Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

How much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?
Define rich. 150k? 250k?
the one percent.
Forbes defines that as earning $717,000 per year. Is that a fair number to work with? How much of that money should the government take?
as much as it takes to fund government.
Since we are currently running deficits, we should take all of it, correct?
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
everyone should pay the same percentage of their income.....Success and achievement should be congratulated. Not punished.
The difference between the ideologies is conservatives see taxation as a means to operate the essential functions of government.
Liberals see taxation as a means to redistribute and punish.
the very idea that just because one has more, therefore must suffer more, is nonsense.
BTW, in the last 5 years, overall tax revenues to the federal government have increased to their highest levels in the history of the US. Yet, those on the left continue to complain it isn't enough.
Soaking people with confiscatory taxation creates an adversarial environment. This forces those with means, the investor class for example, to bury their cash reserves. What you people on the left refer to as "hoarding"....Another lefty buzz terms mean to shame those who earn it into being forced to hand it over.
Look, forcing people to pay more to a wasteful and fraudulent spending government is equivalent to giving a fat person more to eat after they promise to lose weight.
That's backward.
The federal government should be forced to find ways to spend less, streamline operations and cut staff wherever possible.
Once Washington can demonstrate that it can be a good steward of the people's money, then we can have a discussion regarding higher taxes.
Starve the beast. I like it.
How much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?
That depends on their income for that year. A wealthy business owner, for example, could have a bad year in which he paid himself a very small or no salary at all, and thus would pay very little. If I made 10 mil one year and 100K the next, I would pay vastly different tax amounts, but would still be rich.
"but would still be rich"...
When I see stuff like this ^....My red flag goes to the top of the pole.
Such phrases are used as a means to paint a negative connotation on wealth.
Just pointing out that "how much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?" is a meaningless question.
It is just as meaningless as, "the poor pay no income taxes".
Explain how a poor person who receives a tax refund that is greater than the tax he owed is paying income taxes, if you can. If you can't, please regurgitate a nonsense, meaningless question.
I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more because the majority of them are selfish and don't care about anybody but themselves! Trust me, if you are a millionaire, it is NOT going to hurt you if you just pay a little more in taxes. I believe that if you are a good and righteous person, you would want to help the poor or people that are less fortunate. It's as simple as that! People need to stop being so selfish.
everyone should pay the same percentage of their income.....Success and achievement should be congratulated. Not punished.
The difference between the ideologies is conservatives see taxation as a means to operate the essential functions of government.
Liberals see taxation as a means to redistribute and punish.
the very idea that just because one has more, therefore must suffer more, is nonsense.
BTW, in the last 5 years, overall tax revenues to the federal government have increased to their highest levels in the history of the US. Yet, those on the left continue to complain it isn't enough.
Soaking people with confiscatory taxation creates an adversarial environment. This forces those with means, the investor class for example, to bury their cash reserves. What you people on the left refer to as "hoarding"....Another lefty buzz terms mean to shame those who earn it into being forced to hand it over.
Look, forcing people to pay more to a wasteful and fraudulent spending government is equivalent to giving a fat person more to eat after they promise to lose weight.
That's backward.
The federal government should be forced to find ways to spend less, streamline operations and cut staff wherever possible.
Once Washington can demonstrate that it can be a good steward of the people's money, then we can have a discussion regarding higher taxes.
Starve the beast. I like it.
When Pres Trump announced the 600 positions in the White House over which the Chief Executive has full discretion would not be filled, the lefties had a melt down.
Which I thought was quite amusing.
How much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?
That depends on their income for that year. A wealthy business owner, for example, could have a bad year in which he paid himself a very small or no salary at all, and thus would pay very little. If I made 10 mil one year and 100K the next, I would pay vastly different tax amounts, but would still be rich.
"but would still be rich"...
When I see stuff like this ^....My red flag goes to the top of the pole.
Such phrases are used as a means to paint a negative connotation on wealth.
Just pointing out that "how much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?" is a meaningless question.
It is just as meaningless as, "the poor pay no income taxes".
Explain how a poor person who receives a tax refund that is greater than the tax he owed is paying income taxes, if you can. If you can't, please regurgitate a nonsense, meaningless question.
Here's the lefty pat response. "Well, they had taxes deducted from their paycheck. So they had to live without that money until they received their "return".....I HATE that misuse of terms. When the government mails a check. it is NOT a "return" is a REFUND.....
In any event, liberals view payroll deductions as "having paid taxes".....In the short term, that is true. However, when the net is considered AFTER the IRS issues a refund, and that refund exceeds the amount paid over the course of the year, the net revenue to the government from that individual is a minus. This means that person paid no taxes.
That depends on their income for that year. A wealthy business owner, for example, could have a bad year in which he paid himself a very small or no salary at all, and thus would pay very little. If I made 10 mil one year and 100K the next, I would pay vastly different tax amounts, but would still be rich.
"but would still be rich"...
When I see stuff like this ^....My red flag goes to the top of the pole.
Such phrases are used as a means to paint a negative connotation on wealth.
Just pointing out that "how much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?" is a meaningless question.
It is just as meaningless as, "the poor pay no income taxes".
Explain how a poor person who receives a tax refund that is greater than the tax he owed is paying income taxes, if you can. If you can't, please regurgitate a nonsense, meaningless question.
Here's the lefty pat response. "Well, they had taxes deducted from their paycheck. So they had to live without that money until they received their "return".....I HATE that misuse of terms. When the government mails a check. it is NOT a "return" is a REFUND.....
In any event, liberals view payroll deductions as "having paid taxes".....In the short term, that is true. However, when the net is considered AFTER the IRS issues a refund, and that refund exceeds the amount paid over the course of the year, the net revenue to the government from that individual is a minus. This means that person paid no taxes.
I've always said that the fastest way to tax reform is:

