So, are you right wingers ready to admit that ...

'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......




Bwuhahahahahaha.! :p
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
No, what I know full well is you can’t prove the bullshit you’re spewing. So you fall back on the pathetically weak bluff of, you know it happened.

It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Its common knoldge meat head look it up on the net im not your bitch .
I guess you will deny bill was paid also
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Its common knoldge meat head look it up on the net im not your bitch .
I guess you will deny bill was paid also

I don’t have to look shit up. You made claims you obviously can’t prove. Why? Because they’re bullshit.

You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Its common knoldge meat head look it up on the net im not your bitch .
I guess you will deny bill was paid also

I don’t have to look shit up. You made claims you obviously can’t prove. Why? Because they’re bullshit.

Againn meat head im not your bitch. Its common knowledge that the clinton foundation got 145 million and common knowledge that she was on the board that approved the sale. In the 40s to 70s it would of been considered treason . you know its true but have your head so far up your own ass you cant admit the truth
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

It was a witch hunt. It was always a witch hunt.

The report read...there was no evidence of collusion. If there was no evidence, how in the hell did the investigation begin?

It was a witch hunt trying to find a crime. He couldn't find one. Now the GOP, the Pres and the DOJ IG are gonna get to the bottom
of FISA abuse. Then it will be our turn to squeeze folks who violated the rules of procedure with the FISA Courts and they'll lead us
to the guy who started all of this.

You know how that goes.

If there isn't any evidence of a crime then you look for evidence.

That's what the Mueller report was all about. Even though there was no evidence the Dems were pushing for an investigation and they got one.

Of course it didn't turn out as they hoped it would.

Sure does suck to be them.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt, with Mueller inexplicably sporting a hate boner for the president?

And if you're willing to admit that, are you then willing to admit, after going on and on about what a bad guy Mueller is, that maybe you were wrong, and that you are often wrong about many other things as well?

You complain a lot. What this post therapeutic for you? Leftists are so insecure.
'You get what you pay for'.

The Russians found out that is not always the case after paying Hillary over $100 million for favors / influence from the future President of the United States....only to see that money pissed away when Hillary lost to Trump.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......

Nice Avatar. Clintons net worth increased by $100mil after leaving the WH. Pretty interesting.
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Its common knoldge meat head look it up on the net im not your bitch .
I guess you will deny bill was paid also

I don’t have to look shit up. You made claims you obviously can’t prove. Why? Because they’re bullshit.


Nope. The Patriots won the most recent SB. I dont need to prove it, Faun, you freaking coward, because it is common knowledge. The Clinton’s wealth and how they attained it is also common knowledge. Pay for play. Nepotism. You name it, and it is all there and was crammed down our throats during the last election. Get your ugly face that is attached to your stupid head out of the sand.
... Mueller wasn't out to get Trump at all, and in fact was just doing his job? Or are you still going to act like it was a witch hunt,

Let's see, two years, umpteen millions of dollars and tens of thousands of man hours spent investigating malfeasance for which it turned up ZILCH while at the same time resulting in the prosecution of a bunch of people directly associated with Trump for crimes that had nothing to do with the original scope of the investigation.

NAH.. doesn't look anything like a "witch hunt" directed at Donny.:cool:
The overreaction and rampant speculation by media and democrats might be called a witch hunt, but Mueller didn't do anything wrong, yet Trumpers hated him a few weeks ago. ...
This is pure projection. Dirty cop Mueller is exactly the same cad and incompetent today that he was a few weeks ago. You can't erase his failures and malfeasance. Whether it was with Whitey Bulger or Steven Hatfill. Or picking an entirely inappropriate group of partisan and often corrupt prosecutors. Or staging judicial theater. And leaking to the CNN liars in advance. None of this is proper or has anything to do with justice. It is the opposite of justice. You know this.
Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......

Nice Avatar. Clintons net worth increased by $100mil after leaving the WH. Pretty interesting.

They took furniture and silverware, too. :uhoh3:
Nice Avatar. Clintons net worth increased by $100mil after leaving the WH. Pretty interesting.
...however, the DOJ reportedly began looking into the Clinton's 'charity' because after her ability to peddle 'influence' and 'favors' as President disappeared as a result of her 2016 loss so did all the massive donations to the Clinton 'charity'.
You know full well after the deal was approved the clinton foundation was paid meathead
O you also know she was on the board that approved the deal meat head
Prove she signed off on it.....

But first, prove she was paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal.....
Its common knoldge meat head look it up on the net im not your bitch .
I guess you will deny bill was paid also

I don’t have to look shit up. You made claims you obviously can’t prove. Why? Because they’re bullshit.

Againn meat head im not your bitch. Its common knowledge that the clinton foundation got 145 million and common knowledge that she was on the board that approved the sale. In the 40s to 70s it would of been considered treason . you know its true but have your head so far up your own ass you cant admit the truth

If it were “common knowledge,” there would be proof of it.

There is none because your idiotic claims are bullshit.

Sadly, your mental condition worsens. Russians never paid Hillary over $100 million.
It was over 145 million she had her pay to play con attached to her and Bill's charity fund which supplied all Transportation cost for them and much more
Great, post a link showing Russians paid her $145 million. :eusa_doh:

You cultists never learn.
Aparently your dead from the neck up cause the clinton charity was paid 145 million after the uranium 1 deal
You should learn how to correctly spell a 5 letter word if you’re going to tell someone they’re dead from the neck up. Otherwise, you look even more brain-dead than the target of your cheesy insults.

Regardless of you inferior intellect, prove your delusions. Prove the Clinton’s were paid $145 million after the Uranium One deal. Prove they were paid $145 million by Uranium One or Rosatom. Prove Hillary even signed off on the deal. Prove any of the other 9 signatories to the deal were bribed. Prove you’re not a flaming rightard.......

Nice Avatar. Clintons net worth increased by $100mil after leaving the WH. Pretty interesting.
So? Good for them.

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