So a foster child is being provided a home

Should children be legally deprived in marriage of either a mother or father?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
If it is shown that children experience a negligent situation where they are deprived of either a father or mother, the judge is of course RIGHT. And so am I. The only way you could argue otherwise is to argue that negligence of children's needs is "OK".

Your mistake is you give importance and emphasis to adults' whims and put children's needs below that. I assure you that the way laws are written in all 50 states and federally (CAPTA) it is exactly the opposite. And as this case makes it's way UP, you will see exactly that this is so.

Children aren't pawns. They aren't "going to adapt" to a situation that harms them as a favor to your cult.
This country doesn't do what's best for children, and never has. Were that true most people wouldn't be raising children, they are unfit to be parents. Just because you can make a baby doesn't mean you know how or are worthy of raising it...
Look at Marco Rubio. Let's get daycare for parents who work so they CAN work, not live off welfare and provide for their children.

He got booed by Republicans at the GOP debate. Let me paraphrase. Fuck the kids. Fuck the family. If they can't take care of their own babies, why should I have have to? We only "care" about that kid because we hate gays.
Notice the scumbags on the left CAN NOT discuss this topic without injecting all manner of shit that is unrelated. Bunch of fools. They have ZERO reasons this judge was wrong without changing the subject.

Men molest more than women? So? Does that mean the lunatic left is going to say gay men can't adopt? Of course not, they'll just change the subject AGAIN to suit their narrative.

Shallow bunch of morons who are more transparent than my eyeglasses
Nope, but if you want a child raped just put a man in the house, especially if they are unrelated to the child, Happens all the damn time. Nothing would be safer for a little girl than being raised only by women.
Actually, if a child is sexually abused, they look at ALL the male relatives well they should.
Irrelevant to this subject
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
Since the placement took place in Utah, do you have a similar chart for the Utah or Provo, demography?
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
If it is shown that children experience a negligent situation where they are deprived of either a father or mother, the judge is of course RIGHT. And so am I. The only way you could argue otherwise is to argue that negligence of children's needs is "OK".

Your mistake is you give importance and emphasis to adults' whims and put children's needs below that. I assure you that the way laws are written in all 50 states and federally (CAPTA) it is exactly the opposite. And as this case makes it's way UP, you will see exactly that this is so.

Children aren't pawns. They aren't "going to adapt" to a situation that harms them as a favor to your cult.
This country doesn't do what's best for children, and never has. Were that true most people wouldn't be raising children, they are unfit to be parents. Just because you can make a baby doesn't mean you know how or are worthy of raising it...
Look at Marco Rubio. Let's get daycare for parents who work so they CAN work, not live off welfare and provide for their children.

He got booed by Republicans at the GOP debate. Let me paraphrase. Fuck the kids. Fuck the family. If they can't take care of their own babies, why should I have have to? We only "care" about that kid because we hate gays.
He got booed because he proposed 1 trillion in new unfunded handouts. We are how many trillions in debt? What do we do when the creditor calls? Print more money?

You're a bonified moron
Notice the scumbags on the left CAN NOT discuss this topic without injecting all manner of shit that is unrelated. Bunch of fools. They have ZERO reasons this judge was wrong without changing the subject.

Men molest more than women? So? Does that mean the lunatic left is going to say gay men can't adopt? Of course not, they'll just change the subject AGAIN to suit their narrative.

Shallow bunch of morons who are more transparent than my eyeglasses
Gay men are less likely to rape or molest, especially little girls. And if you really want to protect children then you test all parents to see if they are fit, you take the kids away if they are not, and you don't allow young men, or even better any men, to raise children.

It's a numbers game then so, you all good with that? That's what it would take to "protect" the children, which really, you could give a goddamned about as long as the faggots aren't equal to you. That is what matters here, obviously.
Actually, if a child is sexually abused, they look at ALL the male relatives well they should.
Irrelevant to this subject
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
Since the placement took place in Utah, do you have a similar chart for the Utah or Provo, demography?
Couldn't say but it wouldn't look much different. Want to find a rapist, just look for a penis. They almost always are one and the same.
Notice the scumbags on the left CAN NOT discuss this topic without injecting all manner of shit that is unrelated. Bunch of fools. They have ZERO reasons this judge was wrong without changing the subject.