1. Hold elections the day after taxes are due.
2. Eliminate payroll tax withholding.
"Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?"


If they have enough money to organize 'Hate' Marches...if they have enough money to fund organizations that send thugs to opposition rallies to intimidate, beat and bloody their supporters...if they have enough money to pay people to fire-bomb GOP HQs...then they obviously have more money than they responsibly know what to do with.

Should The Rich Be Required To Pay Higher Taxes In the US?

I think the rich should ABSOLUTELY pay more

Just how much more would you have rich people pay? Wealthy people already pay over half the total personal federal income taxes collected.

That's because they have now impoverished over half of the people to the point that they pay no taxes. Once they completely wipe out the middle class, they'll pay 100% of the taxes paid because no one else has any money. That still doesn't mean they're paying enough of their income in taxes.

Excuse me? The wealthy "impoverished people"? And now you're going to substantiate your assertion in detail, right?
Perhaps the rich should not pay any taxes, after all they made America and did the hard work. Next time you see a worker digging up the street, sweating in labor, think of how could we expect him to pay taxes?
why is there a tax break for capital gains in lucre, but not an historical work ethic from the Age of Iron?
the one percent.
Forbes defines that as earning $717,000 per year. Is that a fair number to work with? How much of that money should the government take?
as much as it takes to fund government.

Good Capitalists merely insist their public servants merely purchase the finest Republic money can buy.
The federal government receives more than it requires to run efficiently. Let them figure out how to spend wisely.
Those of you who don't think government gets enough are free to write a check
I am advocating for ending our War on Drugs, instead.
The war on drugs? Deflect much?
We could end our income tax by ending our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror.
How much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?
That depends on their income for that year. A wealthy business owner, for example, could have a bad year in which he paid himself a very small or no salary at all, and thus would pay very little. If I made 10 mil one year and 100K the next, I would pay vastly different tax amounts, but would still be rich.
"but would still be rich"...
When I see stuff like this ^....My red flag goes to the top of the pole.
Such phrases are used as a means to paint a negative connotation on wealth.
Just pointing out that "how much do the rich pay in actual, personal income taxes?" is a meaningless question.
It is just as meaningless as, "the poor pay no income taxes".
Not meaningless. Because the poor DO NOT pay net income taxes.
They are the recipient class. They have no skin in the game. The poor have a right to vote. And with that, they also have the ability to vote for their pwn pay raises by electing the people to government with the power to give them something.
it is about time those who can vote themselves more handouts be made part of the system.
dear, Mr. Trump and the poor pay the taxes they are legally obligated to pay.

don't complain; be Patriotic.

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