Shut up Romney!

here's some more of the transcript clinton haters

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLORIDA: Thank you, Madam Secretary. I know -- we all wish that we -- this had never happened so this hearing would never have had to happen. But it's good -- we're glad to see you here and -- and wish you all the best.

CLINTON: Thank you.

Secondarily, I want to share sentiments of my other colleagues of tremendous respect for the hard work and service that you've put in on behalf of our country, both as a member of this chamber and then, obviously, now in -- in the role you have.

One of the things that -- that I'm most interested in exploring with you today a little bit, is how information flows within the State Department, and, in particular, in -- in hindsight, looking forward, how we prevent some of this happening.

And so, I was curious about a number of things. First of all, did -- were you ever asked to participate in any sort of internal or interagency meeting with -- before this attack with regard to deteriorating security situation in Libya?

CLINTON: Well, Senator, you know, again, I -- I appreciate your -- your kind words. You know, and I reiterate my taking responsibility. And, as I have already said, with specific security requests they didn't come to me. I had no knowledge of them.

With regard to the situation in Libya, not just eastern Libya, across Libya, there were a number of conversations and meetings to try to see what we could do while Libya went through this transition from transitional government to interim government to elections, to try to get in there and help them with security, because it was clear that that was going to be one of their highest needs, once they finally got stabilized.

So you know, there were a number of meetings. And I personally, I went to Libya in October of 2011. I spoke with the then-leadership, I met with them in international settings. We sent teams out, both civilian and military experts to try to help them. Until recently, while they were going through their transitions, it was a very difficult conversation, because they didn't have the authority, they thought. But now we're beginning and we have a long list of ways that we're trying to help improve security in Libya.

RUBIO: For example, the October 2011 meeting. At that meeting, did this issue come up with regards to the inability of the Libyan government to protect our diplomatic institutions? Did that issue come up at all in that conversation?

CLINTON: Well, we obviously talked a great deal about the deteriorating threat environment in Libya. One of the reasons we had our own people on the ground and why we were looking to try to figure out how to better protect Benghazi and how to have understandings with those in the annex is because it's a host country responsibility. But you know, they were not in a position to do what we would expect from an organized country. But they did have the militias.

You know, the February 17th Brigade had proven to be responsive in the past, prior to 9/11. Other militias in Tripoli had proven to be responsive. You know, when I landed in Tripoli I was met by the Zintin militia. That was the welcome I had. All these guys dressed completely in black, holding their automatic weapons. So we knew that we were piecing together what a host nation was not yet able to do.

RUBIO: Right. And then there was another meeting on March, 2012. So just to be clear, in October 2011, then again in March of 2012, I believe that was here with the prime minister, in either one of these meetings was there a specific conversation between you and them with regards to concerns that we had that of not just the deteriorating security situation, but the inability of them as a host country to meet their obligations to provide security?

CLINTON: Of course, well, of course.

RUBIO: There was a conversation?

CLINTON: Oh, absolutely. I mean, this was a constant conversation, Senator. And what I found with the Libyans was willingness, but not capacity. You know, in Tunisia, as I told you, they had capacity, but I had to call and just tell them we had to get that capacity out there, because you know, they're still trying to figure out how to be a state without being a security state. With Cairo, we had to call and tell the Egyptians get your people out there. So with Libya it was different.

The Libyans were very responsive, very willing, but no levers to pull. And what we've been trying to do, and you know, we need your help to help us pay for what we're trying to do, we are trying to help them build a decent security force to try to reign in the militias as best they can. So this was a constant conversation.

RUBIO: Before the attack in Benghazi, what had we done specifically to help them build their security capacity?

CLINTON: Well, there's a long list and I'll be happy to provide that to you, because it is filled with training, with equipment, with the kind of planning that they had not done before. And I'd be happy to send you the detail on that, Senator.
heres more for you clinton haters read heed

SEN. ROBERT CASEY, (D) PENNSYLVANIA: Madam Secretary, thank you for being here today to provide this testimony.

I'm going to ask you a question that relates to the implementation of the accountability review board recommendations. But before I do that I want to express what I think is a widely shared sentiment today, both by way of gratitude and commendation for your work. We don't have time today to do a full listing of all the achievements that you should get credit for. But I'll mention maybe two or three in light of the work that you've done, and some of the work that we've done together.

The terribly difficult challenge in dealing with and reducing the flow of calcium ammonium nitrate from Pakistan into Afghanistan, which finds its way into the roadside bombs that kill our troops, known more popularly as IEDs. And I want to thank you for that work.

