Shut up Romney!

“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Hillary and her husband have been lying with a straight face to the American people for decades. there is no groundswell for the witch

the Hillary scum lied to the faces of the family members of these heros

And her husband is an accomplished liar. Here's just one small example of this lying piece of shit

first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Pancetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...
Last edited:
What does Jake have to do with your inability to come up with policy differences between the GOP candidates...other than the obvious distraction from that abject failure?

I asked you the difference between "democrats." you asked me the difference between the three specific candidates I said I could possibly support. You seriously do see those as the same question, don't you?

I know once you get a good talking point you beat it into the ground ignoring any and all answers, but I'm not interested in playing marco polo as you love to do

You asked a ridiculous question that only a partisan hack would ask. You see snow and don't see the individual snowflakes...because you're a partisan hack. I'm a partisan hack, but I can see that there are as many differences between Republicans as there are between Democrats.

Keep dancing Hack...and not providing any differences between the GOP candidates you'll be choosing from.

You are the winner, it cannot be made clearer than you have done you don't know what a word means! Well done, applause...

Dancing? What am I saying that isn't completely clear, dyke?

And at some point you may want to look up what partisan actually means if you're going to insist on using the word.

I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer
I asked you the difference between "democrats." you asked me the difference between the three specific candidates I said I could possibly support. You seriously do see those as the same question, don't you?

I know once you get a good talking point you beat it into the ground ignoring any and all answers, but I'm not interested in playing marco polo as you love to do

You asked a ridiculous question that only a partisan hack would ask. You see snow and don't see the individual snowflakes...because you're a partisan hack. I'm a partisan hack, but I can see that there are as many differences between Republicans as there are between Democrats.

Keep dancing Hack...and not providing any differences between the GOP candidates you'll be choosing from.

You are the winner, it cannot be made clearer than you have done you don't know what a word means! Well done, applause...

Dancing? What am I saying that isn't completely clear, dyke?

And at some point you may want to look up what partisan actually means if you're going to insist on using the word.

I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
Reagan was paid for that one speech. the Clinton.s have a slush fund called the "Clinton found" that keeps their friends and political allies employed with 80% of the proceeds :slap:
Who are you supposed to hire, your enemies?

Nah..I do however expect more than 20% of the 10s of millions in donations to go to actually go to helping people:eusa_wall:
Scenario: if the Clintons say "we will provide the $50 million in funding for your water project, but it will be overseen by my friend Joe Schmoe, who I've known since my Arkansas days."

Is that filed under the 80% going toward keeping their friends employed, or the 20% going toward helping people?
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Hillary and her husband have been lying with a straight face to the American people for decades. there is no groundswell for the witch

the Hillary scum lied to the faces of the family members of these heros

And her husband is an accomplished liar. Here's just one small example of this lying piece of shit

first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Pancetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

Reagan was paid for that one speech. the Clinton.s have a slush fund called the "Clinton found" that keeps their friends and political allies employed with 80% of the proceeds :slap:
Who are you supposed to hire, your enemies?

Nah..I do however expect more than 20% of the 10s of millions in donations to go to actually go to helping people:eusa_wall:
Scenario: if the Clintons say "we will provide the $50 million in funding for your water project, but it will be overseen by my friend Joe Schmoe, who I've known since my Arkansas days."

Is that filed under the 80% going toward keeping their friends employed, or the 20% going toward helping people?

The Clintons throw idiots like you a little bone and you lap it up. 20% is pathetic, it should be the reverse ...You should be embarrassed for supporting such a farse
Last edited:
“There’s just a pattern here, where the other side continues to use the same old tired policies. They don’t work and then Democrat presidents have to come in and fix what was broken. I have this old-fashioned idea that, you know, you ought to look at the evidence and if you look at the evidence at the end of Bill Clinton’s two terms, we had the longest peace-time expansion in American history, with 22 million new jobs, a balanced budget and a surplus that would have paid off our national debt had they not been so rudely interrupted by the next administration.”

