Slavery reparations?

Are you for or against slavery reparations?

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Thats what happens when the dead person has descendants. Thats what happened for the Japanese. Their heirs got reparations. Whats so confusing about this topic?

Other than greed?

Greed would be wanting more than what is due. Like white people wanting to renegotiate and already lucrative offer. Next thread will be whites complaining about Blacks on welfare.

your behind....thats already been done here....more than once....go look at a ShootSpeedos thread....
[ame=]ignorant racist black lady wants free water.flv - YouTube[/ame]
After the Revolutionary War, Loyalists were driven to Canada and their land was expropriated without compensation. As a descendant of these Loyalists, or at least from the country where all the Loyalists went, I demand you Americans pay me compensation for stealing our ancestors land 230 years ago.

I'll just sit here and wait for the big bucks to roll in.
Keep waiting, toro! Lol...thank god the reparist loons are a tiny minority. Perhaps someday they will pool their money and send you an Amazon gift card, lol.
After the Revolutionary War, Loyalists were driven to Canada and their land was expropriated without compensation. As a descendant of these Loyalists, or at least from the country where all the Loyalists went, I demand you Americans pay me compensation for stealing our ancestors land 230 years ago.

I'll just sit here and wait for the big bucks to roll in.

You have no claim. You have no right to come to another persons home and declare it to be yours no matter how many papal bulls are issued declaring you have the authority.
Good faith is me accepting what was offered. You want to take that away. You have no room to negotiate. Continue to whine about crime, Black violence towards whites, and welfare. You dont seem smart enough to get this is a bargain for you.

You honestly don't know anything about me ... I don't whine about anything.
I have the thorough understanding that if you want something ... You do what is necessary to achieve it in a manner that respects both good intentions and self-responsibility.

You are the person that doesn't understand negotiations and thinks that to negotiate means you get all you want ... Not going to happen and that is your choice not mine.
You are the person whining about the wrongs done to your ancestors ... Not me.
You are the person sitting there with your hand out ... Not doing what is necessary to fill it with a tool that progresses your own efforts towards success.

Sit and wait longer ... Some poor bastard will feel sorry for you sooner or later and give you his/her crumbs.
You have the key to your success ... The key is all you need ... Now figure out how to be productive and use it.

Good faith is me accepting what was offered. You want to take that away. You have no room to negotiate. Continue to whine about crime, Black violence towards whites, and welfare. You dont seem smart enough to get this is a bargain for you.

You honestly don't know anything about me ... I don't whine about anything.
I have the thorough understanding that if you want something ... You do what is necessary to achieve it in a manner that respects both good intentions and self-responsibility.

You are the person that doesn't understand negotiations and thinks that to negotiate means you get all you want ... Not going to happen and that is your choice not mine.
You are the person whining about the wrongs done to your ancestors ... Not me.
You are the person sitting there with your hand out ... Not doing what is necessary to fill it with a tool that progresses your own efforts towards success.

Sit and wait longer ... Some poor bastard will feel sorry for you sooner or later and give you his/her crumbs.
You have the key to your success ... The key is all you need ... Now figure out how to be productive and use it.


Don't get all butthurt. I thought this was a mock up? I know you don't have any power to negotiate. i was just voicing what the arguments would be and you pretty much met my expectations as to what the white racist populous would do. Attempt to lessen the offer. I know I have the key to my success. I use everyday.
Good faith is me accepting what was offered. You want to take that away. You have no room to negotiate. Continue to whine about crime, Black violence towards whites, and welfare. You dont seem smart enough to get this is a bargain for you.

You honestly don't know anything about me ... I don't whine about anything.
I have the thorough understanding that if you want something ... You do what is necessary to achieve it in a manner that respects both good intentions and self-responsibility.

You are the person that doesn't understand negotiations and thinks that to negotiate means you get all you want ... Not going to happen and that is your choice not mine.
You are the person whining about the wrongs done to your ancestors ... Not me.
You are the person sitting there with your hand out ... Not doing what is necessary to fill it with a tool that progresses your own efforts towards success.

Sit and wait longer ... Some poor bastard will feel sorry for you sooner or later and give you his/her crumbs.
You have the key to your success ... The key is all you need ... Now figure out how to be productive and use it.


Don't get all butthurt. I thought this was a mock up? I know you don't have any power to negotiate. i was just voicing what the arguments would be and you pretty much met my expectations as to what the white populous would do. Attempt to lessen the offer. I know I have the key to my success. I use everyday.

Butthurt ... Is that all you have got?
I rake you over the coals and you think I am butthurt ... amusing!
There isn't an argument ... 40 acres and a mule were thrown out after a failed attempt at Reconstruction of the South.