The work that was mentioned by Senator Boxer and others on behalf of women throughout the world, but also women and girls particularly in Afghanistan. And maybe thirdly, even though we are still in the throes of responding to the challenge in Syria, the great that you've done on humanitarian assistance and other elements of that strategy that we've worked together on.

And also, I want to commend not just the approach, but the words you spoke today about not retrenching, not retreating when it comes to getting that balance right between engagement and also security. Both high priorities.

I was struck by -- and I'm glad you were so specific on page 3 of your testimony about the specifics on implementation -- 29 recommendations by the board, which now has found its way into -- or I should say, which now is a set of 64 specific action items. You said in your testimony, quote, " ... fully 85 percent are on track to be completed by the end of March, with a number completed already."

I guess I'll ask you one question about that and then one follow-up. What, if any, impediments to implementation do you perceive right now? And are there impediments to meeting those deadlines that this committee and the Congress can help you with by way of meeting that deadline on implementation?

CLINTON: Well, thank you, Senator. And let me thank you for those three topics you covered, and particularly your very clear focus on the IED problem and the ammonium nitrate problem in Pakistan. You and I have talked about this. You've gone there, I've gone there and carried that message and I thank you for making it an issue.

Let me say that we need your help, we need your help, number one, to hold us accountable. You know, to keep asking whoever sits in this chair or anybody else in the department with any responsibility in this area, what are you doing and how are you doing it? And it'll to clear up misconceptions like, no, our recommendations have never been fully implemented, which I know is not the case. But it will also help to keep driving the change.

You know, I really believe that an authorization process will dramatically change the dynamic. And I strongly it be tried. And again, I go back to my Armed Services Committee experience with Senator McCain over those years. We had subcommittees. We took it very seriously. We held hearings. We brought people in. We had a 3- day markup that was sacrosanct. But we also had the Quadrennial Defense Review, the QDR, where the Defense Department submitted that, and it helped to provide a framework.

So when I got to the State Department, I said there is nothing like that at the State Department. So I started the first ever Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, the first ever QDDR. You can help me continue that and make the department ask the hard questions if you legislate it the way the QDR is legislated for the Defense Department.

Secondly, you can help by making sure that the needs we come to you with, like what are the training needs, the budgetary needs, the bureaucratic changes that are needed, that you help support that. And certainly we've talked a little bit about the budget, but getting that transfer authority, if you can help us with the House, it's $1.4 billion, Marine security guard detachment $553 million.

We've been closely coordinating with DOD. Historically, Marine security guards do not do personal security. They only do protection of classified materials. So we're working through what the guards will do and how we can use more of them.

CLINTON: Secondly, more diplomatic security personnel, $130 million. That would fund an additional 155 D.S. personnel and related equipment. And then, facility construction and upgrades, $736 million. We're going to have periodic reviews by these teams I started, the Defense-State Interagency Security Assessment Teams. We're going to start a high-threat post review by the secretary, which had not happened before. We're going to strengthen the mutual security agreements between the State Department and other government agencies when they are not co-located.

We had a very good relationship with the annex in Benghazi. We helped them, they helped us. But there wasn't anything that was - it was more on the ground working together. It wasn't part of an overall template. So there's a lot that I think that we can take from this, because I told Ambassador Pickering and Admiral Mullen put it out there. I want to know more than anybody what happened. Don't hold any punches. Tell us what the facts are. But now we have to act on it or shame on us.

CASEY: Thanks very much.
so i'll wait for you transcript kaz telling us about the screaming on the phone ... my stuff is from pdf file and now where in that pdf file is there a statement about her hearing screaming ... but you clinton haters will just about say am thing to justify your lies
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
one of the recurring statements in the transcripts here was funding ... as I state before .... all though the transcripts were accounts of the republicans cutting funding for security, as Hillary said, if theres no money they can't do what is needed as for the DC 3 that was requested by the military that too was denied because of funding ... hillary didn't have any control over what was needed all she could do is request the congress and the DOD ... which they didn't get a very productive response in the needs for security ... so you hillary haters go to the transcripts at
read the god damn hearing and you will see what liars these republican posters really are...
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
read the Damn transcripts you idiot, stop your tap dancing ... we aren't talking about WMD's stop your shiny object routine ... I sure there is a thread that you can't take that subject too ... we are talking about your lying here ... about hillary getting screams into a phone for help that you alluded to ... put up or shut up... wheres the beef Kaz, or did I once again prove to these posters here on this threads that you are a liar and can't be take serious

