Should Statues and Other Memorials To Harvey Milk Also Be Removed?

In fairness, should statues etc. of Harvey Milk displayed in public be removed also?

  • Yes. A disgusting past is a disgusting past.

  • No. It's different with Harvey Milk stuff

  • I think people should be able to vote on what statues stay and which are removed.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Teenaged boys are moving to San Francisco to be around homosexuals? How are they convincing their parents to go along with that?

Because their parents don't give a shit about them, threw them out, or they are runaways.

Yes, all the teenaged boys in San Francisco who decide they're gay are runaways who came there to be close to other homosexuals.

Did I say that? Nope. Sure didn't.

Well, I'm sure you wish you hadn't. But for ME to believe that, I'd have to believe you answered a post without bothering to read and understand what it said. I'm just not willing to insult you by assuming you're so thoughtless and sloppy. :eusa_angel:
Just going to leave this here:

“My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become ‘who they really are.’ It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other ‘isms.’ If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be ‘normal’ and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as ‘straight culture’ goes the way of the dinosaur…” - Moira Greyland, daughter of lesbian pedophile author Marion Zimmer Bradley and convicted child molester Walter Breen

Everyone is NOT naturally gay. In fact it goes against nature

Yes, I know they aren't. The quote is in answer to the people who say there's no such thing as "homosexual recruitment". Pretty clearly, at least some homosexuals think there is.
One is either gay or they`re not. They can`t be recruited. Do you think you have the potential to be gay?

Really? Where did you acquire your psychology degree, Doctor?

I think that the human psyche is amazingly malleable, and can be twisted, damaged, and broken in innumerable ways. I have no idea if my own psyche is susceptible to that form of damage, since no one has ever attempted twist it like that.
Just going to leave this here:

“My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become ‘who they really are.’ It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other ‘isms.’ If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be ‘normal’ and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as ‘straight culture’ goes the way of the dinosaur…” - Moira Greyland, daughter of lesbian pedophile author Marion Zimmer Bradley and convicted child molester Walter Breen

Everyone is NOT naturally gay. In fact it goes against nature

Yes, I know they aren't. The quote is in answer to the people who say there's no such thing as "homosexual recruitment". Pretty clearly, at least some homosexuals think there is.
One is either gay or they`re not. They can`t be recruited. Do you think you have the potential to be gay?

Really? Where did you acquire your psychology degree, Doctor?

I think that the human psyche is amazingly malleable, and can be twisted, damaged, and broken in innumerable ways. I have no idea if my own psyche is susceptible to that form of damage, since no one has ever attempted twist it like that.
After 65 years on this planet I have no trouble recognizing crazy. Recruiting gays? :) :) :) You`re nuts!
One is either gay or they`re not. They can`t be recruited.

When I was a teenager, many a moon ago, adult homosexuals had indeed tried to recruit me when I was hitchhiking.

Now, of course I was not signed on as a gay back then.

The point I'm trying to make is this- these homosexuals would not be making an effort to recruit people if they thought the efforts were futile. They would stick to their own kind instead of "looking for sodomy in all the wrong places"
I say we remove all statues, mounments, and memorials someone somwhere is going to find something about them that offends or upsets them and since not upsetting, offending people or hurting their feelings seems to be the main focus of many today lose them all and spare everyones possible hurt feelings.
I say we remove all statues, mounments, and memorials someone somwhere is going to find something about them that offends or upsets them and since not upsetting, offending people or hurting their feelings seems to be the main focus of many today lose them all and spare everyones possible hurt feelings.

Or everyone grow a set and stop being whiny snowflakes
I say we remove all statues, mounments, and memorials someone somwhere is going to find something about them that offends or upsets them and since not upsetting, offending people or hurting their feelings seems to be the main focus of many today lose them all and spare everyones possible hurt feelings.

Or everyone grow a set and stop being whiny snowflakes
Yeah that's not happening.
San Francisco isn`t trying to recruit people to be gay. They`re trying to educate them so they`ll be nothing like you.

That's exactly what I'm saying, SF doesn't want its people to be like me- proudly and openly Straight.
Sorry, but you don't what the hell you're talking about! I'm betting you're openly straight but closeted gay.

You do realize using an accusation of being a closeted gay is actually a homophobic tactic. Right?

Report to a PC detention center at once for reprogramming

You're wrong again. Haven't you seen many men who are so strongly against gays being eventually found out to actually be gay?
Yea, Christian conservatives
Yeah, those most of all! And if he'd only admit it, Michelle Bachmann's husband most definitely is one. Every time I see and hear him, my gaydar goes off.
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Just going to leave this here:

“My observation of my father and mother’s actual belief is this: since everyone is naturally gay, it is the straight establishment that makes everyone hung up and therefore limited. Sex early will make people willing to have sex with everyone, which will bring about the utopia while eliminating homophobia and helping people become ‘who they really are.’ It will also destroy the hated nuclear family with its paternalism, sexism, ageism (yes, for pedophiles, that is a thing) and all other ‘isms.’ If enough children are sexualized young enough, gayness will suddenly be ‘normal’ and accepted by everyone, and the old fashioned notions about fidelity will vanish. As sex is integrated as a natural part of every single relationship, the barriers between people will vanish, and the utopia will appear, as ‘straight culture’ goes the way of the dinosaur…” - Moira Greyland, daughter of lesbian pedophile author Marion Zimmer Bradley and convicted child molester Walter Breen

Everyone is NOT naturally gay. In fact it goes against nature

Yes, I know they aren't. The quote is in answer to the people who say there's no such thing as "homosexual recruitment". Pretty clearly, at least some homosexuals think there is.
One is either gay or they`re not. They can`t be recruited. Do you think you have the potential to be gay?