— Hillary Clinton, remarks in Hanover, N.H., July 3, 2015
Hillary and her husband have been lying with a straight face to the American people for decades. there is no groundswell for the witch

the Hillary scum lied to the faces of the family members of these heros

And her husband is an accomplished liar. Here's just one small example of this lying piece of shit

first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Panetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

this is where you show you're a partisan hack ... in hillary's defence, if you look at her transcipts that are well documented in all of the benghazi hearings with actual emails and documents stating, she was doing everything she could ... so stop your lying ... she contacted many governments that were in the area asking for help ... she contacted ships in the area, who stated they were too far away from the area this is all documented in the benghazi hearings with documents of her trying... if you took time to do a little research instead of listening to right wing sources lying about it ... the riots that started in the region were well started before the benghazi attack ... this too is all documented that people were protesting in the street, rioting all because of the movie ... thats why the CIA Director not hillary but the CIA Director Leon Panetta assumed it was because of the video that they were attacking benghazi ... this too is all document in the hearings the Idea of the video was never made up by hillary ... Leon Pancetta who stated in the benghazi hearings that he was the one who said it was about the movie ... he testified in the benghazi hear why he thought it was about the movie ... do some god damn research in your pathetic little miserable partisan life ... hillary made only one statement in the press about Bill indiscretion that it was the republican conspiracy ... she never attack any womans credibility in the press or privately ... you haven't any document stating she did ... so stop you god damn lying plus your whole video was based on hypotheticals not reality ... he stated that there was no way anyone could have got there, listen to you own source you idiot ...

your video proved my point ... do you have a listening problem ... he was also asked why didn't he secure the compound and was he asked to secure it ... his response was he was never asked to secure it he stated if he had been asked he would have ... so again you lied you lie so much you don't even understand what you video is saying ... it is saying nobody asked for more people to secure the compound by written document ... you have to ask ... the fact that nobody secure the compound isn't hillarys or Panettas fault ... then you try to push your lies here??? damn you made a fool of your self buts whats new
Last edited:
You asked a ridiculous question that only a partisan hack would ask. You see snow and don't see the individual snowflakes...because you're a partisan hack. I'm a partisan hack, but I can see that there are as many differences between Republicans as there are between Democrats.

Keep dancing Hack...and not providing any differences between the GOP candidates you'll be choosing from.

You are the winner, it cannot be made clearer than you have done you don't know what a word means! Well done, applause...

Dancing? What am I saying that isn't completely clear, dyke?

And at some point you may want to look up what partisan actually means if you're going to insist on using the word.

I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair
Reagan was paid for that one speech. the Clinton.s have a slush fund called the "Clinton found" that keeps their friends and political allies employed with 80% of the proceeds :slap:
Who are you supposed to hire, your enemies?

Nah..I do however expect more than 20% of the 10s of millions in donations to go to actually go to helping people:eusa_wall:
Scenario: if the Clintons say "we will provide the $50 million in funding for your water project, but it will be overseen by my friend Joe Schmoe, who I've known since my Arkansas days."

Is that filed under the 80% going toward keeping their friends employed, or the 20% going toward helping people?

The Clintons throw idiots like you a little bone and you lap it up. 20% is pathetic, it should be the reverse ...You should be embarrassed for supporting such a farse
Conservatives throw you a bone and you lap it all up ...all 100% is you that should be embarrassed ...did you even watch your own video totally ??? really did ya???. cause not only did you embarrassed your self you made a fool of your self..
Hillary and her husband have been lying with a straight face to the American people for decades. there is no groundswell for the witch

the Hillary scum lied to the faces of the family members of these heros

And her husband is an accomplished liar. Here's just one small example of this lying piece of shit

first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Panetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

this is where you show you're a partisan hack ... in hillary's defence, if you look at her transcipts that are well documented in all of the benghazi hearings with actual emails and documents stating, she was doing everything she could ... so stop your lying ... she contacted many governments that were in the area asking for help ... she contacted ships in the area, who stated they were too far away from the area this is all documented in the benghazi hearings with documents of her trying... if you took time to do a little research instead of listening to right wing sources lying about it ... the riots that started in the region were well started before the benghazi attack ... this too is all documented that people were protesting in the street, rioting all because of the movie ... thats why the CIA Director not hillary but the CIA Director Leon Panetta assumed it was because of the video that they were attacking benghazi ... this too is all document in the hearings the Idea of the video was never made up by hillary ... Leon Pancetta who stated in the benghazi hearings that he was the one who said it was about the movie ... he testified in the benghazi hear why he thought it was about the movie ... do some god damn research in your pathetic little miserable partisan life ... hillary made only one statement in the press about Bill indiscretion that it was the republican conspiracy ... she never attack any womans credibility in the press or privately ... you haven't any document stating she did ... so stop you god damn lying plus your whole video was based on hypotheticals not reality ... he stated that there was no way anyone could have got there, listen to you own source you idiot ...

