Should people with sufficient Neanderthal-American DNA receive reparations for the near genocide?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
The first documented case of human genocide was Neanderthals by Cro Magnons. Today, there are people with as much as 4% Neanderthal DNA. Do they deserve reparations for the historical oppression and near complete genocide that started 40,000 years ago? I believe they have suffered more than any other group in history. There should be a checkbox on ethnicity where you can identify as a Neanderthal. We could even elect our first Neanderthal-American president.

The average European has about 2.5 percent Neanderthal DNA. That's more than Elizabeth Warren's level of Native-American DNA. Since she is almost entirely European, she likely has more Neanderthal-American DNA than Native American DNA. She could check three boxes on an Affirmative Action form.
The first documented case of human genocide was Neanderthals by Cro Magnons. Today, there are people with as much as 4% Neanderthal DNA. Do they deserve reparations for the historical oppression and near complete genocide that started 40,000 years ago? I believe they have suffered more than any other group in history. There should be a checkbox on ethnicity where you can identify as a Neanderthal. We could even elect our first Neanderthal-American president.

The average European has about 2.5 percent Neanderthal DNA. That's more than Elizabeth Warren's level of Native-American DNA. Since she is almost entirely European, she likely has more Neanderthal-American DNA than Native American DNA. She could check three boxes on an Affirmative Action form.
I thought they were already getting reparations as the Welfare State was designed for said liberal, low information, retarded Neanderthals.
He is a Neanderthal before he wasn't a Neanderthal.
If reparations are going to be doled out, it does make sense to start as far back as we can go. If we follow that reasoning, I suspect we will all be paying out some and getting about the same back. So why don’t we just call it good, and drop this reparations nonsense once and for all?
Neanderthals were adapted for life in the hills.

Neanderthals: Short legs turned out to be big help

"But two scientists offer a new explanation for those short lower legs: They allowed these early humans to move efficiently across the sloped terrain of their mountainous homes. Instead of being at a disadvantage on rugged terrain, as was generally thought, Neanderthals even may have been at an advantage, depending on the nature of the slope, they found."

Another reason I suspect I may have a lot of Neanderthal DNA.

"Neanderthals have really interesting upper bodies," researcher Colin Shaw, a biological anthropologist at the University of Cambridge in England, told LiveScience. "If you and I are both right-handed, you'd expect 4 to 13 percent asymmetry between our arms. Neanderthals have up to 50 percent or more asymmetry. They were doing something with their dominant arm that was either more intense or repetitive or both than we do today."

Why Neanderthals Sported Arms Like Popeye

Scientists are now saying between 1.5-4% of European DNA is from Neanderthals.

Scientists to grow 'mini-brains' using Neanderthal DNA

Besides having larger brains, Neanderthals made the first known boats, first known glue, as well as many types of bone tools. The first evidence of Cro-Magnons using tar is AFTER they travelled to Europe. Scientists are saying that Neanderthal tools were at least, if not more complex than those of Cro-Magnons of the time. Their artwork was not as well developed and it is suspected that they were less social. So, Neanderthals were better at important things and Cro-Magnons were better at making beads and socializing and silly stuff like that. It is now believed that because of the harsh climate they were adapted to, they were far less numerous than Cro-Magnons and were simply absorbed into the gene pool. It turns out scientists have found a potential genetic link to Asperger's Syndrome rooted in Neanderthal DNA.

Evidence suggests Neanderthals took to boats before modern humans

How Neanderthals Made First Glue From Tar To Make Stronger Weapons

Neanderthals were not inferior to modern humans, study finds

"The widely held notion that Neanderthals were dimwitted and that their inferior intelligence allowed them to be driven to extinction by the much brighter ancestors of modern humans is not supported by scientific evidence, according to a researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder."

"Researchers were comparing Neanderthals not to their contemporaries on other continents but to their successors," Villa said. "It would be like comparing the performance of Model T Fords, widely used in America and Europe in the early part of the last century, to the performance of a modern-day Ferrari and conclude that Henry Ford was cognitively inferior to Enzo Ferrari."

Human-Neanderthal gene variance is involved in autism

Neanderthals had to develop weapons to fight off the endless hordes pouring into their lands. They eventually had to develop boats in order to flee to another continent. They are being eternally chased and harassed. Neanderthals are still an oppressed group in danger of extinction. They are the most historically oppressed group of people ever. People must be allowed to proudly identify as a Neanderthal-American and preserve their heritage.
There is even legend in folklore of a people called the Nephilim. They are not human-angel hybrids as is commonly believed. They are Cro-Magnon/Neanderthal hybrids. They combined the height and length of bone of the Cro-Magnons with the robust build and superior musculature of the Neanderthals. They also benefited from hybrid vigor.

Here is a passage from the Bible that describes it in detail. I am agnostic, except I regard the Bible as semi-historic folklore.

Genesis 6:

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the mighty Nephilim which were of old, men of renown."

When it says men, it is referring to Cro-Magnons and when it says sons of God, it is referring to Neanderthals. Sargon the Magnificent and Achimenes are the most famous of the Nephilim. They built mighty civilizations and their descendants have always been at the forefront of civilization.
The first documented case of human genocide was Neanderthals by Cro Magnons. Today, there are people with as much as 4% Neanderthal DNA. Do they deserve reparations for the historical oppression and near complete genocide that started 40,000 years ago? I believe they have suffered more than any other group in history. There should be a checkbox on ethnicity where you can identify as a Neanderthal. We could even elect our first Neanderthal-American president.

The average European has about 2.5 percent Neanderthal DNA. That's more than Elizabeth Warren's level of Native-American DNA. Since she is almost entirely European, she likely has more Neanderthal-American DNA than Native American DNA. She could check three boxes on an Affirmative Action form.
Aren't most republicans on some kinda public assistance already anyway?

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