You don't even know what the key is if you still want to negotiate for something that is not due to you in the first place.
I certainly won't disagree that you demonstrate the obvious desire to "break and enter" whenever and wherever possible.

You honestly don't know anything about me ... I don't whine about anything.
I have the thorough understanding that if you want something ... You do what is necessary to achieve it in a manner that respects both good intentions and self-responsibility.

You are the person that doesn't understand negotiations and thinks that to negotiate means you get all you want ... Not going to happen and that is your choice not mine.
You are the person whining about the wrongs done to your ancestors ... Not me.
You are the person sitting there with your hand out ... Not doing what is necessary to fill it with a tool that progresses your own efforts towards success.

Sit and wait longer ... Some poor bastard will feel sorry for you sooner or later and give you his/her crumbs.
You have the key to your success ... The key is all you need ... Now figure out how to be productive and use it.


Don't get all butthurt. I thought this was a mock up? I know you don't have any power to negotiate. i was just voicing what the arguments would be and you pretty much met my expectations as to what the white populous would do. Attempt to lessen the offer. I know I have the key to my success. I use everyday.

Butthurt ... Is that all you have got?
I rake you over the coals and you think I am butthurt ... amusing!
There isn't an argument ... 40 acres and a mule were thrown out after a failed attempt at Reconstruction of the South.

You don't even know what the key is if you still want to negotiate for something that is not due to you in the first place.
I certainly won't disagree that you demonstrate the obvious desire to "break and enter" whenever and wherever possible.


I didn't have butt hurt. I said for you not to be butthurt. It was a fake scenario. Somehow I don't feel raked over any coals but if that is what you need to get over your butthurtedness feel free to pretend. I know this is not an argument. I know the promise was rescinded due to racism. That why I know white racists would always try to avoid paying reparations. Wether I know the key or not is irrelevant since reparations are overdue. I have a precedence in the Japanese.
Don't get all butthurt. I thought this was a mock up? I know you don't have any power to negotiate. i was just voicing what the arguments would be and you pretty much met my expectations as to what the white populous would do. Attempt to lessen the offer. I know I have the key to my success. I use everyday.

Butthurt ... Is that all you have got?
I rake you over the coals and you think I am butthurt ... amusing!
There isn't an argument ... 40 acres and a mule were thrown out after a failed attempt at Reconstruction of the South.

You don't even know what the key is if you still want to negotiate for something that is not due to you in the first place.
I certainly won't disagree that you demonstrate the obvious desire to "break and enter" whenever and wherever possible.


I didn't have butt hurt. I said for you not to be butthurt. It was a fake scenario. Somehow I don't feel raked over any coals but if that is what you need to get over your butthurtedness feel free to pretend. I know this is not an argument. I know the promise was rescinded due to racism. That why I know white racists would always try to avoid paying reparations. Wether I know the key or not is irrelevant since reparations are overdue. I have a precedence in the Japanese.

I am not butthurt nor will I be ... I didn't say that you were either.
Those are childish insults posters like you use ... Pathetic troll.

You are more of a racist than I am ... Which doesn't really condemn you as a hate-filled racist ... Because I am not a racist at all.
If you think you have precedence ... Tell me when it pays off for you ... Otherwise you are just wasting your time on unproductive measures.

All I did was point out there are responsibilities in owning land that were not covered in your desire to be compensated for something not due to you.
The idea that you think you are owed something in the first place is where you are wrong ... The idea you think any objection I may have is based in racism is equally mistaken.

You dishonor the dignity and respect your forefathers earned ... And represent nothing more than a beggar and thief with the notion of supporting reparations at this juncture.

Carry On Troll ...

Butthurt ... Is that all you have got?
I rake you over the coals and you think I am butthurt ... amusing!
There isn't an argument ... 40 acres and a mule were thrown out after a failed attempt at Reconstruction of the South.

You don't even know what the key is if you still want to negotiate for something that is not due to you in the first place.
I certainly won't disagree that you demonstrate the obvious desire to "break and enter" whenever and wherever possible.


I didn't have butt hurt. I said for you not to be butthurt. It was a fake scenario. Somehow I don't feel raked over any coals but if that is what you need to get over your butthurtedness feel free to pretend. I know this is not an argument. I know the promise was rescinded due to racism. That why I know white racists would always try to avoid paying reparations. Wether I know the key or not is irrelevant since reparations are overdue. I have a precedence in the Japanese.

I am not butthurt nor will I be ... I didn't say that you were either.
Those are childish insults posters like you use ... Pathetic troll.

You are more of a racist than I am ... Which doesn't really condemn you as a hate-filled racist ... Because I am not a racist at all.
If you think you have precedence ... Tell me when it pays off for you ... Otherwise you are just wasting your time on unproductive measures.

