Since when is self defense a crime?

With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.
That goes right out the window when it's shown that Rittenhouse ran away from the mob and only fired when they were about to attack him on the ground. That IS self defense.
You are really confused about this so let me 'splain.

The "vigilantes" were the assholes that threatened to kill Kyle, ran him down to attack, kicked him in the head, bashed him with a skateboard and threatened him with a loaded Glock. All because he was peacefully helping to put out a fire.

It was one of these shithead protesters that fired the first shots.

They didn't go after him because he was threatening them with his weapon. No evidence of that whatsoever. Many of the Insurrection BLM/ANTIFA shitheads were just as armed as any of the Patriots there.

The jury heard all the evidence and came to the conclusion that it was self defense.

Do you know something that the jury didn't hear?
I swear, these guys are really derelict in their duty to turn over all the evidence to the prosecution. I mean, they're clearly sitting on some rock solid stuff here that the prosecution just didn't have.

Maybe somebody needs to teach the DA how to use an internet search so he can find all this stuff.
With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.
shut the absolute fuck up moron.

A jury said your full of shit!!!!
He should have been convicted. You are the racist dumb asses and that includes the fact that Kenosha is racist. Tell me what law allows a 17 year old to carry a rifle. Also the fact is that he had no business being there. He was not even a resident.
Silly fascist---this is a america. Even 17 year olds are allowed to go to Kenosha.
Interesting fact that even CNN's Cuomo had to agree with, when interviewing Kyle's lawyer..
Cuomo - "Kyle was found not guilty by claiming self defense...
Lawyer - "No, Kyle was found not guilty because it is on video. If it would have been Kyle against the mob of witnesses there, Kyle would have lost"
Cuomo - "'s true."
Rittenhouse is the one who is the hater. He had no business being there as he did not live here., He was not attacked until shots were fired. They have the right to defend themselves.
This is America--he had the right to be there or here. Doesn't matter---

Secondly, his father, grandmother, and job were in Kenosha--he lived 25 minutes away.

Third, if you listened to the trial----shots were fired but one of your stupid criminals that got shot.
I encourage freedom you dumb asshole. I had the virus, donated my own blood for 15 months to save others (50+ saved per the Red Cross) and my family and I are vaccinated. Amari Cooper, Jaylen Brown, Kyrie Irving, Aaron Rodgers...all not vaccinated. Are they Trump MAGA followers too? People who don't want the vaccine aren't a monolith you disgusting pile of crap. I am vaccinated and had the virus. I am sure immune per MY DOCTOR so IDGAF what others do as I am not worried about COVID. Follow the science you leftist jackass. There are only two genders and men cannot become pregnant.
Oh look, another Trump Moonie launching into orbit. You follow the science, Trump bait. 90% of the people in ICU's & dying from COVID are unvaxxed which puts the rest of us at risk because beds are being taken up with anti vaxx jerkoffs who won't get the vaccine. You'll gaf if you need a bed for a non COVID condition & it's taken by some unvaxxed halfwit.

Now go back in your corner & wait for a 10 count.
If somebody slaps you in the face and runs away, then you and a bunch of your friends chase after him and beat him to death, you're going down.
Yep but what if the slap is followed by additional aggression? Chasing someone isn't self defense.
Nobody's really sure, but we believe it's a gun that's big and black. People who don't understand guns are afraid of big and black.
Yep. My niece's boyfriend just came out of the blue one day with, "I don't believe in assault weapons". We were in the garden pulling weeds and picking vegetables and it just came out. I asked him to tell me what an assault weapon is. Her hemmed and hawed and erred and ummed and tried to change the subject, so I asked, "Oh, you mean the big scary black guns?" And he said "Yeah, those". I just laughed until he thought I was losing it. And he's a gun owner! I still just shake my head.

And while we're on the subject, Sandy Shanks if you responded to my question, I haven't seen it yet. What say? Is big and black there in YOUR definition?
Oh look, another Trump Moonie launching into orbit. You follow the science, Trump bait. 90% of the people in ICU's & dying from COVID are unvaxxed which puts the rest of us at risk because beds are being taken up with anti vaxx jerkoffs who won't get the vaccine. You'll gaf if you need a bed for a non COVID condition & it's taken by some unvaxxed halfwit.

Now go back in your corner & wait for a 10 count.
So that is their choice. Of those 90% how many are old and or fat? IDGAF what others do. Their body their choice. Funny how that is, you dumb leftist. Your TDS is off the charts.
Oh look, another Trump Moonie launching into orbit. You follow the science, Trump bait. 90% of the people in ICU's & dying from COVID are unvaxxed which puts the rest of us at risk because beds are being taken up with anti vaxx jerkoffs who won't get the vaccine. You'll gaf if you need a bed for a non COVID condition & it's taken by some unvaxxed halfwit.

Now go back in your corner & wait for a 10 count.
You do not know that for a fact. Think about it for a moment, you're saying that there are people who are so unhinged that they go into a murderous rage when they see a gun that isn't pointed at them or even aimed at anyone? And we let these people out by themselves after dark?

I actually have a different theory about why Rosenbaum went after Kyle....Earlier Rosenbaum was pushing a dumpster that he had set on fire by the gas station, and another guy dressed like Kyle had run up and put the fire out...Rosenbaum was furious...I think he saw Kyle alone, and he thought it was the other guy, and wanted to attack him for his earlier act of putting out his fire....
I actually have a different theory about why Rosenbaum went after Kyle....Earlier Rosenbaum was pushing a dumpster that he had set on fire by the gas station, and another guy dressed like Kyle had run up and put the fire out...Rosenbaum was furious...I think he saw Kyle alone, and he thought it was the other guy, and wanted to attack him for his earlier act of putting out his fire....
SMH when the act of putting out a BurnLootMurderer's fire is that sick person's justification for chasing and assaulting someone.
I don't care about the criminals which is why I don't mention them.

What's really troubling is you idiots holding up a teenager who made nothing but bad judgements as a hero.

This dumb kid is no hero and no one with a lick of sense thinks he is
Not really.

The rioters should not have been there. They were there to do harm, steal and do property damage. However they were there.

The police should have been there to stop the violence. However, they were not there.

You can crow all you want about how he should not have been there. It certainly was not ideal for his own health to be in that position. ALL of the reasons that he should not have been there had failed though - that people will not be allowed to riot and that the police are there to protect people and their property. He was there because that was what was left, people in the damn community to protect their livelihood from rioters.

If you don't want people shot in the streets, do not encourage or stand by when the looters show up. It is asinine that you demean his actions when they are in direct response to a threat that was placed on his neighborhood. It may be the 'correct' thing to do in your world view to allow rioters to run rampant through your neighborhood but to most of us that is an immoral decision.

The inability to do violence due to cowardice is NOT moral or heroic.
SMH when the act of putting out a BurnLootMurderer's fire is that sick person's justification for chasing and assaulting someone.

Oh, I know right? But, the liars out there are trying to pin it on a provocation, when the actual "provocation" was in a citizen putting out a fire that Rosenbaum was trying to do damage with, and then Rosenbaum deciding that Kyle was the guy and he was going to get revenge....Had nothing to do with the weapon...

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