Slate: You are a racist if you don't date other races

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OK seriously all of you...

At what point do we recognize each other as a single human race?

I just have to ask, because all my life I've been preached too by everyone who's opinion means more than spit to me, that that how we need to treat each other.
You don't know any black men...quit lying!

I see a lot of your sports stars that date white women, is that racist?

A lot of my sports stars...okay. :doubt:

Are you saying my sports stars guilted those white women into dating them? Really.

Really? Really? Really?

C'mon, man. You've been here long enough. You know Tank. He only has the one note, but he sure knows how to hit it hard.
OK seriously all of you...

At what point do we recognize each other as a single human race?

I just have to ask, because all my life I've been preached too by everyone who's opinion means more than spit to me, that that how we need to treat each other.

I've wondered that myself. I don't see a reason to hate or fear my brethren simply because they have different skin color. Nor do I see any reason to hate or fear my brethren because they make more or less money than I do.

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.
Conscious refusal to date outside one's race would be categorical racism only if feelings of ethnic superiority, malice, or contempt is the motivating factor. But choosing to date only members of one's race on the basis of exclusive physical or personal appeal is a matter of natural impulse and should not be thought of as racism.
You don't know any black men...quit lying!

I see a lot of your sports stars that date white women, is that racist?

A lot of my sports stars...okay. :doubt:

Are you saying my sports stars guilted those white women into dating them? Really.

Really? Really? Really?

Umm, no. What I'm saying is once they had the fame and money they went for the white girls. Is that racist?

Fame and money tend to allow a step up in the quality of female you can persue. Why is it so many rich black athletes choose to step outside their race for that woman? The average black girl isn't getting that kind of attention from these guys.

We can discuss the reason the girls are there if you want but the fact the guys with the money choose not to stay at home so to speak is what I'm questioning.

It seems to be a mark of "you've made it" as a black athlete in many cases if they can secure the white girl. Why is that?
I see a lot of your sports stars that date white women, is that racist?

A lot of my sports stars...okay. :doubt:

Are you saying my sports stars guilted those white women into dating them? Really.

Really? Really? Really?

C'mon, man. You've been here long enough. You know Tank. He only has the one note, but he sure knows how to hit it hard.

LOL, that wasn't even Tank. Tank is better than that.
I see a lot of your sports stars that date white women, is that racist?

A lot of my sports stars...okay. :doubt:

Are you saying my sports stars guilted those white women into dating them? Really.

Really? Really? Really?

Umm, no. What I'm saying is once they had the fame and money they went for the white girls. Is that racist?

Fame and money tend to allow a step up in the quality of female you can persue. Why is it so many rich black athletes choose to step outside their race for that woman? The average black girl isn't getting that kind of attention from these guys.

We can discuss the reason the girls are there if you want but the fact the guys with the money choose not to stay at home so to speak is what I'm questioning.

It seems to be a mark of "you've made it" as a black athlete in many cases if they can secure the white girl. Why is that?

Or, the white girl is after the fame and fortune?

But if course, all black athletes have white women.
OK seriously all of you...

At what point do we recognize each other as a single human race?

I just have to ask, because all my life I've been preached too by everyone who's opinion means more than spit to me, that that how we need to treat each other.

I've wondered that myself. I don't see a reason to hate or fear my brethren simply because they have different skin color. Nor do I see any reason to hate or fear my brethren because they make more or less money than I do.

My judgment of people pretty much subtracts their level of stupidity, from their character.

You can be a dumbass, but if you have enough of a good character I can deal with you.

If you start out with negative character, no level of intellect can over come it.
OK seriously all of you...

At what point do we recognize each other as a single human race?

I just have to ask, because all my life I've been preached too by everyone who's opinion means more than spit to me, that that how we need to treat each other.

I've wondered that myself. I don't see a reason to hate or fear my brethren simply because they have different skin color. Nor do I see any reason to hate or fear my brethren because they make more or less money than I do.

My judgment of people pretty much subtracts their level of stupidity, from their character.

You can be a dumbass, but if you have enough of a good character I can deal with you.

If you start out with negative character, no level of intellect can over come it.

Sounds like a prudent policy.
AZMike, I know what you are saying...its something I just don't really care about. I could care less who is dating who. You seem to think a white woman is a trophy for a black man. I find that thought process to be suspectl
When it comes to dating, white women are the most desired

If you consciously refuse to date people outside of your race that is by definition racist. :cuckoo:

It doesn't get more complicated than that.
Conscious refusal to date outside one's race would be categorical racism only if feelings of ethnic superiority, malice, or contempt is the motivating factor. But choosing to date only members of one's race on the basis of exclusive physical or personal appeal is a matter of natural impulse and should not be thought of as racism.

Actually both of those contexts are racist. Racism is defined by finding one or more races inferior in some context--attraction included. Malice is not necessary. We are talking about an objective defintion of a word. What is morally or socially acceptable does not have to be relevant.
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Don't let the racists tell you who you should date.

Date whomever you want

Haven't we been doing that since the 60's?

I mean for God's sake should we outlaw same race relationships?

I know of many black guys who tell white women they're racist if they won't date them.

Black guys use racism to guilt white women, I want white women to know you're not racist if you don't want to date blacks.
I don't believe the guilt gimmick would work on a White woman who actually did not want the attentions of a Black man. But I do believe some White women who wish to make use of Black men as animated substitutes for vibrators and dildoes might find the racial guilt factor to be a convenient justification.

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