Should President Trump Proclaim an Executive Order To Reveal Obama's College Records?

Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.
Before that, I would investigate the "real" reason we went into Iraq, the amount of money wasted and why the Bush Administration let North Korea have nuclear weapons. And why was Saddam's military disbanded. Why the Bush tax cuts created trillions in deficit and why Republicans cut embassy security? Those are infinitely more interesting to me.
sounds like the perfect lib fantasy... enjoy.
Once the president who claimed the agenda of "Dreams of My Father" is gone and the dreams that his African Nationalist father to defeat America are gone it's time for a new administration to make America great again after the left wing revolution failed. Let it go. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama will be an irrelevant blot on America's history in a few short months.

It is already passed time for Birthers to let go of their fantasies and move onto new and more elaborate Conspiracy Theories.

Trump has- he has already moved on to Vince Foster.
nothing's happened to change my mind, no reason to stop wondering.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Not sure he can legally do that, but he certainly could drop a hint to the federal hackers to trip over the sealed records in their investigations.
No, let us hope Obama fades off into history never to be mentioned again.

He will make a concerted effort not to have that fate befall him. Why do you think he's staying in DC?

Surely you don't believe the goop about Malia's school.
Obama has changed what presidents can do. Trump will be able to do just about anything he wants. Thanks to Obama.

Yeah- presidenting while Black has made Trump think that if he is elected, that would make him Emperor Trump.

Thanks Right Wing Nut Jobs!
Actually no matter what color the president is, he has abused his power and has given the next president more power than one should have. Thanks Obama and his nutty followers, like yourself.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Not sure he can legally do that, but he certainly could drop a hint to the federal hackers to trip over the sealed records in their investigations.
No, let us hope Obama fades off into history never to be mentioned again.

He will make a concerted effort not to have that fate befall him. Why do you think he's staying in DC?

Surely you don't believe the goop about Malia's school.
Obama has changed what presidents can do. Trump will be able to do just about anything he wants. Thanks to Obama.

Yeah- presidenting while Black has made Trump think that if he is elected, that would make him Emperor Trump.

Thanks Right Wing Nut Jobs!
Actually no matter what color the president is, he has abused his power and has given the next president more power than one should have. Thanks Obama and his nutty followers, like yourself.
as a birther, i want obama to want to show his past.

he could have accepted fifty million to fix chicago, and buried Trump in the same move.

his provenance is so wicked sketchy, if only people knew the whole of it, but it still comes up, so we may still find out what.

an executive order wouldn't be legal or proper. it has to originate in the house judiciary, but no one wants to touch it, at this point not a bad idea.

You mean the $50 million Trump didn't donate to charity- like the money he didn't raise by doing a debate with Sanders?

And by provenence is so wicked sketchy' you mean no other President has had his eligibility as confirmed as President Obama- that is correct.
bernie's not ready to debate Trump. maybe... someday.

Trump knows Bernie would clean his clock- that in comparison to Bernie, Donnie would sound like a cheap used car salesman trying to sell that Oldsmobile missing one tire and a transmission.

Santa Claus against a car salesman, might be interesting.
as a birther, i want obama to want to show his past.

he could have accepted fifty million to fix chicago, and buried Trump in the same move.

his provenance is so wicked sketchy, if only people knew the whole of it, but it still comes up, so we may still find out what.

an executive order wouldn't be legal or proper. it has to originate in the house judiciary, but no one wants to touch it, at this point not a bad idea.

You mean the $50 million Trump didn't donate to charity- like the money he didn't raise by doing a debate with Sanders?

And by provenence is so wicked sketchy' you mean no other President has had his eligibility as confirmed as President Obama- that is correct.
bernie's not ready to debate Trump. maybe... someday.

Trump knows Bernie would clean his clock- that in comparison to Bernie, Donnie would sound like a cheap used car salesman trying to sell that Oldsmobile missing one tire and a transmission.

