So a foster child is being provided a home

Should children be legally deprived in marriage of either a mother or father?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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by two loving foster parents and some Mormon Taliban judge wants to take that child away because the two parents are women.

The child needs a "more traditional home" according to him.

This has no place in America.

The Christian Taliban claims we want to violate their rights ... yeah their rights to dictate their morality onto the rest of us. Well, that's not a right.

Utah judge rules lesbians can't foster a child -
Funny, if I were the emotional type, I'd bury him in a not-so shallow grave, while still alive. Since I am not, I will only point out why in a liberal and secular nation you do not allow men like him to have any control over even small parts of our society...

Sounds like you are advocating for the no religious test clause to be removed.
No, I'm advocating for judges to know what they are required to base their judgments on, which isn't faith or tradition or homophobia.
Well just look at that, I win. Wonder if Sil thinks he's a "Good Judge" now...
It's hilarious that the state that practically invented the phrase "child bride" should be so upset about one little girl.
by two loving foster parents and some Mormon Taliban judge wants to take that child away because the two parents are women.

The child needs a "more traditional home" according to him.

This has no place in America.

The Christian Taliban claims we want to violate their rights ... yeah their rights to dictate their morality onto the rest of us. Well, that's not a right.

Utah judge rules lesbians can't foster a child -
The judge cited a deeply flawed study used by anti-gay organizations. We discussed that study on this forum a few weeks ago.
Sexual deviants should not have access to children.


That's how their sickness spreads.

Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.
One cannot assume that a same-sex couple is automatically a bad parent. The primary consideration should be can you provide for the child the following:

  1. Financial support
  2. A stable environment
  3. Good parenting skills
  4. A peaceful and safe home

Many heterosexual couples cannot meet these requirements.

I think it has to be decided on a case by case basis. The parents' lifestyle should be a major consideration.. ..irregardless who's ass it might burn.
by two loving foster parents and some Mormon Taliban judge wants to take that child away because the two parents are women.

The child needs a "more traditional home" according to him.

This has no place in America.

The Christian Taliban claims we want to violate their rights ... yeah their rights to dictate their morality onto the rest of us. Well, that's not a right.

Utah judge rules lesbians can't foster a child -
The judge cited a deeply flawed study used by anti-gay organizations. We discussed that study on this forum a few weeks ago.
Of course he did.
Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.

People don't choose to be left handed. People choose sexual deviance.

I agree with everything you said for the most part, and I'll even grant you that SOME gay couples would be excellent nurturing parents.

However, every single gay person I've met has one thing in common and I find it disturbing.

They're consumed by their sexuality, their entire existence revolves around it. It defines them as a person. Now most of them are very nice people. Nearly all of them are radically liberal though which makes their judgement questionable.

It's because of their hypersexual appetites that I would never trust them with my kids alone. Sure, lots of "normal" people are discovered to be deviant pedophiles at some point but it has been my experience and perspective that gays demonstrate behavior that make them more likely than "normal" people to abuse kids.

So I would under no circumstance allow a gay couple to adopt a child, if I was the deciding authority.

Hetero's are not consumed by their sexuality? Really!
Do you know how much money the porn industry makes a year.
Take a look.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.

People don't choose to be left handed. People choose sexual deviance.

I agree with everything you said for the most part, and I'll even grant you that SOME gay couples would be excellent nurturing parents.

However, every single gay person I've met has one thing in common and I find it disturbing.

They're consumed by their sexuality, their entire existence revolves around it. It defines them as a person. Now most of them are very nice people. Nearly all of them are radically liberal though which makes their judgement questionable.

It's because of their hypersexual appetites that I would never trust them with my kids alone. Sure, lots of "normal" people are discovered to be deviant pedophiles at some point but it has been my experience and perspective that gays demonstrate behavior that make them more likely than "normal" people to abuse kids.

So I would under no circumstance allow a gay couple to adopt a child, if I was the deciding authority.

Sexual deviants should not have access to children.


That's how their sickness spreads.

Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.
One cannot assume that a same-sex couple is automatically a bad parent. The primary consideration should be can you provide for the child the following:

  1. Financial support
  2. A stable environment
  3. Good parenting skills
  4. A peaceful and safe home

Many heterosexual couples cannot meet these requirements.

I think it has to be decided on a case by case basis. The parents' lifestyle should be a major consideration.. ..irregardless who's ass it might burn.

I agree with that. When foster parents are screened there are a lot of variables involved: Age, disabilities, health issues, housing, criminal background, financial status, etc. and so on. Sexual orientation should not be an issue.
Hetero's are not consumed by their sexuality? Really!
Do you know how much money the porn industry makes a year.
Take a look.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.

People don't choose to be left handed. People choose sexual deviance.

I agree with everything you said for the most part, and I'll even grant you that SOME gay couples would be excellent nurturing parents.

However, every single gay person I've met has one thing in common and I find it disturbing.

They're consumed by their sexuality, their entire existence revolves around it. It defines them as a person. Now most of them are very nice people. Nearly all of them are radically liberal though which makes their judgement questionable.

It's because of their hypersexual appetites that I would never trust them with my kids alone. Sure, lots of "normal" people are discovered to be deviant pedophiles at some point but it has been my experience and perspective that gays demonstrate behavior that make them more likely than "normal" people to abuse kids.

