Should Someone Receiving Welfare Be Drug Tested?

Maybe lower than $235.47 but not $3.50. The $235.47 is from Quest Lab which they do an intensive kind of blood test.
The $3.50 is for the screening test, to see if a more expensive lab test is warranted.

If they pass the screening test fine, if they fail, move on to the more dependable lab test for verification, since it's admissible in court if challenged....

That way the government won't waste a lot of money on all the individuals that are clean.

You might initially miss a few people on the individual tests, but a series of random screening tests should pretty much catch them

You need a lab where to draw your blood, Phlebotomist who will draw your blood, send the blood to another lab ( via special courier same day delivery) for testing. So I'm not sure how you can do these test with less than $100.

Most of today's drug tests are urinalysis. You can get a 12 panel test kit for around six bucks, my husband's firm buys them through MedBroad and if an employee tests positive they are sent to a clinic for a followup test
I found 12 panels for $3.55 online (if ordered in lots of 800 or more) and posted the link.

The firm would take forever to use 800 kits LOL I think hubby told me they do random tests on five employees a week.
It's a law firm and you mentioned not very many employees. Then yes you can do this test by themselves. Just wondering how did they come out a criteria of 5 employees a week? Unless you are checking for alcohol. I have lots of employees with several dept. such as warehouses, operations, field service etc. but most is 4 in a month because drugs stays in your body for a while.

Moreover, I think anyone receiving welfare, with the exception of the old and infirmed and children should have to put in at least 20 hours of community service per week within their immediate area to help pay back the state and government for the privilege of receiving these benefits..

There needs to be an answer on how to prevent abuse of the system (which is rampant) - bitching about how expensive it would be to fix it is an ignorant cop out.
There is more abuse and fraud with welfare by companies and doctors than what individuals do.. Why not drug test doctors, nurses and any providers of welfare recipients?

you losers keep making these deflections because you just cant make a case why it isnt in the best interest of everybody involved to drug test those on welfare!1

it's just so sad!!
:lame2::anj_stfu: dweeb...

Moreover, I think anyone receiving welfare, with the exception of the old and infirmed and children should have to put in at least 20 hours of community service per week within their immediate area to help pay back the state and government for the privilege of receiving these benefits..

There needs to be an answer on how to prevent abuse of the system (which is rampant) - bitching about how expensive it would be to fix it is an ignorant cop out.
There is more abuse and fraud with welfare by companies and doctors than what individuals do.. Why not drug test doctors, nurses and any providers of welfare recipients?

Honestly? I'm for whatever will "fix" the system.
This has been going on forever. Our church used to give food stamps out (not sure how that worked, but my Mom did it at church) and she would come home furious at giving food stamps to people driving up in Cadillacs with fur coats on ... this was in the 1970's.
That was when we were eating wish sandwiches..
Let's drug test everyone who gets child tax credits, or the mortgage interest deduction while we're at it.
Non sequitur
Actually it's on-point.

It's just as much an unwarranted violation of the 4th Amendment to 'drug test' those applying for public assistance as anyone else benefiting from a government program:

'The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta said Florida did not show a "substantial special need" to test all applicants to its Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program without any suspicion of drug use. The federally subsidized program helps people pay for food, shelter and other necessities.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients

“[T]he July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.”

Further evidence of the right's contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and low income Americans.
Let's drug test everyone who gets child tax credits, or the mortgage interest deduction while we're at it.
Non sequitur
Actually it's on-point.

It's just as much an unwarranted violation of the 4th Amendment to 'drug test' those applying for public assistance as anyone else benefiting from a government program:

'The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta said Florida did not show a "substantial special need" to test all applicants to its Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program without any suspicion of drug use. The federally subsidized program helps people pay for food, shelter and other necessities.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients

“[T]he July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.”

Further evidence of the right's contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and low income Americans.

i'm surprised you even said this much; this must be a record for you. Tell me how drug-testing welfare recipients is any different than drug-testing anybody else tht you say they are entitled to be exempt from it.
Should Someone Receiving Welfare Be Drug Tested?

Of course

I suggest drug testing all politicians first

Then the banking maffia

The weapon manufacturers

And all the oil company CEO's

Oh, and Netanyahoo of course

Or did you have another kind of welfare in mind?


No, I think you got the gist of it. The idea is to nail anyone you don't like by sicking the government on 'em.
Should Someone Receiving Welfare Be Drug Tested?

