Since Co2 does nothing, what does cause Earth climate change?

The first part is understanding what is climate and what is weather. Climate is the parameters of Earth that allow certain ranges of weather. We don't get Cat 10 canes now, but we would if Earth had no ice.

What are the parameters of climate that can change?

Ocean levels
Atmospheric thickness

What controls those?

The amount of ice on the planet. Period. Ocean level is 100% inversely correlated to Earth ice content (on land, not sea ice, which is pathetically small) - duh. Trapped in ice age glacier is compressed gas. When it snows 10 feet, you can compress that into a few inches of ice, and the rest is air, which also gets compressed, when it is under 100k years of ice layers on top of it. When that ice melts, that compressed air is released back into the atmosphere, making it denser. Clearly more ice makes things colder, but it is the discrepancy between the polar circles today that is key to understanding Earth climate change and how it occurs.

90% of Earth Ice is on Antarctica
7% is on Greenland

97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to the poles.... and land moves.


Antarctic vs Arctic Infographic | Antarctica activities, Geography ...

Air that passes over the Antarctic Circle cools 50F (58F from the above image) more than air that passes over Arctic.

Antarctica also puts 9 times the ice into the oceans, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi River puts in the Gulf, and that ice is colder than Arctic ice.

The Antarctic Circle cools Earth much more than the Arctic Circle does.

All about land near the poles. And land moves.
Sun and axis of the earth, mountains and oceans
Sun and axis of the earth, mountains and oceans

And since the Sun and the axis have been constant for billions of years, the change is in the mountains and oceans, because LAND MOVES, and OCEANS MOVE. 125 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean did not exist, and neither did the Arctic, because fish fossils from that area are fresh water fish.

Name ONE THING the SUN has CHANGED on EARTH in the past billion years....
And since the Sun and the axis have been constant for billions of years, the change is in the mountains and oceans, because LAND MOVES, and OCEANS MOVE. 125 million years ago the Atlantic Ocean did not exist, and neither did the Arctic, because fish fossils from that area are fresh water fish.

Name ONE THING the SUN has CHANGED on EARTH in the past billion years....
Why I grouped them that way
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For the 1,436th time

We have TWO and ONLY TWO measures of atmospheric temps, satellites and balloons. The theory is that increasing atmospheric Co2 would warm atmosphere. That did not happen, but rather led to the MOST CONFLICTED FUDGE JOB IN SCIENCE HISTORY...
I thought it was the ToE.
I thought it was the ToE.

The atmospheric temps were fudged with the following "reasons"

1. satellites had "orbit" wobble, which would not have changed the IR readings at all, much less change a flat line into an upward slope

2. the balloons had a "shade issue" which was CONSTANT the whole time, which might justify a one time CONSTANT adjustment to the data, which would have kept a flat line a flat line, but the "warmers" found a way to take a flat line and fudge it into an upward slope despite the reason for doing so being CONSTANT THE WHOLE TIME...
Don't worry about any of that. It doesn't matter. Just get to a doctor and tell them about all of this and then follow their advice. They're probably going to tell you to stay off the Internet, at least for a few years. But it'll all be for the better.
Don't worry about any of that. It doesn't matter. Just get to a doctor and tell them about all of this and then follow their advice. They're probably going to tell you to stay off the Internet, at least for a few years. But it'll all be for the better.

Well, use of the word "doctor" here is needed, since the link documents the raw data from satellites and balloons showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere during a period of rising Co2, and hence required "doctoring" to support the Co2 FRAUD...
Well, use of the word "doctor" here is needed, since the link documents the raw data from satellites and balloons showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere during a period of rising Co2, and hence required "doctoring" to support the Co2 FRAUD...
Don't wait. Find that doctor and make an appointment. It'll do you a world of good. You'll see.
Ya, I'm going to believe NBCnews on anything. They claimed Israel bombed a hospital killing 500 doctors, nurses and children when it was their own bomb that blue up some concrete parking lot. They are part of the communist plot.
Ya, I'm going to believe NBCnews on anything. They claimed Israel bombed a hospital killing 500 doctors, nurses and children when it was their own bomb that blue up some concrete parking lot. They are part of the communist plot.


What that article documents is as follows....

The highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2.

Then it was fudged, and NBC applauded the fudge job. Crock won't even attempt to debate that fudge job because it is so laughable.

"orbit wobble" = fudge satellite data from flat line to upward slope

"shade issues" that were constant the whole time = fudge balloon data from flat line to upward slope...

CONSTANT THE WHOLE TIME does not justify fudging a flat line into an upward slope, and Crock knows that as does Toddster...

What that article documents is as follows....

The highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed precisely NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2.

Then it was fudged, and NBC applauded the fudge job. Crock won't even attempt to debate that fudge job because it is so laughable.

"orbit wobble" = fudge satellite data from flat line to upward slope

"shade issues" that were constant the whole time = fudge balloon data from flat line to upward slope...

