So are we all in agreement that sexual harassment means........

Iv'e had my junk grabbed by women on more than one occasion. I was never offended, if she wasn't to my liking, i just moved. Christ, people need to lighten up.
Thank goodness women are not brave enough to wear short skirts or dresses, and insist nice girls don't let friends go home with blue balls.
Equal rights in the name of equity?

Equal rights means they have as much say in who they fuck as you do. It does NOT mean they have to fuck you because you want them.
Just begging the question. Special pleading is simply that, a fallacy.

Nice girl friends love to practice with us.

Only bad girls should lie to us and let us miss our turn.

If nice girls loved to practice with you, they would be practicing with you.

And there is no "turn" except in gang rapes.
Are there any nice girls?

I'm sure there are plenty.
Iv'e had my junk grabbed by women on more than one occasion. I was never offended, if she wasn't to my liking, i just moved. Christ, people need to lighten up.
Thank goodness women are not brave enough to wear short skirts or dresses, and insist nice girls don't let friends go home with blue balls.

There probably are women like that. The problem is, they didn't appreciate your attempt at extortion for withholding your friendship pending their submission to your desires. They found guys who want to actually be their friend.

I see you are steadfastly refusing to answer my question again. Typical.
Iv'e had my junk grabbed by women on more than one occasion. I was never offended, if she wasn't to my liking, i just moved. Christ, people need to lighten up.
Thank goodness women are not brave enough to wear short skirts or dresses, and insist nice girls don't let friends go home with blue balls.

There probably are women like that. The problem is, they didn't appreciate your attempt at extortion for withholding your friendship pending their submission to your desires. They found guys who want to actually be their friend.

I see you are steadfastly refusing to answer my question again. Typical.
Stereotyping only may work, twice a day.

Good helpmeets are simply and morally that.
Iv'e had my junk grabbed by women on more than one occasion. I was never offended, if she wasn't to my liking, i just moved. Christ, people need to lighten up.
Thank goodness women are not brave enough to wear short skirts or dresses, and insist nice girls don't let friends go home with blue balls.

There probably are women like that. The problem is, they didn't appreciate your attempt at extortion for withholding your friendship pending their submission to your desires. They found guys who want to actually be their friend.

I see you are steadfastly refusing to answer my question again. Typical.
Stereotyping only may work, twice a day.

Good helpmeets are simply and morally that.

You have been harping on this "friends should fuck me" routine for a couple of years now. In that time you have kept saying you lack experience and need practice. Has your ploy worked? You still seem to need practice. You still seem to be lacking female friends who will fuck you.

In that same time, I have had several female friends share my bed (or theirs). I didn't cry about equality in the non-porn sector. I didn't make our continued friendship conditional on sex. I flirted, talked and had fun. So did they.

You know the old adage "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results". Your method is a fantasy. If that will suffice for you, carry on. Otherwise, learn what women want and figure out how to offer it.
I agree. Some women simply get paid to lie to us and let me my turn.

Just capilalism for a market friendly price, not social morals for free.

YOu want it offered to you for free. No money spent, no seduction, and no relationship. If other men are offering to take them on dates, seduce them and actually show an interest in attracting them, why would a woman choose you? What are you offering that makes you the better choice?

And, for the last time, there are no "turns".
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Simply, because she is a girl and I am a guy.

And, practice makes perfect.

Well you just keep looking. YOu haven't found one yet and you have been talking about it here for a year or two. Think of the practice you could have had if you would merely work on seduction instead of your ridiculous "I want my turn" nonsense.
If only, there were nice girls who are willing to be friends for free when the guy has no money.

I am sure there are. But what you want if Friend with Benefits.

Why not try and make some money?

No women of morals for free?

Why take the right wing seriously.
YOu want it offered to you for free. No money spent, no seduction, and no relationship. If other men are offering to take them on dates, seduce them and actually show an interest in attracting them, why would a woman choose you? What are you offering that makes you the better choice?

And, for the last time, there are no "turns".
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Simply, because she is a girl and I am a guy.

And, practice makes perfect.

Well you just keep looking. YOu haven't found one yet and you have been talking about it here for a year or two. Think of the practice you could have had if you would merely work on seduction instead of your ridiculous "I want my turn" nonsense.
If only, there were nice girls who are willing to be friends for free when the guy has no money.

I am sure there are. But what you want if Friend with Benefits.

Why not try and make some money?

No women of morals for free?

