Should The States Leave The Union

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 15 53.6%

  • Total voters
Thanks. Try to run shitholes like Chicago, New York and California without Federal Tax Dollars while illegals pour in to your sanctuary shitties, and you try to pay for their every need from cradle to grave while robbing your own citizens and holding fraudulent elections to continue your thievery.

You know that red states get more money from washington than they contribute to washington.

Cut them loose, and they'll lose.

Where is your proof regarding "red states get more money"???
I'm proving YOU ARE Full of crap just simply because YOU offer no proof!
I on the other hand prove YOU are a liar!
Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.
If this fraud is not overturned, the states should leave The Union. They could declare themselves Independent Republics, and declare that all their tax dollars stay within their Independent Republics, then recall all their Senators and House Reps back to the states.

They could then afterwards form a coalition or pact whereby these Independent Republics cooperate with each other in Trade and National Defense by treaty.
The Treaty could ensure Secure Voting through National Voter Registry, Voter ID, and only allow same day voting and same day verifiable absentee balloting.

They could have some sort of coalition nationally for purposes of coordinating the pact's cooperation with each other and appoint representatives and of course a President, and of course the first president would be The Legal and Legitimate President of The United States, Donald J. Trump who would resign as POTUS and accept the position of Prime Minister of The Constitutional Republic of America.
There is a better alternative. Return state rights like they were at one time. So instead of the President telling the states what their medical coverage should be and how to educate their children, etc., the states will do it themselves the way the Constitution was originally designed. That way both left wing and right wing states can run their own affairs the way they see fit rather than having half the nation want to secede every Presidential election.

But Leftism is not a philosophy of diversification and toleration, rather, it is a philosophy that all objects will be forced to fit in the square hole even if it requires a hammer. It is a philosophy of world conquest with no deviation or dissent.
The left is much more tolerant than the right by the definition if liberalism.
Words don't mean shit. Some people like the smell of skunk. From my perspective, lefties are intolerant bigots. I see very few open minds among them. Live and let live.
Hey, here we go:

Hahaha. Texas could split into 4 states.
If this fraud is not overturned, the states should leave The Union. They could declare themselves Independent Republics, and declare that all their tax dollars stay within their Independent Republics, then recall all their Senators and House Reps back to the states.

They could then afterwards form a coalition or pact whereby these Independent Republics cooperate with each other in Trade and National Defense by treaty.
The Treaty could ensure Secure Voting through National Voter Registry, Voter ID, and only allow same day voting and same day verifiable absentee balloting.

They could have some sort of coalition nationally for purposes of coordinating the pact's cooperation with each other and appoint representatives and of course a President, and of course the first president would be The Legal and Legitimate President of The United States, Donald J. Trump who would resign as POTUS and accept the position of Prime Minister of The Constitutional Republic of America.
There is a better alternative. Return state rights like they were at one time. So instead of the President telling the states what their medical coverage should be and how to educate their children, etc., the states will do it themselves the way the Constitution was originally designed. That way both left wing and right wing states can run their own affairs the way they see fit rather than having half the nation want to secede every Presidential election.

But Leftism is not a philosophy of diversification and toleration, rather, it is a philosophy that all objects will be forced to fit in the square hole even if it requires a hammer. It is a philosophy of world conquest with no deviation or dissent.
The left is much more tolerant than the right by the definition if liberalism.
Words don't mean shit. Some people like the smell of skunk. From my perspective, lefties are intolerant bigots. I see very few open minds among them. Live and let live.

I like the smell of skunkybuds.

Liberals and lefties are not always the same thing.

Live and let live. Hahahaha, wow, now that brings back some memories, or flashbacks.

The states have a duty to defend their citizens from this kind of election fraud....the red states obeyed their voting laws and should not be disenfranchised by the few that didn't....The supreme court warned us before the election that voting rules and laws can not be changed for covid without a vote of the citizens via the legislature....
Pretty good bunch of books out there on just that. Kurt Schlichter is the author and if you have a Kindle and an Amazon account you can get them.

