So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

Is OP a faggot? :rolleyes:

U mad, bro? Mueller let ya down n stuff?

Mueller did his job. That's what he was paid to do. I have no problem with it whatsoever.
Mueller is a POS who shook down dozens of private citizens trying to strong arm them into giving up something he could pin on Trump. All of you Liberals drooling over Manafort and Cohen ignore the carnage Mueller caused in many good people's lives. And now on top of the huge personal financial losses they suffered in defending themselves, they have to arm themselves against Whack Job Leftists who are threatening them with violence and death. How would like it if it were you or your family? They are private citizens just like you and me.

They committed crimes with which they were charged. You somehow take offense at this? Then you are a fool. Sorry about that.
The crimes / indictments / convictions would have never occurred had their been no illegal investigation begun.

You snowflakes seem to always skip over that fact.
No he was literally hired for the express purpose to get Trump. But he failed.

That's a nice theory with no evidence to back it up. Good shit though, coming from one of our resident white supremacists. Like anyone gives a damn about your trash opinion except for your fellow degenerates.
Is OP a faggot? :rolleyes:

U mad, bro? Mueller let ya down n stuff?

Mueller did his job. That's what he was paid to do. I have no problem with it whatsoever.
Mueller is a POS who shook down dozens of private citizens trying to strong arm them into giving up something he could pin on Trump. All of you Liberals drooling over Manafort and Cohen ignore the carnage Mueller caused in many good people's lives. And now on top of the huge personal financial losses they suffered in defending themselves, they have to arm themselves against Whack Job Leftists who are threatening them with violence and death. How would like it if it were you or your family? They are private citizens just like you and me.

They committed crimes with which they were charged. You somehow take offense at this? Then you are a fool. Sorry about that.
The crimes / indictments / convictions would have never occurred had their been no illegal investigation begun.

You snowflakes seem to always skip over that fact.

So it's okay, in your opinion, to commit crimes as long as no one finds out? I'm glad you're no one of relevance.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller had a big ol bag of nothing that would stand up in court or stand up to any kind of scrutiny and that a trial would reveal the nefarious means that the deep state used like illegal FISA warrants. Mueller is and has always been a swamp rat and a useful tool of the deep state. Any further questions, dipshit???

Your tiny brain is leaking out of your ears again. Might want to get that checked out.

You are a mere infant, lil john......just admit that the soft commie coup attempt failed miserably and much to your chagrin.

Oh are we talking about me now? Okay. Funny that a partisan shill would want to accuse me, one of the few people on this board who is actually an independent thinker, of being a partisan fuckwad like yourself. Was it Goebbels who said to accuse the other side of that which you are guilty? Sounds like you've taken his lessons to heart.

LOL! OH THE IRONY!!!! It was the demcrat commie party that was colluding with the ROOSKIES using a third party to do their dirty work. The DNC server wasn't hacked and the source of the leaks was done by a DNC party operative. You??? An "independent thinker"? Since when? I have read your fool-fueled rants of nothingness and I remain unimpressed. You wish to take umbrage with what I post? You have a problem with what I say here and what I contend? Debate me.......let's discuss in a civil manner. Allow me to remind you that I do not participate in the election process of what has become a banana republic and did not cast a vote and haven't since 2004. Do I prefer Trump over the Hildebeast as the "face of the franchise" that is USA.INC, a bankrupt entity since at least March of 1933? Fuckin' A and damn straight I do. Watching leftards soil themselves and reading their angst-filled rants has been VERY entertaining. It's akin to a spoiled child pitching a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.

Questions? Let me know as I am here to help and to's what I do.

... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Tell us John Shaw, which was worse? Waking up that morning and learning that, after more than two years, there was NO collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia; or easier waking up, after Hillary Clinton was leading, to learn Donald Trump had won the election?

Just idle curiosity.
No he was literally hired for the express purpose to get Trump. But he failed.

That's a nice theory with no evidence to back it up. Good shit though, coming from one of our resident white supremacists. Like anyone gives a damn about your trash opinion except for your fellow degenerates.
Theory? Not really.

Evidence and Ohr's testimony exposed the fact that Mueller was communicating and working with Ohr and Trump-hating foreign spy Steele, who was working for the FBi, on the Dossier BEFORE the official investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Paige's testimony exposed the fact that the FBI was investigating Trump on their own BEFORE the official investigation was opened (and they found no evidence of Collusion before pressing ahead with conning the FISA Court & Congress)...

THAT means Mueller, Ohr, & Steele were all working with the FBI during their own illegal investigation of Trump BEFORE the official investigation began...

Unless you have some other explanation why Mueller would be working with Ohr and Steele on the Russian-authored, CNN article-based fake news unsubstantiated report ... the report that Ohr testified he told Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, & FBI was NOT CREDIBLE.
So it's okay, in your opinion, to commit crimes as long as no one finds out?
Did I say that, snowflake?

NO, I didn't.

I just pointed out the FACT that all but 1 of those crimes would not have happened at all had it not been for the 1st / initial crime by the Democrats of beginning their coup attempt against the President, started by the illegal use of the Dossier to defraud / con the FISA Court & Congress....which all seems to be ok with YOU, snowflake.

As far as Manafort, his crime was over a decade ago. Mueller dug back that far not for justice but to try to get something on a Trump associate so he could then pressure him to turn on Trump.

Not to mention that he gave immunity to Manafort's partner in crime, Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta - THAT 'mistake' proved Mueller was out for Trump specifically, not for 'justice' or taking in ANY crime his investigation led to.
More rightardedness. No one paid 1.1 million for the dossier. Steele was paid $168,000.

Oh, that's much better!

Well, you know what they say, you get what you pay for. Maybe if you had paid $1.1 million would at least have been reasonable, even believable. Who would be so foolish as to believe that a dossier, uncorroborated, would have any value? Oh right, the Clintons.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Its all but dead with her having lost the election and unable to do favors
Why not just say nothing? People would've forgot about Mueller and the investigation within a month. Sure, CNN would still drudge it up every once in a while, but for the most part it would've been out of sight and out of mind. By waging his little campaign against Mueller, all he did was polarize the country a little more and draw undesirable attention to himself in the process.. it's not as though Mueller was out there campaigning against him. In fact, I don't think Mueller ever said anything publicly.

As though we needed more division in this country.

Over three years and you have yet to learn anything about President Donald Trump. The Democrats latched onto the Mueller investigation like hungry dogs and a side of beef. The Democrats raised the subject at least several times a day and their obedient media dutifully reported what was fed to them by the DNC and the individual Democrat legislator.

President Donald Trump has been attacked by the foul far-left daily since the day he announced his run for the presidency. Has he ever let it slide when he has been attacked? He wouldn't be a multi-billionaire if he wussed out whenever he was attacked.

I'm curious, do you believe that other multi-billionaires are all peaches and cream behind the scenes? That they are just as demanding as President Trump? If you do, then you really do live in that Progressive wonderland of candy canes, rainbows and unicorns don't you?
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?
Take a long walk on a short pier.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.

Oh well, just so it wasn't over a piddling $100 MILLION? Then again, there are the facts. Nasty little things aren't they?

'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.

Oh well, just so it wasn't over a piddling $100 MILLION? Then again, there are the facts. Nasty little things aren't they?

Memes don’t prove shit. Try posting reality next time.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

im ready to admit whoever did this won the interwebs for a month


bonus nadler on the streets of Manhattan

my brothers are still out there behind enemy lines :-D

i was talking to my biggest bestest friend in the whole wide world who is in great neck
LOVES trump with a passion
couldnt be happier NO collusion

the both of us together in union sqaure triggering left tards ..always a good time

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