Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

"Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies"

No, everyone's sick of the right's constant attacks and lies, along with their moronic straw man fallacies, this thread being one of many examples.
Throw a stone into a pack of dogs, and you can tell which one it hit by who yelps the loudest. :biggrin:
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

Sounds like you righties got a lot more money than you said you did. Time to raise taxes.
someone on here claimed they (the left/progressives) won this one...well this here shows they didn't win jack shit and people are sick of them

good on the people supporting this business. I saw a news clip on it....they are just a small mom and pop joint...I posted a clip off the leftwing hate site Salon earlier..... saying these people Deserved everything they are getting from the mob of haters

time to take a stand folks or let them beat you down

Bigots have a lot of money. No one ever denied that. Just look at Chik-Fil-A. A certain portion of the population with a mindset exactly that of Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty will always be willing to celebrate bigotry.
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

Decent folk, rising up against the temporary tyranny of sexual deviants and perverts and degenerates and their supporters.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

We're coming for you, in the law courts.

This struggle isn't over.

It's just beginning.
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Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

"We don't hate gays - we just don't think they should have spouses. Or families. Or jobs. Or anything really. But we don't hate them! Don't be ridiculous" - Jesus
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

I'm glad the RWnuts like you will be supporting the bigots who go out of business. That will keep them off the dole.
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

I'm glad the RWnuts like you will be supporting the bigots who go out of business. That will keep them off the dole.
A Conservative stance in favor of decency over sexual deviancy and perversion and degeneracy is not evidence of RW-Nut status, your partisan speculation and protestations to the contrary not withstanding.
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

I'm glad the RWnuts like you will be supporting the bigots who go out of business. That will keep them off the dole.
A Conservative stance in favor of decency over sexual deviancy and perversion and degeneracy is not evidence of RW-Nut status, your partisan speculation and protestations to the contrary not withstanding.

So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see that shit, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see it, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.

So in a real marriage, the man sticks his penis up the woman's anus, right?
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see it, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.

So in a real marriage, the man sticks his penis up the woman's anus, right?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors, freak... just keep it there... I (and the rest of the world) have more important things to worry about.
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see it, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.

So in a real marriage, the man sticks his penis up the woman's anus, right?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors, freak... just keep it there... I (and the rest of the world) have more important things to worry about.

So you are against legally recognized marriage ENTIRELY?
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see it, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.

So in a real marriage, the man sticks his penis up the woman's anus, right?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors, freak... just keep it there... I (and the rest of the world) have more important things to worry about.

So you are against legally recognized marriage ENTIRELY?
Worst example of flawed, self-serving pseudo-logic I've seen in quite some time... you really DO need to get-in more practice... meanwhile... back to the Minors with you.
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see it, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.

So in a real marriage, the man sticks his penis up the woman's anus, right?

A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

More proof that the supporters of gay rights have won.

As a result of some governor in the middle of no where signing hate legislation and then having to tuck his tail between his legs and retreat, giving his entire party a black eye in the process...losers across the nation are now giving money to a pizza joint in the middle of no where.

I'm not into "winners" and "losers" per say....but it takes a particularly insane view of the world to think your ideology is better off when your representatives have a black eye, other states are hesitating from getting on board the sinking ship, and your constituents are giving money to a pizza joint instead of their possible candidates for office.

I hope they continue to "win" every week until the 2016 election at this rate.

Good lord CC. Let's flip the coin, your supporters are destroying a business that DID NOT discriminate.

The law is that they must supply the same services regardless of who wants them.


It's fake outrage.

Yeah, I know.
They aren't they, IMHO, dishonestly said they wouldn't cater a wedding. You applaud that type of dishonesty?

Anyway, it wasn't hard to see what would happen next. Like that yokel who said he wouldn't hire anyone until Obama left office, the Bundy fellow out in Nevada, Ted Nugent, and Joe the's free publicity which was sucked up in whole by the RWNJs.... The kickstarter was probably not expected. I went to their page and their donations are now at $312,782 of $200k....meaning their income taxes are going to be a nightmare next year. Maybe the RWNJs can host a telethon for them to help get someone to prepare their taxes.

