Should we raise taxes to combat Ebola?

No, but we should start arresting people for spreading panic about it. Like shouting "Fire!" in a theatre, the first amendment isn't absolute.
Gee, if only we had Capitalism here, Capitalism cures everything. All we need is to spread Ebola enough that it would be profitable to cure it and Capitalism will rise to the occasion. While it was confined to poor Africans it was not profitable enough to produce a vaccine or cure even though one was found by a North Carolina Tobacco company.

October 06, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, so for everybody that hates capitalism. The special drug to fight Ebola is made by a North Carolina company. Not Obamacare, not Obama, not the government, a private sector company that Obama vilifies, is responsible for it.
No, but we should start arresting people for spreading panic about it. Like shouting "Fire!" in a theatre, the first amendment isn't absolute.

Those in a panic NOW, stated NOT OUR PROBLEM a couple months ago. Actually, this transmission was due to one hospital not isolating, not treating, inadequate safety gear and ignorance. No large outbreak should happen with attention this place is getting.
The hysterical nonsense is having real-world effects as stock markets are starting to tank and watching that coverage, they're blaming ebola fears. Not the disease, but the fear. Markets live and die on psychological uncertainty, start spreading panic and alarm about anything and markets will respond.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola. We could also fund research to come up with a cure. Time to get serious?
Maybe "we" could organize some "Race for the Cure" style fundraisers? Sell shirts, walk a few miles then hug each other and cry. "Like" it on FaceBook.

Then send all the money to an organization that will waste it, but we'll feel good and that's all that counts.

Pink is already taken for Breast Cancer so how bout Blood Red?
The hysterical nonsense is having real-world effects as stock markets are starting to tank and watching that coverage, they're blaming ebola fears. Not the disease, but the fear. Markets live and die on psychological uncertainty, start spreading panic and alarm about anything and markets will respond.
The Stock Market is linked to QE not Ebola.

The Stock Market will fail with or without Ebola.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?
How about we fire Obama and put in a President that is willing to isolate the Ebola carrying immigrants.
Perry's attempt to find a cure in Iowa failed, he now, with his usual unselfish manner, is now in Europe, will come back to Texas once his mission is complete.
He has already cut his trip short. Your hate for the wrong guy is almost cute, like puppy love gone wrong.
The hysterical nonsense is having real-world effects as stock markets are starting to tank and watching that coverage, they're blaming ebola fears. Not the disease, but the fear. Markets live and die on psychological uncertainty, start spreading panic and alarm about anything and markets will respond.
The Stock Market is linked to QE not Ebola.

The Stock Market will fail with or without Ebola.

Quarterly Earnings? :)
Perry's attempt to find a cure in Iowa failed, he now, with his usual unselfish manner, is now in Europe, will come back to Texas once his mission is complete.
He has already cut his trip short. Your hate for the wrong guy is almost cute, like puppy love gone wrong.

I do not hate him, I recognize he is inept. CDC wasn't notified until 10/01, so why is CDC a target of complaints? Funding was cut and delayed for CDC, but again, a hospital in Texas caused the entire problem.
Perry's attempt to find a cure in Iowa failed, he now, with his usual unselfish manner, is now in Europe, will come back to Texas once his mission is complete.
He has already cut his trip short. Your hate for the wrong guy is almost cute, like puppy love gone wrong.

I do not hate him, I recognize he is inept. CDC wasn't notified until 10/01, so why is CDC a target of complaints? Funding was cut and delayed for CDC, but again, a hospital in Texas caused the entire problem.
Yeah cause our immigration laws had nothing to do with giving this guy a visa to come here with Ebola.
He did not immigrate, he came into get married and leave. He was not given appropriate medical care or this would not BE a topic.
He did not immigrate, he came into get married and leave. He was not given appropriate medical care or this would not BE a topic.
Bullshit. He sure as hell did have a visa. He came to get married to an American and stay as a spouse of an American. He came here in full knowledge that he had Ebola because he had come in contact with a pregnant lady that died of Ebola. He failed to tell his doctor the first time he went to the hospital. Why he was beating around the bush, I have no idea. Maybe he was a democrat.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola. We could also fund research to come up with a cure. Time to get serious?
Maybe "we" could organize some "Race for the Cure" style fundraisers? Sell shirts, walk a few miles then hug each other and cry. "Like" it on FaceBook.

Then send all the money to an organization that will waste it, but we'll feel good and that's all that counts.

Pink is already taken for Breast Cancer so how bout Blood Red?

Not a bad idea, thank you.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

All we had to do was quarantine Patient Zero and cancel all West African Visas.
He did not immigrate, he came into get married and leave. He was not given appropriate medical care or this would not BE a topic.
Bullshit. He sure as hell did have a visa. He came to get married to an American and stay as a spouse of an American. He came here in full knowledge that he had Ebola because he had come in contact with a pregnant lady that died of Ebola. He failed to tell his doctor the first time he went to the hospital. Why he was beating around the bush, I have no idea. Maybe he was a democrat.

I have read she had been diagnosed with MALARIA, in any event, he DIED, the infections of others are not of his doing. TPH dropped the ball.
President Obola and Frieden are telling us Ebola is harmless, why aren't Democrats taking in Ebola patients?
Gee, if only we had Capitalism here, Capitalism cures everything. All we need is to spread Ebola enough that it would be profitable to cure it and Capitalism will rise to the occasion. While it was confined to poor Africans it was not profitable enough to produce a vaccine or cure even though one was found by a North Carolina Tobacco company.

October 06, 2014
RUSH: Yeah, so for everybody that hates capitalism. The special drug to fight Ebola is made by a North Carolina company. Not Obamacare, not Obama, not the government, a private sector company that Obama vilifies, is responsible for it.
Panic can be profitable to the right people.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

All we had to do was quarantine Patient Zero and cancel all West African Visas.

I think you mean ISOLATE, quarantine places the ill in with the healthy. And NO, Hospital Zero did isolate him for HOURS. As for 'cancel Visas', Firestone may litigate that matter, the company has a rubber tree plantation IN Liberia.

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