Men molest more than women? So? Does that mean the lunatic left is going to say gay men can't adopt? Of course not, they'll just change the subject AGAIN to suit their narrative.

Shallow bunch of morons who are more transparent than my eyeglasses
Gay men are less likely to rape or molest, especially little girls. And if you really want to protect children then you test all parents to see if they are fit, you take the kids away if they are not, and you don't allow young men, or even better any men, to raise children.

It's a numbers game then so, you all good with that? That's what it would take to "protect" the children, which really, you could give a goddamned about as long as the faggots aren't equal to you. That is what matters here, obviously.
I rest my case.
Nope, but if you want a child raped just put a man in the house, especially if they are unrelated to the child, Happens all the damn time. Nothing would be safer for a little girl than being raised only by women.
Actually, if a child is sexually abused, they look at ALL the male relatives well they should.
Irrelevant to this subject
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
LOL, all the numbers are from personal experience. Learn what personal experience means. :)
Actually, if a child is sexually abused, they look at ALL the male relatives well they should.
Irrelevant to this subject
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
LOL, all the numbers are from personal experience. Learn what personal experience means. :)
The numbers are not based on your, "But hey, I wasn't raped so it must not happen", dumbass...
Notice the scumbags on the left CAN NOT discuss this topic without injecting all manner of shit that is unrelated. Bunch of fools. They have ZERO reasons this judge was wrong without changing the subject.

Men molest more than women? So? Does that mean the lunatic left is going to say gay men can't adopt? Of course not, they'll just change the subject AGAIN to suit their narrative.

Shallow bunch of morons who are more transparent than my eyeglasses
Gay men are less likely to rape or molest, especially little girls. And if you really want to protect children then you test all parents to see if they are fit, you take the kids away if they are not, and you don't allow young men, or even better any men, to raise children.

It's a numbers game then so, you all good with that? That's what it would take to "protect" the children, which really, you could give a goddamned about as long as the faggots aren't equal to you. That is what matters here, obviously.
I rest my case.
Thought you wanted to "protect" children? I guess not.
Fags should be allowed to marry. It affects no one.

Children is a whole nother subject. We are rapidly becoming a nation of pansies, no need to expedite that problem. Give the kids a shot at being NORMAL productive adults.
Irrelevant to this subject
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
LOL, all the numbers are from personal experience. Learn what personal experience means. :)
The numbers are not based on your, "But hey, I wasn't raped so it must not happen", dumbass...
Children's future is not a roulette wheel in Vegas "dumbass"
From the link in this OP: So a foster child is being provided a home | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The original source: Utah judge rules lesbians can't foster a child -

The judge I guess is being very tight-lipped about where he got his research from. But I think I can take a stab at it. From the UK Guardian citing the 2010 Prince's Trust Youth Index Survey, the largest of its kind that measures the wellbeing of youth from year to year and seeks to pinpoint issues that are causing unrest in them as they grow from teens to adults:

The judge's research undoubtedly included this: Teenagers without parental role model are 67% less likely to get a job
Young men with no male role models in their lives and women without a mother figure struggle to keep their lives on track, a hard-hitting report warns today. The Prince’s Trust youth index, the largest survey of its kind, found that....67 per cent more likely to be unemployed than their counterparts. They are also significantly more likely to stay unemployed for longer than their peers, the report suggests....It found that young men with no male role model are 50 per cent more likely to abuse drugs and young females in the corresponding position are significantly more likely to drink to excess..
Young men with no male role model to look up to were twice as likely to turn or consider turning to crime as a result of being unemployed...The report, which was based on interviews with 2,170 16 to 25-year-olds...These young men are also three times more likely to feel down or depressed all of the time and significantly more likely to admit that they cannot remember the last time they felt proud...They are also significantly less likely to feel happy and confident than those with male role models, according to the figures....The Prince’s Trust report, which was carried out by YouGov, suggests young people without male role models are more than twice as likely to lack a sense of belonging

In Utah people living together must be married in order to adopt. But this judge has found that even if they are married, what type of marriage it is weighs on how a child will fare under the home.

