Slo Biden "Wall will not stop the Corona virus"

"Wall" huh.

Run the figures.

2,291 known cases, 50 dead, 41 recovered, 10 serious/critical condition of 2,200 active cases (known cases minus dead/recovered)

15 known cases, 0 dead, 4 recovered, 1 serious/critical of 11 active cases

US: 6.9 cases per 1M population
Mexico: 0.1 cases per 1M population

Finally, Mexico actually MIGHT pay for a wall.
That's cuz no one lives past 51 in mexico

Reminds me of some poster here, I forget who now, that used Ricardo Montalbán as an avatar. He ran that until one day I pointed out that Montalbán was a lifelong Mexican citizen, whereupon he dumped that like it was radioactive and adopted something else. Montalbán lived to be 88.
Well Kahn did leave Mexico like everyone else.
Kinda hard for a virus to get in, when everyone is going out
A wall will not end the virus situation, but it will stop people who may have it from coming here. People likely to catch the virus and pass it on are those with less than acceptable hygienic practices such as those south of our border.

The best advice given is not to attend events where a large amount of people gather. In other words, if you don't have to be there, then don't. It's the same way with our border. If you don't have to be here, stay where you are.

The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.
The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.

Trump did excellent job on the economy. Longest bull run in American history. Now is the time for leadership, Trump will be even greater than ever before...
The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.


>> “I never heard those numbers. I would’ve been shocked. I would’ve said, ‘Does anybody die from the flu? I didn’t know people died from the flu.’" <<​

Here it is on video: Might want to watch it before it gets "disappeared".

Oh by the way, for yet another day there's still no such thing as "the Democrat party" and even if there was it would be incapable of plunging the stock market.
Last edited:
The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.

Trump did excellent job on the economy. Longest bull run in American history. Now is the time for leadership, Trump will be even greater than ever before...

Bull run was running way before Rump. Now it's a bear claw. Deal with it. But yes, now it's time for leadership. We've had more than enough of "I am god, worship me" bullshit.

I knew when Rump dumped in there were going to be wild mood swings so I restructured my portfolio to withstand the expected tsunamis. Have to say it worked pretty well the last two weeks.
The most likely to catch the virus are those who are widely traveled. That ain’t poor Mexicans. The wall will have little if any effect.

The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.

The president is doing a very bad job at trying to calm the country down. The more he speaks, the more dumb nonsense comes out of his mouth and the more people lose faith in their leadership.

But like everything else, y’all are blaming anyone other than the guy in charge.
The wall has nothing to do with the virus. So why did slow Joe bring it up? Because the Democrat motto is never let a good crisis go to waste. Whenever in doubt, make it about politics like Joe is trying to do. As our President was instituting travel bans, Piglosi and others were claiming his motives were out of race, not for the protection of our country.

He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.

The president is doing a very bad job at trying to calm the country down. The more he speaks, the more dumb nonsense comes out of his mouth and the more people lose faith in their leadership.

But like everything else, y’all are blaming anyone other than the guy in charge.


President Trump and his team is talking right now.

"Wall" huh.

Run the figures.

2,282 known cases, 48 dead, 41 recovered, 10 serious/critical condition of 2,193 active cases (known cases minus dead/recovered)

15 known cases, 0 dead, 4 recovered, 1 serious/critical of 11 active cases

US: 6.9 cases per 1M population
Mexico: 0.1 cases per 1M population

Finally, Mexico actually MIGHT pay for a wall.

Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:
"Wall" huh.

Run the figures.

2,282 known cases, 48 dead, 41 recovered, 10 serious/critical condition of 2,193 active cases (known cases minus dead/recovered)

15 known cases, 0 dead, 4 recovered, 1 serious/critical of 11 active cases

US: 6.9 cases per 1M population
Mexico: 0.1 cases per 1M population

Finally, Mexico actually MIGHT pay for a wall.

Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

I can't. I'm laughing too hard. :laughing0301:
Of course you;re laughing because you're an uneducated dipshit. Thousands of infected people leave Mexico and enter the U.S. and SloGo the idiot thinks that would cause percentages to drop for the U.S. and rise in Mexico. Slapping you is so easy. Tell mommy you need your diaper changed again. You and your white knight boyfriend couldn't outsmart a rock. Reading comprehension and simple math are beyond you moron. Go cry to mommy now.
He is referring to Trump's travel ban. The wall is used figuratively.

The travel ban will absolutely contain the virus.

Biden also whined about the China travel restrictions put in place in January... the restrictions are the reason why we are doing so well. He is an open borders fundamentalist.

We can never be more thankful that Donald Trump is our President than today. With Democrats, it's politics first and country second. If Hillary would have been in charge, there would be no travel restrictions at all. More and more infected people would be entering our country making it much harder on our health personnel to solve this problem.

