Slo Biden "Wall will not stop the Corona virus"

Only left wing lunatics like those who post on his board would say it’s racist to say Wuhan.


Lefties are such dog faced pony soldiers.

The Biden plan is to not call the virus "foreign" and have an open border ready for it. Maybe if we act very nice with the virus it stops infecting people.
Only left wing lunatics like those who post on his board would say it’s racist to say Wuhan.


Lefties are such dog faced pony soldiers.

The Biden plan is to not call the virus "foreign" and have an open border ready for it. Maybe if we act very nice with the virus it stops infecting people.

I can do more pushups than you.
dude, this thing is far from over. and walls cannot stop it.

Which part of slowing the transmission rate do you have trouble understanding? Are you related to the slow guy?

A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.
dude, this thing is far from over. and walls cannot stop it.

Which part of slowing the transmission rate do you have trouble understanding? Are you related to the slow guy?

A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.
dude, this thing is far from over. and walls cannot stop it.

Which part of slowing the transmission rate do you have trouble understanding? Are you related to the slow guy?

A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.
Which part of slowing the transmission rate do you have trouble understanding? Are you related to the slow guy?

A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

No one here is referring to an actual physical wall, but the travel restrictions, obviously.
Which part of slowing the transmission rate do you have trouble understanding? Are you related to the slow guy?

A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.
We have the winner folks... in the same sense as Hillary "won" the popular vote... the dumbest presidential hopeful in history of the USA.

First, according to Biden, calling the corona virus foreign is apparently "racist".
Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating That Wuhan Virus Began In China

Obviously we should be more inclusive towards the virus and not label it as foreign, the democrat plan.

But here is the dumbest Biden commentary as of yet... he claims that "wall will not stop the coronavirus". But apparently, a wall did stop anyone from dying in Russia or Israel. Further, the entire CDC plan is to flatten out the spread of the disease, which restricting travel obviously will do.
Biden and Sanders slam Trump administration's handling of the coronavirus outbreak – video

He like many democrats is just too damn stupid to understand simple math.

Biden is just a other anti-American idiot who believes in putting foreign nationals before Americans. We will have schools closed and travel restricted but for some reason, foreign virus carriers should be able to cross the border freely. Madness... Thank god we have Trump as president, or everyone would already have the virus with medical supplies overrun - but hey that's a cheap price to pay for an open border.
You really shouldn’t call anyone slow after your orange lunatics speeches this week

Now run along psychoboi
A minuscule effect if any at all and far, far less beneficial than many other common sense measures.

The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.
The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

Holy Biden, someone unleashed the low IQs. We are talking about the European travel restriction.
The virus expert speaks.

Foreign travel is how the virus got here in the first place.

The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.
The virus got here by foreign travel by air or ship. Not foreign travel by illegal border crossing.

We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.
We have a other 50 IQ idiot, a definitive Biden voter.

Biden referred to Trump's travel ban from Europe, not an actual physical wall.

The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.
The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

At this point in time I doubt the country is in their list. And if it is it is in the list of things to be dealt with.
"Wall" huh.

Run the figures.

2,291 known cases, 50 dead, 41 recovered, 10 serious/critical condition of 2,200 active cases (known cases minus dead/recovered)

15 known cases, 0 dead, 4 recovered, 1 serious/critical of 11 active cases

US: 6.9 cases per 1M population
Mexico: 0.1 cases per 1M population

Finally, Mexico actually MIGHT pay for a wall.
That's cuz no one lives past 51 in mexico

Reminds me of some poster here, I forget who now, that used Ricardo Montalbán as an avatar. He ran that until one day I pointed out that Montalbán was a lifelong Mexican citizen, whereupon he dumped that like it was radioactive and adopted something else. Montalbán lived to be 88.
The post being replied to mentioned a wall, no need to be nasty.

A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".
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