The problem started when the USSC made the mistake of finding that a behavior = a static race of people. And based on that false premise, awarded just their favorite type of deviant sex practitioners the "right" to marry. Besides that act adding new legislative content and language to the US Constitituion without the approval of the actual legislative Body: Congress, it also set up a situation where the other de facto party to the marriage contract suddenly found themselves in the lurch: children.

Never before had the contract they implicitly and undeniably shared in said "you are now institutionally-deprived of either a mother or father".. Neither children nor their attorneys had a seat at the table this last Spring when the USSC decided for the first time to deprive them of either a mother or father without their, or the consent of their states as guardians' consent. This radical contract revision was missing one of the main parties to the contract. And because it was, a premature and extinguishable decision was made to their detriment.

This judge must also have read the CAPTA laws wherein no state may engage in child abuse or child negligence. In Utah, their state has determined that depriving a child in marriage of either a father or mother is a negligent deprivation. As such, this judge removed a foster daughter from a lesbian home. There will be an appeal of course, and those appeals will make their way up to the USSC to ask them why they did not invite one of the parties to the marriage contract to the revision table. The 5 Justices on the USSC will have to explain to society in their own words why they felt the power to revise such a contract without one of the parties present; and to their researched-detriment.

Perhaps the 5 Justices on the USSC should have done their own research on depriving children of either a mother or father and not made this judge in Utah do it for them.
There was no research. The judge has decided to follow the law.
Johansen did not follow the Utah law. He will be reversed and perhaps sanctioned.
Not at all, if you truly want to "protect" children.

Works like this:

Stick with the pretty panties, if you don't want a child to be raped that is.
I was adopted, I wasn't raped. In fact it was in the state of Utah. :)
Learn what "subjective" means. This is numbers, not personal experience.
LOL, all the numbers are from personal experience. Learn what personal experience means. :)
The numbers are not based on your, "But hey, I wasn't raped so it must not happen", dumbass...
Children's future is not a roulette wheel in Vegas "dumbass"
By leaving them in care of males, you just made it that. Spin the wheel and see if you are the next child raped?

BTW, if you leave that baby with the lesbos, she'd have to hit the 0. Now those are good odds eh, and that happens when the dicks aren't around.
Couldn't say but it wouldn't look much different. Want to find a rapist, just look for a penis. They almost always are one and the same.

And you can raise the likelihood of that penis raping if it is a gay penis.. For every 100 child molestations, as many as 40 of them are adult males molesting little boys. While gay men make up only 2% of the total population...

Mayo Clinic 2007:

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007...Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men.

Now why is it again that the percentage is around the 90% range of gay "married" men who adopt little boys in preference to little girls? I think the Mayo Clinic and the CDC have the answer:

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...
(and from the same link as at top quote)
One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle” or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

For a compilation of over 300 peer-reviewed studies as to why that last bit happens, read more here on "Conditioning and Sexual Behavior: A Review", from a Canadian research team:
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Couldn't say but it wouldn't look much different. Want to find a rapist, just look for a penis. They almost always are one and the same.

And you can raise the likelihood of that penis raping if it is a gay penis.. For every 100 child molestations, as many as 40 of them are adult males molesting little boys. While gay men make up only 2% of the total population...

Mayo Clinic 2007:

Mayo Clinic Special Article 2007...Pedophiles are usually attracted to a particular age range and/or sex of child. Research categorizes male pedophiles by whether they are attracted to only male children (homosexual pedophilia), female children (heterosexual pedophilia), or children from both sexes (bisexual pedophilia). The percentage of homosexual pedophiles ranges from 9% to 40%, which is approximately 4 to 20 times higher than the rate of adult men attracted to other adult men.
And the study has been competently rebutted at least thirty times on the Board much less thousands elsewhere.

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