Santa Claus against a car salesman, might be interesting.
it would be interesting, the potential for raising charity dough would be huge, that i can tell you.

a master of media like Trump knows the value of what he does, Ronald Reagan was like that too.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Not sure he can legally do that, but he certainly could drop a hint to the federal hackers to trip over the sealed records in their investigations.
No, let us hope Obama fades off into history never to be mentioned again.

He will make a concerted effort not to have that fate befall him. Why do you think he's staying in DC?

Surely you don't believe the goop about Malia's school.
Obama has changed what presidents can do. Trump will be able to do just about anything he wants. Thanks to Obama.

Yeah- presidenting while Black has made Trump think that if he is elected, that would make him Emperor Trump.

Thanks Right Wing Nut Jobs!
Actually no matter what color the president is, he has abused his power and has given the next president more power than one should have. Thanks Obama and his nutty followers, like yourself.

No- thank the Right Wing Nut jobs like yourself who believe this crap.
as a birther, i want obama to want to show his past.

he could have accepted fifty million to fix chicago, and buried Trump in the same move.

his provenance is so wicked sketchy, if only people knew the whole of it, but it still comes up, so we may still find out what.

an executive order wouldn't be legal or proper. it has to originate in the house judiciary, but no one wants to touch it, at this point not a bad idea.

You mean the $50 million Trump didn't donate to charity- like the money he didn't raise by doing a debate with Sanders?

And by provenence is so wicked sketchy' you mean no other President has had his eligibility as confirmed as President Obama- that is correct.
bernie's not ready to debate Trump. maybe... someday.

Trump knows Bernie would clean his clock- that in comparison to Bernie, Donnie would sound like a cheap used car salesman trying to sell that Oldsmobile missing one tire and a transmission.

Santa Claus against a car salesman, might be interesting.

Certainly it would be entertaining- I wonder how many of Trump's conspiracy theories he would be trying to sell?
Once the president who claimed the agenda of "Dreams of My Father" is gone and the dreams that his African Nationalist father to defeat America are gone it's time for a new administration to make America great again after the left wing revolution failed. Let it go. Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama will be an irrelevant blot on America's history in a few short months.

It is already passed time for Birthers to let go of their fantasies and move onto new and more elaborate Conspiracy Theories.

Trump has- he has already moved on to Vince Foster.
nothing's happened to change my mind, no reason to stop wondering.

Nothing will ever happen to change your mind.
as a birther, i want obama to want to show his past.

he could have accepted fifty million to fix chicago, and buried Trump in the same move.

his provenance is so wicked sketchy, if only people knew the whole of it, but it still comes up, so we may still find out what.

an executive order wouldn't be legal or proper. it has to originate in the house judiciary, but no one wants to touch it, at this point not a bad idea.

You mean the $50 million Trump didn't donate to charity- like the money he didn't raise by doing a debate with Sanders?

And by provenence is so wicked sketchy' you mean no other President has had his eligibility as confirmed as President Obama- that is correct.
bernie's not ready to debate Trump. maybe... someday.

Trump knows Bernie would clean his clock- that in comparison to Bernie, Donnie would sound like a cheap used car salesman trying to sell that Oldsmobile missing one tire and a transmission.

Santa Claus against a car salesman, might be interesting.

Certainly it would be entertaining- I wonder how many of Trump's conspiracy theories he would be trying to sell?

Probably as many times as Sanders says "it's you right." or "It's your right to free......(fill in the blank)
You mean the $50 million Trump didn't donate to charity- like the money he didn't raise by doing a debate with Sanders?

And by provenence is so wicked sketchy' you mean no other President has had his eligibility as confirmed as President Obama- that is correct.
bernie's not ready to debate Trump. maybe... someday.

Trump knows Bernie would clean his clock- that in comparison to Bernie, Donnie would sound like a cheap used car salesman trying to sell that Oldsmobile missing one tire and a transmission.

Santa Claus against a car salesman, might be interesting.

Certainly it would be entertaining- I wonder how many of Trump's conspiracy theories he would be trying to sell?

Probably as many times as Sanders says "it's you right." or "It's your right to free......(fill in the blank)

Oh I think it would be entertaining- shame Trump was too much of a coward to take Sanders on.