So I would under no circumstance allow a gay couple to adopt a child, if I was the deciding authority.

hush yo mouth
Johansen has already vacated his ruling, but he will also be sanctioned and possibly lose his job.

Thanks, aris2chat, I just noticed and corrected my error.
Last edited:
Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.

People don't choose to be left handed. People choose sexual deviance.

I agree with everything you said for the most part, and I'll even grant you that SOME gay couples would be excellent nurturing parents.

However, every single gay person I've met has one thing in common and I find it disturbing.

They're consumed by their sexuality, their entire existence revolves around it. It defines them as a person. Now most of them are very nice people. Nearly all of them are radically liberal though which makes their judgement questionable.

It's because of their hypersexual appetites that I would never trust them with my kids alone. Sure, lots of "normal" people are discovered to be deviant pedophiles at some point but it has been my experience and perspective that gays demonstrate behavior that make them more likely than "normal" people to abuse kids.

So I would under no circumstance allow a gay couple to adopt a child, if I was the deciding authority.

No. They are hardwired LGB&T. Nobody wakes up in the morning and I choose to be harassed, ridiculed and risk getting beat up on the street because of my sexual orientation and...........therapy.

I am sorry that your experience has been negative. There is no one size fits all views for LGB&T. At any rate the major battles have been fought. And there will be a shift over time as those that are coming up won't have to fight those same battles at least on the legal front.
by two loving foster parents and some Mormon Taliban judge wants to take that child away because the two parents are women.

The child needs a "more traditional home" according to him.

This has no place in America.

The Christian Taliban claims we want to violate their rights ... yeah their rights to dictate their morality onto the rest of us. Well, that's not a right.

Utah judge rules lesbians can't foster a child -
The judge cited a deeply flawed study used by anti-gay organizations. We discussed that study on this forum a few weeks ago.

He cited "a study" but...

Hoagland told KUTV that when the judge was asked to show his research, he wouldn’t.

Utah judge removes lesbian couple’s foster child, says she’ll be better off with heterosexuals
No. They are hardwired LGB&T. Nobody wakes up in the morning and I choose to be harassed, ridiculed and risk getting beat up on the street because of my sexual orientation and...........therapy.

I am sorry that your experience has been negative. There is no one size fits all views for LGB&T. At any rate the major battles have been fought. And there will be a shift over time as those that are coming up won't have to fight those same battles at least on the legal front.

I have to respectfully disagree with the concept that being queer means being harassed, ridiculed and risk getting beat up on the street. Everyone gets ridiculed for something anyway, so I have no sympathy when anyone whines about it. Queers can carry guns, then they won't get "beat up on the street", as if that has happened since the 50's.

I'll accept that SOME people are genetically inclined to that persuasion, but I believe it's learned in a lot of cases. I don't think we should be as accepting as we are as a society, like the POTUS calling people "heros" for coming out queer. Of course since he's obviously a closeted faggot he considers them "brave". The parades and attention the issue gets is entirely undeserved IMO. I certainly do not believe they should be harassed or treated unfairly, because as I said most of the ones I have met are very nice people.

It really isn't an issue I care a lot about anyway. If I was the authority I wouldn't allow gay adoption. I'm not, and I accept it. I couldn't do anything about it anyway.

Is that comment that she was once a p*rn star!

Hetero's are not consumed by their sexuality? Really!
Do you know how much money the porn industry makes a year.
Take a look.

Like left-handed people? They are a statistical minority. Difference ≠ deviant.

There is no data that supports the fears that have been posted here. What has been cited has been thrown out every time the OP posts it. Every time. You have to meet a specific criteria to even be eligible to become foster parent. You have to jump through hoops. There is no data that says that two lesbian women make bad parents. Nothing.

There are 2 things that people really need to grasp. This is every bit as true once they become our kids (wards of the state).

1. Children need a stable environment. They need to be in a safe and nurturing homes where they can thrive. They need to be disciplined and be able to know that they are still loved afterwards. They need to have access to education. They need to know that the foster parents or pre-adoptive parents or biological parents are going to be there through thick and thin and not cave and're too much. I don't want you.

Some same sex couples, some heterosexual couples and some single people are able to provide that for foster children. Many of each group are not going to be eligible.

2.There is beau-coup money being dropped on these children and when they age out they may not even walk away with a diploma. That is hideous. One of the problems is this fact free notion that same sex couples are incapable of providing the necessary foundations for these children.

People don't choose to be left handed. People choose sexual deviance.

I agree with everything you said for the most part, and I'll even grant you that SOME gay couples would be excellent nurturing parents.

However, every single gay person I've met has one thing in common and I find it disturbing.

They're consumed by their sexuality, their entire existence revolves around it. It defines them as a person. Now most of them are very nice people. Nearly all of them are radically liberal though which makes their judgement questionable.

It's because of their hypersexual appetites that I would never trust them with my kids alone. Sure, lots of "normal" people are discovered to be deviant pedophiles at some point but it has been my experience and perspective that gays demonstrate behavior that make them more likely than "normal" people to abuse kids.

So I would under no circumstance allow a gay couple to adopt a child, if I was the deciding authority.

hush yo mouth

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