Shove Your Insurrection

Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
still hasn't so what? no balls huh? come on admit 1/6 was worse than the Tulsa 1921 massacre. come on big guy, let's hear you.

Tulsa's race riot, by the white folks, who massacred uncountable numbers that day, combined with all the other race riots and lynching's back then, were far more deadly than last summers riots over police conduct. But it is a good reminded of where we were a hundred years ago and where were are today.

They were far more deadly for black folk. But they didn't represent a fundamental challenge to the Constitution.
And where are we today?
Black President.
Black SC Senator
Bloack business owners
Black millionaires

But that doesn't count.

We are still a racist country. Got it.

Where are you today? Schools and housing are more segregated than they were in the 1960's. Black owned businesses were the first to close in the pandemic. The first to be burned in the riots. Every time black people start achieving econ0mic wealth and freedoms, white supremacists trying to burn it all down.

Black businesses got burned in the riots. White supremacists and anarchists targeted the black owned businesses first in their burning of the cities. Using the cover of the protests to undermine black wealth.

Regardless of everything you listed, the racism, segregation and hate has increased, not decreased. It's time to deal with this shit and end it. Holding people down, is holding American back.
They didnt release their named, but federal authorities were locked in a federal courthouse while BLM/ANTIFA tried to set the mother fucker on fire
Federal authorities? You mean police, right?

Police aren’t the government.
They didnt release their named, but federal authorities were locked in a federal courthouse while BLM/ANTIFA tried to set the mother fucker on fire
Federal authorities? You mean police, right?

Police aren’t the government.
they represent civil authority of the govt, derp.
They’re not the government. The police don’t govern us. We don’t live in a police state. Our elected officials do.
They didnt release their named, but federal authorities were locked in a federal courthouse while BLM/ANTIFA tried to set the mother fucker on fire
Federal authorities? You mean police, right?

Police aren’t the government.
they represent civil authority of the govt, derp.
They’re not the government. The police don’t govern us. We don’t live in a police state. Our elected officials do.
Jesus Christ Almighty
They didnt release their named, but federal authorities were locked in a federal courthouse while BLM/ANTIFA tried to set the mother fucker on fire
Federal authorities? You mean police, right?

Police aren’t the government.
they represent civil authority of the govt, derp.
They’re not the government. The police don’t govern us. We don’t live in a police state. Our elected officials do.
Jesus Christ Almighty
This isn’t a minor distinction. It’s the difference between a police state and a democracy.
The Trump attempt at insurrection was much more serious than the attack on 9/11/2001.

A house divided against itself cannot stand and a large segment of the population--the Trump cult--feel that the attempt to stop the orderly transfer of power was a legitimate form of protest. was a Leftist created faux insurrection by Democrats to divert attention from the fact that NO ONE was going to attend the Biden appointment to office aka inauguration.

But it would take at least an ounce of common sense to figure that out. Many 5 year olds have. What about you?
At least urine good company since many on the Right also fell for the bait and have completely forgotten about the stolen election to focus on the democrats baited diversions.

Hey! Look over there !!!!!
Stupidity is either inherited or acquired. In your case apparently you rushed to both those ticket booths.
I couldn't have written a better example of the bullet we dodged by voting the blob out. Kudos.

More like we stepped out from behind our barricade right into the line of fire. Biden is a first class idiot who happens to be demented on top of it. Socialists Harris will take over soon enough and finish us off. Idiot Democrats will never get it.
me, my tax dollars and theirs pay for it. it's ours. Now you can be depressed all you want at that fact.
Do you think you have a right to go anywhere on any property at any time because it was funded with tax dollars?

Because that’s idiotic.
Except for military highly sensitive areas I say yes, so to elaborate on your question "do we think we should be able as taxpaying citizen's to go places that our tax dollars fund" ??? - Well yes as long as the laws governing such places are followed.
The Trump attempt at insurrection was much more serious than the attack on 9/11/2001.