I'm reading Crisis right now which shows how the Red/Blue separated. Pretty damned funny as well when you read what the Lefty Loons do with the blue part of the country.

They are Peoples Republic, Indian Country, Collapse and Crisis. Good reads and they show you just what the Red and the Blue turn into.
Patriots recognize one nation indivisible, although a disgruntled crackpot fringe may fantasize that it could seize control of a state and force secession.

Schlichter writes ideologically-driven fiction. It's harmless as long as it is not mistaken for legitimate reportage.
If our votes are meaningless under the Democrat Mass Voter Fraud, that means taxation without representation.
They broke the deal.
No reason to stay anymore.
You can't certify an Election in which Illegal Votes were cast.
False. Given the vast number of votes in a national election, there are always a few that are illegitimate.

All the Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, county clerks, and other election officials who certified their state's election results - some after multiple recounts and audits - determined that, as Trump's Attorney General confirmed, the U.S. Justice Department uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud, nothing that could possibly altered the results of the election.

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Now, since you insist on trolling the thread, don't you have some dingleberries to go lick off of Xi's ass?
Inexplicably, you are confusing me with your Master, the faded reality-tv entertainer:

If this fraudulent election is not overturned, the states should leave The Union. They could declare themselves Independent Republics, and declare that all their tax dollars stay within their Independent Republics, then recall all their Senators and House Reps back to the states.

They could then afterwards form a coalition or pact whereby these Independent Republics cooperate with each other in Trade and National Defense by treaty.

They could ensure that "We The People" cannot be ruled by mandate without our consent in the New Republic. We could still be associated with The United States, but not subject to tyrannical rule and separate from The US because we currently are not being served by a Bureaucratic system of people whom we did not vote for and therefore we have taxation without representation.

The Treaty could ensure Secure Voting through National Voter Registry, Voter ID, and only allow same day voting and same day verifiable absentee balloting. It could re-title state supreme courts and place all municipalities counties etc. under it's jurisdiction etc. and all of this could easily be done in single day in a coordinated way.

They could have some sort of coalition nationally for purposes of coordinating the pact's cooperation with each other and appoint representatives and of course a President, and of course the first president would be The Legal and Legitimate President of The United States, Donald J. Trump who would resign as POTUS and accept the position of Prime Minister of The Constitutional Republic of America.

Maybe if there was sizable fraud. There was none in 2020.

Alrighty, we've gone from absolutely zero fraud to no sizable fraud. So tell us, how much fraud should be acceptable, how much cheating is ok.
Neve said there was "absolutely zero" fraud.
Ever notice how the Left wing states gave Trump the finger regarding federal laws on immigration as they embraced sanctuary cities? I suggest the conservative states do the same. Just ignore the Executive edicts and laws they don't like.

Of course, the liberal courts will side with the brown shirts but they can be ignored as well having delegitimized themselves for upholding the sanctuary city ruling.
<sob> We lost the election so we want to LEAVE the United States

Just like they said when Obama was elected
You cheated. And you are not Democrats.

Answer me honestly

Do you really believe Trump won the election?
I do. Biden was the worst candidate I have seen ever. He has some form of dementia. The first sign was when they stopped counting votes on the states contested on election night. I lived in a city where I saw elections turn in the last minute. With massive returns from the poorest areas where no one asked questions. Prog politicians even told us. You have to be sure of yourself and the globalists think to little of the American population. The Constitution took some time to get around but the in roads really manifested itself a little over a century ago and has taken off since then. It is being part of global government or a free nation for us. And with China breathing down our backs in the sovereign nation side.
The so called "law and order" party wants, no, demands we ignore "law and order" to support one man targeting "The Others" to "fix" the system.
The absence of Law and Order is why we want to separate ourselves from the Lawless Election Cheating States. You have no ethical standards and our elections are insecure, so we cannot allow you to perpetrate fraud on the rest of the law abiding public. Fraud Biden should be barred forever from entering on White House grounds. He is not only a Trespasser, he is a Traitor.
<sob> We lost the election so we want to LEAVE the United States

Just like they said when Obama was elected
You cheated. And you are not Democrats.

