Slavery Reparations is immoral

there were slaves in all 13 colonies, some them were white Irish.

But who gets reparations? does Oprah get them? Beyonce? Whoopi?, Michael Jordan? Obama? How about Farrakhan?

do recent legal immigrants get taxed to pay for them? if so, why?
Reparations are due to ADOS, American Descendants of Slaves.

If you qualify, then you're owed.

Me, as a black immigrant, I don't qualify for it, but I know for a fact, that they are owed that debt from America.

The country would go broke just trying to figure out who is eligible and weeding out fraud.
What happens afterward when the free money doesn't solve all their problems?
Wrong question.

You should be asking why hasn't America paid this debt as yet?

It's the worst criminal act against a people in the world's history.
What happens afterward when the free money doesn't solve all their problems?
Wrong question.

You should be asking why hasn't America paid this debt as yet?

It's the worst criminal act against a people in the world's history.

You have got to be kidding me. What about the Holocaust? Also, you do realize that America did not invent slavery, right? It's something that people of many backgrounds and nationalities have been subjected to throughout history.
You have got to be kidding me. What about the Holocaust? Also, you do realize that America did not invent slavery, right? It's something that people of many backgrounds and nationalities have been subjected to throughout history.
How many years did the Holocaust last, and how many people were killed in it?

What does it matter who invented slavery, what does that have to do w/anything?
You have got to be kidding me. What about the Holocaust? Also, you do realize that America did not invent slavery, right? It's something that people of many backgrounds and nationalities have been subjected to throughout history.
How many years did the Holocaust last, and how many people were killed in it?

What does it matter who invented slavery, what does that have to do w/anything?

You black people have some fucking nerve claiming that you suffered more than anyone else in history. Fuck off with that nonsense.
You black people have some fucking nerve claiming that you suffered more than anyone else in history. Fuck off with that nonsense.
Noted that you didn't answer NONE of the TWO simple questions I asked you.

You black people have some fucking nerve claiming that you suffered more than anyone else in history. Fuck off with that nonsense.
Noted that you didn't answer NONE of the TWO simple questions I asked you.


What? You actually expected me to answer those dumb questions? There's this thing called the internet, you should try it out sometime.

Everyone knows how many were killed in the Holocaust. Or could it be that maybe black people don't know because they're so goddamn self absorbed and they think the world revolves around their fat asses?
What? You actually expected me to answer those dumb questions? There's this thing called the internet, you should try it out sometime.

Everyone knows how many were killed in the Holocaust. Or could it be that maybe black people don't know because they're so goddamn self absorbed and they think the world revolves around their fat asses?
How many slaves were killed through American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, bigotry, et al? And how long did it last?

Compare the length of time and total deaths between that and the Holocaust, who many rightwingers claimed never occurred, mind you, but you say nothing to them, then come back to me w/what was the worst crime in the world's history perpetrated against a people.
What? You actually expected me to answer those dumb questions? There's this thing called the internet, you should try it out sometime.

Everyone knows how many were killed in the Holocaust. Or could it be that maybe black people don't know because they're so goddamn self absorbed and they think the world revolves around their fat asses?
How many slaves were killed through American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, bigotry, et al? And how long did it last?

six hundred gorillion
Are the Democrats trying to lose every state?
Why do you think that would happen?

And then why would you care how many states they lose? Shouldn't you WANT them to lose everything?

Or is this more concern trolling from the dishonest rightwing of USMB?

What? You actually expected me to answer those dumb questions? There's this thing called the internet, you should try it out sometime.

Everyone knows how many were killed in the Holocaust. Or could it be that maybe black people don't know because they're so goddamn self absorbed and they think the world revolves around their fat asses?
How many slaves were killed through American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, bigotry, et al? And how long did it last?

six hundred gorillion
Noted that the subject is, yet again, running away from the answer.

Keep running bitch! RUN!!!!