your video proved my point ... do you have a listening problem ... he was also asked why didn't he secure the compound and was he asked to secure it ... his response was he was never asked to secure it he stated if he had been asked he would have ... so again you lied you lie so much you don't even understand what you video is saying ... it is saying nobody asked for more people to secure the compound by written document ... you have to ask ... the fact that nobody secure the compound isn't hillarys or Panettas fault ... then you try to push your lies here??? damn you made a fool of your self buts whats new

Panetta didn't run the state dept. The continued request for addition security went to there, not to the dept of defense you moron. Hillary Deleted 10s of thousands of Emails for a reason. Nobody heard of that stupid video before the publicizing of it by the Obama administration

Rejected Request of Security in Libya

And why do you leftist support rapist and sexual predators?:slap:

You are the winner, it cannot be made clearer than you have done you don't know what a word means! Well done, applause...

Dancing? What am I saying that isn't completely clear, dyke?

And at some point you may want to look up what partisan actually means if you're going to insist on using the word.

I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair

So me saying W and Obama are the same animal with the same policies and they both suck, that's a "partisan" lie. But you knowing that Obama is fixing W's mess by continuing his policies, that's just common sense, bro. Gotcha
first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Panetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

this is where you show you're a partisan hack ... in hillary's defence, if you look at her transcipts that are well documented in all of the benghazi hearings with actual emails and documents stating, she was doing everything she could ... so stop your lying ... she contacted many governments that were in the area asking for help ... she contacted ships in the area, who stated they were too far away from the area this is all documented in the benghazi hearings with documents of her trying... if you took time to do a little research instead of listening to right wing sources lying about it ... the riots that started in the region were well started before the benghazi attack ... this too is all documented that people were protesting in the street, rioting all because of the movie ... thats why the CIA Director not hillary but the CIA Director Leon Panetta assumed it was because of the video that they were attacking benghazi ... this too is all document in the hearings the Idea of the video was never made up by hillary ... Leon Pancetta who stated in the benghazi hearings that he was the one who said it was about the movie ... he testified in the benghazi hear why he thought it was about the movie ... do some god damn research in your pathetic little miserable partisan life ... hillary made only one statement in the press about Bill indiscretion that it was the republican conspiracy ... she never attack any womans credibility in the press or privately ... you haven't any document stating she did ... so stop you god damn lying plus your whole video was based on hypotheticals not reality ... he stated that there was no way anyone could have got there, listen to you own source you idiot ...

your video proved my point ... do you have a listening problem ... he was also asked why didn't he secure the compound and was he asked to secure it ... his response was he was never asked to secure it he stated if he had been asked he would have ... so again you lied you lie so much you don't even understand what you video is saying ... it is saying nobody asked for more people to secure the compound by written document ... you have to ask ... the fact that nobody secure the compound isn't hillarys or Panettas fault ... then you try to push your lies here??? damn you made a fool of your self buts whats new

Panetta didn't run the state dept. The continued request for addition security went to there, not to the dept of defense you moron. Hillary Deleted 10s of thousands of Emails for a reason. Nobody heard of that stupid video before the publicizing of it by the Obama administration

Rejected Request of Security in Libya

And why do you leftist support rapist and sexual predators?:slap:

he ran the CI A who give information to the state department you moron ... in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ... if you didn't some research for once in your miserable partisans hacks life which it is very clear you didn't, all of the document on the ambassadors remarks are in the hearing transcripts ... stop making a fool of your self and go and read the damn transcript of the hearing ...
first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Panetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

