Since when is self defense a crime?

With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.

Yes, this is pretty much true.

If Kyle Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If Kyle's fellow militia members would've stopped Kyle from running off alone, two people would still be alive.
With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.
like so many thing you post about you are wrong
Yes, this is pretty much true.

If Kyle Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If Kyle's fellow militia members would've stopped Kyle from running off alone, two people would still be alive.
What fellow Militia members? Left wants to defund the police but then complains when citizens defend themselves. Lol
With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.

You are really confused about this so let me 'splain.

The "vigilantes" were the assholes that threatened to kill Kyle, ran him down to attack, kicked him in the head, bashed him with a skateboard and threatened him with a loaded Glock. All because he was peacefully helping to put out a fire.

It was one of these shithead protesters that fired the first shots.

They didn't go after him because he was threatening them with his weapon. No evidence of that whatsoever. Many of the Insurrection BLM/ANTIFA shitheads were just as armed as any of the Patriots there.

The jury heard all the evidence and came to the conclusion that it was self defense.

Do you know something that the jury didn't hear?
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Yes, this is pretty much true.

If Kyle Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If Kyle's fellow militia members would've stopped Kyle from running off alone, two people would still be alive.

The chickenshit vigilantes didn't have the courage to attack any of the adults protecting the properties. They went after a 17 year old because he had a baby face and looked liked an easy target. They were pissed that he help to put out one of the many fires they started.

They learned a lesson the hard way, didn't they? Dumbshit cowards.
Yes, this is pretty much true.

If Kyle Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If Kyle's fellow militia members would've stopped Kyle from running off alone, two people would still be alive.

If the shithead vigilantes wouldn't have attacked Kyle they wouldn't have got wasted, would they?
If Kyle Rittenhouse was unarmed, no harm would've came to him.

It was the gun that made the people around him hostile.
I could of sword it was when Kyle had put out a fire that the crowd got mad, because the crowd didnt like anyone putting their dumpster fire out.

Oh and i also wear a MAGA hat and Joe Biden is Worthless mask because i love to trigger people. Do you think those might make some people hostile? I just cant wait..

MAGA HAT.jpgThis-mask-is-as-useless-as-Joe-Biden-face-mask-3.png
Yes, this is pretty much true.

If Kyle Rittenhouse would've remained with his fellow militia members instead of running off alone into a crowd of hostile protestors, two people would still be alive.

If Kyle's fellow militia members would've stopped Kyle from running off alone, two people would still be alive.
If the rioters would of stayed home instead of traveling from all over the country, not only would minority businesses not be burned to the ground, but 2 people might still be alive today. But alas, stupid progressive morons(but i repeat myself) will never learn.

See picture below.

I hope Kyle sees all these Left Wing shitheads starting with Joe Potatohead that called him a racist.
A lesson for you stupid Moon Bats.

Kyle Rittenhouse showed you dumbass turds what you are up against if you ever decided to go to war against us Americans. It will not work out like you think it will.

We have live video that shows self defense and leftists still say it’s murder. The shooter shot three white people and leftists still say it’s white supremacy and racism. Imagine if there was no video. Poor kid may be convicted. So if a mob of anarchists comes after me and my kids am I not allowed to defend myself?

How does this work in leftist Defund the Police world please?
STATEMENT: Since when is self defense a crime?

RESPONSE: When someone slaps you, and then you use a weapon to harm or kill.

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