So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

Unfortunately, the search function still doesn’t work correctly. You hatred does show, though, in what I can get to.
Sometime, click on your profile and your messages. It is really telling. Nothing but insults, over and over and over. Everyone is either a dumbf#ck, imbecile, nut, etc., according to you.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?
He was hired for a job that was a witch hunt. Different from what you are saying.

That is not what Trump and his followers were saying. They were saying Mueller himself was bad, that he hated Trump, that he was a member of the "Deep State" (whatever the fuck that is) ... obviously that's all false, but that's the kind of shit they were saying.
Just more bullshit rhetoric from the retarded right. Just like they were saying the election was rigged .... until Trump won. Then it was no longer rigged.
Your hallucinations show worse. I may be a name caller -- but you are a liar.
Is OP a faggot? :rolleyes:

U mad, bro? Mueller let ya down n stuff?

Mueller did his job. That's what he was paid to do. I have no problem with it whatsoever.
Mueller is a POS who shook down dozens of private citizens trying to strong arm them into giving up something he could pin on Trump. All of you Liberals drooling over Manafort and Cohen ignore the carnage Mueller caused in many good people's lives. And now on top of the huge personal financial losses they suffered in defending themselves, they have to arm themselves against Whack Job Leftists who are threatening them with violence and death. How would like it if it were you or your family? They are private citizens just like you and me.
There you go again. Insult, rather than acknowledge it did cost over a million.
Are you claiming the fbi didn’t also pay Steele?
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
More rightardedness. No one paid 1.1 million for the dossier. Steele was paid $168,000.
Yes, Fushion GPS got a million and Perkins Coie got many millions. That's not the dossier. Steele compiled the dossier and Steele was paid $168,000 for his efforts.

And if I recall, the FBI paid nothing.
Moron i didnt mention the fbi but what the dossier cost your a idiot common for democrats
Fucking rightard, I responded to...
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
* emphasis added to accentuate your ignorance.
You're still lying. The dossier did not cost a million dollars. No matter how you try and spin it, Steele was paid $168,000 for the dossier. That's how much it cost.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Of course he has it in for Trump. You dont think that Mueller knows that by leaving the report open ended, Liberal media networks and People like Maxi Watter's wont have a field day conjecturing??? poisioning public opinion?
Of course he knows that. It's half ass. If he thought there was obstruction he should have recommended a hearing before a judge.
He says there's no proof of Collusion YET he says the report does not exonerate the President. Of course it exonerates Trump because we are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

So what the F has Muller been doing for the last 2 years then? wasting taxpayer money? why cant he come out with a determination?
It's all about continuing to go after Trump and Mueller is doing his bestest to facilitate.
Once again, insults is all you have. Very telling.
Unfortunately, the search function still doesn’t work correctly. You hatred does show, though, in what I can get to.
Sometime, click on your profile and your messages. It is really telling. Nothing but insults, over and over and over. Everyone is either a dumbf#ck, imbecile, nut, etc., according to you.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?
He was hired for a job that was a witch hunt. Different from what you are saying.

That is not what Trump and his followers were saying. They were saying Mueller himself was bad, that he hated Trump, that he was a member of the "Deep State" (whatever the fuck that is) ... obviously that's all false, but that's the kind of shit they were saying.
Just more bullshit rhetoric from the retarded right. Just like they were saying the election was rigged .... until Trump won. Then it was no longer rigged.
Your hallucinations show worse. I may be a name caller -- but you are a liar.
The over all cost for the opposition research that resulted in the dossier was over a million dollars. Steele was NOT the only one invloved in putting that atrocity together-

“Fusion GPS was paid by a Democratic ally of Hillary Clinton’s to conduct the research,” The Daily Caller previously reported. However, in October 2017, The Washington Post alleged that the campaign of Hillary Clinton herself (and the DNC) had helped fund the Fusion GPS research efforts that led to the dossier.

“Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research. After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to the people,” reported The Post. “Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC.”

There you go again. Insult, rather than acknowledge it did cost over a million.
Are you claiming the fbi didn’t also pay Steele?
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
Yes, Fushion GPS got a million and Perkins Coie got many millions. That's not the dossier. Steele compiled the dossier and Steele was paid $168,000 for his efforts.

