So a foster child is being provided a home

Should children be legally deprived in marriage of either a mother or father?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
You are conveniently forgetting that foster children have already been removed from their parents' care. They are removed from those homes not because their parents are queer but because their parents are incapable of caring for them.

That doesn't mean the state can just dump them with any depraved nutbag that comes along and asks for them. I have no problem with foster kids not being placed in single parent homes, though traditionally, single moms HAVE been able to carve out a niche for themselves and stay home with their own fatherless children by taking in fosters. It's a situation that works out well for everybody.

Homo foster parents are a whole different ballgame. No, we shouldn't be placing vulnerable children with the mentally ill...and a HUGE percentage of lesbian couples deal with mental well as addiction issues and various and assorted other issues that makes them not a great choice for raising at risk youth.

I don't know what makes progressives push so hard to put kids in situations where they get hurt.

Oh never mind, yes I do.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
By placing it in a more emotionally balanced environment you help the child. Small children who's minds are still developing need proper balance.
As to your single mother issue that is a tough situation. Hopefully the children get the influence they need from the father despite living with the mother but ultimately that's for another discussion.

Why another discussion? Divorce leaves children in a home without a father and a mother. Isn't that your complaint about gay adoption?
Sil's point have been rebutted competently on the Board for as long as she has been posting on this issue, so I will not give her "just once more."

The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
The real parents are heterosexual, or haven't you figured that out yet.
The foster system is a colossal progressive failure.
And what do you call the system that requires a foster system in the first place?
Child protectors from deviants and evil. Without a foster system, vulnerable children would go to the highest bidder.

The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone

I don't know how placing them with deviants and weirdoes helps anyone.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
If it is shown that children experience a negligent situation where they are deprived of either a father or mother, the judge is of course RIGHT. And so am I. The only way you could argue otherwise is to argue that negligence of children's needs is "OK".

Your mistake is you give importance and emphasis to adults' whims and put children's needs below that. I assure you that the way laws are written in all 50 states and federally (CAPTA) it is exactly the opposite. And as this case makes it's way UP, you will see exactly that this is so.

Children aren't pawns. They aren't "going to adapt" to a situation that harms them as a favor to your cult.

So are you also wanting to ban divorce?
Do you have anything besides strawman arguments?
Sil's point have been rebutted competently on the Board for as long as she has been posting on this issue, so I will not give her "just once more."

The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
The real parents are heterosexual, or haven't you figured that out yet.
Real parents are people who raise children. The problem is, many of them shouldn't be allowed to.
Which brings us back to why the judge made the decision he did.
btw: I was adopted March 3, 1950 :)
I hope and am glad you were loved by your parents.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
You are conveniently forgetting that foster children have already been removed from their parents' care. They are removed from those homes not because their parents are queer but because their parents are incapable of caring for them.

That doesn't mean the state can just dump them with any depraved nutbag that comes along and asks for them. I have no problem with foster kids not being placed in single parent homes, though traditionally, single moms HAVE been able to carve out a niche for themselves and stay home with their own fatherless children by taking in fosters. It's a situation that works out well for everybody.

Homo foster parents are a whole different ballgame. No, we shouldn't be placing vulnerable children with the mentally ill...and a HUGE percentage of lesbian couples deal with mental well as addiction issues and various and assorted other issues that makes them not a great choice for raising at risk youth.

I don't know what makes progressives push so hard to put kids in situations where they get hurt.

Oh never mind, yes I do.

You act as if you think gay couples are not investigated before they can adopt. Of course they are, and they are judged the same way anybody else is judged. The only difference is that being gay doesn't count against them. All the other criteria of stability in their background still counts.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
By placing it in a more emotionally balanced environment you help the child. Small children who's minds are still developing need proper balance.
As to your single mother issue that is a tough situation. Hopefully the children get the influence they need from the father despite living with the mother but ultimately that's for another discussion.

Why another discussion? Divorce leaves children in a home without a father and a mother. Isn't that your complaint about gay adoption?
Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
If it is shown that children experience a negligent situation where they are deprived of either a father or mother, the judge is of course RIGHT. And so am I. The only way you could argue otherwise is to argue that negligence of children's needs is "OK".

Your mistake is you give importance and emphasis to adults' whims and put children's needs below that. I assure you that the way laws are written in all 50 states and federally (CAPTA) it is exactly the opposite. And as this case makes it's way UP, you will see exactly that this is so.

Children aren't pawns. They aren't "going to adapt" to a situation that harms them as a favor to your cult.

So are you also wanting to ban divorce?
Do you have anything besides strawman arguments?

Not a straw argument by any means. Your complaint is that the children don't have a man and woman in the home. What do you think divorce does to that situation?
Sexual deviants should not have access to children.


That's how their sickness spreads.

Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
By placing it in a more emotionally balanced environment you help the child. Small children who's minds are still developing need proper balance.
As to your single mother issue that is a tough situation. Hopefully the children get the influence they need from the father despite living with the mother but ultimately that's for another discussion.

Why another discussion? Divorce leaves children in a home without a father and a mother. Isn't that your complaint about gay adoption?
Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally

Trying to ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't apply to this discussion.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone
By placing it in a more emotionally balanced environment you help the child. Small children who's minds are still developing need proper balance.
As to your single mother issue that is a tough situation. Hopefully the children get the influence they need from the father despite living with the mother but ultimately that's for another discussion.

Why another discussion? Divorce leaves children in a home without a father and a mother. Isn't that your complaint about gay adoption?
Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally

You are wrong.

You are talking about a heterosexual home with two parents.

Divorce takes one of those parents out, leaving only one parent, so by your logic, there should be no divorce.
The real parents are heterosexual, or haven't you figured that out yet.

Just speaking in general terms...

The biological mother provided an egg. The biological father provided sperm.

That doesn't mean the parents have to be heterosexual. A lesbian can an egg and a gay man provide the sperm. Combine the two and a child results. Neither biological "parent" was heterosexual.

Or haven't you figured that out yet?

Sexual deviants should not have access to children.


That's how their sickness spreads.

Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
That's a matter of opinion.

I'm not sure how gays aren't sexual deviants.

%96 of the adults in the country aren't butt pirates or carpet munchers.

That means the %4 who engage in such perversion are deviants.

It's my opinion that they're perverts, but it's a fact that they're deviants.

So are redheads, and blondes...
Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally

I can count on one hand all the moonbats I've ever interacted with who could discuss ANYTHING rationally.

Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally

I can count on one hand all the moonbats I've ever interacted with who could discuss ANYTHING rationally.

Rational, eh? Which sex mostly rapes and molests children?
Because this thread is about gay parenting. Get it? If you want to create a thread about single parents be my guest but there is no reason to derail this thread just because you can't discuss the merits of gay parenting rationally

I can count on one hand all the moonbats I've ever interacted with who could discuss ANYTHING rationally.

Perhaps you should have a few discussions with someone outside of the right wing bubble.

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