Actually with Rump it's "ME ME ME" first and country way downlist. That's why we had all that whining about "a hoax", all that trying to play down the gravity of the infection spread, the contradicting of his own health experts, the failure to get tested after multiple exposures, the constant childish yammering about how "we've been doing a great job", the catalystic dive on the DJIA in response to a leaderless wandering idiot who clearly had no idea what he was doing, ALL of that. Which, I hasten to point out, is exactly the continual self-delusional hallucination that the sentient among us have been warning y'all cult zombies about for FIVE YEARS NOW. So Rump couldn't possibly give less of an orange shit about "country" beyond "what's in it for ME". He reminds us of that at every opportunity, literally 24/7.

And you know what, Woodrow Wilson pulled the same shit in his flu pandemic. Even created a propaganda committee and made criticism of the government illegal, which intimidated the press from talking about it. He got infected himself, lied to the public about it, buried the import of the viral spread, and it wiped out millions, including Rump's own grandfather ---- and yet Rump just the other day professed ignorance that flu could kill people. After it did just that to his own grandfather at the age of 49. Rump didn't even know his own National Security Advisor had dismantled the global health security team that was there for this purpose, and when asked about it called it a "nasty question" rather than answer it because --- again ---- EGO. Because "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME". That's the level of wandering self-infatuated cluelessness we're saddled under for what could be ten more months.

That ain't leadership in any sense of the term. That's exactly what we always said it was --- Narcissism. Mental incompetence. Or as a recent Secretary of State put it, "a fucking moron".

Trump said the flu didn't kill people? It's the first I heard of that. In any case, the President is trying to calm people down. The media (an extension of the Democrat party) is trying to induce panic to the point the economy goes the exact opposite way. Trump's ace card going into next election was the economy and market.

The president is doing a very bad job at trying to calm the country down. The more he speaks, the more dumb nonsense comes out of his mouth and the more people lose faith in their leadership.

But like everything else, y’all are blaming anyone other than the guy in charge.


President Trump and his team is talking right now.

Good thing the stock market isn't open on Saturday.
"Wall" huh.

Run the figures.

2,282 known cases, 48 dead, 41 recovered, 10 serious/critical condition of 2,193 active cases (known cases minus dead/recovered)

15 known cases, 0 dead, 4 recovered, 1 serious/critical of 11 active cases

US: 6.9 cases per 1M population
Mexico: 0.1 cases per 1M population

Finally, Mexico actually MIGHT pay for a wall.

Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..
Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

I can't. I'm laughing too hard. :laughing0301:
Of course you;re laughing because you're an uneducated dipshit. Thousands of infected people leave Mexico and enter the U.S. and SloGo the idiot thinks that would cause percentages to drop for the U.S. and rise in Mexico. Slapping you is so easy. Tell mommy you need your diaper changed again. You and your white knight boyfriend couldn't outsmart a rock. Reading comprehension and simple math are beyond you moron. Go cry to mommy now.

How many thousands of infected people are leaving Mexico and coming to the USA?
Slogo here forgets that people are NOT trying to get into Mexico. Rather, they’re fleeing that country. Think that may skew the numbers? Derp.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Ummmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno. That would skew them in the other direction.


God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.
God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

God damn, you are a completely uneducated Fuckwad. If people are fleeing a country their percentage of cases would DROP you idiot. People fleeing INTO the US would cause an increase in the numbers of infected. Derp. Take a grade school math class you ignorant peon.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.

Actually, melting down into a puddle of emotional detritus has nothing to do with "left wing" or "right wing" anything. It's his own psychological failing.

Funny as a crutch though.
Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Pogo. I wouldn't dignify this with a serious response, if I were you.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.

Actually, melting down into a puddle of emotional detritus has nothing to do with "left wing" or "right wing" anything. It's his own psychological failing.

Funny as a crutch though.

It is a psychological failing that leftists have.

Because they never grew up.
Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Since you;re a raving idiot, you deserve this and nothing more.:fu:

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.

Actually, melting down into a puddle of emotional detritus has nothing to do with "left wing" or "right wing" anything. It's his own psychological failing.

Funny as a crutch though.

It is a psychological failing that leftists have.

Because they never grew up.

Once AGAIN --- there is no psychology in "left" or "right". The poster melted down because of his own emotional instability, not because he's "leftist" or whatever.
Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.

Oh, now I've hurt your feelings...…..

That one melts down like butter on a hot stove.


All these stupid left wing comments are the same in tone. Could use a lot more diversity of content.

It would be easier to bare if it wasn't the tone of a 13 year old screechy girl who knows nothing about anything... except crying.

Actually, melting down into a puddle of emotional detritus has nothing to do with "left wing" or "right wing" anything. It's his own psychological failing.

Funny as a crutch though.

It is a psychological failing that leftists have.

Because they never grew up.

Once AGAIN --- there is no psychology in "left" or "right". The poster melted down because of his own emotional instability, not because he's "leftist" or whatever.

There isn't? Who said so?

Yes there is.

Left = cry babies.
Right = Men.

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