And if I recall, the FBI paid nothing.
Moron i didnt mention the fbi but what the dossier cost your a idiot common for democrats
Fucking rightard, I responded to...
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
* emphasis added to accentuate your ignorance.
You're still lying. The dossier did not cost a million dollars. No matter how you try and spin it, Steele was paid $168,000 for the dossier. That's how much it cost.
Once again, insults is all you have. Very telling.
Unfortunately, the search function still doesn’t work correctly. You hatred does show, though, in what I can get to.
Sometime, click on your profile and your messages. It is really telling. Nothing but insults, over and over and over. Everyone is either a dumbf#ck, imbecile, nut, etc., according to you.
He was hired for a job that was a witch hunt. Different from what you are saying.

That is not what Trump and his followers were saying. They were saying Mueller himself was bad, that he hated Trump, that he was a member of the "Deep State" (whatever the fuck that is) ... obviously that's all false, but that's the kind of shit they were saying.
Just more bullshit rhetoric from the retarded right. Just like they were saying the election was rigged .... until Trump won. Then it was no longer rigged.
Your hallucinations show worse. I may be a name caller -- but you are a liar.
I called you a liar. That's not name calling, it's pointing out facts.
The over all cost for the opposition research that resulted in the dossier was over a million dollars. Steele was NOT the only one invloved in putting that atrocity together-

“Fusion GPS was paid by a Democratic ally of Hillary Clinton’s to conduct the research,” The Daily Caller previously reported. However, in October 2017, The Washington Post alleged that the campaign of Hillary Clinton herself (and the DNC) had helped fund the Fusion GPS research efforts that led to the dossier.

“Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research. After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to the people,” reported The Post. “Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the firm in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC.”

There you go again. Insult, rather than acknowledge it did cost over a million.
Are you claiming the fbi didn’t also pay Steele?
Yes, Fushion GPS got a million and Perkins Coie got many millions. That's not the dossier. Steele compiled the dossier and Steele was paid $168,000 for his efforts.

And if I recall, the FBI paid nothing.
Moron i didnt mention the fbi but what the dossier cost your a idiot common for democrats
Fucking rightard, I responded to...
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
* emphasis added to accentuate your ignorance.
You're still lying. The dossier did not cost a million dollars. No matter how you try and spin it, Steele was paid $168,000 for the dossier. That's how much it cost.
Yes, the overall cost for research was a million dollars to Fusion GPS.

And the dossier still cost only $168,000.
There you go again. Insult, rather than acknowledge it did cost over a million.
Are you claiming the fbi didn’t also pay Steele?
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
Yes, Fushion GPS got a million and Perkins Coie got many millions. That's not the dossier. Steele compiled the dossier and Steele was paid $168,000 for his efforts.

And if I recall, the FBI paid nothing.
Moron i didnt mention the fbi but what the dossier cost your a idiot common for democrats
Fucking rightard, I responded to...
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
* emphasis added to accentuate your ignorance.
You're still lying. The dossier did not cost a million dollars. No matter how you try and spin it, Steele was paid $168,000 for the dossier. That's how much it cost.

I heard it cost Killary $12mil (for bogus info too lol!). I'll stay with that figure from now on. I have heard it, seen it a number of times.
Is OP a faggot? :rolleyes:

U mad, bro? Mueller let ya down n stuff?

Mueller did his job. That's what he was paid to do. I have no problem with it whatsoever.
Mueller is a POS who shook down dozens of private citizens trying to strong arm them into giving up something he could pin on Trump. All of you Liberals drooling over Manafort and Cohen ignore the carnage Mueller caused in many good people's lives. And now on top of the huge personal financial losses they suffered in defending themselves, they have to arm themselves against Whack Job Leftists who are threatening them with violence and death. How would like it if it were you or your family? They are private citizens just like you and me.

They committed crimes with which they were charged. You somehow take offense at this? Then you are a fool. Sorry about that.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Of course he has it in for Trump. You dont think that Mueller knows that by leaving the report open ended, Liberal media networks and People like Maxi Watter's wont have a field day conjecturing??? poisioning public opinion?
Of course he knows that. It's half ass. If he thought there was obstruction he should have recommended a hearing before a judge.
He says there's no proof of Collusion YET he says the report does not exonerate the President. Of course it exonerates Trump because we are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

So what the F has Muller been doing for the last 2 years then? wasting taxpayer money? why cant he come out with a determination?
It's all about continuing to go after Trump and Mueller is doing his bestest to facilitate.