They asked a young employee. NOT THE OWNER

Where do the owners stand on the subject?
The revised Indiana law now takes away the right of the pizzeria to refuse to cater a gay function, if they do offer catering in the first place.

The law ends up doing the exact opposite of its original intent.
Bigots can be so generous when it comes to supporting fag haters
I told you this yesterday so let me repeat it for you short-attention-span types.....

Memories Pizza Story Was Literally Fabricated Out of Nothing by an Axe-Grinding, Attention-Seeking Reporterette & Silly Shit Local TV News Station
Ace of Spades HQ
If you didn't know this -- I assumed it, but it's good to have it known, on the record-- Memories Pizza didn't actually discriminate against anyone, nor even publicly announce their desire to discriminate.

What happened was that an axe-grinding, social-justicing, attention-whoring reporterette for a local tv station decided to just start walking into pizza places and asking them,preposterously, if they would sell pizza (?) to a gay wedding (??!!!).

Worse than that, their first headline on this story was completely false:

"RFRA: First Michiana business to publicly deny same-sex service"

This is not true; this is, in fact, libel. They specifically said they would serve any customers coming through their doors, including gays; they said they would only not agree to cater (preposterously, again) a gay wedding.

They deliberately libeled these people. And they weren't alone. Buzzfeed, of When Does The Plane Land? fame, used this headline:

Indiana Pizzeria Owners Say They'd Deny LGBT People Service

With the subhead,

The internet shows its wrath

just in case you weren't sure that this is some more of that Bang-Bang Action Politics!, with plenty of drama and Social Media Buzz, that retarded children enjoy.

Scott Ott's story was the original:

If I were forced to mark out a story line, it would be this: A nice lady in a small town tries to be helpful and polite to a lovely young reporter from "the big city."
In other words, Memories Pizza didn’t blast out a news release. They didn't contact the media, nor make a stink on Twitter or Facebook. They didn’t even post a sign in the window rejecting gay-wedding catering jobs. They merely answered questions from a novice reporter who strolled into their restaurant one day -- who was sent on a mission by an irresponsible news organization.

Next: ABC-57 anchor Brian Dorman leads the evening newscast dramatically with this:

Only on ABC-57 News tonight. We went into small towns looking for reaction to the Religious Freedom Act. We found one business, just 20 miles away from a welcoming South Bend...with a very different view.

Not only did ABC-57 News create that story ex nihilo (out of nothing), but the next day, the station’s Rosie Woods reported on the social-media backlash against the Christian pizza shop owners.

"Our Facebook page has been blowing up with comments after we aired that story last night," said Woods....

You see, not only did ABC-57 manufacture the story with an ambush interview, it then doubled-down by making the reaction to the story into another story to give the sense of momentum, as if it were growing at its own impetus. Yet, everything about it is a fabrication....

Back in the ABC-57 studio, Rosie Woods read three negative social media comments attacking the pizza shop owners, and then said, "And that's just one side of this debate that’s heating up as more people and business owners speak up about the law."

She then quotes one (1) person, the owner of another business, who agreed with the O’Connors. Seems that "just one side of this debate" deserves more attention than the other.

I would sue. I really would. I would sue Buzzfeed and that local station, and anyone else who started off their reporting with that deliberately libelous but oh-so-virally-clicky headline.


dimocraps are simply the scum of the earth, people. Scum. Total and complete and abnsolute scum unworthy of breathing free air.

They are the scummiest scumbag motherfuckers to ever walk the surface of the planet.

ALL of them. Every last one.

How many of them will go to Church today, get on bended knee and swear fealty to their undying God, then obediently vote for the very people who HATE, want to destroy, and despise them?


fuck all of them. all of them can roast in hell. Every.Last.One.

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