Slo Biden "Wall will not stop the Corona virus"

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


Hey jackass, noting you running away and not even commenting on your stupidity. Here’s a math lesson for you from grade school Slogo. When you move infected people from Country A and place them in Country B, it skews Country B’s numbers upward, while lowering Country A’s rate. Simple math which escapes you. Laughing at you is not a meltdown. Your mommy must be ashamed of you.
Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

You uneducated idiot. I’m laughing at you. The only one hurt here is you, seeing as you’re white knighting your boyfriend Slogo.
Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

I can't. I'm laughing too hard. :laughing0301:
Of course you;re laughing because you're an uneducated dipshit. Thousands of infected people leave Mexico and enter the U.S. and SloGo the idiot thinks that would cause percentages to drop for the U.S. and rise in Mexico. Slapping you is so easy. Tell mommy you need your diaper changed again. You and your white knight boyfriend couldn't outsmart a rock. Reading comprehension and simple math are beyond you moron. Go cry to mommy now.

How many thousands of infected people are leaving Mexico and coming to the USA?

Do your own work libtard.
Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.

Actually, melting down into a puddle of emotional detritus has nothing to do with "left wing" or "right wing" anything. It's his own psychological failing.

Funny as a crutch though.

Yes you are a failure. At everything. Sandmann, Kavanaugh, not knowing anything about the Electoral College, failing elementary school math, on and on......... Now go cry to mommy some more.
God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


Hey jackass, noting you running away and not even commenting on your stupidity. Here’s a math lesson for you from grade school Slogo. When you move infected people from Country A and place them in Country B, it skews Country B’s numbers upward, while lowering Country A’s rate. Simple math which escapes you. Laughing at you is not a meltdown. Your mommy must be ashamed of you.

My mother is very proud of me. She's also dead.

Fuck off and die.
Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


Hey jackass, noting you running away and not even commenting on your stupidity. Here’s a math lesson for you from grade school Slogo. When you move infected people from Country A and place them in Country B, it skews Country B’s numbers upward, while lowering Country A’s rate. Simple math which escapes you. Laughing at you is not a meltdown. Your mommy must be ashamed of you.

My mother is very proud of me. She's also dead.

Fuck off and die.

Poor baby. Melting down as usual. Won’t even go near your own idiotic comments, just run around and throw funny faces and insults. See, YOU can fuck off and die. It must hurt knowing grade schoolers are smarter than you. Continue your crying.......
Here is a great example of a "grown up" RW man displaying his maturity:

'People are really surprised I understand this stuff'

Why I do believe that's the same photo op where he professed to be entirely ignorant that people could die from the flu. Even though his own grandfather did exactly that, in another pandemic in 1918, at the ripe old age of 49. A pandemic, ironically, which was also dismissed and buried by the then-President, who went on to get infected himself and then lied about it.

Hell no wonder people are surprised at his level of nonunderstanding. I myself marvel that anyone could be that dense.
Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

You uneducated idiot. I’m laughing at you. The only one hurt here is you, seeing as you’re white knighting your boyfriend Slogo.

Well, if you find yourself on the losing end of an argument, attack the opponent personally. it is immature and transparent, but I'm a big boy, and I don't mind.
Here is a great example of a "grown up" RW man displaying his maturity:

'People are really surprised I understand this stuff'

Why I do believe that's the same photo op where he professed to be entirely ignorant that people could die from the flu. Even though his own grandfather did exactly that, in another pandemic in 1918, at the ripe old age of 49. A pandemic, ironically, which was also dismissed and buried by the then-President, who went on to get infected himself and then lied about it.

Hell no wonder people are surprised at his level of nonunderstanding. I myself marvel that anyone could be that dense.

I never thought of myself as "élite" before Trump came along. Now, I understand that the simple minded, and uneducated in this country are so far below the bar, that I now consider myself among the educated, upper crust. I guess that I can thank Trumpsters for that.
First, according to Biden, calling the corona virus foreign is apparently "racist".
Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating That Wuhan Virus Began In China

No he didn't. He said it was "xenophobic."

What's the matter with you? Can't you read?

Another wag not reading past his own headline.

Apparently this "The Federalist" has a loose and passing relationship with the facts, even disproving its own headline with its own source.

The same article says,
>> it’s common practice to identify a new disease with the site of its first outbreak, such as the West Nile virus and Spanish Flu <<​

--- apparently in complete ignorance that the so-called "Spanish Flu" did not originate in Spain at all (it was most likely from Kansas). And it only came to be called "Spanish" because Spain, not involved in the Great War we now call World War One, reported its infections honestly in contrast to Britain, France, Germany and the US hiding their info from the public, even to the point of making it illegal. Again, "The Federalist" is not interested in facts.
First, according to Biden, calling the corona virus foreign is apparently "racist".
Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating That Wuhan Virus Began In China

No he didn't. He said it was "xenophobic."

What's the matter with you? Can't you read?

Oh... that changes everything now doesn't it?

Leftists use the stupid meaningless buzz words interchangeably so excuse me, I will do the same.

Yeah it does. You not only said racist, you QUOTED it as such.
First, according to Biden, calling the corona virus foreign is apparently "racist".
Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating That Wuhan Virus Began In China

No he didn't. He said it was "xenophobic."

What's the matter with you? Can't you read?

Oh... that changes everything now doesn't it?

Leftists use the stupid meaningless buzz words interchangeably so excuse me, I will do the same.

Yeah it does. You not only said racist, you QUOTED it as such.

It changes absolutely nothing you moron.
First, according to Biden, calling the corona virus foreign is apparently "racist".
Biden Calls Trump Racist For Stating That Wuhan Virus Began In China

No he didn't. He said it was "xenophobic."

What's the matter with you? Can't you read?

Oh... that changes everything now doesn't it?

Leftists use the stupid meaningless buzz words interchangeably so excuse me, I will do the same.

Yeah it does. You not only said racist, you QUOTED it as such.

It changes absolutely nothing you moron.

Because "alternate facts" right Kellyanne?
God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

You uneducated idiot. I’m laughing at you. The only one hurt here is you, seeing as you’re white knighting your boyfriend Slogo.

Well, if you find yourself on the losing end of an argument, attack the opponent personally. it is immature and transparent, but I'm a big boy, and I don't mind.

Seeing as I won, as proven in a prior post, your idiocy is even funnier. You have had your ass kicked. Now go comfort your boyfriend Slogo LITTLE BOY.
Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

You uneducated idiot. I’m laughing at you. The only one hurt here is you, seeing as you’re white knighting your boyfriend Slogo.

Well, if you find yourself on the losing end of an argument, attack the opponent personally. it is immature and transparent, but I'm a big boy, and I don't mind.

Seeing as I won, as proven in a prior post, your idiocy is even funnier. You have had your ass kicked. Now go comfort your boyfriend Slogo LITTLE BOY.

Come on, now. Just how many thousands of infected illegals have come to America? Enquiring minds want to know!

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