Should teachers be armed?

Should teachers be armed?

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You have some strong feelings for the matter and you show that by getting emotional. Or maybe at least feigning emotion.

But do you understand that this thread and all the other ones like it are nothing but blowing smoke?

Americans must accept responsibility for the culture they have created that is causing so many shootings of innocent school children and other Americans.

You're all really just saying that human lives aren't worth accepting the fact that America is immersed in a culture of death by gun.

Yesterday 'justoffal' hinted at accepting the facts as I've stated, but the idea is always going to be much too unpopular to be accepted.

And so, many more school children are going to be slaughtered by gun because Americans won't accept their character flaw that is responsible.

There's nothing else that separates Americans from the rest of the world.

The number of guns and the type of guns has been soundly ruled out by the majority on both sides.

Your emotions or your feigned emotions, won't make any difference Ter.

This thread is not yet another "anti-2nd Amendment" screed. There are too many of those already, and we are NOT going to amend the Constitution thusly not matter what the fuck the rest of the world thinks.
There was no propped open door. Video from inside shows one of the victim teachers running in through said door and closing it. It did not lock like it should.

Those kinds of doors do "break" frequently. One right next to my classroom hasn't been working for almost a week now.
This thread is not yet another "anti-2nd Amendment" screed. There are too many of those already, and we are NOT going to amend the Constitution thusly not matter what the fuck the rest of the world thinks.
Of course not Ter, but it can still fill another 3 or 4 pages with debating the idea of forcing teachers to be armed!

Is it fun for you too, being on the front lines in America's war against their little ones? At the least get yourself a solid oak desk between you and the enemy!
Those kinds of doors do "break" frequently. One right next to my classroom hasn't been working for almost a week now.
Yes, our church has had problems with these types of doors too.

The schools in our district hardened the main entrance with bullet resistant glass and a secondary resistant glass doors such that the secondary doors are always locked and you have to be rung in for the door to open. Works well with the elementary but the Jr High and High school have whole of glass hallways making this not possible without a major revamp.

Now my schools when I grew up would have been able to be hardened easily, but thats because they were intentionally built as hurricane shelters. Very few exterior exits and no outward facing windows.
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)
It could help by being a deterrent and not a gun free zone. Killers go towards the gun free zones so that they can inflict maximum damage. I also believe it should be up to the individual teacher whether to carry or not.
It could help by being a deterrent and not a gun free zone. Killers go towards the gun free zones so that they can inflict maximum damage. I also believe it should be up to the individual teacher whether to carry or not.

So then it's just the luck of the draw (so to speak) for the students as to whether or not they have one of those teachers?
It could help by being a deterrent and not a gun free zone. Killers go towards the gun free zones so that they can inflict maximum damage. I also believe it should be up to the individual teacher whether to carry or not.
Killers go to areas with a lot of targets
so its 50/50

between Y/Probably Y

and No

I would not myself want to be a teacher in this day and age unless I could pack heat
So then it's just the luck of the draw (so to speak) for the students as to whether or not they have one of those teachers?
Yes. But, there will be other teachers in the school that have them as well. None of these killers will go to where the sign says "Not a gun free zone." Or "We are armed to the teeth."
The argument always seems to include the erroneous notion that teachers can be forced to carry a firearm. It doesn't seem like a big deal to authorize their 2nd Amendment rights just like every other law abiding citizen.
But they don't go to where they will get shot right away. They look first for soft targets easy to get to and no threat to them. Gun free zones.
Schools are not Gun Free Zones, they have armed guards
Schools are not Gun Free Zones, they have armed guards
Some do but most still don't. And, like in recent shootings, the killer entered where the guard wasn't. As, those with guards have usually only one guard. If there were 50 teachers and 30 of them were armed, the killer wouldn't know ones and it would be difficult to enter successfully. Again, these killers are cowards and want to try and kill without being killed. hence, the armor they wear and the multiple guns they bring. As the theater in Colorado found out, the killer chose the theater because there was a sign that said, "Gun Free Zone." He had gone to another theater first but it said it was not a gun free zone.
Should teachers be armed?

At this point I am saying Y. Show me why that is a bad idea and I will listen but I am tired of innocent children being killed in schools, which used to be safe. Today, society in general has gone berserk.. all these grieving families.. you never get over the loss of your children.. (Even women who have "chosen" abortion grieve, often deeply, for the lost child they will never know)
Arming teachers is the best way to protect the we have seen countless times------is that the police and even school security get there too late.

On the other hand....the teachers are right there with the students.....the ones most capable of taking immediate action and stopping an armed intruder....just common sense folks.

It goes without saying they should all be well trained.....those not comfortable with being armed could at least be given some form of non lethal device to stop a shooter....or a armed security person could sit in on the classes of teachers who are uncomfortable being armed....I do not think there would be that many.
Also....something I have never seen mentioned......all classrooms should be locked with a very strong classrooms would essentially be a good area of refuge.

Also all school entrances should be locked....the most simple and effective things are often over looked.
It could help by being a deterrent and not a gun free zone. Killers go towards the gun free zones so that they can inflict maximum damage. I also believe it should be up to the individual teacher whether to carry or not.
Yes....we would not want a pacifist or some incompetent teacher being forced to carry a gun....that could be worked around.....number not hire teachers that are unwilling to protect their students,
Currently the best you can do is lock the damn doors and not prop one open for convenience as was done in Uvalde.
Currently.....yes....but what we are talking about is changing the current situation which allows students to be at the mercy of any intruder determined to kill.

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