Really? Where did you acquire your psychology degree, Doctor?

I think that the human psyche is amazingly malleable, and can be twisted, damaged, and broken in innumerable ways. I have no idea if my own psyche is susceptible to that form of damage, since no one has ever attempted twist it like that.
After 65 years on this planet I have no trouble recognizing crazy. Recruiting gays? :) :) :) You`re nuts!

Ah, yes. The 100% accurate "I'm old so I know everything" method. I should have recognized it right off.

Substance abuse
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Dissociative disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder)
Suicide ideation

This is a list, just off the top of my head, of mental and behavioral disorders known to be caused by childhood abuse (not that all people who have them have been abused). In addition, psychiatrists have known for a long time that children who have been abused, particularly sexually, are more likely to grow up to be abusers themselves. Are you saying that, knowing as we do that abuse in childhood can cause THESE sorts of behaviors, it's completely unbelievable to you that sexual abuse as a child could convince a person to form romantic and sexual attachments to members of their own sex? It can convince you that you're more than one person, but not that you're gay? Is that really your position?
Sad how most conservatives are so consumed by such fear, bigotry, and hate.
Um, strong rabid disgust with a rapist whose main accomplishments are clinical or industrious is something the left have been spouting about with their republican witch hunts for years now. But when the rape is done to boys or young men addled on drugs & unable to consent, suddenly THAT rapist is a hero because of his sexual penchant.

Milk’s statutory rape is THE accomplishment the left celebrates him for. Worse, their calling him a celebrated “gay advocate” means they’re equating “gay” with sodomizing under aged or drug addled young men. And this is something many have been thinking about gay men for ages now. Ie: they with Milk have let the cat out of the bag.

So why are edifices dedicated to a child rapist (famous because of his sexual kinks) allowed to stand while the same groups want other perhaps even less disgusting icons torn down?
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One is either gay or they`re not. They can`t be recruited.

When I was a teenager, many a moon ago, adult homosexuals had indeed tried to recruit me when I was hitchhiking.

Now, of course I was not signed on as a gay back then.

The point I'm trying to make is this- these homosexuals would not be making an effort to recruit people if they thought the efforts were futile. They would stick to their own kind instead of "looking for sodomy in all the wrong places"
Recruit you? Or hit on you? Not the same.
Personally I think they should leave all statues right where they are.

I think it should be up to the people of the community whose taxes pay to maintain whatever site the statue's on, and their elected representatives. If they want to have a legal and proper vote to remove it, then more power to 'em.

I think people who take it upon themselves to decide for everyone else and tear the statue down should be arrested, charged with destruction of public property, and sentenced appropriately. We have rules, for God's sake, and adults by definition should be able to follow the damned rules.
Personally I think they should leave all statues right where they are.

I think it should be up to the people of the community whose taxes pay to maintain whatever site the statue's on, and their elected representatives. If they want to have a legal and proper vote to remove it, then more power to 'em.

I think people who take it upon themselves to decide for everyone else and tear the statue down should be arrested, charged with destruction of public property, and sentenced appropriately. We have rules, for God's sake, and adults by definition should be able to follow the damned rules.

Oh, and they should be required to pay all costs of replacing the statue, over and above any jail time and fines that are assessed as their sentence.
Are there even any? Do the communities that have them want them gone? If they want to keep them, they should keep them.
Yes. In San Franfreakshow. & Obama was trying to get a navyvship named after him.
I think it should be up to the people of the community whose taxes pay to maintain whatever site the statue's on, and their elected representatives. If they want to have a legal and proper vote to remove it, then more power to 'em.

I think people who take it upon themselves to decide for everyone else and tear the statue down should be arrested, charged with destruction of public property, and sentenced appropriately. We have rules, for God's sake, and adults by definition should be able to follow the damned rules.
That’s why I put the third option in the poll.
I think it should be up to the people of the community whose taxes pay to maintain whatever site the statue's on, and their elected representatives. If they want to have a legal and proper vote to remove it, then more power to 'em.

I think people who take it upon themselves to decide for everyone else and tear the statue down should be arrested, charged with destruction of public property, and sentenced appropriately. We have rules, for God's sake, and adults by definition should be able to follow the damned rules.
That’s why I put the third option in the poll.

I'm not much for polls. And I'm much more interested in enforcing the laws against those who think their "superior wisdom" should supersede the rights of everyone else.
Fudge packing seems to be widely excepted in urban America

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