Sounds like wacky paranoid nonsense. Just what I'd expect of a Koolaid drinker.
There you go again. Insult, rather than acknowledge it did cost over a million.
Are you claiming the fbi didn’t also pay Steele?
Yes, Fushion GPS got a million and Perkins Coie got many millions. That's not the dossier. Steele compiled the dossier and Steele was paid $168,000 for his efforts.

And if I recall, the FBI paid nothing.
Moron i didnt mention the fbi but what the dossier cost your a idiot common for democrats
Fucking rightard, I responded to...
Fusion gos and Perkins Coie, as well as Steele, total over a million dollars for the dossier work. And that doesn’t include how much the fbi paid.
* emphasis added to accentuate your ignorance.
You're still lying. The dossier did not cost a million dollars. No matter how you try and spin it, Steele was paid $168,000 for the dossier. That's how much it cost.

I heard it cost Killary $12mil (for bogus info too lol!). I'll stay with that figure from now on. I have heard it, seen it a number of times.
Steele was not paid $12 million.

Fusion GPS was not paid $12 million.

Hillary did not even pay Perkins Coie $12 million. She paid them $5.6 million

Face it ... you were lied to once again by trump and you once again fall for his lies.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Why would anyone "admit" anything of the kind?

Mueller is a piece of shit who did conduct a witch hunt, he just couldn't get people to lie about his President- even though he tried and tried.

The Mule threatened Dr. Jerome Corsi with indictment and a life sentence unless he told lies about Trump. The good doctor said "no deal". Mueller actually did sentence Manafort to prison for life in solitary confinement because he refused to lie about President Trump. Had Paul decided to play ball and lie, he would have never gone to prison at all.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller had a big ol bag of nothing that would stand up in court or stand up to any kind of scrutiny and that a trial would reveal the nefarious means that the deep state used like illegal FISA warrants. Mueller is and has always been a swamp rat and a useful tool of the deep state. Any further questions, dipshit???
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Why would anyone "admit" anything of the kind?

Mueller is a piece of shit who did conduct a witch hunt, he just couldn't get people to lie about his President- even though he tried and tried.

The Mule threatened Dr. Jerome Corsi with indictment and a life sentence unless he told lies about Trump. The good doctor said "no deal". Mueller actually did sentence Manafort to prison for life in solitary confinement because he refused to lie about President Trump. Had Paul decided to play ball and lie, he would have never gone to prison at all.

ZzZz ... are you done making shit up yet?

Where did you get this shit from? Alex Jones?
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller had a big ol bag of nothing that would stand up in court or stand up to any kind of scrutiny and that a trial would reveal the nefarious means that the deep state used like illegal FISA warrants. Mueller is and has always been a swamp rat and a useful tool of the deep state. Any further questions, dipshit???

Your tiny brain is leaking out of your ears again. Might want to get that checked out.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller had a big ol bag of nothing that would stand up in court or stand up to any kind of scrutiny and that a trial would reveal the nefarious means that the deep state used like illegal FISA warrants. Mueller is and has always been a swamp rat and a useful tool of the deep state. Any further questions, dipshit???

Your tiny brain is leaking out of your ears again. Might want to get that checked out.

You are a mere infant, lil john......just admit that the soft commie coup attempt failed miserably and much to your chagrin.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

Mueller had a big ol bag of nothing that would stand up in court or stand up to any kind of scrutiny and that a trial would reveal the nefarious means that the deep state used like illegal FISA warrants. Mueller is and has always been a swamp rat and a useful tool of the deep state. Any further questions, dipshit???

Your tiny brain is leaking out of your ears again. Might want to get that checked out.

You are a mere infant, lil john......just admit that the soft commie coup attempt failed miserably and much to your chagrin.

Oh are we talking about me now? Okay. Funny that a partisan shill would want to accuse me, one of the few people on this board who is actually an independent thinker, of being a partisan fuckwad like yourself. Was it Goebbels who said to accuse the other side of that which you are guilty? Sounds like you've taken his lessons to heart.

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