What? You actually expected me to answer those dumb questions? There's this thing called the internet, you should try it out sometime.

Everyone knows how many were killed in the Holocaust. Or could it be that maybe black people don't know because they're so goddamn self absorbed and they think the world revolves around their fat asses?
How many slaves were killed through American chattel slavery, Jim Crow, bigotry, et al? And how long did it last?

six hundred gorillion
Noted that the subject is, yet again, running away from the answer.

Keep running bitch! RUN!!!!



How exactly do you propose to tally the death toll incurred by "bigotry" not to mention "et al". Black victim mentality knows no bounds. You will find a way to blame whitey for every problem a black person might ever encounter in life. Somehow, that black teenager who shot the other black teenager last week is my fault.
How exactly do you propose to tally the death toll incurred by "bigotry" not to mention "et al". Black victim mentality knows no bounds. You will find a way to blame whitey for every problem a black person might ever encounter in life. Somehow, that black teenager who shot the other black teenager last week is my fault.
You STILL haven't answered the questions.

But you've told on yourself even more.

#CLASSIC #TooFunny #TooEasy
How exactly do you propose to tally the death toll incurred by "bigotry" not to mention "et al". Black victim mentality knows no bounds. You will find a way to blame whitey for every problem a black person might ever encounter in life. Somehow, that black teenager who shot the other black teenager last week is my fault.
You STILL haven't answered the questions.

But you've told on yourself even more.

#CLASSIC #TooFunny #TooEasy

Why don't you tell me? You're the expert in black grievance. How many black deaths did whitey cause?
How exactly do you propose to tally the death toll incurred by "bigotry" not to mention "et al". Black victim mentality knows no bounds. You will find a way to blame whitey for every problem a black person might ever encounter in life. Somehow, that black teenager who shot the other black teenager last week is my fault.
You STILL haven't answered the questions.

But you've told on yourself even more.

#CLASSIC #TooFunny #TooEasy

Now who's running away? You can't even answer your own idiotic numbers question or explain what makes black people's suffering so uniquely exquisite compared to every other group of people who's been exploited or harmed throughout all of history.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

horseshit. minorities in the USA are better off than any other place on earth. YOU were not a slave, I was not a slave owner, I owe you NOTHING.

some of the richest people in the nation today are black. Do they deserve reparations? Does obozo deserve them? how about Beyonce and Kobe Bryant and Bill Cosby, and Whoopi? Do any of them deserve reparations?

this whole thing is total bullshit.
Only southern states should be required to pay reparations

there were slaves in all 13 colonies, some them were white Irish.

But who gets reparations? does Oprah get them? Beyonce? Whoopi?, Michael Jordan? Obama? How about Farrakhan?

do recent legal immigrants get taxed to pay for them? if so, why?

I believe I read somewhere that the majority of white people in this country are descended from people who immigrated here AFTER the Civil War. I'd have to verify that; but if true, that means we'd be taxing people to punish them for a crime committed before their family ever showed up.

Moreover, I'm pretty sure you can't levy a tax JUST on white people, so we'd also be taxing Hispanics, Asians, Middle Eastern people, etc. for the historic crimes of white people. And we'd be taxing black people in order to pay reparations to themselves.
there were slaves in all 13 colonies, some them were white Irish.

But who gets reparations? does Oprah get them? Beyonce? Whoopi?, Michael Jordan? Obama? How about Farrakhan?

do recent legal immigrants get taxed to pay for them? if so, why?
Reparations are due to ADOS, American Descendants of Slaves.

If you qualify, then you're owed.

Me, as a black immigrant, I don't qualify for it, but I know for a fact, that they are owed that debt from America.

The country would go broke just trying to figure out who is eligible and weeding out fraud.

Oh, they probably wouldn't be giving checks to individuals, whatever they're allowing their ignorant drone bases to think. Last time this came up, they let the cat out of the bag by explaining that they REALLY meant they'd take the money and put it into government programs.

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