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
read the Damn transcripts you idiot, stop your tap dancing ... we aren't talking about WMD's stop your shiny object routine ... I sure there is a thread that you can't take that subject too ... we are talking about your lying here ... about hillary getting screams into a phone for help that you alluded to ... put up or shut up... wheres the beef Kaz, or did I once again prove to these posters here on this threads that you are a liar and can't be take serious

So, according to you, we can believe Hillary because what she said defending herself is in a transcript while what W said about WMDs wasn't in a transcript. Also, we can believe Hillary because she's alibing herself from murder, not from WMDs. The left is very educational, thanks for schooling me
I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair

So me saying W and Obama are the same animal with the same policies and they both suck, that's a "partisan" lie. But you knowing that Obama is fixing W's mess by continuing his policies, that's just common sense, bro. Gotcha
take those words of wisdom to a thread that is discussing that issue ... stop your shiny object routine ... we get it you lied ... now you're just tap dancing around trying to save face over your lies ... I'm the partisan ??? really !!! here I back up my statement here with actual testimony and you don't ... we know who is the partisan hack is here and that would be you ... looks like you had your lips to long on republican asses ... :suck:
you didn't get anything but your ass kicked side ways ..
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
read the Damn transcripts you idiot, stop your tap dancing ... we aren't talking about WMD's stop your shiny object routine ... I sure there is a thread that you can't take that subject too ... we are talking about your lying here ... about hillary getting screams into a phone for help that you alluded to ... put up or shut up... wheres the beef Kaz, or did I once again prove to these posters here on this threads that you are a liar and can't be take serious

So, according to you, we can believe Hillary because what she said defending herself is in a transcript while what W said about WMDs wasn't in a transcript. Also, we can believe Hillary because she's alibing herself from murder, not from WMDs. The left is very educational, thanks for schooling me
W was never sworn in ... Hillary was ... there's a big difference ...W hearing was held in closed doors ... hillarys wasn't ... so say what you want liar we know who the liar is and that would be you ... you can't stand that fact that you have been exposed as a liar and its just killing you... Gotcha !!!!!

P.S kaz
if hill art was caught lying giving her testimony she can be prosecuted ... W wasn't sworn in and he could say what ever he wanted too
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"Hilary said it, it's in the transcripts"....Hillary as never lied she said so herself

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First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
read the Damn transcripts you idiot, stop your tap dancing ... we aren't talking about WMD's stop your shiny object routine ... I sure there is a thread that you can't take that subject too ... we are talking about your lying here ... about hillary getting screams into a phone for help that you alluded to ... put up or shut up... wheres the beef Kaz, or did I once again prove to these posters here on this threads that you are a liar and can't be take serious

So, according to you, we can believe Hillary because what she said defending herself is in a transcript while what W said about WMDs wasn't in a transcript. Also, we can believe Hillary because she's alibing herself from murder, not from WMDs. The left is very educational, thanks for schooling me
W was never sworn in ... Hillary was ... there's a big difference ...W hearing was held in closed doors ... hillarys wasn't ... so say what you want liar we know who the liar is and that would be you ... you can't stand that fact that you have been exposed as a liar and its just killing you... Gotcha !!!!!

P.S kaz
if hill art was caught lying giving her testimony she can be prosecuted ... W wasn't sworn in and he could say what ever he wanted too

Gotcha, a Clinton would never, ever lie under oath.


I see why you have complete and utter faith in that. Hillary said that she talked to the Ambassador who told her no worries. Word. Are Clintons related to Vulcans that you so blindly believe them? This is comic. You take sheep to a whole new level
come on Kaz lets watch you dig a deeper hole here:dig:

Yes, I don't think Hillary saying she did nothing wrong is proof positive she did nothing wrong. That's just digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole.

Don't go on timeshare pitches. Dude, seriously. Take my word on that. You think politicans can't lie, they testify under oath and it's over. Un freaking believable. Feel behind your ears. It is actually wet, isn't it?
Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair

So me saying W and Obama are the same animal with the same policies and they both suck, that's a "partisan" lie. But you knowing that Obama is fixing W's mess by continuing his policies, that's just common sense, bro. Gotcha
take those words of wisdom to a thread that is discussing that issue ... stop your shiny object routine ... we get it you lied ... now you're just tap dancing around trying to save face over your lies ... I'm the partisan ??? really !!! here I back up my statement here with actual testimony and you don't ... we know who is the partisan hack is here and that would be you ... looks like you had your lips to long on republican asses ... :suck:
you didn't get anything but your ass kicked side ways ..