this is where you show you're a partisan hack ... in hillary's defence, if you look at her transcipts that are well documented in all of the benghazi hearings with actual emails and documents stating, she was doing everything she could ... so stop your lying ... she contacted many governments that were in the area asking for help ... she contacted ships in the area, who stated they were too far away from the area this is all documented in the benghazi hearings with documents of her trying... if you took time to do a little research instead of listening to right wing sources lying about it ... the riots that started in the region were well started before the benghazi attack ... this too is all documented that people were protesting in the street, rioting all because of the movie ... thats why the CIA Director not hillary but the CIA Director Leon Panetta assumed it was because of the video that they were attacking benghazi ... this too is all document in the hearings the Idea of the video was never made up by hillary ... Leon Pancetta who stated in the benghazi hearings that he was the one who said it was about the movie ... he testified in the benghazi hear why he thought it was about the movie ... do some god damn research in your pathetic little miserable partisan life ... hillary made only one statement in the press about Bill indiscretion that it was the republican conspiracy ... she never attack any womans credibility in the press or privately ... you haven't any document stating she did ... so stop you god damn lying plus your whole video was based on hypotheticals not reality ... he stated that there was no way anyone could have got there, listen to you own source you idiot ...

your video proved my point ... do you have a listening problem ... he was also asked why didn't he secure the compound and was he asked to secure it ... his response was he was never asked to secure it he stated if he had been asked he would have ... so again you lied you lie so much you don't even understand what you video is saying ... it is saying nobody asked for more people to secure the compound by written document ... you have to ask ... the fact that nobody secure the compound isn't hillarys or Panettas fault ... then you try to push your lies here??? damn you made a fool of your self buts whats new

Panetta didn't run the state dept. The continued request for addition security went to there, not to the dept of defense you moron. Hillary Deleted 10s of thousands of Emails for a reason. Nobody heard of that stupid video before the publicizing of it by the Obama administration

Rejected Request of Security in Libya

And why do you leftist support rapist and sexual predators?:slap:

do you ever understand what you are reading ??? the request was for a DC-3 not for any kind of armed protection ... they want to have a DC 3 ready at a air port to handle their equipment and the people ... the state department not hillary but lower downs in the department also said they didn't believe it would help in the email ... they said it wouldn't help them at all if they were attacked ... you keep implying that they were asking for troops ... this never happen ... no request was ever made for more troops period ... so stop you lying ... read your won sources its said right there in the ABC report that you gave us as a source
first of all hillary was told by the CIA that it was because of the movie ... she was saying this because it was the CIA telling her it was about the movie ... hell she even said she believed it was the terrorist that did this in her email to her daughter... she reported to the people what she was told ... that it was because of the movie .... now you republicans for political purpose twist it into her lying ??? thats what you republicans do, lie about something she never said ... you jump all over her because this is what she was told ... so that makes her a liar ... riiiiiiiiight !!!

then you want to blame Hillary for bills indiscression ... you republicans are a piece of lying work

"Indiscretions"?:wtf: Hillary was an enabler ,who destroyed women her scumbag husband had affairs with, and even raped. She also lied to the face of the families of those good men killed in Benghazi. That attack had nothing to do with a video and the way they publicized it afterwards incited violence in other countries, that never would have accured because nobody would have seen the damn thing but for all promotion by Hilary and Obama. Hillary is the lowest of the low. She could give a shit about anybody but herself and her family of insiders

like all republicans you love to make up the facts...
1) Clinton was told By the head of the CIA Leon E. Panetta that the attack was about a movie ... thats what she was told ...
the families were told what she was told by her going faced to face had nothing to do with the information she was told ...
2) the video did insite violence this was establish before the video was said to be the cause of the attack on benghazi ... thats why the CIA thought benghazi was attack the same cause you moron ... it was after the fact they found out it was a terrorist attack ... she had nothing to do with how the releasing of the information told by the CIA to her... but you being a hillary hater like all you republicans, you make it up as you go
3) Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone ...he was never charged plus the person who made the accusation she recanted it ... he got a blow job form a intern who was 22 years old at the time... thats it she had nothing to do with anything at that time other then reading Bill the riot act... she didn't attack any woman over it ... she attack republicans over it, stop your lying...