A house divided against itself cannot stand and a large segment of the population--the Trump cult--feel that the attempt to stop the orderly transfer of power was a legitimate form of protest. was a Leftist created faux insurrection by Democrats to divert attention from the fact that NO ONE was going to attend the Biden appointment to office aka inauguration.

But it would take at least an ounce of common sense to figure that out. Many 5 year olds have. What about you?
At least urine good company since many on the Right also fell for the bait and have completely forgotten about the stolen election to focus on the democrats baited diversions.

Hey! Look over there !!!!!
Stupidity is either inherited or acquired. In your case apparently you rushed to both those ticket booths.
I couldn't have written a better example of the bullet we dodged by voting the blob out. Kudos.

More like we stepped out from behind our barricade right into the line of fire. Biden is a first class idiot who happens to be demented on top of it. Socialists Harris will take over soon enough and finish us off. Idiot Democrats will never get it.
The only thing we can hope for is that Harris is just putting on an act because of the powerful elite surrounding her, so hopefully if she were to end up in the seat, maybe she would come running to the front battle lines looking for a bipartisanship, and maybe she would take a more moderate stance on thing's, otherwise once the puppet string's are removed.
they had every right as citizens to be there.
Says who?
me, my tax dollars and theirs pay for it. it's ours. Now you can be depressed all you want at that fact.

Just try to go into ANY government building when it's closed to the public and see what happens to you. Demand entrance as your right as a taxpayers, Skippy. Video tape what happens when you try to break the doors and windows to get in, and attack the police who are there to keep you out.
Well we seen what happened to those doing such things over the summer (they got bailed out), but if you're white you go to jail eh ?? Yeah I'd say that systemic "reverse racism", is fast becoming the new deal now.
Because it will allow to introduce evidence of fraud. And Dominion will be forced to disprove it. They cannot win that one.
And what happens when Dominion loses?
They never do an American election again. The shouldn't do one more election. You realize that when fraud is proven you will have no choice.

Dominion isn’t forced to disprove anything. It’s up to up to the defendants to prove the statements that they made are true based on the information that they have.

How was no fucking fraud you dolt. Your audit is useless and nothing it purports to find will have any validity.
This post proves your fears of the audit's or why would you deny their outcomes before the outcomes are done ??? Makes no sense.
I bet the British had their version of what happened at the Boston Tea Party. A patriot needs to do what a patriot needs to do.
Yes, they did, now the traitors and their dear leader are in prison or headed to prison.
Thanks to the DC police.
It was the Capitol police. The ones who murdered an unarmed woman.
So, the dumb bitch shouldn't have been there, she deserved to get shot, as did many others.

How many morons would breach two police lines, enter a building, breach another one and not to expect getting shot?

May as well enter a police station to rob the cops.
Oh you mean like the leftist rioters did during the summer of love etc ?? Thanks for the measuring cup.
Sure, if they were that stupid, some of them were and they got shot.

"Thanks for the measuring cup".

Your welcome, I'm sure you will have it full of deflection and BS in no time.
Funny, you didn't catch the significance of the measuring cup.
I bet the British had their version of what happened at the Boston Tea Party. A patriot needs to do what a patriot needs to do.
Pinko Redcoats

An insurrection against elitist tyranny is the Spirit of '76.

The fascists' mob was fighting for the would be Tyrant.
No not for Trump, otherwise being a reason that they were fighting, but for the country as is found within their own minds, yes they were.
Comparing a few hours of vandalism at the IS Capitol to 9/11 while the Left ignores their role in the coordinated domestic terrorist attacks in US cities throughout 2020 is pathetic and insulting to 9/11 Family Survivors. The Left is so full of shit and drama about the few hours of vandalism at the US Capitol on January 6 that it is the only time you find them supporting law enforcement.