Yes, limp dick, you speak for thousands. You are nothing, you know that. But wow, the hordes of followers, they make your worthless opinion important.
"Hilary said it, it's in the transcripts"....Hillary as never lied she said so herself

we've seen you bull shit video before that has been proven to be cut and pasted here before it had bo value then it has no value now ... you have been proven by me and others that you're a partisan hack and a liar ... the shooting at hillary was done ... what she said was true ... what your right wing video did was show a different time when she went there .. the time of the shooting was never recorded .. so you keep trying lies is what you want to believe this cut an past crap that you rely on would never hold up in any court of law ...

First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic
keep tap dancing cause thats all you got:dance: we get it, you're a liar ... as for "us" meaning the people on these board ... they want to know if your a liar ... by your response here you failed to support you statement ... sense you proved to "us" meaning the people on these boards, that you are a limp dick liar keep digging a deeper hole:dig:

WTF? You have that Hillary said he told her he didn't need help, and I'm the one tap dancing? Hillary says it and that's word to you? Seriously?

W said there were WMDs, case closed, according to you. Oh wait, or does that just work for Democrats...
read the Damn transcripts you idiot, stop your tap dancing ... we aren't talking about WMD's stop your shiny object routine ... I sure there is a thread that you can't take that subject too ... we are talking about your lying here ... about hillary getting screams into a phone for help that you alluded to ... put up or shut up... wheres the beef Kaz, or did I once again prove to these posters here on this threads that you are a liar and can't be take serious

So, according to you, we can believe Hillary because what she said defending herself is in a transcript while what W said about WMDs wasn't in a transcript. Also, we can believe Hillary because she's alibing herself from murder, not from WMDs. The left is very educational, thanks for schooling me
W was never sworn in ... Hillary was ... there's a big difference ...W hearing was held in closed doors ... hillarys wasn't ... so say what you want liar we know who the liar is and that would be you ... you can't stand that fact that you have been exposed as a liar and its just killing you... Gotcha !!!!!

P.S kaz
if hill art was caught lying giving her testimony she can be prosecuted ... W wasn't sworn in and he could say what ever he wanted too

Clintons telling the truth under oath. Now that you can take to the bank!


You are unbelievable. A four year old could con you out of your lunch money
"Hilary said it, it's in the transcripts"....Hillary as never lied she said so herself

we've seen you bull shit video before that has been proven to be cut and pasted here before it had bo value then it has no value now ... you have been proven by me and others that you're a partisan hack and a liar ... the shooting at hillary was done ... what she said was true ... what your right wing video did was show a different time when she went there .. the time of the shooting was never recorded .. so you keep trying lies is what you want to believe this cut an past crap that you rely on would never hold up in any court of law ...

So if they caught a Clinton lying under oath, that would just shatter your world, wouldn't it? Oh wait, they did, repeatedly, both of them ...
"Hilary said it, it's in the transcripts"....Hillary as never lied she said so herself

we've seen you bull shit video before that has been proven to be cut and pasted here before it had bo value then it has no value now ... you have been proven by me and others that you're a partisan hack and a liar ... the shooting at hillary was done ... what she said was true ... what your right wing video did was show a different time when she went there .. the time of the shooting was never recorded .. so you keep trying lies is what you want to believe this cut an past crap that you rely on would never hold up in any court of law ...

This guy has got it bad he even believes the sniper fire crap...Sounds like some kind of cultist or something:cuckoo:

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Reactions: kaz
come on Kaz lets watch you dig a deeper hole here:dig:

Yes, I don't think Hillary saying she did nothing wrong is proof positive she did nothing wrong. That's just digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole.

Don't go on timeshare pitches. Dude, seriously. Take my word on that. You think politicans can't lie, they testify under oath and it's over. Un freaking believable. Feel behind your ears. It is actually wet, isn't it?
I wouldn't take your word on anything .. you're a liar ... we all now know it ... you've ranted and raved here and you still haven't produced anything that you said that happen ... you said there were screaming for help on the phone and hillary did nothing ... I guess calling all those governments for help is nothing thats in the hear=ing and shows documents of her attempts... but to your no avail you couldn't prove your post to be true ... we, meaning the posters on the board, get it ... you hate hillary .dems/liberals and you will say anything to justify your means ... I never said politicians can't lie ... never said that ... but when they are under oath theres a lot more at risk if they are exposed by the hearing if they are caught lying, they go to jail ... unlike your statement here which is design to mislead ... get sympathy for your cause we get it, you hate hillary.... but I'm not going to allow to say thing that never happen or said ... I will challenge your statement every time if its not true ... you keep digging you hole, you've exposed yourself very well ... or should I say I've exposed your lying very well ...

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