should the US prohibit people under the age of 21 from purchasing or owning large capacity guns ?

Do you think raising the age to purchase a firearm will help reduce the number of mass shootings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 26.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 54.0%
  • I'm not sure but it couldn't hurt

    Votes: 6 12.0%
  • Im not sure but that may be a violation of the 2nd Amendment

    Votes: 4 8.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Um, I'm not a gun expert, but the guns that "fire round after round at the squeeze of a trigger" would be automatic weapons, and they're already illegal for everyone. Semi-automatics, like the one used in Uvalde and every other mass shooting, require a squeeze of the trigger for each round.
thats what i meant squeeze the trigger 1 round is fired ... squeeze and hold and round after round is fired would make it an auto ..
i understand ... and i have no problem with teens owning a revolver or a lever action rifle that holds 5 rounds or so ...

Gosh, how very generous of you to "allow" people to exercise their Constitutional rights in the very narrow way you personally approve.
Fuck your "gun rights" as children are being gunned down in school over & over & over & over again.

Nobody in this Country has the rigt to own an assault rifle, especially an 18 year old like those shitbags in Texas are allowing.
Very few Americans own “ Assault Rifles “
But making them take drug tests to purchase ( And if on SSRIs / Drugs deny the purchase

Oh, so now millions of people on prescription drugs with absolutely no indications of any violent tendencies should ALSO be denied their Constitutional rights so that you can "feelz" like you're doing something about mass shooters, sans any evidence that it would actually stop those mass shooters from committing crimes.

Is there anyone else completely unrelated to mass shootings that you would also like to deprive of their rights so that you can feel good about yourself?
Gosh, how very generous of you to "allow" people to exercise their Constitutional rights in the very narrow way you personally approve.
no no ! its not that ! i assure you ... its just a known fact that many teens are not as personally responsible as teens were decades ago ! its a fact !
thats what i meant squeeze the trigger 1 round is fired ... squeeze and hold and round after round is fired would make it an auto ..

Then please say what you mean instead of randomly spewing sloppy word choices in your rush to find some blanket, one-size-fits-all restriction that will make the world perfect.
They can't increase the age limit without also correcting the contradictions. So the minimum age for military service (or any job that requires firearms) would need to go up to 21. And by that logic nobody younger than 21 is mature enough to vote. Have an abortion without their parents consent etc.

But you and I both know this is simply phony gun control spin, not a serious debate.
Why can you be 18 to fight and die in a war but have to be 21 to have a beer?
Oh, so now millions of people on prescription drugs with absolutely no indications of any violent tendencies should ALSO be denied their Constitutional rights so that you can "feelz" like you're doing something about mass shooters, sans any evidence that it would actually stop those mass shooters from committing crimes.

Is there anyone else completely unrelated to mass shootings that you would also like to deprive of their rights so that you can feel good about yourself?
Illegals , Visa Overstayers , Terrorists in the country to kill Americans , Mentally Ill folks , Ex Felons , Pedo / NAMBLA types ...
no no ! its not that ! i assure you ... its just a known fact that many teens are not as personally responsible as teens were decades ago ! its a fact !

And the solution is to restrict their Constitutional rights and accept their extended childhood?
Then please say what you mean instead of randomly spewing sloppy word choices in your rush to find some blanket, one-size-fits-all restriction that will make the world perfect.
this is a discussion ! if you scroll the thread you will see i concede to the logic in people that disagree .... but maybe if people talk instead of shout like the idiot Beto we can actually find something acceptable to protect rights and people .
millions of teens own ar 15s ?

Do you have trouble with English?

Millions of people in this country are teens, and possess the Constitutional right to own firearms, whether or not they actually do own them. And you wish to take that right away from them. Please don't waste my time trying to deflect from the subject with your, "I'll pretend to be too stupid to know what you're saying, GOSH that's a clever debate tactic!" crap.

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