Blood and several losses of livelihood is on the hands of the Left for the terrorism they inflicted on US in 2020. Their fake victimhood and equating the trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol with an insurrection is laughable. To illustrate: were more Congressional lives at stake when a bunch of yahoos carrying Confederate flags marched through the Capitol lobby or were more Congressional lives at stake when a Bernie Sanders supporter unhappy with the outcome of the 2016 Election decided to go to Washington and shoot up an open field comprised of Republican Congressional Representatives?
Comparing a few hours of vandalism at the IS Capitol to 9/11 while the Left ignores their role in the coordinated domestic terrorist attacks in US cities throughout 2020 is pathetic and insulting to 9/11 Family Survivors. The Left is so full of shit and drama about the few hours of vandalism at the US Capitol on January 6 that it is the only time you find them supporting law enforcement.

Blood and several losses of livelihood is on the hands of the Left for the terrorism they inflicted on US in 2020. Their fake victimhood and equating the trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol with an insurrection is laughable. To illustrate: were more Congressional lives at stake when a bunch of yahoos carrying Confederate flags marched through the Capitol lobby or were more Congressional lives at stake when a Bernie Sanders supporter unhappy with the outcome of the 2016 Election decided to go to Washington and shoot up an open field comprised of Republican Congressional Representatives?
Over 12,000 arrest and you think it's being ignored.
But after 5 are dead and over 140 people injured and you think the crack pots who attacked the capitol, should be given notices to appear and released.
The Trump cult and Q NUTS are as delusional, as their orange, dear leader is.
The Trump attempt at insurrection was much more serious than the attack on 9/11/2001.

A house divided against itself cannot stand and a large segment of the population--the Trump cult--feel that the attempt to stop the orderly transfer of power was a legitimate form of protest. was a Leftist created faux insurrection by Democrats to divert attention from the fact that NO ONE was going to attend the Biden appointment to office aka inauguration.

But it would take at least an ounce of common sense to figure that out. Many 5 year olds have. What about you?
At least urine good company since many on the Right also fell for the bait and have completely forgotten about the stolen election to focus on the democrats baited diversions.

Hey! Look over there !!!!!
Stupidity is either inherited or acquired. In your case apparently you rushed to both those ticket booths.
I couldn't have written a better example of the bullet we dodged by voting the blob out. Kudos.

More like we stepped out from behind our barricade right into the line of fire. Biden is a first class idiot who happens to be demented on top of it. Socialists Harris will take over soon enough and finish us off. Idiot Democrats will never get it.
The only thing we can hope for is that Harris is just putting on an act because of the powerful elite surrounding her, so hopefully if she were to end up in the seat, maybe she would come running to the front battle lines looking for a bipartisanship, and maybe she would take a more moderate stance on thing's, otherwise once the puppet string's are removed.

Based on her history it is not an act. She really is a left-wing radical.
Comparing a few hours of vandalism at the IS Capitol to 9/11 while the Left ignores their role in the coordinated domestic terrorist attacks in US cities throughout 2020 is pathetic and insulting to 9/11 Family Survivors. The Left is so full of shit and drama about the few hours of vandalism at the US Capitol on January 6 that it is the only time you find them supporting law enforcement.

Blood and several losses of livelihood is on the hands of the Left for the terrorism they inflicted on US in 2020. Their fake victimhood and equating the trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol with an insurrection is laughable. To illustrate: were more Congressional lives at stake when a bunch of yahoos carrying Confederate flags marched through the Capitol lobby or were more Congressional lives at stake when a Bernie Sanders supporter unhappy with the outcome of the 2016 Election decided to go to Washington and shoot up an open field comprised of Republican Congressional Representatives?
Over 12,000 arrest and you think it's being ignored.
But after 5 are dead and over 140 people injured and you think the crack pots who attacked the capitol, should be given notices to appear and released.
The Trump cult and Q NUTS are as delusional, as their orange, dear leader is.

How did those 5 people die? Remember the capital cop died of a stroke but that doesn’t fit the narrative they are trying to weave so that gets pushed under the rug. Lefties riot and loot on a near daily basis somewhere in this country and Democrats ignore it.

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