Should we remove tax exempt status for Mosque?

this idea was floated around a few years ago by the left. The said it wasn't an attempt to destroy churches by cutting into their revenue. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Why not remove the tax exempt status of mosque?

There are two issues here. The first is that if you remove the tax exempt status of any religion, then you must do it for all religions. Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, and any other tax exempt religious organization would be affected. The second issue then becomes what is actually taxable. All religious organizations rely on donations to cover their operational costs. Should donations be taxed? The biggest issue is that most religious organizations don't really show profits, because almost everything that comes in goes right back out. There are exceptions, however, where some religious organizations bring in so much revenue that they are able to build massive buildings and purchase additional real estate that may not actually be necessary to the function of their organization. Now in those cases, I might be open to taxing some of that revenue, especially what would be considered capital gains in other cases.

I notice how you just flitted from "profits" to "revenue", in a thinly-veiled attempt to move the goalposts. They are, of course, not the same thing, and the law allows for building funds and such in the requirements for non-profits. Now, if a non-profit owns property on which it earns profits - for example, if I owned an apartment complex and left it to my church and they continued to rent it out - that would have to be maintained on separate books as a for-profit business, and it would be taxed as one, regardless of the fact that a church owned it. If they then wanted to donate the profits from that rental to their church work, they would have to do so as a charitable donation from a business, the same as if Hobby Lobby - again, for example - made a donation to them.

This is a big part of the problem with this whole "Fuck those religious people" schtick: most people have no clue how accounting is done for businesses OR non-profits, or what is and isn't taxed, or virtually anything else about the situation.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

If they break no laws - why not?
When you say "they", what exactly do you mean? Some of them? All of them? And to which laws are you referring? Please elaborate.

I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).
I prefer shutting them down altogether. They're nothing but recruitment centers for terrorists. Islam advocates murder and those who teach it do the same, therefore it should be outlawed.

Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

What the fuck do I care what or how other people worship, so long as they obey the law? Likewise, if you qualify as a non-profit under the law, go on with your bad self. It's nothing to me.
If they break no laws - why not?
When you say "they", what exactly do you mean? Some of them? All of them? And to which laws are you referring? Please elaborate.

I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I prefer shutting them down altogether. They're nothing but recruitment centers for terrorists. Islam advocates murder and those who teach it do the same, therefore it should be outlawed.

Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

What the fuck do I care what or how other people worship, so long as they obey the law? Likewise, if you qualify as a non-profit under the law, go on with your bad self. It's nothing to me.
I don't care what they worship either but I DO care that their so-called "religion" encourages their members to commit the murder of innocent people.
I prefer shutting them down altogether. They're nothing but recruitment centers for terrorists. Islam advocates murder and those who teach it do the same, therefore it should be outlawed.

Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

If they break no laws - why not?
When you say "they", what exactly do you mean? Some of them? All of them? And to which laws are you referring? Please elaborate.

I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.

Or, y'know, sacrificing people. Pretty sure there's a law against that.
When you say "they", what exactly do you mean? Some of them? All of them? And to which laws are you referring? Please elaborate.

I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.
I prefer shutting them down altogether. They're nothing but recruitment centers for terrorists. Islam advocates murder and those who teach it do the same, therefore it should be outlawed.

Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

What the fuck do I care what or how other people worship, so long as they obey the law? Likewise, if you qualify as a non-profit under the law, go on with your bad self. It's nothing to me.
I don't care what they worship either but I DO care that their so-called "religion" encourages their members to commit the murder of innocent people.

No, you care that you've been told it does, and your redneck ass would certainly never dream of getting out, MEETING some Muslims, and finding out what they're ACTUALLY like. It's so much easier to pop another beer, slouch on your couch in your wifebeater, and rail against all them damned towelheads trying to kill everyone, right?
I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

If they break no laws - why not?
When you say "they", what exactly do you mean? Some of them? All of them? And to which laws are you referring? Please elaborate.

I had no idea this was such a difficult concept for you.

"They" - the "they" you are referring to as "members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice".

As for which ones - all of them within the restriction I outlined.

As for which laws - any that would cause a removal of a tax exempt status from a religious organization - for example, if they were a for-profit religion.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Of course. I don't have to like a religion.
Where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow, and give tax exempt status to an organization that advocates killing us?

