Should Those Who Gave Info To Whistle Blower Be Executed?

Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Yes. Spies should be executed.
Is the whistleblower a spy??

Are the people who are in Trump's own admin the spies??

Who are these spies you speak of?
1. No. The one commonly being referred to as a “whistleblower”, isn’t a whistleblower at all.

2. Only a thorough investigation will reveal who the spies are. It’s too early to jump to conclusions.

3. I spoke with no specificity as to whom the spy/spies is/are; rather I stated that when found they should be executed.
1. Yes he or she is...and the Inspector General and Director of National Intelligence agrees....

2. Yes, a thorough CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION -- but according to Trumpers, it is illegal to investigate Trump

3. Trump was very specific when he was referring to spies..He was talking about the ones who told the whistleblower the truth about what they saw Trump did
The best advice to the traitors is 'pack light'.
Learn to speak vietnamese and learn to enjoy boiled chicken feet every fucking day.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

How you can watch this shit show unfold, and NOT be mad at what Democrat progressives are doing to this country is telling...
So Democrats made the whistleblower come file a complaint with his superiors as is his or her right??

The Democrats also made the inspector general find this complaint of "URGENT IMPORTANTANCE" too???

The Democrats made the DNI director want to testify and say the whistle blower did the right thing??

Do you Trump sycophants ever get tired of having to defend dumb shit that you would be pulling your hair over if the person doing it had a D by their name??

You m0rons remind me of the folks who demonized anyone opposed to going into Iraq as traitors and terrorists -- now you d1c suckers try to pretend like yall were against he war in Iraq all along..gtfoh
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

Just impeach him and let have Pence...
The impeachment investigation against Pence will begin immediately. As will impeachment against Barr, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. The democrats will start crying for unity. End the divisions. Let's all be democrats together.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Yes. Spies should be executed.
Is the whistleblower a spy??

Are the people who are in Trump's own admin the spies??

Who are these spies you speak of?
1. No. The one commonly being referred to as a “whistleblower”, isn’t a whistleblower at all.

2. Only a thorough investigation will reveal who the spies are. It’s too early to jump to conclusions.

3. I spoke with no specificity as to whom the spy/spies is/are; rather I stated that when found they should be executed.
1. Yes he or she is...and the Inspector General and Director of National Intelligence agrees....

2. Yes, a thorough CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION -- but according to Trumpers, it is illegal to investigate Trump

3. Trump was very specific when he was referring to spies..He was talking about the ones who told the whistleblower the truth about what they saw Trump did
1. No. He isn’t. It doesn’t matter who claims otherwise.
2. No one suggested investigating the President as a spy. That’s your wet dream.
3. Anyone leaking secure information should be executed. As such Trump is correct.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

How you can watch this shit show unfold, and NOT be mad at what Democrat progressives are doing to this country is telling...

So Democrats made the whistleblower come file a complaint with his superiors as is his or her right??

I'm not willing to say quite yet, but this sure stinks of Schiff, or his staff hand walking this patsy through this....

The Democrats also made the inspector general find this complaint of "URGENT IMPORTANTANCE" too???

The IG had 14 days by statute to look at this, and didn't have the transcript of the call...So, as a preliminary decision to go forward, he made the right call...

The Democrats made the DNI director want to testify and say the whistle blower did the right thing??

By orchistrating this whole thing, I'd say yes...They (Demo's) sure didn't like what he had to say, did they?

Do you Trump sycophants ever get tired of having to defend dumb shit that you would be pulling your hair over if the person doing it had a D by their name??

You're whataboutism matters not.

You m0rons remind me of the folks who demonized anyone opposed to going into Iraq as traitors and terrorists -- now you d1c suckers try to pretend like yall were against he war in Iraq all along..gtfoh

Nah, I think I'll stick around a while, if for nothing else then to get under your skin....It's so easy.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Republicans, always wanting to kill somebody....

He'll be impeached, not convicted, then FisaGate and PedoGate reduce the democrat Party to a political rounding error, or something
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Republicans, always wanting to kill somebody....



Let's go all the way back to a whole couple of days ago....

"WASHINGTON – Former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld slammed President Donald Trump's contacts with the government of Ukraine in a television interview on Monday morning, calling Trump's actions "treason."

"Talk about pressuring a foreign country to interfere with and control a U.S. election. That's not just undermining democratic institutions. That is treason. It's treason pure and simple, and the penalty for treason under the U.S. code is death. That’s the only penalty," Weld said, speaking on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

GOP challenger Bill Weld says Trump committed 'treason,' mentions death penalty
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??
Because honest people hate being lied about.
I am not sure if you are on the right post -- I was asking why is Trump mad
Asked and answered.
Your answer had something to do with honest people being lied about, but my question was about Trump.....

Oh snap! Are you under the impression that Trump is honest??


