Six year old exercises his Second Amendment rights

The children of Parkland thank you
In the upcoming years a good number of Parkland students will be able to protect themselves from attackers who intend to serious ly injure them or kill them because of Florida’s gun laws.
In the upcoming years a good number of Parkland students will be able to protect themselves from attackers who intend to serious ly injure them or kill them because of Florida’s gun laws.
Because of Floridas lax gun laws, they will have to
not true,, my guess is you know that and why you refuse to be specific on anything and only make generalizations instead of being specific,,

Children do have very limited rights.

The age of majority is a concept that predates the Constitution and is implied through the use of the term "man" and "men" in many places.

George Washington defined the militia as all able bodied men between 16 and 46 - clearly excluding children from that part of the equation.
Children do have very limited rights.

The age of majority is a concept that predates the Constitution and is implied through the use of the term "man" and "men" in many places.

George Washington defined the militia as all able bodied men between 16 and 46 - clearly excluding children from that part of the equation.
being in a militia is not a right,,

sure would love for someone to go through pour stated rights and explain how they doint apply to minors instead of dodging it by giving generalizations,,
being in a militia is not a right,,

The militia is ALL able bodied men between 16 and 46, it's not something that you join.

It is also specified in the second Amendment as the foundation of the right to keep and bear arms.

sure would love for someone to go through pour stated rights and explain how they doint apply to minors instead of dodging it by giving generalizations,,

The right to vote: Do you support 3 year olds voting? This is unquestionably a right in this nation, yet one only gained at the age of majority.

The right to consent to medical treatment - those under 18 may not consent to medical procedures (other than the holy sacrament of abortion) if they are minors.

The right to drink alcohol.

The "right" to buy pornography.

You know all of this.
The militia is ALL able bodied men between 16 and 46, it's not something that you join.

It is also specified in the second Amendment as the foundation of the right to keep and bear arms.

The right to vote: Do you support 3 year olds voting? This is unquestionably a right in this nation, yet one only gained at the age of majority.

The right to consent to medical treatment - those under 18 may not consent to medical procedures (other than the holy sacrament of abortion) if they are minors.

The right to drink alcohol.

The "right" to buy pornography.

You know all of this.
why is it you leftist always ignore the constitution and just make shit up to meet your false narrative??
How about you deal with what I posted?

Do you support 3 year olds having the right to vote?

Yes, or no?
the discussion is about minors not having rights, so how about you start with #1 and explain how minors dont have that right and then go through the next seven and do the same,,

OH what you posted arent rights but privilege's granted by government,,
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed.

if thats the way you want to raise your 6 year old, thats on you. Every other sane , responsible parent is not going to allow their kid to access a hand gun. Is a six year old allowed to show up at a gun range and
buy a box of ammo? start target practicing all. by himself?
If the answer is NO, please explain why.
the discussion is about minors not having rights,

Such as the right to vote.

Do you support 3 year olds voting?

so how about you start with #1 and explain how minors dont have that right and then go through the next seven and do the same,,

I already did..

Do you support 3 year olds voting?
OH what you posted arent rights but privilege's granted by government,,

Voting is a right.

Difference between a "right" and a privilege.

A right is something you could do if there were no government.

Speech cannot be granted, only infringed. Absent government, you can say what you want.

Voting is what societies going back to tribal levels have done - without government, all can vote.

So why do we restrict the right to vote to only those who have reached the age of majority?

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