Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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Their platform is one of abject failure.
Worse, it ushers in some of the worst human suffering in history (see Venezuela etc)

Care to clue in the class, oh great Oracle?

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: Romans 13:1-3
You're a fraud, who worships at the altar of The State....Roast in hell, bearer of false witness.

Expose me when you get a chance. Copy and paste Romans 13:1-3 to prove what a scum I am.

(or don't)
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

Can't vote in a poll.. Haven't seen a plan.. Cortez neglects to tell folks that when the TOP marginal rate was over 70% the BOTTOM rate was 20% ish.. No developed socialist country EXCUSES as many folks as we currently EXCUSE from paying ANY INCOME TAX at all. Can't afford those unicorns farting sparkles unless EVERYONE has skin in the game.

Right now 1/2 of tax filers pay ZERO income tax or get a EITC refund. Only 1/2 of workers pay ANYTHING. For all those fantasies -- EVERYBODY is gonna have their taxes raised. Don't need a phony econ degree to figure that out.. LOL.....
Yes. You can easily vote in my poll.

You don't have a detailed plan to vote on.. It's CERTAINLY NOT gonna be just folks making $10Mill a year paying for all of that.. And I've explained why.. EVERYBODY pays. That's what "universal" means. Like I got to pay 14% off the top for FICA taxes as a self-employed person for the past 28 years or so...

EVERY socialist paradise has more than just the top 50% paying for their marxist fantasies. And they drain the economy so BADLY when they do that -- that what they TAKE IN IS LESS than it would be if the taxes were reduced.

YOU'LL BE PAYING, SHE'LL be PAYING, EVERYONE will be paying.. 12% of income from 80Million taxpayers is a heck of lot of more than 70% from the top 2%... That's ON TOP of FICA taxes to keep the bankrupt OTHER 'universal' programs going. With the theft of the SSecurity TFund money, and the debt that it's causing since 2010, folks who KNOW how bad the Fed Govt is at managing large programs will NOT be favoring more "universal" anything....
Care to clue in the class, oh great Oracle?

Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: Romans 13:1-3
You're a fraud, who worships at the altar of The State....Roast in hell, bearer of false witness.

Expose me when you get a chance. Copy and paste Romans 13:1-3 to prove what a scum I am.

(or don't)

Yeah.. Because Jesus was so BROKE after trudging to Bethlehem to pay his taxes that he couldn't afford a AirBB reservation for his pregnant wife... :rolleyes:
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

If leftists are allowed to start implementing socialist policies, they won't stop until we are like Venezuela or Greece.

Socialism fails every time it's tried and that will never, ever change. The idiots drool over all the wealth created by capitalism and then they kill the golden goose, redistribute the money, and wonder why it ran out. They have no fucking clue why the money existed in the first place. They just know they don't want people to have more of than they do.

To put it in language lefties will understand:

Capitalism is like renewable energy. Capitalists know how to keep making money over and over.

Socialism is like fossil fuels. The money just runs out because socialism does not create wealth.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Why do you care?

Does looting suddenly become a moral act because you limit your plunder to the really, really, really rich part of town?
It's fine when they have been stealing from us for 35 years.
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation

If leftists are allowed to start implementing socialist policies, they won't stop until we are like Venezuela or Greece.

Socialism fails every time it's tried and that will never, ever change. The idiots drool over all the wealth created by capitalism and then they kill the golden goose, redistribute the money, and wonder why it ran out. They have no fucking clue why the money existed in the first place. They just know they don't want people to have more of than they do.

To put it in language lefties will understand:

Capitalism is like renewable energy. Capitalists know how to keep making money over and over.

Socialism is like fossil fuels. The money just runs out because socialism does not create wealth.
Venezuela and Greece are not successful countries and haven't been ever for a long time. Socialism is more like France Australia New Zealand Sweden Germany. Very successful and will stay that way until the GOP starts another corrupt world
depression. Except in Cold War dinosaur GOP world.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

Furthermore, it's an Econ proof that if you attempt to break 12% of GDP in Federal Taxes, you hit a brick wall and tax revenues go negative... Something that Cortez might have missed when she was dancing for her grades at Boston College or whereever she bought her phony degree....

Dem party needs to put the Day Care members into Continuing Education classes soon or that party is fucked..
She has a phony diploma? But she didn't go to trump university!!!
Progressives are complete fucking economic illiterates.

Read the OP if you wonder how they run an entire country like Venezuela into the dirt in a generation
that was actually George W bush and good old GOP non-regulation of Wall Street and financial institutions. Classic corrupt disaster. Much like Iraq
Occasional Cortex won't get the chance. Democrats kept her out of Joe Crowley's old seat on the Ways and Means committee. A big whoopsie to Rachida Taliban who was shut out of Appropriations.

Guess taking over isn't as easy as they thought.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

Furthermore, it's an Econ proof that if you attempt to break 12% of GDP in Federal Taxes, you hit a brick wall and tax revenues go negative... Something that Cortez might have missed when she was dancing for her grades at Boston College or whereever she bought her phony degree....

Dem party needs to put the Day Care members into Continuing Education classes soon or that party is fucked..
She has a phony diploma? But she didn't go to trump university!!!

Yeah, something like that.. Because she's not hirable as an econ analyst.. But she paid or got someone else to pay 12 times MORE than a Trump U certificate would have cost..
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.
Why do you care?

Does looting suddenly become a moral act because you limit your plunder to the really, really, really rich part of town?
It's fine when they have been stealing from us for 35 years.
When Reagan changed the top tax rate from 70% of JFK to 28%, the middle class and our infrastructure have been shafted ever since. Everybody knows that outside your bubble of BS and ignorance. And gop foreign policy oh my God. Ronnie raygun and his pal Saddam. How did that work out LOL ARG h h h h h h h.... And Fox News and Rush Limbaugh etc the greatest disgrace
Occasional Cortex won't get the chance. Democrats kept her out of Joe Crowley's old seat on the Ways and Means committee. A big whoopsie to Rachida Taliban who was shut out of Appropriations.

Guess taking over isn't as easy as they thought.
It's coming. And more than time. CEO pay is totally ridiculous and dangerous to the fabric of the country. And it is the only solution to that.
I would like to know which members of the USMB here warm over $10 million a year.

The income above 10 million will be taxed at 70%.

Please vote in my poll.

It's no longer the 1950's. We are now a very international economy. If Americans start getting taxed at exorbitant rates, they will invest their money in opportunities outside of the U.S. Undoubtedly, we would also see many wealthy Americans renounce their U.S. citizenship and take their money and move to a friendlier locale. In fact, many have.
Occasional Cortex won't get the chance. Democrats kept her out of Joe Crowley's old seat on the Ways and Means committee. A big whoopsie to Rachida Taliban who was shut out of Appropriations.

Guess taking over isn't as easy as they thought.
It's coming. And more than time. CEO pay is totally ridiculous and dangerous to the fabric of the country. And it is the only solution to that.
More like 55% or 6also
Occasional Cortex won't get the chance. Democrats kept her out of Joe Crowley's old seat on the Ways and Means committee. A big whoopsie to Rachida Taliban who was shut out of Appropriations.

Guess taking over isn't as easy as they thought.
I never saw her trying to take over, more GOP gibberish....

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