Shove Your Insurrection

The difference between nine 11 and January 6 is that 9/11 was designed to throw our economy into chaos. They wanted to hurt America.

January 6 was an attempt to overthrow American democracy and install a brutal white dictator ship in Donald Trump.

there’s no other way to look at January 6 other than an anti-democratic attack by Anglo-Saxon Confederates on the nations capital
you run with that. Why? it makes you feel good. No weapons, no organization. No signs. Some costumes. But to compare 9/11 as equal to a well planned 9/11? Thats just partisan BS that you fell for.
Demonstrates your ability to think for yourself.
January 6 was an attempt to overthrow American democracy and install a brutal white dictator ship in Donald Trump.
that happened on November 6, 2020. you got the wrong month.
I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.

Yes, they have. There are 16 Oath Keepers who have been charged with Conspiracy to Obstruct Congress, including all of the guys working as Roger Stone's "bodyguards". These guys have a get out of jail free card. I suspect that General Flynn and Roger Stone have been pardoned for naught. They just blew their "get out of jail free card".

Those who have been charged in connection with caches of weapons, have already said they were just waiting for the word from Donald Trump that they had succeeded in stopping the Certification to bring the bombs, guns and ammunition to the Capital, for the insurrection.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
News flash. He never said to attack congress. You are a tool of the media.
The difference between nine 11 and January 6 is that 9/11 was designed to throw our economy into chaos. They wanted to hurt America.

January 6 was an attempt to overthrow American democracy and install a brutal white dictator ship in Donald Trump.

there’s no other way to look at January 6 other than an anti-democratic attack by Anglo-Saxon Confederates on the nations capital
you run with that. Why? it makes you feel good. No weapons, no organization. No signs. Some costumes. But to compare 9/11 as equal to a well planned 9/11? Thats just partisan BS that you fell for.
Demonstrates your ability to think for yourself.
How's that monument in Pearl Harbor doing? the one that wasn't from violence from an enemy? This is fking nothing to a demofk kkker.


that ended with this

but that 1/6 protest, holy mther fker, that was the worst thing fking ever.. One must be insane to think that was worse than this. Have to be, someone must have bore holes in their heads and let their brain matter leak out. It's the only thing that is logical.

BTW, not to mention the Tulsa 1921 event by demofks. They love ignoring their own past, again, the bore holes in the head.

But their narrative, nothing worse. hahahaahahahahahahaha
judge judy.gif
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I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.

Yes, they have. There are 16 Oath Keepers who have been charged with Conspiracy to Obstruct Congress, including all of the guys working as Roger Stone's "bodyguards". These guys have a get out of jail free card. I suspect that General Flynn and Roger Stone have been pardoned for naught. They just blew their "get out of jail free card".

Those who have been charged in connection with caches of weapons, have already said they were just waiting for the word from Donald Trump that they had succeeded in stopping the Certification to bring the bombs, guns and ammunition to the Capital, for the insurrection.
So, none have been charged with insurrection, you fucking idiot :lol:
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
News flash. He never said to attack congress. You are a tool of the media.

News Flash. Not specifically. But he was really fucking clear he expect a "fight". The word "fight" was used 15 times in that speech. You're just trying to gaslight people into thinking we didn't hear him direct his followers to "Go to the Capitol" and "fight like hell", or "you won't have a country".

This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

The attempted coup on 6Jan21 was far worse than 9-11. 9-11, like Pearl Harbor was an attack on our nation by a foreign adversary. 6Jan21 was an attempt by a President that had just resoundingly lost an election to hold onto power by a coup. It was treason on his part and should be treated as such. And all those that took part in that attempted coup should be punished to the full extent of the law.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
News flash. He never said to attack congress. You are a tool of the media.

News Flash. Not specifically. But he was really fucking clear he expect a "fight". The word "fight" was used 15 times in that speech. You're just trying to gaslight people into thinking we didn't hear him direct his followers to "Go to the Capitol" and "fight like hell", or "you won't have a country".

