So a foster child is being provided a home

Should children be legally deprived in marriage of either a mother or father?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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Sil, you can't stop gays from raising their biological and adoptive children. Get the fuck over it already.
Kids need more than that, they need a mother and a father. Kids who lack either end up suffering the loss. Because gays cannot provide this basic need at best, or are perverts looking to groom the child to be a catamite at worst, children should be protected from them.

A child is better off being raised feral by wolves.

No actual data supports your douchewad opinion.

Are you accusing gay parents of being pedophiles?
1. The data has been cited over and over.

2. Duh.

1. The only data that fuckwads like you ever cite has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday.

2. I'm a gay parent, twatweasel. Care to keep going with your contention?
Kids need more than that, they need a mother and a father. Kids who lack either end up suffering the loss. Because gays cannot provide this basic need at best, or are perverts looking to groom the child to be a catamite at worst, children should be protected from them.

A child is better off being raised feral by wolves.

No actual data supports your douchewad opinion.

Are you accusing gay parents of being pedophiles?
1. The data has been cited over and over.

2. Duh.

1. The only data that fuckwads like you ever cite has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday.

2. I'm a gay parent, twatweasel. Care to keep going with your contention?
I meant what I said. Report my post. I'm sure the mods will see through your transparent attempt to abuse USMB rules with a cheap gotcha scheme.
Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
Perhaps that isn't the point. But they do not provide a father in a home where two or more adults live together and Utah considers this a detriment to the child in that home. These two lesbians may have their own kids naturally, but the state of Utah has control over the foster kids. These very vulnerable children aren't going to be forced into "take what you can get" just because of their unfortunate situation. The state of Utah seeks to provide the very best homes for them. These are married homes with both a mother and father. If you live together and want to adopt in Utah, make sure you're married. That's rule #1. Rule #2 is your marriage had better provide both a mother and father.

Reactive attachment disorder - Mayo Clinic

Take note. You are attempting to use foster children as a political means to an end. Taking a child that is and has been bonding with the pre-adoptive parents creates more problems.

You will lose. You will lose badly and in the meantime another child's life has been disrupted.

She doesn't care. She is willing to ruin as many lives as required (including children) to push her agenda.
Tell ya what, let's test all adults to see if they would be good parents, and any who fail we take their children away. All good?
Agreed. The first test: "Does your home provide both a mother and father?" No? Then we will pre-emptively take your foster children away and you cannot adopt them.
Nope, wouldn't work that way. Two adults, both get tested, and if one fails we take any babies you make from you at birth. Sorry, Charlie.

What the required household for raising children would be, would be a whole other can of worms but it wouldn't be just mom and dad, and it wouldn't be in a trailer park eh?

Take off the Stasi uniform and go back to your padded cell before the orderlies get out the cattle prods again.
Sexual deviants should not have access to children.


That's how their sickness spreads.

Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

You now need to have a neutral third party examine your computer for lesbian pornography.
Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.
One cannot assume that a same-sex couple is automatically a bad parent. The primary consideration should be can you provide for the child the following:

  1. Financial support
  2. A stable environment
  3. Good parenting skills
  4. A peaceful and safe home

Many heterosexual couples cannot meet these requirements.

I think it has to be decided on a case by case basis. The parents' lifestyle should be a major consideration.. ..irregardless who's ass it might burn.
Kids need more than that, they need a mother and a father. Kids who lack either end up suffering the loss. Because gays cannot provide this basic need at best, or are perverts looking to groom the child to be a catamite at worst, children should be protected from them.

A child is better off being raised feral by wolves.

So, you would have been in favor of my wife being put in foster care rather than raised by her father, then? Kindly fuck off.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.
One cannot assume that a same-sex couple is automatically a bad parent. The primary consideration should be can you provide for the child the following:

  1. Financial support
  2. A stable environment
  3. Good parenting skills
  4. A peaceful and safe home

Many heterosexual couples cannot meet these requirements.

I think it has to be decided on a case by case basis. The parents' lifestyle should be a major consideration.. ..irregardless who's ass it might burn.
Kids need more than that, they need a mother and a father. Kids who lack either end up suffering the loss. Because gays cannot provide this basic need at best, or are perverts looking to groom the child to be a catamite at worst, children should be protected from them.

A child is better off being raised feral by wolves.

So, you would have been in favor of my wife being put in foster care rather than raised by her father, then? Kindly fuck off.
You're an idiot.
Kids need more than that, they need a mother and a father. Kids who lack either end up suffering the loss. Because gays cannot provide this basic need at best, or are perverts looking to groom the child to be a catamite at worst, children should be protected from them.

A child is better off being raised feral by wolves.

No actual data supports your douchewad opinion.

Are you accusing gay parents of being pedophiles?
1. The data has been cited over and over.

2. Duh.

1. The only data that fuckwads like you ever cite has been debunked 12 ways to Sunday.

2. I'm a gay parent, twatweasel. Care to keep going with your contention?
I meant what I said. Report my post. I'm sure the mods will see through your transparent attempt to abuse USMB rules with a cheap gotcha scheme.

Why on earth would I need to report you? You're making a complete ass of yourself without moderator help, shit for brains.
You know, according to the polling data here, over 70% of Utah voters believe that judge did the right thing. I sure hope the governor of Utah doesn't step on too many toes by rebuking Judge Johansen. After all, Herbert is up for re-election Fall 2016...

Sil, you can't stop gays from raising their biological and adoptive children. Get the fuck over it already.

Gays cannot have biological children. The girls in those lesbian's home both have fathers that they will never know.

mdk, this case wasn't about the biological child of one of the dykes and the other one "playing daddy" to it. It was and is about a ward of the State of Utah who still holds dominion over the child's best interest. That State is about to place that little girl in a home with two lesbians where the girl will be deprived of a father FOREVER. As an institution. The judge did well for calling the nation's attention to the fact that homosexual homes are inferior to heterosexual ones for the sake of children. They can never, ever provide both a mother and father to a child.

That the birth mother of the State's ward "wants the little girl to go to the queer home" isn't impressing me a bit. This woman coughed out a daughter and booter her out the door. Her judgment isn't ranking in the top 10 as to "the best thing for kids". She gets one brownie point at least though for deciding she herself was not fit to hold sway over what is the best interest of a child.
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What we are institutionalizing is a complete destruction of our human society as we knew it. If you let your mind expand beyond just today, and imagine 50 years from now where children who never knew the word "mother" or "father" will bring our society, if you don't get a chill down your back, you are already too far drowned in the vat of Rainbow Koolaide you've been guzzling..
What we are institutionalizing is a complete destruction of our human society as we knew it. If you let your mind expand beyond just today, and imagine 50 years from now where children who never knew the word "mother" or "father" will bring our society, if you don't get a chill down your back, you are already too far drowned in the vat of Rainbow Koolaide you've been guzzling..
Why wouldn't those children not know the meaning of "mother" or "father"? I know the meaning of all sorts of words without having personal knowledge of them. LOL, this kind of logic comes from the same people that call Global Warming a hoax!!! :eusa_doh:
Why wouldn't those children not know the meaning of "mother" or "father"? I know the meaning of all sorts of words without having personal knowledge of them. LOL, this kind of logic comes from the same people that call Global Warming a hoax!!! :eusa_doh:
You are an adult. A child has no frame of reference besides what they have absorbed. You have the ability to compile from abstract thinking an idea of something. But "father" or "mother" would be to a child raised without one like trying to get a blind person since birth to wrap their head around the color red or green.

BTW, I'm a democrat and believe climate change is real.

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