Why take the right wing seriously.

First, you need to look at the morality of your withholding friendship from any woman who won't fuck you when you are horny.

Second, your "No women of morals for free?" comment has nothing to do with it. It is about any individual woman being attracted to you. If they are not attracted to you, it is their choice not to sleep with you. You know, personal freedom and equality.

As for taking the right wing women seriously, that has even less to do with the topic.
I am bearing true witness. That is more moral than lying for poon.

Only the right wing never gets it.
I am bearing true witness. That is more moral than lying for poon.

Only the right wing never gets it.

The right wing/left wing part of this conversation is nonsense. No bearing at all.

And no where in our conversations have I suggested lying. Not once. Of course, you want girls to be your "friend", and then you will toss them aside if they don't put out for you, even if they are not sexually attracted to you. I would suggest that your offer of friendship is a lie.
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

You make it sound like a music lesson. You are looking for women to let you have sex with them. Like almost every other guy out there. Women get lots of offers. You have yet to show any reason why the woman should chose you over the other men.

What you want is to get your hands on a naked, willing woman without having to spend money or work up the courage to talk to them and seduce them. You want them to offer themselves to you, and yet you have given no reason why they would do that (other than your fantasy).
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

You make it sound like a music lesson. You are looking for women to let you have sex with them. Like almost every other guy out there. Women get lots of offers. You have yet to show any reason why the woman should chose you over the other men.

What you want is to get your hands on a naked, willing woman without having to spend money or work up the courage to talk to them and seduce them. You want them to offer themselves to you, and yet you have given no reason why they would do that (other than your fantasy).
That is all You.

I am bearing true witness.

I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Platonic or non platonic ok.

Most humans dont mind that kind of attention someone good looking. Most people dont like being hit on by a ugly person

Am i right? Talk to me
Anything YOU do towards a female is sexual harassment.
I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

You make it sound like a music lesson. You are looking for women to let you have sex with them. Like almost every other guy out there. Women get lots of offers. You have yet to show any reason why the woman should chose you over the other men.

What you want is to get your hands on a naked, willing woman without having to spend money or work up the courage to talk to them and seduce them. You want them to offer themselves to you, and yet you have given no reason why they would do that (other than your fantasy).
That is all You.

I am bearing true witness.

I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Platonic or non platonic ok.

You have said that if they are your friend and will not have sex with you, you won't be friends with them any more. That is extortion.

Bearing true witness? The only thing you are bearing true witness to is your ignorance concerning getting women in your bed, and your willingness to exploit a woman's desire for friendship. Your repeated comment of "friends don't let friends go without sex" (or similar comments to that effect) shows you expect women to keep you happy whether they are attracted to you or not, that what they want doesn't matter to you, and that you refuse to treat them as they want to be treated by a potential lover.

And despite my repeated questions, you have yet to offer ANY reason why a woman should offer herself to you except that you want her to. Why would a woman offer her body to someone so self-centered? And the idea that women of either political party or any socio-economic level should throw themselves at you is simply a sophomoric fantasy. That you spend your energy on such childish fantasy speaks volumes.
That is All You.

I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Platonic or non platonic ok.

Where are the nice girls who are willing to be a friend simply to help a friend get really really Good at something?
That is All You.

I am looking for girl friends who are willing to help me practice full body massage with happy ending and g spot focus work.

Platonic or non platonic ok.

Where are the nice girls who are willing to be a friend simply to help a friend get really really Good at something?

No, that is not all me. What I said stands on its own.

Yes, we know you want women to be your friend and offer their bodies to you so you will get good at sex.

But your method is to expect your female friends to "help" you. That means them having sex with you, whether they are sexually attracted to you or not. You have steadfastly refused to answer my questions about your standards of attractiveness for your partners. But your plan demands that whether you are sexually attractive to them or not, they submit to your fantasy as a favor to you. Long term, that will never work. Hell, over the short term it will not work. The proof is in the fact that after wanting this for a couple of years, you are still wanting them to help you "practice".
I don't have to try when I have enough money. Why should I have to "try harder" for free when I don't have any money.

Friends are willing to help out.
This is why I don't take right wingers seriously about Morals, Politics, or the Law.

Our discussion has absolutely nothing to do with politics or law. Nothing.

The only place morals comes into play is if the female is religious and your complete lack of concern for what they want (in other words, your own selfishness).

You keep spouting these vague references to things that are irrelevant to the topic.

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