Should we remove tax exempt status for Mosque?

I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.

I'm trying to figure out what your point is here. So a handful of mosques "preach jihad" therefore all mosques must be shut down? Or, Islam must be canceled as a religion? Or, they should all pay taxes? What exactly are you advocating?
How about that handful, are you willing to shut them down or defend them like you've been doing in this thread?
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Unless they're "exorcising demons" from their own children.
And how many times has that happened over the last, oh say, 50 years?
The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Neither do many Muslims come to think of it.
If only 1% do, that's 15 million.

So what? You make policy based on 1%?
You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.

I'm trying to figure out what your point is here. So a handful of mosques "preach jihad" therefore all mosques must be shut down? Or, Islam must be canceled as a religion? Or, they should all pay taxes? What exactly are you advocating?
How about that handful, are you willing to shut them down or defend them like you've been doing in this thread?

Let's be accurate here.

1. where in this thread have I defended terrorists?
2. I already pointed out the breaking the laws bit
The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Unless they're "exorcising demons" from their own children.
And how many times has that happened over the last, oh say, 50 years?

African Children Denounced As "Witches" By Christian Pastors
Witchcraft accusations against children in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Unless they're "exorcising demons" from their own children.
And how many times has that happened over the last, oh say, 50 years?

African Children Denounced As "Witches" By Christian Pastors
Witchcraft accusations against children in Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nigeria? That's the best you can do? :lol:
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.

I'm trying to figure out what your point is here. So a handful of mosques "preach jihad" therefore all mosques must be shut down? Or, Islam must be canceled as a religion? Or, they should all pay taxes? What exactly are you advocating?
How about that handful, are you willing to shut them down or defend them like you've been doing in this thread?

Let's be accurate here.

1. where in this thread have I defended terrorists?
2. I already pointed out the breaking the laws bit
You didn't answer the question. Are you willing to shut them down?
Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

What the fuck do I care what or how other people worship, so long as they obey the law? Likewise, if you qualify as a non-profit under the law, go on with your bad self. It's nothing to me.
I don't care what they worship either but I DO care that their so-called "religion" encourages their members to commit the murder of innocent people.

No, you care that you've been told it does, and your redneck ass would certainly never dream of getting out, MEETING some Muslims, and finding out what they're ACTUALLY like. It's so much easier to pop another beer, slouch on your couch in your wifebeater, and rail against all them damned towelheads trying to kill everyone, right?
I'm sure I know more muslims than you do and I don't drink beer or beat my wife. And the fact that you have to resort to those types of insults tells me you don't have the intelligence or the temperament to debate in a civilized manner, not to mention you have no argument.

Yeah, whatever, bigot. "All Muslims advocate violence, but I'm tolerant and enlightened. No, really! I know lots of Muslims, but I still think they're all trying to kill me!"

You poor, abused, misunderstood victim.

Hey, have you considered that people don't advocate killing you because they're Muslims, but just because they've met you?
Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Ah, so you ARE as stupid about money and taxes as you are about religion. Glad you clarified that.

I'm particularly amused by being called a liberal by a jizzwad who just told us that he believes he's supporting people because the government isn't taking their money away from them. Yeah, you're a titan of conservative thinking, crotch stain. Just keep telling yourself that.

My mind boggles at the level of stupid it takes for someone to measure themselves as a conservative based on leftist beliefs about conservatism.
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?

Haven't you heard? All Muslims are violent terrorists. The Internet said so.
I never said the Constitution required we give them tax exemption, but it does prevent us from shuttingthem down. That would be a gross violation of the religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Neither do the majority of Muslims, no matter what the Klan newsletter tells you.
Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.

I like the way you say, "Mosques that preach jihad", just as if you really believe there are any other kind. Maybe you think we all have brain cells that can be counted on one hand, like you, and we won't remember that you've already erroneously lumped all Muslims into one pile.
And how many times has that happened over the last, oh say, 50 years?

It usually only makes headlines when the kid dies. The most recent event was a couple of months ago:

Couple beat son to death so he would confess 'sins,' cops say | Fox News
"It only makes headlines if the kid dies"? Got anything to back up that opinion besides your opinion?

Like the link in the post you just quoted?
I didn't see anything in your link that it only makes headlines if the kid dies.

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