So a foster child is being provided a home

Should children be legally deprived in marriage of either a mother or father?

  • Yes, the USSC made the right choice in making this a new normal.

  • No, children need a mother and father in marriage.

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Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
Perhaps that isn't the point. But they do not provide a father in a home where two or more adults live together and Utah considers this a detriment to the child in that home. These two lesbians may have their own kids naturally, but the state of Utah has control over the foster kids. These very vulnerable children aren't going to be forced into "take what you can get" just because of their unfortunate situation. The state of Utah seeks to provide the very best homes for them. These are married homes with both a mother and father. If you live together and want to adopt in Utah, make sure you're married. That's rule #1. Rule #2 is your marriage had better provide both a mother and father.

This country doesn't do what's best for children, and never has. Were that true most people wouldn't be raising children, they are unfit to be parents. Just because you can make a baby doesn't mean you know how or are worthy of raising it...

When the custody of a child passes over to a state, that state is its new guardian. Birth children stuck in their parents' homes are under their custody. Foster kids are in the state's custody. So, the state determines what situations constitute the proper home to place them in. Otherwise you'd have child traffickers posing at "loving homes" lining up in the streets outside adoption agencies and the state would have to be forced to let kids go to them because "at least they'd be going to a loving home".

States have to be hyper-vigilant about their very vulnerable wards because it is precisely this vulnerable demographic that have been throughout human civilization, preyed upon by the deviants and the evildoers. Once you relax the standards for one group, "equality" means they'll have to be relaxed for others.

When, and not if polygamy becomes forced on the 50 states in the next 5 years or less, we will have them following in the road the gays paved for them when it comes to "adopting a child to a married home".

This judge did the right thing. He can see into his crystal ball and logic can easily show him where this is all heading: a free for all with adoptable kids using inferior "marriages" as the shoehorn to get at them "legally".
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Sil's point have been rebutted competently on the Board for as long as she has been posting on this issue, so I will not give her "just once more."

The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
Except these two women are not sexual deviants.
Perhaps that isn't the point. But they do not provide a father in a home where two or more adults live together and Utah considers this a detriment to the child in that home. These two lesbians may have their own kids naturally, but the state of Utah has control over the foster kids. These very vulnerable children aren't going to be forced into "take what you can get" just because of their unfortunate situation. The state of Utah seeks to provide the very best homes for them. These are married homes with both a mother and father. If you live together and want to adopt in Utah, make sure you're married. That's rule #1. Rule #2 is your marriage had better provide both a mother and father.

Reactive attachment disorder - Mayo Clinic

Take note. You are attempting to use foster children as a political means to an end. Taking a child that is and has been bonding with the pre-adoptive parents creates more problems.

You will lose. You will lose badly and in the meantime another child's life has been disrupted.
Please merge this with the other two.

To quote a superior statement from another thread on this board: "The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt."

Judge in UT Denies Lesbians Foster Child: Cites Research Showing Detriment to Child | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
Nope, but if you want a child raped just put a man in the house, especially if they are unrelated to the child, Happens all the damn time. Nothing would be safer for a little girl than being raised only by women.
What a moronic statement. By the way I was raised in foster care & group home settings. Never saw or heard about any of my siblings or myself being raped. And we all had 1 man & 1 woman. Even in the group homes.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
Nope, but if you want a child raped just put a man in the house, especially if they are unrelated to the child, Happens all the damn time. Nothing would be safer for a little girl than being raised only by women.
What a moronic statement. By the way I was raised in foster care & group home settings. Never saw or heard about any of my siblings or myself being raped. And we all had 1 man & 1 woman. Even in the group homes.
And you know of many cases were such was not your enviable situation.
The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
I sure as hell hope so but in the state of magic underpants who the hell knows. And if Sil didn't want this child harmed, she wouldn't put it in the household with a unrelated male, who rape and molest little girls right and fucking left. They aren't safe even with their own daughters but they are way worse with the daughters of others.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
Nope, but if you want a child raped just put a man in the house, especially if they are unrelated to the child, Happens all the damn time. Nothing would be safer for a little girl than being raised only by women.
What a moronic statement. By the way I was raised in foster care & group home settings. Never saw or heard about any of my siblings or myself being raped. And we all had 1 man & 1 woman. Even in the group homes.
Learn what "subjective" means. I deal with numbers, not personal experiences. And is that what drove you to a life of crime? That's also common enough.
Sil's point have been rebutted competently on the Board for as long as she has been posting on this issue, so I will not give her "just once more."

The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
Unless it is found that depriving a child of either a mother or father in a cohabitating home, married or not, is to the child's detriment. This is the test. This is the test of dominance in law: whims of adults vs needs of children. Bear in mind that foster child's custodian is the State until an adoption is final. Unless the USSC is now going to tell states what is best for children. This is great. This is going to force Kennedy to say "I and I alone will override all research that finds the opposite and say that children from this point forward will be systematically deprived of their best interests in the name of the LGBT cult..Amen"..

This is where the rubber is going to meet the road. And the state of Utah is going to appeal any bullshit ruling that turns American laws upside-down that give preference to children's needs over adults whims and sex-lifestyles.
Sil's point have been rebutted competently on the Board for as long as she has been posting on this issue, so I will not give her "just once more."

The Utah judge, unlike some other states' family justice courts, can be overruled, and he will be enjoined probably by the end of the day from enforcing his ruling, until which day a superior court will review the case and see how it comports with Utah law on adoption.

The women will keep the child and be able to adopt.
You don't know Utah.
The Judge is wrong, and so are you, of course. Two homophobes in a pod.
The decision is about the child's emotional well being not the judges. A male role model is essential for children.
So time to take children from single mothers?
Intentionally placing a child in an atmosphere that is not emotionally balanced is not the same thing now is it?
So foster kids deserve a male role model but not those with single mothers?
I get what you're saying but i dont know how taking a child from a loving home helps anyone

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