Honest, adorable and much more.
He'll be impeached, not convicted, then FisaGate and PedoGate reduce the democrat Party to a political rounding error, or something

I doubt that he will be impeached.
The rest, yeah prolly - they are already little more than a regional party.
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

Just impeach him and let have Pence...
He will be impeached but there will not be a conviction in the Senate.......but Trump is still gonna be one of 1 or 2 people to be impeached -- and that triggers him so much

Let the Senate convict and remove and let us have Pence...

Actually he would be the third one and first Republican to be impeached if the House goes forward with impeachment...
Well maybe he will be thrilled to know he and his idol Andrew Jackson got impeached...

Neither one of them was impeached.
These Trump years definitely are not going to age well....just like the Bush years...

Only difference is...there are far more receipts detailing the level of sycophancy these trumpers are willing to engage in -- so it will be a lot harder to pretend they were never Trumpers like they pretend they were never Bushees or McCainers
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

Just impeach him and let have Pence...
He will be impeached but there will not be a conviction in the Senate.......but Trump is still gonna be one of 1 or 2 people to be impeached -- and that triggers him so much

Let the Senate convict and remove and let us have Pence...

Actually he would be the third one and first Republican to be impeached if the House goes forward with impeachment...
Well maybe he will be thrilled to know he and his idol Andrew Jackson got impeached...

Neither one of them was impeached.

They were.
Clinton and Johnson
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”

This attack on our president is an attack on our nation -- it is the same as when terrorists flew planes into the world trade center -- it is an act of war. So when trump compared the people who gave information to the whistleblower as spies, I agree with him. These people committed treason against our nation, anyone who leaks info about the president -- and reveals that info to the rest of the world, that is treason, period...unless of course the president is a democrat, then it is a courageous act of patriotism.

Trump is not happy about the contents of the whistleblower complaint released to the public; however I don't understand why he isn't happy -- he should know that no matter what he does, his base will be ok with it and 95% of the republican TV pundits will twist themselves into pretzels to justify anything he does, so why is Trump mad??

Just impeach him and let have Pence...
He will be impeached but there will not be a conviction in the Senate.......but Trump is still gonna be one of 1 or 2 people to be impeached -- and that triggers him so much

Let the Senate convict and remove and let us have Pence...

Actually he would be the third one and first Republican to be impeached if the House goes forward with impeachment...
Well maybe he will be thrilled to know he and his idol Andrew Jackson got impeached...

Neither one of them was impeached.
I got my Andrews mixed up -- you know how all of them look alike...

Trump will get impeached tho....just like his second favorite president...Clinton
These Trump years definitely are not going to age well....just like the Bush years...

Only difference is...there are far more receipts detailing the level of sycophancy these trumpers are willing to engage in -- so it will a lot harder to pretend they were never Trumpers like they pretend they were never Bushees or McCainers

The first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were good (although he was too Progressive for my taste and far too pro open borders)
Once the Democrats took over The House they did what they always do and destroyed things.

Trump's Presidency has been spectacular - especially set against the backdrop of the resistance and the prolonged Coup attempt.
Just impeach him and let have Pence...
He will be impeached but there will not be a conviction in the Senate.......but Trump is still gonna be one of 1 or 2 people to be impeached -- and that triggers him so much

Let the Senate convict and remove and let us have Pence...

Actually he would be the third one and first Republican to be impeached if the House goes forward with impeachment...
Well maybe he will be thrilled to know he and his idol Andrew Jackson got impeached...

Neither one of them was impeached.

They were.
Clinton and Johnson
He was talking about Trump and Jackson.
Just impeach him and let have Pence...
He will be impeached but there will not be a conviction in the Senate.......but Trump is still gonna be one of 1 or 2 people to be impeached -- and that triggers him so much

Let the Senate convict and remove and let us have Pence...

Actually he would be the third one and first Republican to be impeached if the House goes forward with impeachment...
Well maybe he will be thrilled to know he and his idol Andrew Jackson got impeached...

Neither one of them was impeached.
I got my Andrews mixed up -- you know how all of them look alike...

Trump will get impeached tho....just like his second favorite president...Clinton

You lefties started talking about impeachment on election night. It hasn't stopped since.

Three years later, you're still talking about it. Why don't you go for it?
Oh Nothing, Just Trump Fantasizing About Executing ‘Spies’ Behind the Whistleblower Complaint

“I want to know who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information because that’s close to a spy,” Trump told staff at the United States Mission to the United Nations, according to the New York Times. “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart with spies and treason, right? We used to handle it a little differently than we do now.”
Where did Trump ask for executions? We used to at least prosecute them, now we just shrug our shoulders and shuffle along.

Has anyone even been investigated for leaking FISA unmasking, much less prosecuted for leaking Trump's other telephone calls with heads of state? No.

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