All I did was point out there are responsibilities in owning land that were not covered in your desire to be compensated for something not due to you.
The idea that you think you are owed something in the first place is where you are wrong ... The idea you think any objection I may have is based in racism is equally mistaken.

You dishonor the dignity and respect your forefathers earned ... And represent nothing more than a beggar and thief with the notion of supporting reparations at this juncture.

Carry On Troll ...


You asked if butt hurt was all I had. It was the first line of your post. I wasn't insulting you. i was pointing out that you are exhibiting the symptoms of being butthurt. In order for me to racist I would need to assume there were different races and mine was superior. That is not my train of thought.

I will let you know if it pays off but somehow I feel you will know before I would be able to post it on this site. I have no anticipation of seeing it due to racism but you never know since a black POTUS was elected to my surprise. Sine I don't anticipate it, I don't waste time working towards it but thanks for the advice.

You pointing out that there are responsibilities in land ownership have nothing to do with reparations. I am at a loss as to why you dont understand that. Yes reaparations are due and in fact overdue but I have zero faith that whites as a collective would advocate paying them.

Your last sentence again exhibits your butthurtedness. Dont be upset that your arguments represent no argument at all and would be just an attempt to defraud Black people of what is rightfully due.
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states the following: "No person shall be...deprived, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

In other words, the Government cannot take your property without following some legal procedure, and you have to be compensated for it. Think of "eminent domain." Government can take what it needs, but it has to compensate the owner for what was taken.

Like it or not, slaves were legal property in the United States. When Abraham Lincoln sought to "free" the slaves it had the same effect (if successful) as if he had effectively torn up the deeds to all of the real estate in the states "in rebellion."

Keep in mind that it was Lincoln's position (and the position of the USA) that the confederate states remained part of the U.S., and their rebellion had no legal effect. So the citizens of the CSA were in fact still citizens of the U.S.

One could argue that Lincoln couldn't free the slaves (i.e., take the slave-owners' property) because it was not for "public use." End of story. But he did purport to free the slaves.

So according to the Fifth Amendment, the slave owners were entitled to be compensated for the loss of their property at the hands of the Federal Government. Reparations?

But on the other hand slavery was certainly a form of imprisonment, and one could argue very strongly that any laws establishing or permitting slavery were illegitimate on their face. Because as we know from the Declaration of Independence, we get our rights from The Creator, and not from government.

Therefore the imprisonment of slavery was "false imprisonment" under U.S. tort law, and the slaves should have a cause of action against the slave owners for false imprisonment.

So really, I think the descendants of the former slaves and the descendants of the former slave owners should duke it out between themselves, and leave everyone else (and the Government) out of it.

My ancestors were in Ireland and England and Poland when all this crap was going on, so personally, I don't give a schidt one way or another.
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states the following: "No person shall be...deprived, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

In other words, the Government cannot take your property without following some legal procedure, and you have to be compensated for it. Think of "eminent domain." Government can take what it needs, but it has to compensate the owner for what was taken.

Like it or not, slaves were legal property in the United States. When Abraham Lincoln sought to "free" the slaves it had the same effect (if successful) as if he had effectively torn up the deeds to all of the real estate in the states "in rebellion."

Keep in mind that it was Lincoln's position (and the position of the USA) that the confederate states remained part of the U.S., and their rebellion had no legal effect. So the citizens of the CSA were in fact still citizens of the U.S.

One could argue that Lincoln couldn't free the slaves (i.e., take the slave-owners' property) because it was not for "public use." End of story. But he did purport to free the slaves.

So according to the Fifth Amendment, the slave owners were entitled to be compensated for the loss of their property at the hands of the Federal Government. Reparations?

But on the other hand slavery was certainly a form of imprisonment, and one could argue very strongly that any laws establishing or permitting slavery were illegitimate on their face. Because as we know from the Declaration of Independence, we get our rights from The Creator, and not from government.

Therefore the imprisonment of slavery was "false imprisonment" under U.S. tort law, and the slaves should have a cause of action against the slave owners for false imprisonment.

So really, I think the descendants of the former slaves and the descendants of the former slave owners should duke it out between themselves, and leave everyone else (and the Government) out of it.

My ancestors were in Ireland and England and Poland when all this crap was going on, so personally, I don't give a schidt one way or another.

Slaves were denied compensation for their labor
They were denied due process
They had children taken away from them
They were raped

The Fifth Amendment says..... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
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I'm not advocating paying on the value of my ancestors. The US would be bankrupt. I am advocating the monetary value of 40 acres and a mule with interest. You are a nasty little one aren't you?

What 40 acres and which mule are we going to calculate the price on?
You can forget about interest ... As that will assessed as overdue taxes.


I want documentation that any black claiming reparations is, in fact, descended from slaves.
Birth certificates or census records proving an unbroken lineage should suffice.
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