CONSTANT THE WHOLE TIME does not justify fudging a flat line into an upward slope, and Crock knows that as does Toddster...
When you talk to your shrink, make certain you tell him all these points and that it is points like these that tell you CO2 does nothing, there is no global warming and no sea level rise.
When you talk to your shrink, make certain you tell him all these points and that it is points like these that tell you CO2 does nothing, there is no global warming and no sea level rise.
co2 does nothing, period

only idiots would try to lessen the amount of co2 in the atmosphere, which is essential for life,
The first part is understanding what is climate and what is weather. Climate is the parameters of Earth that allow certain ranges of weather. We don't get Cat 10 canes now, but we would if Earth had no ice.

What are the parameters of climate that can change?

Ocean levels
Atmospheric thickness

What controls those?

The amount of ice on the planet. Period. Ocean level is 100% inversely correlated to Earth ice content (on land, not sea ice, which is pathetically small) - duh. Trapped in ice age glacier is compressed gas. When it snows 10 feet, you can compress that into a few inches of ice, and the rest is air, which also gets compressed, when it is under 100k years of ice layers on top of it. When that ice melts, that compressed air is released back into the atmosphere, making it denser. Clearly more ice makes things colder, but it is the discrepancy between the polar circles today that is key to understanding Earth climate change and how it occurs.

90% of Earth Ice is on Antarctica
7% is on Greenland

97% of Earth ice is on the two land masses closest to the poles.... and land moves.


Antarctic vs Arctic Infographic | Antarctica activities, Geography ...

Air that passes over the Antarctic Circle cools 50F (58F from the above image) more than air that passes over Arctic.

Antarctica also puts 9 times the ice into the oceans, some 46 times the H2O the Mississippi River puts in the Gulf, and that ice is colder than Arctic ice.

The Antarctic Circle cools Earth much more than the Arctic Circle does.

All about land near the poles. And land moves.
The bright yellow thing in the sky and the angle at which it reaches the surface. Primarily. Also, cow farts.
When you talk to your shrink, make certain you tell him all these points and that it is points like these that tell you CO2 does nothing, there is no global warming and no sea level rise.

Co2 does nothing = highly correlated satellite and balloon data
No Global Warming = no ocean rise = no ongoing net ice melt

Evidence of ocean rise?

Crock cannot show us ONE SINGLE PHOTO of anything sinking....

The bright yellow thing in the sky and the angle at which it reaches the surface. Primarily. Also, cow farts.

Actually, your "theory" here would result in equal amounts of ice on both poles... FAIL.

Something called LAND is needed...

Earth ice

90% on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% on LAND MASS Greenland
0.3% on LAND MASS Ellesmere Island

LESS than 0.3%, likely 0.0001 percent, on Alaska... not within 600 miles of a pole...

One Earth polar circle has 9+ times the ice of the other, and Co2 and SUN do NOT explain that....
Actually, your "theory" here would result in equal amounts of ice on both poles... FAIL.

Something called LAND is needed...

Earth ice

90% on LAND MASS Antarctica
7% on LAND MASS Greenland
0.3% on LAND MASS Ellesmere Island

LESS than 0.3%, likely 0.0001 percent, on Alaska... not within 600 miles of a pole...

One Earth polar circle has 9+ times the ice of the other, and Co2 and SUN do NOT explain that....
Go ahead and ignore the angle at which the sun hits the earth. And the cow farts.

Next thing you’ll tell us that the prehistoric SUVs played no role in the ice ages.
Go ahead and ignore the angle at which the sun hits the earth. And the cow farts.

Next thing you’ll tell us that the prehistoric SUVs played no role in the ice ages.


Sun = constant

What does the Sun change on Earth?? Summer to Winter, yawn, that's not really a "change" since IT HAPPENS EVERY YEAR...

Clearly, counselor, your definition of "ice age" is incorrect, likely because it is PARROTED from conflicted taxpayer funded liars....

Go ahead and tell us Antarctica is not an ice age, never mind it is covered with 2 miles of ice now....

Or get a clue first, right here...

There is clear and irrefutable evidence that temperatures are rising since the past 40 years. Therefore it is irrefutable that global warming is happening.
The reasons as to why, need and can be discussed. And not ignorantly stating that temperature hasn't risen and isn't rising.
A good bird in the cage proof of global warming is provided at Death Valley CA. This is the canary in the mine type of proof.

Well as it turns out, it has not recently set records for heat waves, because that took place in 1913. Well prior to man using gas guzzling automobiles. And the number of coal plants were also many fewer.
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A good bird in the cage proof of global warming is provided at Death Valley CA. This is the canary in the mine type of proof.

Well as it turns out, it has not recently set records for heat waves, because that took place in 1913. Well prior to man using gas guzzling automobiles. And the number of coal plants were also many fewer.
Tens of thousands of temperature records recorded all over the planet show warming taking place. That no new record has taken place in Death Valley is meaningless. I'm certain that thousands of other locations have also failed to set new records. But even more HAVE.





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