Should we raise taxes to combat Ebola?

We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola. We could also fund research to come up with a cure. Time to get serious?
Maybe "we" could organize some "Race for the Cure" style fundraisers? Sell shirts, walk a few miles then hug each other and cry. "Like" it on FaceBook.

Then send all the money to an organization that will waste it, but we'll feel good and that's all that counts.

Pink is already taken for Breast Cancer so how bout Blood Red?
Everyone is afraid to hug people these days.

So none of our panic stricken nuts are actually for being proactive. What a surprise.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Afraid to hug :lmao:

But others are the ones fear mongering, right?
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?
If it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?
If it could be shown that lowering taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of lowering taxes?
If it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?
Tax and spend is always the liberal answer. How's the war on poverty doing?

I'll put you down as "No."

Posters Who Wouldn't Raise Taxes to Save 1,000,000 Americans from Ebola
You can put me down in the "Toro's question is dishonest" category.
If it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?
Tax and spend is always the liberal answer. How's the war on poverty doing?
Oh but they promise they'll get the job done this time! Just one more percent of your income, that's all they need this time. Then they can do everything, pinky swear.
Why not make it a military project?

Unlimited budgets await........​

Sen. Inhofe tried to block DoD Ebola funds until last Friday. We would have plenty of money to fight Ebola if....we hadn't built the Washington monument, says Buttpimple.

Wonder what difference the half a billion dollars Nicole Lurie diverted from an ebola research company to an obama donor company a few years ago would have made?
toro said:
if it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?

LMAO...when you invent a hypothetical, fantasy scenario out of thin air, it ALWAYS tends to give the result you want.
Funny how that works...
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola. We could also fund research to come up with a cure. Time to get serious?
Maybe "we" could organize some "Race for the Cure" style fundraisers? Sell shirts, walk a few miles then hug each other and cry. "Like" it on FaceBook.
Then send all the money to an organization that will waste it, but we'll feel good and that's all that counts.
Pink is already taken for Breast Cancer so how bout Blood Red?
Everyone is afraid to hug people these days.
So none of our panic stricken nuts are actually for being proactive. What a surprise.
Wearing pink, crying and hugging fat, sweaty people won't help anything.
If it could be shown that raising taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of raising taxes?
If it could be shown that lowering taxes would save a million Americans from Ebola, would you be in favor of lowering taxes?

Absolutely. I'm not a mindless, ideological drone.

How about you? Would you raise taxes to save a million Americans from Ebola?
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
You think that proactive suggestion of hers does not stand merit? It's actually a very good proposal imo.
We could put 24/7 medical hazmat teams at all hospitals, clinics, and airports along with specially equipped rooms to isolate patients suspected of having or having Ebola.

We could also fund research to come up with a cure.

Time to get serious?

Your arragance is appalling. Ebola is the biggest threat since Aids. Will it become a major problem here? That remains to be seen, but it certainly is unwise to mock people for taking the threat seriously now.
Does that mean you don't think we should raise taxes to protect Americans?

We obviously don't need to take any of the measures you're suggesting in the OP at this point. So no, we don't need to raise taxes for ebola right now. If ebola became a major problem here and the government didn't have enough money to deal with the problem, then yes, I would be in favor for raising taxes to combat ebola.
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