Obama and Hillary were not concerned about Benghazi, They were negligent. They let those men die, that's a fact. The video story was fabricated by Hillary. They pushed the video which in turn caused death and riots throughout the middle east. Hillary would have destroyed Monica, like she did the others, if not for the blue libs are pathetic really

this is where you show you're a partisan hack ... in hillary's defence, if you look at her transcipts that are well documented in all of the benghazi hearings with actual emails and documents stating, she was doing everything she could ... so stop your lying ... she contacted many governments that were in the area asking for help ... she contacted ships in the area, who stated they were too far away from the area this is all documented in the benghazi hearings with documents of her trying... if you took time to do a little research instead of listening to right wing sources lying about it ... the riots that started in the region were well started before the benghazi attack ... this too is all documented that people were protesting in the street, rioting all because of the movie ... thats why the CIA Director not hillary but the CIA Director Leon Panetta assumed it was because of the video that they were attacking benghazi ... this too is all document in the hearings the Idea of the video was never made up by hillary ... Leon Pancetta who stated in the benghazi hearings that he was the one who said it was about the movie ... he testified in the benghazi hear why he thought it was about the movie ... do some god damn research in your pathetic little miserable partisan life ... hillary made only one statement in the press about Bill indiscretion that it was the republican conspiracy ... she never attack any womans credibility in the press or privately ... you haven't any document stating she did ... so stop you god damn lying plus your whole video was based on hypotheticals not reality ... he stated that there was no way anyone could have got there, listen to you own source you idiot ...

your video proved my point ... do you have a listening problem ... he was also asked why didn't he secure the compound and was he asked to secure it ... his response was he was never asked to secure it he stated if he had been asked he would have ... so again you lied you lie so much you don't even understand what you video is saying ... it is saying nobody asked for more people to secure the compound by written document ... you have to ask ... the fact that nobody secure the compound isn't hillarys or Panettas fault ... then you try to push your lies here??? damn you made a fool of your self buts whats new

Panetta didn't run the state dept. The continued request for addition security went to there, not to the dept of defense you moron. Hillary Deleted 10s of thousands of Emails for a reason. Nobody heard of that stupid video before the publicizing of it by the Obama administration

Rejected Request of Security in Libya

And why do you leftist support rapist and sexual predators?:slap:

all of her emails were recovered you idiot by the FBI so nice try ... in any of her emails weren't a there thing about refusing troops for benghazi ... or being ask of troops .. tell me how many times did hillary rape anyone??? or how many times she was accused of being a predator ... do you like making a fool of yourself ... must of... that was because the very next day they were ask on meet the press what cause the attack ... at that point in time they were told by the CIA it was over the movie ... as time went on they found out it was about the terrorist and they release that information to the press ... there never was any attempt to hide the reason ... if anything they should have never said anything until they got the whole story ... so again do some god damn research and stop making a fool of your partisan hack self
I looked it up and found a description of you, hack. You don't see the trees, just the forest....making you a blind partisan. I'm admittedly partisan unlike you, closet hack, and yet I can see that Republicans are individuals...just like Democrats. Also unlike you, hack, I was able to point out policy differences between the two Democratic presidential candidates.

Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair

So me saying W and Obama are the same animal with the same policies and they both suck, that's a "partisan" lie. But you knowing that Obama is fixing W's mess by continuing his policies, that's just common sense, bro. Gotcha
no you're just a partisan hack.. you post shit shit ...then try to look like you have some sort of non-partisan post ... we get it
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
Liar, you're an idiot.

Your standard changes based on the party. You endlessly slammed W for things you're fine with Obama doing. I slam both parties for the same thing, my standard doesn't change. There is no dictionary that defines that as "partisan"
boy is your nose getting longer

whatcha talking about, girl?
easy you're a partisan lair

So me saying W and Obama are the same animal with the same policies and they both suck, that's a "partisan" lie. But you knowing that Obama is fixing W's mess by continuing his policies, that's just common sense, bro. Gotcha
no you're just a partisan hack.. you post shit shit ...then try to look like you have some sort of non-partisan post ... we get it

So you're not man enough to speak for yourself you imagine hordes of people behind you saying yeah, you get him billy, you speak for me?

And yeah, that I think obama and w both suck is clearly "partisan." Tell the truth, you actually are a rocket scientist, aren't you, brainiac?
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.
.. in hillarys defense she asked the ambassador if he need more protection ... the ambassador told her he didn't ... that too is in the benghazi transcripts ....