But no one expected anything else.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Lets say someone brought a lawsuit to reveal Obama's records. THe court will say NO but, for some reason, the same court system wants to force Trump to reveal his records on Trump Academy. It is incredibly fucking bias but that is how it is in this country. Democrats rule the entire system.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Not sure he can legally do that, but he certainly could drop a hint to the federal hackers to trip over the sealed records in their investigations.
No, let us hope Obama fades off into history never to be mentioned again.

He will make a concerted effort not to have that fate befall him. Why do you think he's staying in DC?

Surely you don't believe the goop about Malia's school.
Obama has changed what presidents can do. Trump will be able to do just about anything he wants. Thanks to Obama.

Yeah- presidenting while Black has made Trump think that if he is elected, that would make him Emperor Trump.

Thanks Right Wing Nut Jobs!
Actually no matter what color the president is, he has abused his power and has given the next president more power than one should have. Thanks Obama and his nutty followers, like yourself.

No- thank the Right Wing Nut jobs like yourself who believe this crap.
Just recently Obama threatens school funding if they don't allow boys into girls locker rooms. Liberalism is a mental disease. Hopefully president Trump will do the same with abortion. See how that works?
And still people wonder why conservatism is dead.
These pathetic snarls are not conservatism, carbineer. They are childish tantrums of losers who claim to be independent individuals yet blame their unrest on someone else, and usually as directed by someone else again. The racism is stunning from people who call the object of their hate a racist. But I ask you not to blame conservatism because of the sewage regurgitated by un-liberal bigotry. There is a place for conservatism in every society.
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Lets say someone brought a lawsuit to reveal Obama's records. THe court will say NO but, for some reason, the same court system wants to force Trump to reveal his records on Trump Academy. It is incredibly fucking bias but that is how it is in this country. Democrats rule the entire system.
Bear with me, Super. I did not know Obama's education records were sealed. Is this true? And secondly, what is the value of opening those records? Third, you know the "Kenyan/Somalian (?) photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status' is crap, and you know what kind of fool you look like passing it on as who are you trying to impress?
Should President Trump "let it go" in regards to the Kenyan/Somalian photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status, etc.? IMO, although it would be great to expose that Obama turd, we simply have to move on and make America great again and not worry about the past.

Let's say someone brought a lawsuit to reveal Obama's records. The court will say NO but, for some reason, the same court system wants to force Trump to reveal his records on Trump Academy. It is incredibly fucking bias but that is how it is in this country. Democrats rule the entire system.
Bear with me, Super. I did not know Obama's education records were sealed. Is this true? And secondly, what is the value of opening those records? Third, you know the "Kenyan/Somalian (?) photoshopped birth certificate, foreign student status' is crap, and you know what kind of fool you look like passing it on as who are you trying to impress?

I think if nothing else Obama's history is interesting. It would be interesting to know all the facts much like we read about other prominent figures.

Think about Obama.

Born when mixed marriages were not all that in vogue.

His dad leaves him at an early age.

His mother marries another African man.

Then they move to Indonesia where Obama assumes the name Barry Soroto and claims the religion of Islam so he can attend a Madrassa. They live there until young barry moves back to Hawaii to be raised my his maternal grandparents.

At some time during this period, Frank Marshall becomes his mentor.

After that he gets accepted to Occident where he says he was a poor student. but that does not stop him from being accepted at Columbia where he says he did get more serious in his studies. After that came yale and he served as President of the Harvard Law review, although he published almost nothing of record.

So, in the time of Affirmative Action, is Obama a product of it? Did he get into Occidental by claiming foreign birth? And did he ride that foreign birth all the way through Harvard?

Now those who would support Barry not matter what will claim that he never made the claim of foreign birth. Yet there is a brochure, which Barry should have known about, claiming he was born in Kenya. Where would the woman who wrote that get such information? It was claimed that she said it was a fact checking error. Whose facts did she error in checking? Certainly it could not be her own.

Anyway that is why I think it interesting his past.

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