Shove Your Insurrection

He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
"We" has nothing to do with it.
I bet the British had their version of what happened at the Boston Tea Party. A patriot needs to do what a patriot needs to do.
Yes, they did, now the traitors and their dear leader are in prison or headed to prison.
Thanks to the DC police.
It was the Capitol police. The ones who murdered an unarmed woman.
So, the dumb bitch shouldn't have been there, she deserved to get shot, as did many others.

How many morons would breach two police lines, enter a building, breach another one and not to expect getting shot?

May as well enter a police station to rob the cops.
Oh you mean like the leftist rioters did during the summer of love etc ?? Thanks for the measuring cup.
He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
"We" has nothing to do with it.
Right. The sum total of Lindell’s accomplishments are serving Lindell and only Lindell.

This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

It was an act of domestic terrorism, a rightwing attack on America’s democracy – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.
Blow it out your ass. Your narrative is not accepted.

The insurrection failed.
Your blob lost the election
America is healing.

Fuck you.

"America is healing"..... right :rolleyes:

What fucking planet are you transmitting from? Whatta freak show you are!

View attachment 496082
Your blob lost
Your insurrection failed
America is healing.

Sucks to be you.

If ignorance is bliss......your ass owns cloud 9

Trump who? That's YOUR fantasy. You can't seem to stop adoring his fat ass 24/7 :auiqs.jpg:
You are debating a telephone operator for a hospital aka an uneducated, knee-jerk Liberal at best.
He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
"We" has nothing to do with it.
Right. The sum total of Lindell’s accomplishments are serving Lindell and only Lindell.

Oh no, they will serve the American people. And Lindell has lost all kind of money. The country is more important to him. Give it a try.
He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
"We" has nothing to do with it.
Right. The sum total of Lindell’s accomplishments are serving Lindell and only Lindell.

Oh no, they will serve the American people. And Lindell has lost all kind of money. The country is more important to him. Give it a try.
How does Lindell filing a silly lawsuit against Dominion for defamation going to help the country?
He seems to be getting the job done.
What has he accomplished here?

Besides getting sued for a lot of money.
He is suing Dominion for more money. Again, you are completely uninformed.
Oh, I see. So when you said “getting the job done” I assumed the job was proving election fraud but actually “the job” was trying to get money from Dominion for his own bank account.

Seems we have a disconnect on what the purpose is here.
"We" has nothing to do with it.
Right. The sum total of Lindell’s accomplishments are serving Lindell and only Lindell.

Oh no, they will serve the American people. And Lindell has lost all kind of money. The country is more important to him. Give it a try.
How does Lindell filing a silly lawsuit against Dominion for defamation going to help the country?
Because it will allow to introduce evidence of fraud. And Dominion will be forced to disprove it. They cannot win that one.
they had every right as citizens to be there.
Says who?
me, my tax dollars and theirs pay for it. it's ours. Now you can be depressed all you want at that fact.

Just try to go into ANY government building when it's closed to the public and see what happens to you. Demand entrance as your right as a taxpayers, Skippy. Video tape what happens when you try to break the doors and windows to get in, and attack the police who are there to keep you out.
They were invited in, all nice and friendly-like. It was just a tour. Just a couple of silly rabble-rousers got a little loud, that's all.

This is like a fucking viral madness. Like a zombie movie. These people are just GONE.
Need that video again? LOL blind mother fking melon
You have not been exposed to much of the video from that day.

That's because people like you hide in your echo chamber.

I can't help you. Sorry.
Didn’t ask for help, just informing your dumb ass that cops let them in. Now you can ignore that fact, just makes you ignorant
This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

Your desperation knows no bounds. Do you think this makes this woman an expert of some description? Is she some sort of bellwether on what forms of violent terrorist attack or not?

Or is it just that she agrees with your idiocy? Is that it Skippy?

Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't have to shut up.

How about YOU stop posting lies and garbage. Then I won't call out your lies and stupidity.
I don't expect you to shut up. It would be out of character. The limited character you have. It is called an emoji and an answer to that dribble you posted.

In other words, you were in capable of rebutting the facts that I posted, so you resort to childish insults instead.

That’s why you’re a FuckBoi.
This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

Your desperation knows no bounds. Do you think this makes this woman an expert of some description? Is she some sort of bellwether on what forms of violent terrorist attack or not?

Or is it just that she agrees with your idiocy? Is that it Skippy?

Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't have to shut up.

How about YOU stop posting lies and garbage. Then I won't call out your lies and stupidity.
I don't expect you to shut up. It would be out of character. The limited character you have. It is called an emoji and an answer to that dribble you posted.

In other words, you were in capable of rebutting the facts that I posted, so you resort to childish insults instead.

That’s why you’re a FuckBoi.
That wasn't a childish insult. And you do not post facts, you post opinions.
Because it will allow to introduce evidence of fraud. And Dominion will be forced to disprove it. They cannot win that one.
And what happens when Dominion loses?
They never do an American election again. The shouldn't do one more election. You realize that when fraud is proven you will have no choice.

Dominion isn’t forced to disprove anything. It’s up to up to the defendants to prove the statements that they made are true based on the information that they have.

How was no fucking fraud you dolt. Your audit is useless and nothing it purports to find will have any validity.
This lady is tired of this bullshit.

Sister of pilot killed on Sept. 11 absolutely excoriates leftists who liken Jan. 6 Capitol riot to 9/11 terror attack that claimed nearly 3,000 lives​

Your desperation knows no bounds. Do you think this makes this woman an expert of some description? Is she some sort of bellwether on what forms of violent terrorist attack or not?

Or is it just that she agrees with your idiocy? Is that it Skippy?

Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't have to shut up.

How about YOU stop posting lies and garbage. Then I won't call out your lies and stupidity.
I don't expect you to shut up. It would be out of character. The limited character you have. It is called an emoji and an answer to that dribble you posted.

In other words, you were in capable of rebutting the facts that I posted, so you resort to childish insults instead.

That’s why you’re a FuckBoi.
That wasn't a childish insult. And you do not post facts, you post opinions.

Fact: there was an insurrection at the capital on January 6. That’s not an opinion.

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