Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History

Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....and we no longer have those surpluses, we are going in the deficit on social security payments now....something HAS TO GIVE.

Where did you hear that?

On the 24/7 about 3-4 days was a business show....can't remember which one....might have been on the Bloomberg network?

the gist was that the upper echelon was NOT spending their money to create jobs....the two things discussed were:

1. was it because they did not want to see Obama's success with hiring and are waiting and holding back intentionally until after the election...?

2. was it because of uncertainty?

either way, they are not investing these huge tax breaks of theirs, in creating jobs.
Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me. echo from the Past. :rolleyes:

Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." — Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas; Granddaddy Of Teabaggers)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit." — Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up." — Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower." — Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas; DESTROYED U.S. economy)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction." — Sen. Robert "Stage-Diver" Dole (Republican, Kansas)
Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got, on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....and we no longer have those surpluses, we are going in the deficit on social security payments now....something HAS TO GIVE.

IF I thought that the government would TRULY spend that money on stimulating the economy, I might feel differently.

But look at where the money in the last stimulus really went.

Money going to the government goes right back to the bastards.

The bastards control government.
Why would you ask that Care, the dems can pass anything they want right now w/o any help from the republicans at all? And does it really matter when they were set to expire, the current democrat-majority congress could choose to continue them if they wanted without any changes at all. Are people going to seriously blame the republicans from years ago for their taxes going up next year? :lol:

Are you certain on that? It takes 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything now a days, due to the filibuster....and the Dems do not have 60 votes in the Senate?

So you think the republicans are stupid enough to filabuster a bill keeping the tax brackets where they're at now instead of allowing them to increase dramatically in January? I know people that are putting money away right now in order to pay their tax bill next April, a lot of people are going to be in for a very unpleasant surprise in April.
Great rhetoric......but, bullshit (as usual), nonetheless.....

Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got, on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....and we no longer have those surpluses, we are going in the deficit on social security payments now....something HAS TO GIVE.

IF I thought that the government would TRULY spend that money on stimulating the economy, I might feel differently.

But look at where the money in the last stimulus really went.

Money going to the government goes right back to the bastards.

The bastards control government.

Yes, a catch 22....

but we have tried the one way(leaving their tax breaks)....maybe it's time to try another(rescinding them and reducing the deficit).

I agree with you, that the last stimulus was primarily used to retain government jobs, not to create new jobs and fix our infrastructure while doing so.

I don't see this as a means to give congress MORE money to spend, but a means to reduce the deficit....of does one insure this happening....? I don't know....other than it is very important for the democrats and the President, to show fiscal responsibility in doing such, especially by 2012....and in their best interest NOT to expand the gvt more....but to reduce the deficit.
I like rich people and appreciate all they do for us. I would really like to keep giving them nice tax breaks but unfortunately, we can't afford it.

The Tea Party keeps reminding me about this huge deficit and passing up $2 trillion for tax cuts to people who are not struggling is something we can't afford to do. You see, we have two wars to pay for, a struggling economy and this $13 trillion deficit.

Once the economy turns around and the wealthy start providing jobs for Americans and not Chinese, I assure you we will start taking care of our wealthy again
Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got, on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....
.....AND, helped them AVOID paying-their-share o' THE CO$T$ OF WAR (for which they'd $upported, and FROM which they'd PROFITTED!!!!!).

Many Dems are in the highest echelon....Gates, Heinz-Kerry, Buffet, Kennedys etc....this is not a republican vs democrat thing, imho
Yes, the republicans putting in those tax cuts DID MAKE THEM EXPIRE in 2011....wonder why? To mask their tremendous projected deficit spending....

they played games with the budget...that's a FACT.

Will the republicans allow the Democrats to fix their mess by continuing the tax breaks on the middle class while allowing the ones at the top expire....only ones hairdresser knows!? ;)

Why would you ask that Care, the dems can pass anything they want right now w/o any help from the republicans at all?
Kinda new to politics, are you?


Not really....

111th Congress (2009-2011)
Majority Party: Democrat (57 seats)
Minority Party: Republican (41 seats)
Other Parties: 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat
Total Seats: 100
Note: Senator Arlen Specter was reelected in 2004 as a Republican, and became a Democrat on April 30, 2009. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected in 2006 as an Independent.

If they can't find one republican to pass a bill, I call bullshit, there's more going on there with that particular bill that needs to be looked into then. As far as I am concerned, deadlock is a very good thing for the American people.
I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....and we no longer have those surpluses, we are going in the deficit on social security payments now....something HAS TO GIVE.

Where did you hear that?

On the 24/7 about 3-4 days was a business show....can't remember which one....might have been on the Bloomberg network?

the gist was that the upper echelon was NOT spending their money to create jobs....the two things discussed were:

1. was it because they did not want to see Obama's success with hiring and are waiting and holding back intentionally until after the election...?

2. was it because of uncertainty?

either way, they are not investing these huge tax breaks of theirs, in creating jobs.

And what were they using to determine this opinion that they're not using their money to create jobs? What were they using to measure this?
Are you certain on that? It takes 60 votes in the Senate to pass anything now a days, due to the filibuster....and the Dems do not have 60 votes in the Senate?

So you think the republicans are stupid enough to filabuster a bill keeping the tax brackets where they're at now instead of allowing them to increase dramatically in January? I know people that are putting money away right now in order to pay their tax bill next April, a lot of people are going to be in for a very unpleasant surprise in April.
Great rhetoric......but, bullshit (as usual), nonetheless.....