Liar, it is not in the transcripts. So while he was screaming for help one phone, he talked to Hillary and told her at the same time that everything was good?
I don't know what transcript you're looking at, heres part of some of the transcript with this debate here ... so do us a favor, go to your transcript and show us where it state he was screaming or are you like always, speaking out your ass... it clearly states what was said ... it also state that rice went on the TV shows without her knowledge of what she was saying about the video its all on the record ... but you go to you little conservative site and lick their ass up site to justify your hate ... it clearly says she had no knowledge of what rice was saying to the press ... Nooooooooow whose the liar... that would be you !!!!!

RISCH: Thank you.

You just testified in your prepared remarks that -- you said, quote, "The very next morning," which would have been Wednesday morning, "I told the American people that," quote, 'heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and -- and vowed to bring them to justice.'"

I'm assuming that you had rock solid evidence to make such a bold statement at that time.

CLINTON: Well, we had four dead people and we had several injured -- one seriously, who's still in Walter Reed. And although we did not have the chance yet to meet with any of our returnees, our team in Tripoli had received them, gotten medical care for them, and had sent them on.

So we knew that clearly there was an attack, a heavily armed attack. Who these people were, where they came from, why they did it, that was still to be determined.

RISCH: I think you probably know where I'm going with this. The next sentence is, "and I stood with President Obama as he spoke of an act of terror." And of course there's been a lot of debate as to the context that the word "terror" was used in.

But be that as it may, I want to move to the next Sunday morning when Ambassador Rice went to the morning -- Sunday morning talk shows. And -- and, I think, we all realize this happened at a politically charged time here in the country as we approached an election. Notwithstanding that, the American people are still entitled to be told the truth about things. Did you select Ambassador Rice to deliver the message to the American people?

CLINTON: No, I -- I did not, Senator. And -- and let me take this opportunity to address this. Because, obviously, even though I haven't had a chance to testify, I certainly have seen the resulting debate and concerns about this. You're right. It was a terrorist attack. I called it an attack by heavily armed militants.

RISCH: Well done.

CLINTON: And -- and, you know, that is clearly what happened. We know that. But second, the harder question is, what caused it. And that we didn't know. We didn't know who the attackers were, what their motives were.

Third, as the ARB makes clear after their months of research, the picture remains still somewhat complicated. And I say that because in the unclassified ARB, it is, I quote, "Key questions surrounding the identity, actions, and motivations of the perpetrators remain to be determined."

I recommend that all members and staff read the classified version of the ARB, which goes into greater detail. I obviously can't speak to it, but it does goes into greater detail because there were a variety of potential causes and triggers for this attack. There's evidence that the attacks were deliberate, opportunistic, and pre-coordinated, but not necessarily indicative of extensive planning.

And -- and fourth, Senator, I would say that I personally was not focused on talking points. I was focused on keeping our people safe. Because, as I said, I have a very serious threat environment in Yemen. it turned out we had people getting over that wall in Cairo, doing damage until we got them out. We had a serious threat against our embassy in Tunis. I had to call the president of Tunisia and beg him to send reinforcements, which he did to finally save our embassy, which could have been a disaster. They burned and trashed our school.

So I was pretty occupied about keeping our people safe, doing what needed to be done in the follow-up to Benghazi. I really don't think anybody in the administration was really focused on that so much as trying to figure out what we should be doing. And, you know, I wasn't involved in the talking points process.

As I understand it, as I've been told, it was a typical interagency process where staff, including from the State Department all participated, to try to come up with whatever was going to be made publicly available, and it was an intelligence product. And it's my understanding that the intelligence community is working with appropriate committees, to kind, of explain the whole process.

RISCH: Well, thank you. I had some follow-up questions, but my time is up. But I -- I gather you still stand by the statement you made less than 24 hours, that -- that heavily armed militants assaulted our compound, and you vowed to bring them to justice. You still stand by that?

CLINTON: Absolutely.

RISCH: Thank you.


First of all, what's with the "us?" You the queen of England using the royal we or are you just too limp dicked to think your opinion is worth snot on it's own so you need the validation of others to prop you up?

And OK, i see what you're saying now. HILLARY said it in the transcripts. You wanted to make it sound like there was corroboration of that, so instead of saying Hillary said that, you said it was in the transcripts. So I call my home boy and he said no probs, all is good. Of course she did, simpleton. By in the transcripts, I took you to mean there was actual evidence of that. My God, you people are classic

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