. Most child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature - but then again heteros comprise roughly 95% of the population.

Homosexual Men comprise roghly 2% - 3% of the population, yet are responsible for roughly 33 - 35% of all child molestation cases against boys - that alone should tell you something is rotten in Denmark. Can't people such as you break out of your Liberal induced stupor - escape from your socio-fascist blogospheres just long enough to realize that there are kids - real kids sufferring every fucking day because of your ignorance.

most pedophiles are heterosexual.

if there are incidents of molestation of adopted or biological children BY ANYONE they should be prosecuted. or are you saying that there are no heterosexual parents, adopted or otherwise, who molest their kids? that would be laughable.

and your repetition of lies and innuendos as regards homosexuals, they are a last-ditch effort to justify bigotry and are largely ignored by normal people.
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The First Amendment forbids public law from forcing anything on religious institutions, just as it forbids religious institutions from imposing their will on the public.

I was just going to respond with "stupid question", but we'll go with your response.
This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

I'm a big 400 lb male biker. My male lover is bigger than me. We're going to a catholic church, then a born again church, then a synagog, then a presbyterian, lutheran, protestant, mormon then a mosque and we're insisting they marry us. And our tradition says the priest/rabbi/shaman or whoever is performing the ceremony has to hold each of us by our manhood until we both finish on the alter. :eek::lol:

Which is why we aren't interested in marrying freaks. As you know, there are children in the church.

Get use to it kids. Bill and Larry kissing at the alter. Adopting the bastards you breeders put up for adoption. That's right. If you won't get an abortion and choose to adopt know that your kid might end up with two queer dads.

Question. Where should the two queer dads take their new son to be baptized? Your church won't marry the two guys but will they baptize the little bastard?
I'm a big 400 lb male biker. My male lover is bigger than me. We're going to a catholic church, then a born again church, then a synagog, then a presbyterian, lutheran, protestant, mormon then a mosque and we're insisting they marry us. And our tradition says the priest/rabbi/shaman or whoever is performing the ceremony has to hold each of us by our manhood until we both finish on the alter. :eek::lol:

Which is why we aren't interested in marrying freaks. As you know, there are children in the church.

Get use to it kids. Bill and Larry kissing at the alter. Adopting the bastards you breeders put up for adoption. That's right. If you won't get an abortion and choose to adopt know that your kid might end up with two queer dads.

Question. Where should the two queer dads take their new son to be baptized? Your church won't marry the two guys but will they baptize the little bastard?
"BAPTIZING" children too young to understand right from wrong does nothing for them but get them wet!!! BELIEVING IN JESUS,CONFESSING AND REPENTING OF YOUR SINS AND ACCEPTING JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR IS WHAT GETS YOU INTO THE ETERNAL FAMILY OF GOD!!!Nothing else!!
I'm a big 400 lb male biker. My male lover is bigger than me. We're going to a catholic church, then a born again church, then a synagog, then a presbyterian, lutheran, protestant, mormon then a mosque and we're insisting they marry us. And our tradition says the priest/rabbi/shaman or whoever is performing the ceremony has to hold each of us by our manhood until we both finish on the alter. :eek::lol:

Which is why we aren't interested in marrying freaks. As you know, there are children in the church.

Get use to it kids. Bill and Larry kissing at the alter. Adopting the bastards you breeders put up for adoption. That's right. If you won't get an abortion and choose to adopt know that your kid might end up with two queer dads.

Question. Where should the two queer dads take their new son to be baptized? Your church won't marry the two guys but will they baptize the little bastard?

SOCK "Breeders."
Because the state has vested him with the power to officiate over a civil action that requires someone with that power.

If you are a public official who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have the right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, on public premises tasked for that purpose.

If you are private individual who is licensed to perform Marriages, then I have no right to expect that you will perform such a ceremony, at your place OR mine.

Churches (generically used here, and understood to include synagogues, temples, mosques, religious meeting houses, revival tents, etc.) are akin to Private Clubs on Steroids, and, legally, they enjoy many of the same protections and attributes of Private Clubs, as well as extended financial advantages which range beyond those which Clubs enjoy.

Churches are free to admit into communion those who meet their criteria, and churches are free to refuse communion to those who fail to meet their criteria.

You have no right to communion nor membership nor admission nor services.

These are all at the sole discretion of church authorities.

This is an integral and inviolable attribute of Freedom of Religion.

A church official obtains a license to perform marriages much like someone obtains a Notary Public or license to practice accounting (CPA) or law, etc.

And, like many Notary Publics, CPAs and lawyers, religious clerics engage in private practice, independently, or under the aegis of their church.

Private practice.

Conducted on private premises.

Empowered to perform marriages as a long-standing and wholesome concession to history and tradition and the religious beliefs of a vast percentage of the population.

Choosing to employ that licensure within the confines of a private practice, and, thus, free of the constraints of public service delivery.

Unless, of course, you also wish to force every sort of public licensure out of private practice and into the public domain, with respect to operations and service delivery.

This one ain't gonna fly, Wilbur... :)

Same sex marriages have only recently become legally recognized, so tradition as it relates to the law does not necessarily apply.
Doesn't matter.

The 'Private Practice' concept, utilizing a publicly-issued license, should suffice, to beat-back the Homosexual Mafia on this one.
Which is why we aren't interested in marrying freaks. As you know, there are children in the church.

Get use to it kids. Bill and Larry kissing at the alter. Adopting the bastards you breeders put up for adoption. That's right. If you won't get an abortion and choose to adopt know that your kid might end up with two queer dads.

Question. Where should the two queer dads take their new son to be baptized? Your church won't marry the two guys but will they baptize the little bastard?

SOCK "Breeders."

It's a clue and may be true.
Here's what I know about the church I belong.

They will only perform a wedding ceremony if the couple being married is Christian.

Now, here's the thing. Can a gay couple be considered Christian?

There's your answer.

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