Media Matters?????? :lol::lol::lol:

What in your link had anything to do with what I posted?
Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

I thought the same way as you....but I'm not so certain anymore....not after hearing that those at the very top are NOT spending the huge tax breaks they got, on creating jobs or expanding businesses and are only pocketing their tax breaks.

If they were using their humongous tax breaks given to them on "creating jobs" then it would be a bad idea to kill them, but SINCE THEY ARE NOT, I don't see it as much of a problem as I once did....

I see it more beneficial to reduce our deficits.

And yes, congress needs to stop increasing the deficit through their over spending as well....

People thought the Clinton tax hikes on the highest income earners was going to absolutely kill the economy, but they did not....they showed fiscal responsibility....

those tax cuts to the upper echelon out there now, came from the working man's social security surpluses....and we no longer have those surpluses, we are going in the deficit on social security payments now....something HAS TO GIVE.

IF I thought that the government would TRULY spend that money on stimulating the economy, I might feel differently.
.....By PAYING-DOWN THE DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Instead, the president explained, the $5.7 trillion national debt has been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years -- $223 billion this year alone.

This represents, Clinton said, "the largest one-year debt reduction in the history of the United States."

"Like our Olympic athletes in Sydney, the American people are breaking all kinds of records these days. This is the first year we've balanced the budget without using the Medicare trust fund since Medicare was created in 1965. I think we should follow Al Gore's advice and lock those trust funds away for the future," he said.

In June, the administration predicted the surplus would be $211 billion, and would increase by as much as $1 trillion over the next 10 years.

"This is part of our fiscal discipline to reduce the debt with the federal surplus," said one White House official who asked not to be identified. Reducing the debt, the official said, has "real effects for real Americans." It means lower interest rates for mortgages, car loans and college loans, and leads to an increase in investment and more jobs."
There was never any single CENT in debt reduction under Clinton.. this has been shown and proven time and time and time again
In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect. They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011:

Are you, who gets down on bended knee and worships the great Rectum Ronnie, saying that the rectums tax rates were to high? Because you dimwitted crotch rotted piece of dried up dog turd, all the tax cuts will do is bring lower the rates to the same level as they were under that lousy b-actor's term.
Why would you ask that Care, the dems can pass anything they want right now w/o any help from the republicans at all?
Kinda new to politics, are you?


Not really....

111th Congress (2009-2011)
Majority Party: Democrat (57 seats)
Minority Party: Republican (41 seats)
Other Parties: 1 Independent; 1 Independent Democrat
Total Seats: 100
Note: Senator Arlen Specter was reelected in 2004 as a Republican, and became a Democrat on April 30, 2009. Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut was reelected in 2006 as an independent candidate, and became an Independent Democrat. Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont was elected in 2006 as an Independent.

If they can't find one republican to pass a bill, I call bullshit, there's more going on there with that particular bill that needs to be looked into then. As far as I am concerned, deadlock is a very good thing for the American people.
Yeah.....political-constipation; whatta Grand Experiment!!!

And more and more winger links from Mr Shithead, the troll.. while completely ignoring that his outright lies are called out once again

Go back to the bong hidden under mommy's spare couch in the basement, retard
So you think the republicans are stupid enough to filabuster a bill keeping the tax brackets where they're at now instead of allowing them to increase dramatically in January? I know people that are putting money away right now in order to pay their tax bill next April, a lot of people are going to be in for a very unpleasant surprise in April.
Great rhetoric......but, bullshit (as usual), nonetheless.....


Media Matters?????? :lol::lol::lol:

What in your link had anything to do with what I posted?
You need to upgrade (from your Playskool 'puter).

You might (then) be able to hear Porky squealin' about rescinding BUSHCO's tax-cuts.


[ame=]YouTube - Al Franken Should Shut Up[/ame]​
Raising taxes in this economy looks like a truly bad idea to me.

Not that our system doesn't need reform, but right now?

Bad idea.

How much does the Federal Government pay in debt service each day? Anyone know? Taxes are hated by all, universally, but like death, taxes are a sure thing.
IMO the Federal Government had the correct plan but chickened out do to criticism, fix our nations bridges, transportation systems, especially inter and intra urban rail, and dams (a shout out to Iowa).
Add solar panels to all Federal Buildings and direct all Federal agencies to purchase all electric or hybrid vehicles (most non-law enforcement trips by government workers are short) and require all state and local agencies who accept DOT funds to do the same.
The jobs produced by a huge stimulus will partially return to the treasury as taxable income not only to those who will be working instead of collecting unemployment, but also from all those large and small businesses which benefit from consumers with money to spend.
Give targeted tax cuts where needed; the very wealthy are not needy and can share in the pain the average American is today experiencing - allow the Bush tax cuts to die.
Stop using our military as a force to protect big oil; the fiasco known as the Iraq War is nothing more than an imperialistic effort to take the resources of another nation for our benefit. Face it, we have become the people are parents (the parents of baby boomers) warned us about.
Punish white collar criminals with prison. Fines and restitution - such as those faced by BP - are not a deterent; the CFO, CEO and Board of Directors need to be sent to prison when found guilty of gross negligence. Rewarding such criminals with golden parachutes is absurd, almost as absurd as giving a corporation the same status as a human being.

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