Of course

I suggest drug testing all politicians first

Then the banking maffia

The weapon manufacturers

And all the oil company CEO's

Oh, and Netanyahoo of course

Or did you have another kind of welfare in mind?


is that the whole list of people that terrify you? keep you awake at night? hiding under your bed?

or do you have another list of boogeymen?
Should Someone Receiving Welfare Be Drug Tested?

Of course

I suggest drug testing all politicians first

Then the banking maffia

The weapon manufacturers

And all the oil company CEO's

Oh, and Netanyahoo of course

Or did you have another kind of welfare in mind?


No, I think you got the gist of it. The idea is to nail anyone you don't like by sicking the government on 'em.

like obama did with the IRS???
Should Someone Receiving Welfare Be Drug Tested?

Of course

I suggest drug testing all politicians first

Then the banking maffia

The weapon manufacturers

And all the oil company CEO's

Oh, and Netanyahoo of course

Or did you have another kind of welfare in mind?


No, I think you got the gist of it. The idea is to nail anyone you don't like by sicking the government on 'em.

like obama did with the IRS???

Exactly. That's the predominant way people view government today. It's a means of power over others.
is that the whole list of people that terrify you? keep you awake at night? hiding under your bed?

or do you have another list of boogeymen?

Of course that isn't the whole list but I don't want to spend the whole afternoon typing names

And it makes more sense to be afraid of those people than people on foodstamps or muslim kids with homebuild clocks.

is that the whole list of people that terrify you? keep you awake at night? hiding under your bed?

or do you have another list of boogeymen?

Of course that isn't the whole list but I don't want to spend the whole afternoon typing names

And it makes more sense to be afraid of those people than people on foodstamps or muslim kids with homebuild clocks.


how so leftard? who is afraid of a muslim kid with a homebuild clock idiot? there you go labeling whole groups ON TWO DIFFERENT LEVELS; one with your list of boogeymen on the right guilty of some kind of crimes you dont mention; then attributing what happened to one Muslim boy as indicative of whole groups.

you are nothing but an idiot; and it is laughable watching your excercises in sanctimonious stupidity; when iin reality you are exactly what you cry about others being
Should people receiving welfare benefits be tested for drug abuse?

Probably not.

Test Runs have turned up very little drug abuse at that level.

And, terminated benefits certainly have not been substantive enough to cover the cost of the testing.

Rather like spending a dollar to make a dime.
Links?...No blogs. No opinion pieces. Facts ONLY
BTW. I support drug testing for welfare recipients.
Doctors should also get tested for drugs.
Not wanting to debate that issue, answer this simple question.....
What made you decide to pick on Doctors?.....
Don't sit there thinking about it. Answer quickly. Otherwise you are just creating a rationalization....Which will be rejected.
Let's drug test everyone who gets child tax credits, or the mortgage interest deduction while we're at it.
Non sequitur
Actually it's on-point.

It's just as much an unwarranted violation of the 4th Amendment to 'drug test' those applying for public assistance as anyone else benefiting from a government program:

'The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta said Florida did not show a "substantial special need" to test all applicants to its Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program without any suspicion of drug use. The federally subsidized program helps people pay for food, shelter and other necessities.

"By virtue of poverty, TANF applicants are not stripped of their legitimate expectations of privacy," Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus wrote for a three-judge panel. "If we are to give meaning to the Fourth Amendment's prohibition on blanket government searches, we must — and we do — hold that [the law] crosses the constitutional line."

The decision upheld a ruling last December by U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven in Tampa to permanently halt enforcement of the July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.'

Court strikes down drug testing for Florida welfare recipients

“[T]he July 2011 law supported by Republican Gov. Rick Scott.”

Further evidence of the right's contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law, and low income Americans.
Ok...So where is the reference to those who receive mortgage interest deductions?...
Once again. Non sequitur. Deflection...
And who says the 11th Circuit's ruling is sacrosanct?....
The rampant waste fraud and abuse of social programs in this country, is in part as a result of CRAP rulings by LIBERAL jurists.
They don't give a shit because they are paid tons of money, so their rulings don't apply to them.
BTW, the ruling is WRONG....There is no "right to privacy" in the US Constitution...The 4th clearly states and speaks only to "the right to be secure in our person's and papers from unreasonable searches and seizures. The fact that there was a dissenting opinion from one of the 11th's judges, leaves the door open for future challenges.
Most of us Americans are sick and tired of liberal activist judges making rulings which are out of touch with the majority of Americans.
We are the ones who suffer the consequences of the actions of these judges.
One of those is watching our tax dollars being thrown down a rat hole while career politicians looking for votes demand we pay more.
Make no mistake. there is a swing in the political climate afoot. This shit will come to an end.

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