Since when is self defense a crime?

If Kyle Rittenhouse was unarmed, no harm would've came to him.

It was the gun that made the people around him hostile.
If he didn't have the gun he would be dead. Rosenbaum and the Ziminskis were committing major crimes, which Kyle witnessed, that could put them in prison for a long time.

Rosenbaum would have been looking at life in prison because Wisconsin is a three strike state. And little child molesters like Rosenbaum are not treated very well in prison.

They caught the witness alone. They were going to kill him. If he was unarmed, he would be dead.
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He is a racist. He kisses the asses of the Negro racists and he is a piece of shit.

I hope Kyle sues Biden's sorry hateful ass for saying Kyle is a "White Supremacists".
Rittenhouse (KR), his parents and the guy who bought the firearm and gave it to KR will become defendants in a civil trial. Remember, OJ was not convicted in the criminal trial, and the lost in the civil court.
Rittenhouse (KR), his parents and the guy who bought the firearm and gave it to KR will become defendants in a civil trial.
Nobody is going to sue Kyle because they know they would lose.

Sure they may get Kenosha's corrupt kleptocrats in charge of the city to fork over taxpayer money in an out-of-court settlement, for a nice kickback, but I guarantee you that they will not sue Kyle, his parents or Black.
If Kyle Rittenhouse was unarmed, no harm would've came to him.

It was the gun that made the people around him hostile.
It may not be wise to be hostile toward an armed individual. I have had guns pointed at me several times and I was always very polite. If I had been hostile I might not be typing this.
I'm laughing at you retards who never stop bawling over someting, anything.
You're shitting your fucking panties. You know you'll smoked if you and your thug ilk keep that shit up.

That's what a kid can do to your commie bitch asses...and walk. Imagine grown-ass men blowing your fuck brains out.

You wanna keep starting shit? Be my guest.
With an AR-15 assault rifle Rittenhouse thrust himself in the midst of others who were rioting. He thrust himself into danger. He cannot then call attacks on him to remove the rifle from him as self-defense. He's got an AR-15. His attacker was armed with his hands (Rosenbaum), or a skateboard (Huber). That's not self-defense.

This was vigilantism.

For the first time in American history a jury approved of vigilante justice enforced by assault rifles, as a Wisconsin jury declared Kyle Rittenhouse innocent of all charges. Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded another as he was defending the town ... or so he said. Far right extremists across the country are cheering madly. Rittenhouse is their hero.

Ah, you're severely retarded.

If a child molester - Rosenbaum, attempts to murder you - as he attempted to murder Rittenhouse, then you should submit?

I mean, child molesters, and Rosenbaum anally raped a child under 13, are heroes to democrats - the goal that democrats aspire to. After all, Rosenbaum was a younger version of Joe Biden.

Most democrats look at Rosenbaum and think "hey, that could have been me." The idea that when a child molester attacks a boy, they might fight back and even kill the attacking democrat is outrageous.

What kind of world is there where Child molesters just aren't free to attack minors? Supporting the basic liberty that people can defend against attack endangers all democrats.

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