Ah yes. The word "fight" meant storm the capitol. Grow up asshole
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
are you seriously saying you haven't ever seen something like that before? really? come on dude grab your dick and be a man. Admit Tulsa 1921 wasn't anything, come on kkker, let's hear you. You act like the fking civil war never fking happened. you're fking insane you racist bot.
No President has encouraged a Mob of crazed followers to attack Congress. Ever.
still hasn't so what? no balls huh? come on admit 1/6 was worse than the Tulsa 1921 massacre. come on big guy, let's hear you.
I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
Zip ties = assault weapon :lol:

Nice deflect. Did the zip-ties help them smash through police lines?
This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

The attempted coup on 6Jan21 was far worse than 9-11. 9-11, like Pearl Harbor was an attack on our nation by a foreign adversary. 6Jan21 was an attempt by a President that had just resoundingly lost an election to hold onto power by a coup. It was treason on his part and should be treated as such. And all those that took part in that attempted coup should be punished to the full extent of the law.
how many bore holes you got in your head? So you tell those families who lost loved ones in Pearl Harbor that was nothing significant. go for it. you're fking insane. Do you remember the civil war? dude, you've lost your humanity.
I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
Zip ties = assault weapon :lol:

Nice deflect. Did the zip-ties help them smash through police lines?
the cops opened doors, why?
The difference between nine 11 and January 6 is that 9/11 was designed to throw our economy into chaos. They wanted to hurt America.

January 6 was an attempt to overthrow American democracy and install a brutal white dictator ship in Donald Trump.

there’s no other way to look at January 6 other than an anti-democratic attack by Anglo-Saxon Confederates on the nations capital
you run with that. Why? it makes you feel good. No weapons, no organization. No signs. Some costumes. But to compare 9/11 as equal to a well planned 9/11? Thats just partisan BS that you fell for.
Demonstrates your ability to think for yourself.

There were lots of weapons, and very strong organization. There was a plan. 16 Oath Keepers have been charged in the planning and organization. They had caches of weapons to bring into the building once they had secured it.

January What makes January 6th even more dangerous than 9/11, is that 25% of the American people like what happened on January 6th, and want Republicans to do it again. The next guy may be a whole lot smarter than Trump, and then you'll be done.

And let's just be clear. If the USA falls to an authoritarian dictatorship by the Republican Party, the rest of the First World, will cut all ties with you, and pull their businesses out of the USA.
I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
Zip ties = assault weapon :lol:

Nice deflect. Did the zip-ties help them smash through police lines?
I love how the sheep keep calling this an "insurrection" when NO ONE has been charged with insurrection.
It is fucking hilarious how these dumb twats love to be led around by their media overlords.
Violently smashing your way through police lines to get to, capture and hold hostage and perhaps kill, Senators and House members while they were carrying out their Constitutional obligation to validate the certified EC votes of the States elections, which the mob was trying to stop, is what?
Zip ties = assault weapon :lol:

Nice deflect. Did the zip-ties help them smash through police lines?
It wasnt a deflection. I was making fun of your hyperbole.
And now a leftist cares about smashing things. How delightful! And convenient!
The difference between nine 11 and January 6 is that 9/11 was designed to throw our economy into chaos. They wanted to hurt America.

January 6 was an attempt to overthrow American democracy and install a brutal white dictator ship in Donald Trump.

there’s no other way to look at January 6 other than an anti-democratic attack by Anglo-Saxon Confederates on the nations capital
you run with that. Why? it makes you feel good. No weapons, no organization. No signs. Some costumes. But to compare 9/11 as equal to a well planned 9/11? Thats just partisan BS that you fell for.
Demonstrates your ability to think for yourself.

There were lots of weapons, and very strong organization. There was a plan. 16 Oath Keepers have been charged in the planning and organization. They had caches of weapons to bring into the building once they had secured it.

January What makes January 6th even more dangerous than 9/11, is that 25% of the American people like what happened on January 6th, and want Republicans to do it again. The next guy may be a whole lot smarter than Trump, and then you'll be done.

And let's just be clear. If the USA falls to an authoritarian dictatorship by the Republican Party, the rest of the First World, will cut all ties with you, and pull their businesses out of the USA.
Yeah, there plan was to overtake the us govt with zip ties, selfies and big smiles :lol:

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