Answer me honestly

Do you really believe Trump won the election?
I do. Biden was the worst candidate I have seen ever. He has some form of dementia. The first sign was when they stopped counting votes on the states contested on election night. I lived in a city where I saw elections turn in the last minute. With massive returns from the poorest areas where no one asked questions. Prog politicians even told us. You have to be sure of yourself and the globalists think to little of the American population. The Constitution took some time to get around but the in roads really manifested itself a little over a century ago and has taken off since then. It is being part of global government or a free nation for us. And with China breathing down our backs in the sovereign nation side.
Sad to see

You are normally somewhat reasonable in what you post. For you to not be able to see that the country turned against Trump and not the Republican Party shows you to be just another partisan Conservative willing to regurgitate whatever nonsensical RW argument you are fed.
Trumps own Attorney General stated there is no significant evidence of fraud that would impact the election
Pretty good bunch of books out there on just that. Kurt Schlichter is the author and if you have a Kindle and an Amazon account you can get them.

I'm reading Crisis right now which shows how the Red/Blue separated. Pretty damned funny as well when you read what the Lefty Loons do with the blue part of the country.

They are Peoples Republic, Indian Country, Collapse and Crisis. Good reads and they show you just what the Red and the Blue turn into.
Patriots recognize one nation indivisible, although a disgruntled crackpot fringe may fantasize that it could seize control of a state and force secession.

Schlichter writes ideologically-driven fiction. It's harmless as long as it is not mistaken for legitimate reportage.
One Nation Indivisible is Contingent on Inalienable Rights being preserved by The Federal Government.

Mask Mandates are illegal and so are the business restrictions. You cannot suspend Inalienable Rights.

Sanctuary Cities are also illegal as it violates The Right of The Federal Government to regulate Immigration. It also violates Equal Protection Under The Law and violates other state's rights to be protected from Illegal Immigration or unfair advantages a state gains by thwarting The LAW!

Illegal Elections violate Equal Protection Under The Law, so we have a right to Leave The Union.

Once Inalienable Rights are not upheld, and elections are insecure, then there is No United States of America.
The so called "law and order" party wants, no, demands we ignore "law and order" to support one man targeting "The Others" to "fix" the system.
The absence of Law and Order is why we want to separate ourselves from the Lawless Election Cheating States. You have no ethical standards and our elections are insecure, so we cannot allow you to perpetrate fraud on the rest of the law abiding public. Fraud Biden should be barred forever from entering on White House grounds. He is not only a Trespasser, he is a Traitor.

The laws of al 50 states have been followed. You have no arguments left that haven't been address by the various courts in the four state being ruthlessly attacked by the New Fascist Banana Republicans. There've even signing a fealty oath to their Exalted Ruler now.
<sob> We lost the election so we want to LEAVE the United States

Just like they said when Obama was elected
You cheated. And you are not Democrats.

Answer me honestly

Do you really believe Trump won the election?
Given that he got nearly 10 million more votes than any other candidate save Biden, it's hard to believe there was not a bunch of funny business going on. Won't you agree?
Now, now, I'm sure that just because Trump was winning Tuesday night on election day and then came the avalanche of all votes for Biden at 3AM and Wednesday morning that are so statistically impossible that it makes Jussie Smollett's story seem plausible............................................. it's probably all legit.
One Nation Indivisible is Contingent on Inalienable Rights being preserved by The Federal Government.

Mask Mandates are illegal and so are the business restrictions. You cannot suspend Inalienable Rights.

Sanctuary Cities are also illegal as it violates The Right of The Federal Government to regulate Immigration. It also violates Equal Protection Under The Law and violates other state's rights to be protected from Illegal Immigration or unfair advantages a state gains by thwarting The LAW!

Illegal Elections violate Equal Protection Under The Law, so we have a right to Leave The Union.

Once Inalienable Rights are not upheld, and elections are insecure, then there is No United States of America.

All your personal grievances and self-serving presumptions are subject to adjudication.

No individual's rights are absolute under the U.S. Constitution. They are all circumscribed by the rights of others.

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