Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

As a result of some governor in the middle of no where signing hate legislation and then having to tuck his tail between his legs and retreat, giving his entire party a black eye in the process...losers across the nation are now giving money to a pizza joint in the middle of no where.

I'm not into "winners" and "losers" per say....but it takes a particularly insane view of the world to think your ideology is better off when your representatives have a black eye, other states are hesitating from getting on board the sinking ship, and your constituents are giving money to a pizza joint instead of their possible candidates for office.

I hope they continue to "win" every week until the 2016 election at this rate.

Good lord CC. Let's flip the coin, your supporters are destroying a business that DID NOT discriminate.

The law is that they must supply the same services regardless of who wants them.


It's fake outrage.

Yeah, I know.
They aren't they, IMHO, dishonestly said they wouldn't cater a wedding. You applaud that type of dishonesty?

Anyway, it wasn't hard to see what would happen next. Like that yokel who said he wouldn't hire anyone until Obama left office, the Bundy fellow out in Nevada, Ted Nugent, and Joe the's free publicity which was sucked up in whole by the RWNJs.... The kickstarter was probably not expected. I went to their page and their donations are now at $312,782 of $200k....meaning their income taxes are going to be a nightmare next year. Maybe the RWNJs can host a telethon for them to help get someone to prepare their taxes.

They could always make a donation to Sandra Fluke so she can buy her birth control. :eusa_angel:
You need to give some more to this worthy cause.....

OK! Will do!
Please. Give it all. TY.
"Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies"

No, everyone's sick of the right's constant attacks and lies, along with their moronic straw man fallacies, this thread being one of many examples.
Donations now up to $435,000.

While the left screams more abuse and lies toward Memories Pizza.
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

you are another dumb mouth breather

The ‪#‎MemoriesPizza‬ story is a scam. On the brink of bankruptcy they drummed up phony outrage with GOP host @DLoesch & raised $$ on gofundme. They've raised 22k already

Poor bigoted guno, crying because the threats he celebrated last night, backfired big time and now a business is going to thrive because a bully attempt went terribly wrong.
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.
Donations now up to $435,000.

While the left screams more abuse and lies toward Memories Pizza.
This deal is done my little man, or did you not hear? At least for this law, the fags are protected. Sorry.

How many times have you felt the need to post this? I believe everyone knows that a modified bill passed today, yet that isn't stopping the donations from flowing in for support of this pizza guy, who was threatened and bullied by the left wing nuts.
Donations now up to $435,000.

While the left screams more abuse and lies toward Memories Pizza.
This deal is done my little man, or did you not hear? At least for this law, the fags are protected. Sorry.

How many times have you felt the need to post this? I believe everyone knows that a modified bill passed today, yet that isn't stopping the donations from flowing in for support of this pizza guy, who was threatened and bullied by the left wing nuts.
So, bigots are sending in cash to someone who now can't legally do what he said he would do. Why exactly are they still dropping coins in his pencil cup?
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.

So now you're gloating about the fact that their lives have been threatened?

And your ilk goes around accusing your critics of "HATE!"

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.

So now you're gloating about the fact that their lives have been threatened?

And your ilk goes around accusing your critics of "HATE!"

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
That's not gloating, that's a question. It's a crazy world my child.

And one should hate evil.
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.

So now you're gloating about the fact that their lives have been threatened?

And your ilk goes around accusing your critics of "HATE!"

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
That's not gloating, that's a question. It's a crazy world my child.

And one should hate evil.

Who do you think you're lying to, Nazi scum?
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

More proof that the supporters of gay rights have won.

As a result of some governor in the middle of no where signing hate legislation and then having to tuck his tail between his legs and retreat, giving his entire party a black eye in the process...losers across the nation are now giving money to a pizza joint in the middle of no where.

I'm not into "winners" and "losers" per say....but it takes a particularly insane view of the world to think your ideology is better off when your representatives have a black eye, other states are hesitating from getting on board the sinking ship, and your constituents are giving money to a pizza joint instead of their possible candidates for office.

I hope they continue to "win" every week until the 2016 election at this rate.

Good lord CC. Let's flip the coin, your supporters are destroying a business that DID NOT discriminate.

The law is that they must supply the same services regardless of who wants them.


It's fake outrage.

Yeah, I know.
They aren't they, IMHO, dishonestly said they wouldn't cater a wedding. You applaud that type of dishonesty?

Anyway, it wasn't hard to see what would happen next. Like that yokel who said he wouldn't hire anyone until Obama left office, the Bundy fellow out in Nevada, Ted Nugent, and Joe the's free publicity which was sucked up in whole by the RWNJs.... The kickstarter was probably not expected. I went to their page and their donations are now at $312,782 of $200k....meaning their income taxes are going to be a nightmare next year. Maybe the RWNJs can host a telethon for them to help get someone to prepare their taxes.

They asked a young employee. NOT THE OWNER
As a result of some governor in the middle of no where signing hate legislation and then having to tuck his tail between his legs and retreat, giving his entire party a black eye in the process...losers across the nation are now giving money to a pizza joint in the middle of no where.

I'm not into "winners" and "losers" per say....but it takes a particularly insane view of the world to think your ideology is better off when your representatives have a black eye, other states are hesitating from getting on board the sinking ship, and your constituents are giving money to a pizza joint instead of their possible candidates for office.

I hope they continue to "win" every week until the 2016 election at this rate.

Good lord CC. Let's flip the coin, your supporters are destroying a business that DID NOT discriminate.

The law is that they must supply the same services regardless of who wants them.


It's fake outrage.

Yeah, I know.
They aren't they, IMHO, dishonestly said they wouldn't cater a wedding. You applaud that type of dishonesty?

Anyway, it wasn't hard to see what would happen next. Like that yokel who said he wouldn't hire anyone until Obama left office, the Bundy fellow out in Nevada, Ted Nugent, and Joe the's free publicity which was sucked up in whole by the RWNJs.... The kickstarter was probably not expected. I went to their page and their donations are now at $312,782 of $200k....meaning their income taxes are going to be a nightmare next year. Maybe the RWNJs can host a telethon for them to help get someone to prepare their taxes.

They could always make a donation to Sandra Fluke so she can buy her birth control. :eusa_angel: need

Thanks to the ACA, employers must cover it.

Did you know that the "victorious" Hobby Lobby must now cover 16 different types of contraceptive products? Thank you Mr. President.

They supplied them before SCOTUS, Hobby Lobby was a win for the right. Nice try though.

Now they have to. Thanks again Mr. President.
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.

So now you're gloating about the fact that their lives have been threatened?

And your ilk goes around accusing your critics of "HATE!"

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
That's not gloating, that's a question. It's a crazy world my child.

And one should hate evil.

That's why I hate you.
Have they been able to leave the house yet? They are going to need that cash, for lots of security that will make them feel safe when they are more than likely perfectly safe already.

So now you're gloating about the fact that their lives have been threatened?

And your ilk goes around accusing your critics of "HATE!"

The hypocrisy is unbelievable.
That's not gloating, that's a question. It's a crazy world my child.

And one should hate evil.

That's why I hate you.
So do, I'd be upset if you didn't, only I know true evil while you are still wetting the bed.
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

People can donate to whatever they want. If they want to give their money to a company that discriminates against gays, so be it. We know half this country believes that they should rule based on strict interpretation of the Bible, except when it inconveniences them personally.

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