I never said the Constitution required we give them tax exemption, but it does prevent us from shuttingthem down. That would be a gross violation of the religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
I prefer shutting them down altogether. They're nothing but recruitment centers for terrorists. Islam advocates murder and those who teach it do the same, therefore it should be outlawed.

Untrue. There really are peaceful Muslims in the world, just trying to live their lives like everyone else. Granted, most of them probably aren't fundamentalists, but they're out there. And if they're American citizens, then they have the same right to worship and exercise their freedom of religion as anyone else.
I'm sure there are probably members of the Satanic Church who don't engage in human sacrifice or animal sacrifice too. Should THEY be given tax exempt status as well and left alone to worship the way they see fit?

What the fuck do I care what or how other people worship, so long as they obey the law? Likewise, if you qualify as a non-profit under the law, go on with your bad self. It's nothing to me.
I don't care what they worship either but I DO care that their so-called "religion" encourages their members to commit the murder of innocent people.

No, you care that you've been told it does, and your redneck ass would certainly never dream of getting out, MEETING some Muslims, and finding out what they're ACTUALLY like. It's so much easier to pop another beer, slouch on your couch in your wifebeater, and rail against all them damned towelheads trying to kill everyone, right?
I'm sure I know more muslims than you do and I don't drink beer or beat my wife. And the fact that you have to resort to those types of insults tells me you don't have the intelligence or the temperament to debate in a civilized manner, not to mention you have no argument.
So, you are in favor of giving the Satanic Church tax exempt status?

Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.
Dunno about Coyote, but I'm in favor of applying the law equally to everyone. If the Satanists want to meet the requirements to be a non-profit, then they're welcome to do so.

You really, genuinely can't wrap your brain around the idea that just because YOU want to pick and choose and judge according to what you personally approve of, that doesn't mean everyone else is like you, huh?
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
Where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow, and give tax exempt status to an organization that advocates killing us?

I never said the Constitution required we give them tax exemption, but it does prevent us from shuttingthem down. That would be a gross violation of the religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.
I'm pretty sure most people don't think it's wise to support organizations that advocate violence against them. Only an idiot would do that (which explains why you would).

Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.
I never said the Constitution required we give them tax exemption, but it does prevent us from shuttingthem down. That would be a gross violation of the religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Neither do many Muslims come to think of it.
Well, I'm glad you freely admit that you're a bigoted ignoramus who doesn't know one Muslim from another, and just blindly hates total strangers because the Internet tells him to.

It's not like I could possibly respect you less, after all.
I don't hate them, I just want their violence stopped and I should not have to support them financially with my tax dollars. If you want to, go ahead, nobody's stopping you, moron.

You're not supporting anyone with your tax dollars, you ignorant fuckstain, even generously assuming you PAY taxes. Do you understand the difference between giving someone money, and simply not taking money they already have? Or are you one of those no-info voters who thinks all income rightfully belongs to the government?

Churches are supported by voluntary donations. If you don't want your money supporting them, DON'T DONATE. It's that simple.
I am if they don't pay taxes themselves. You liberals just love to rail against businesses for not paying their "fair share" but if it's a terrorist organization, that's just fine with you.

Churches are now terrorist organizations?
No, mosques that preach jihad are.

I'm trying to figure out what your point is here. So a handful of mosques "preach jihad" therefore all mosques must be shut down? Or, Islam must be canceled as a religion? Or, they should all pay taxes? What exactly are you advocating?
I never said the Constitution required we give them tax exemption, but it does prevent us from shuttingthem down. That would be a gross violation of the religious freedom guaranteed by the 1st amendment.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Unless they're "exorcising demons" from their own children.
Ok, where in the Constitution does it say we have to allow organizations that advocate the killing of Americans to remain in business in the United States just because they hide behind the guise of religion?

The Muslim faith does not advocate the killing of Americans.
No, it just advocates the killing of non-muslims, which is the overwhelming majority of Americans.

No, it doesn't even really do that - not any more than religions like Christianity or Judaism which that savagery in some of thier texts.
The difference is that Christians don't engage in savagery from the 7th century.

Neither do many Muslims come to think of it.
If only 1% do, that's 15 million.

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